
Statement of the problem. The article provides an overview of theoretical positions and research on the problem of parental attitudes and their impact on the educational process of children with intellectual disabilities. Child-parent relationships are one of the most important aspects studied by family psychology, family relations psychology, and age psychology. There is a lack of programs for correcting child-parent relationships in families with children with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize the attitudes of parents of different psychological types towards their “special” children, as well as the features of their upbringing models and parenting skills. Research materials and methods. The research methodology is represented by the fundamental principles of psychology: consistency, unity of consciousness and activity (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.), provisions on the structure and functions of child-parent relations (R.V. Ovcharova, A.S. Spivakovskaya, E.G. Eidemiller, V.V. Justitskis, etc.); generalization of research on the features of child-parent relations in families raising children with developmental disabilities (L.V. Kuznetsova, I.I. Mamaichuk, Yu.P. Povarenkov, E.A. Savina, V.M. Sorokin, V.V. Tkacheva, L.M. Shipitsyna, O.B. Charova, etc.); ideas about the family as a priority institution of socialization of the individual (I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik, M.I. Rozhkov). Our study involved 50 respondents. Of these, 40 parents have a child with a diagnosis of mental retardation, 10 parents have children with mild mental retardation. All children are enrolled in school in Krasnoyarsk, age category is 7–10 years old. To diagnose the conscious and unconscious attitudes of parents towards their children with intellectual disabilities, the method “Unfinished sentences” was used, and to identify the parenting abilities of parents, V.V. Tkacheva’s questionnaire “Determining the parenting skills among parents of children with developmental disabilities” was used. To compare the samples, the Mann Whitney U-test was used, and the correlation analysis was based on the calculation of the Spearman correlation coefficient. Research results. The study showed that the attitudes of parents of an authoritarian psychological type towards their children are closely intertwined with their personal traits. 80 % of authoritarian parents emotionally accept their children, and 20 % reject them. In this group, 68 % of parents understand that their children have certain problems, while 32 % refuse to understand them. Adequate forms of interaction with children are observed in 72 % of authoritarian parents. Neurotic parents have different views on their children and their relationships with them. In the group of neurotic parents, 44 % of respondents accept their children, and 56 % reject them; 78 % understand children’s problems, 22 % do not understand; 67 % have adequate forms of interaction, and 33 % have inadequate ones. Psychosomatic parents have a positive attitude towards their children, wish them the best, and see their advantages and disadvantages. 75 % of psychosomatic parents experience emotional attachment to their children, 25 % – rejection. Almost all parents in this group are aware of their children’s problems (94 %), and also apply appropriate methods of influence to their children (87 %). Conclusion. It is concluded that the representations and conscious and unconscious attitudes of parents of different psychological types are associated with the personal characteristics of children with intellectual disabilities. The relationship between the educational skills of parents and the characteristics of their dominant psychological type is shown. The authors note that the problem of parents’ relations with “special” children has been studied for a long time, but there are few programs for correcting these relations.

Shevchuk V.V.

Purpose. The purposeof the article is to analyze the results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of child-parent relationships in families raising children with complex developmental disorders.Methods. To achieve this goal, psychodiagnostic techniques were used, such as E. Schaefer’s Parental Attitude Test (PARI) and VV Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire. Stolina and A.Ya. Vargi. Student’s parametric criterion was used to identify statistical differences in parental attitudes in different groups.Results. A comparative study was conducted on 136 parents of children with musculoskeletal disorders and mental retardation, 152 parents of children with complex speech disabilities in combination with intellectual disabilities and 184 parents with children without developmental disabilities. A total of 472 parents took part in the study of child-parent relationships in families raising children with complex developmental disorders. The difference in the parental attitude to mentally retarded children with musculoskeletal disorders and to children with a complex of speech and intellectual disorders is a combination of the first higher level of emotional rejection and, at the same time, infantilization of the child. Parents of children with intellectual disabilities try to protect their children from the difficulties, complexities of the world and at the same time, this is one of the frustrating factors that manifests itself in the increased irritability of parents. Parents of children with disabilities are more likely to encourage the child’s dependence, to consider the child dependent and infantile. Parents of children with motor and intellectual disabilities are more likely to perceive their child as an unadapted life and a loser.Conclusions. The most unfavorable for the child attitudes and the nature of the relationship are demonstrated by parents who raise children with movement disorders and mental retardation compared to the parents of children with language and intellectual disabilities. Parents who have children with speech and intellectual disabilities have a more positive pedagogical prognosis of their upbringing and education of children, and hence the possible more successful social adaptation of the child in the future.Key words: children, dysontogenesis, parents, musculoskeletal disorders, mental retardation, speech disorders. Мета статті полягає в аналізі результатів емпіричного дослідження особливостей дитячо-батьківських стосунків у сім’ях, які виховують дітей із комплексними порушеннями розвитку.Методи. Для досягнення мети були використані такі психодіагностичні методики, як тест бать-ківських настанов (PARI) E. Шефера і тест-опитувальник батьківського ставлення В.В. Століна й А.Я. Варги. Для виявлення статистичної відмінності в батьківському ставленні в різних групах засто-совували параметричний критерій Стьюдента.Результати. Було проведено порівняльне дослідження 136 батьків дітей із порушенням опорно-рухового апарату та розумовою відсталістю, 152 батьків дітей зі складними мовленнєвими вадами в поєднанні з порушеннями інтелектуального розвитку та 184 батьків, які мають дітей із нормативним розвитком. Загалом у вивченні дитячо-батьківських взаємин у сім’ях, які виховують дітей із комплексними порушеннями розвитку, взяли участь 472 батьків. Відмінність у батьківському ставленні до розумово відсталих дітей із порушенням опорно-рухового апарату і до дітей із комплексом мовленнєвих та інте-лектуальних порушень полягає в поєднанні в перших більш високого рівня емоційного відкидання і водночас інфантилізації дитини. Батьки дітей, що мають інтелектуальне недорозвинення, намагаються захистити своїх дітей від труднощів, складнощів навколишнього світу, саме це є одним із фруструючих чинників, що проявляється в підвищеній дратівливості батьків. Батьки дітей із вадами розвитку більш схильні заохочувати залежність дитини, уважати дитину несамостійною й інфантильною. Батьки дітей із руховими й інтелектуальними порушеннями більш схильні сприймати свою дитину непристосованою до життя та невдахою. Висновки. Найбільш несприятливі для дитини настанови та характер взаємин демонструють батьки, які виховують дітей із руховими порушеннями та розумовою відсталістю, порівняно з батьками дітей із порушеннями мовленнєвого й інтелектуального розвитку. Батьки, які мають дітей із логопедичними й інтелектуальними вадами розвитку, мають більш позитивний педагогічний прогноз їх виховання і навчання, отже, і можливу більш успішну соціальну адаптацію дитини в майбутньому.Ключові слова: діти, