2017 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 271
Alicia V. Ramírez Olivares ◽  
Jorge Luis Gallegos Vargas

El discurso homoerótico en México se ha forjado en el último siglo a través de manifestaciones artísticas y medios de comunicación; en esta formulación, la literatura, a partir de los años ochenta, ha jugado un papel determinante para darle voz a aquellos que, gracias al discurso oficial, han sido silenciados. La lesboliteratura encontró en el siglo XIX, principios y mediados del XX, un espacio silenciado por prejuicios sociales, doble moral y rechazo inminente de la población que consideraba al no heterosexual como enfermo, rarito o desviado. Fue hasta los años ochenta, con la aparición de Amora (1989) de Rosamaría Roffiel, que las letras sáficas encontraron un espacio para ser contadas. El siguiente trabajo presenta sólo algunos de los libros más importantes que se han escrito de narrativa sáfica en México.Palabras clave: Lesbianismo, literatura, sáfico, homosexualidad, género. Letters Lenchas: Towards a Historical Tour of Lesbian Literature in Mexico  Abstract: The homoerotic discourse in Mexico, has been built in the last century, through artistic and media events; in this formulation, literature from the eighties, has played a decisive role to give a voice to those who thanks to the official discourse have been silenced. In the nineteenth century, early and mid-twentieth century, lesboliterature found a place suffocated by social prejudice, double standards and imminent repulsion of the population, which considered the nonheterosexual as sick or deviant. It was not until the eighties, with the appearance of Amora (1989) of Rosamaría Roffiel, that the Sapphic lyrics found a place to develop. The following article introduces some of the most important books ever written in Sapphic narrative in Mexico.Key words: Lesbianism, literature, Sapphic, homosexuality, gender.

2015 ◽  
pp. 169 ◽  
María Sánchez Pérez

<p>Resumen:</p><p>A pesar de que el cuento popular es un género muy conocido y apreciado por los sefardíes, apenas se han conservado relatos sobre animales o fábulas en la tradición moderna y contemporánea. Por este motivo, es bastante destacado que hayamos encontrado algunas fábulas entre las páginas de algunos periódicos sefardíes, publicados entre finales del siglo xix y principios del xx. En el presente trabajo se editan y estudian varias fábulas esópicas que se incluyeron en los siguientes periódicos en judeoespañol: <em>El Amigo de la Famiya</em> (Constantinopla, 1881-1886), <em>La Époka Literaria</em> (Salónica, 1908) y <em>El Rizón</em> (Salónica, 1926-1939).</p><p> </p><p>Palabras clave: judeoespañol, prensa, fábula, sefardíes.</p><p> </p><p>Abstract:</p><p>Despite that folktale is a very well known and appreciated genre by the Sephardim people, barely have been preserved some animal tales or fables in modern and contemporary tradition. For this reason it is noteworthy that we have found some fables among the pages of some Sephardic newspapers which had been published between the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In this work we edited and studied several aesopic fables that were included in the following newspapers in djudeo-espanyol (ladino): <em>El Amigo de la Famiya</em> (Constantinople 1881-1886), <em>La Époka Literaria</em> (Thessaloniki, 1908) <em>El Rizón</em> (Thessaloniki, 1926-1939).</p><p> </p><p>Key words: Judeo-Spanish, press, fable, Sephardic.</p>

Pilar Fraile Amador

Desde mediados del siglo xix hasta nuestros días se ha desarrollado un modo de escribir acerca de la escritura literaria que no es ni el de la Crítica ni el de la Poética. Estos textos, que se producen paralelamente en todas las latitudes de la literatura occidental, desde Rusia hasta Estados Unidos, comparten el objetivo de exponer los métodos y procedimientos que se utilizan en la práctica efectiva de la construcción de ficciones. Es decir, responden a la pregunta por el proceso. Abordaremos en este estudio por qué y cómo surgen estos textos en la segunda parte del siglo xix, sus características fundamentales, y su influencia en el surgimiento de distintas corrientes dentro de la misma materia a lo largo del siglo xx.                                                                                                                                                                      From de middle of the nineteenth century since today we have assisted to the rise of a new kind of texts on fiction that we can distinguish from that of the Criticism or the Poetics. These texts, written all over the western countries, from Russia to the USA, share one common goal: to explain the means and procedures of creative writing. Therefore, they focus on the process of writing. We will review in this essay the reasons for the rising of this kind of texts in the twentieth century. We will also explain their main traits and their influences on the twentieth century different streams within the same discipline.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (29) ◽  
pp. 240-259

O artigo analisa as condições de vivência do sacerdócio no período Imperial brasileiro, na Província do Piauí. Percebemos os padres na dimensão das virilidades, como homens que tinham vivências cotidianas marcadas pelas condições existenciais no Piauí oitocentista. Desta forma, analisaremos as práticas cotidianas e os discursos com caráter prescritivo, que procuravam definir padrões aceitáveis para os clérigos. Na formatação do argumento, utilizamos livros de memória, relatos literários, obras historiográficas, jornais, ofícios e correspondências trocadas entre o Bispo do Maranhão e autoridades da Província do Piauí, documentos que dão conta de práticas, nem sempre canônicas, dos padres oitocentistas. Ao final, afirmamos que as possibilidades existenciais dos padres sofreram mudanças entre o meio do século XIX, período em que a Igreja gozava dostatusde religião oficial do Império, e o início do século XX, quando, livre da subordinação ao Estado, a Igreja Católica encontrava-se com a difícil tarefa de reinventar-se. Palavras-chave: Igreja Católica no Século XIX. Virilidades. Práticas de Sacerdotes. MEN OF GOD: Catholic priesthood and masculinities in Piauí in the nineteenth century Abstract: The article analyzes the conditions of priesthood living in the Brazilian Imperial period, in the Province of Piauí. We perceive the priest in the dimension of virilities, as men who had daily experiences marked by existential conditions in the nineteenth century in Piaui. In this way, we will analyze dailypractices and prescriptive discourse, which sought to define acceptable standards for clerics. In the formattingof the argument, we use memoirs,literary accounts, historiographical works, newspapers,official lettersand correspondences exchanged between the Bishop of Maranhão, and authorities of the Province of Piaui, documents that report on practices, not always canonical, of the nineteenth century priests. In the end, we affirm that the existential possibilities of the priest changed between the middle of the nineteenth century, when the church enjoyed the status of official religion of the Empire, and theearly twentieth century, when, free from subordination to the state, the Catholic Church had the difficult task of reinventing itself. Keywords: Catholic Church in the 19thcentury. Virilities. Priestly practices. HOMBRES DE DIOS: sacerdocio católico y masculinidades en Piauí en el siglo XIX Resumen: El artículo analiza las condiciones de vida del sacerdocio en el periodo imperial brasileño, en la provincia de Piauí. Percibimos los sacerdotes en la dimensión de las virilidades, como hombres que tuvieron experiencias cotidianas marcadas por condiciones existenciales en el siglo XIX Piauí. De esta forma analizaremos las prácticas diarias y los discursos prescriptivos, que intentaron definir estándares aceptables para los clérigos. En el formato del argumento, usamos libros de memoria, relatos literarios, trabajos historiográficos, periódicos, oficios y correspondencias intercambiadas entre el Obispo de Maranhão y las autoridades de la Provincia de Piauí, documentos que informan sobre las prácticas, no siempre canónicas, de los sacerdotes del siglo XIX. Al final, afirmamos que las posibilidades existenciales de los sacerdotes cambiaron entre mediados del siglo XIX, cuando la Iglesia disfrutó del estatus de religión oficial del Imperio, y principios del siglo XX, cuando, libre de subordinación al estado, la Iglesia Católica tuvo la difícil tarea de reinventarse. Palabras clave: Iglesia Católica en el Siglo XIX. La virilidad. Prácticas de Sacerdotes.

1987 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-210 ◽  
Gail G. Campbell

Canadian Political Analysts generally agree that nonvoters have played a decisive role in determining the outcome of elections in the twentieth century. Political scientists have identified categories of nonvoters with some degree of precision. They tell us that in twentieth-century Canada nonvoting is often related to such socioeconomic factors as education, occupation, and income. These ‘class’ indicators are, in turn, often associated with a low level of political information and a low sense of political efficacy. Age and sex have also been associated with nonvoting in the twentieth century. The very young and the very old are less likely to vote. And women are slightly less likely to vote than men. Some Canadian analysts have argued that Catholics, and, more specifically, French Canadian Catholics, vote less often than Protestants, and that farmers vote more consistently than do urban dwellers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-172
Chandan Kaushal

The idea of heritage is not new; originating in the West in the nineteenth century, it travelled in the world through colonial policy. However, heritage or world heritage, as it is known today, was conceived and propagated by global agencies like UNESCO in the second half of the twentieth century. The present article aims to explore the heritage status demand for Chamba town located in the Western Himalayas. Heritage is treated here not as a thing, but as a different kind of attitude towards past. Drawing form Ericksen’s idea heritage in this article is understood as different ‘historicity regimes’. Pursuance for heritage status for Chamba which was ruled by a single dynasty until Independence, having vibrant past, can be seen as part of globalization. Heritage here means for some a ‘brand’ for marketing a place for tourist attraction and for others preservation of antiquities or veneration of past which plays a decisive role in negotiating, maintaining and creating a group identity. Official and unofficial heritage practices coexist which sometimes lead to contestation over meaning and practice. Analysing categories that organize experiences of temporality in Chamba such as antiquity and heritage employed by scholars and practitioners are coexistent with folklore, memory and beliefs that are part of everydayness and differ from how practitioners make sense of past.

Vernor Arguedas

<p><strong><span style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; font-size: x-small;">Resumen:</span> </strong><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;">Georg Cantor es uno de los más distinguidos matemáticos de mediados del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX, en este artículo tocamos algunos aspectos de su vida y su quehacer matemático.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; font-size: x-small;"><strong>Palabras clave: </strong></span><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;"> Cantor, teoría de conjuntos, infinito, números transfinitos.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; font-size: x-small;"><strong>Abstract:</strong> </span><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;"> Georg Cantor is one of the most distinguished mathematicians of the mid-nineteenth century and early twentieth century. This article refers to some aspects of his life and his mathematical work<br /></span></p><p><strong><span style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; font-size: x-small;">KeyWords:</span><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;"> </span></strong><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;">Cantor, set theory, infinite, transfinite numbers.</span></p>

Cristina Flores Moreno

Este artículo pretende mostrar la presencia de la poesía de Edgar Allan Poe en Antonio Machado, quien afi rmó en “Poética” (1931) que el poeta norteamericano era uno de los padres de la poesía moderna, así como el autor del mejor poema compuesto en el siglo XIX, “The Raven”. En primer lugar, abordaremos el estudio de la circulación y recepción de la poesía de Poe en España durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX, lo que nos permitirá elaborar un mapa de las diferentes rutas que le llevaron hasta Machado. Finalmente, el análisis de algunos poemas de Machado pertenecientes a Soledades y Campos de Castilla, especialmente aquellos dedicados a su joven esposa muerta, revelarán imágenes de melancolía, amor, muerte y sueños que recuerdan a Poe.Yesterday is Nevermore!: Reception and Infl uence of Edgar Allan Poe’s Poetry on Antonio Machado Abstract: This paper aims at offering a picture of Edgar Allan Poe’s legacy to the Spanish poet Antonio Machado, who defended in “Poética” (1931) that the American poet was one of the fathers of modern poetry as well as the author of the best poem written in the nineteenth century, “The Raven”. An initial overview of the circulation and reception of Poe’s poetry in Spain during the fi rst decades of the twentieth century will help trace the different routes that took him to Antonio Machado. Finally, the analysis of some of Machado’s poems in Soledades y Campos de Castilla, especially those devoted to her young departed wife, will disclose images of melancholy, love, death and dreams thar are reminiscent of Poe.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-54
Shelagh Noden

Following the Scottish Catholic Relief Act of 1793, Scottish Catholics were at last free to break the silence imposed by the harsh penal laws, and attempt to reintroduce singing into their worship. At first opposed by Bishop George Hay, the enthusiasm for liturgical music took hold in the early years of the nineteenth century, but the fledgling choirs were hampered both by a lack of any tradition upon which to draw, and by the absence of suitable resources. To the rescue came the priest-musician, George Gordon, a graduate of the Royal Scots College in Valladolid. After his ordination and return to Scotland he worked tirelessly in forming choirs, training organists and advising on all aspects of church music. His crowning achievement was the production, at his own expense, of a two-volume collection of church music for the use of small choirs, which remained in use well into the twentieth century.

2007 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-313 ◽  
Philip Constable

This article examines the Scottish missionary contribution to a Scottish sense of empire in India in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Initially, the article reviews general historiographical interpretations which have in recent years been developed to explain the Scottish relationship with British imperial development in India. Subsequently the article analyses in detail the religious contributions of Scottish Presbyterian missionaries of the Church of Scotland and the Free Church Missions to a Scottish sense of empire with a focus on their interaction with Hindu socioreligious thought in nineteenth-century western India. Previous missionary historiography has tended to focus substantially on the emergence of Scottish evangelical missionary activity in India in the early nineteenth century and most notably on Alexander Duff (1806–78). Relatively little has been written on Scottish Presbyterian missions in India in the later nineteenth century, and even less on the significance of their missionary thought to a Scottish sense of Indian empire. Through an analysis of Scottish Presbyterian missionary critiques in both vernacular Marathi and English, this article outlines the orientalist engagement of Scottish Presbyterian missionary thought with late nineteenth-century popular Hinduism. In conclusion this article demonstrates how this intellectual engagement contributed to and helped define a Scottish missionary sense of empire in India.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-351
Omar Velasco Herrera

Durante la primera mitad del siglo xix, las necesidades presupuestales del erario mexicano obligaron al gobierno a recurrir al endeudamiento y al arrendamiento de algunas de las casas de moneda más importantes del país. Este artículo examina las condiciones políticas y económicas que hicieron posible el relevo del capital británico por el estadounidense—en estricto sentido, californiano—como arrendatario de la Casa de Moneda de México en 1857. Asimismo, explora el desarrollo empresarial de Juan Temple para explicar la coyuntura política que hizo posible su llegada, y la de sus descendientes, a la administración de la ceca de la capital mexicana. During the first half of the nineteenth century, the budgetary needs of the Mexican treasury forced the government to resort to borrowing and leasing some of the most important mints in the country. This article examines the political and economic conditions that allowed for the replacement of British capital by United States capital—specifically, Californian—as the lessee of the Mexican National Mint in 1857. It also explores the development of Juan Temple’s entrepreneurship to explain the political circumstances that facilitated his admission, and that of his descendants, into the administration of the National Mint in Mexico City.

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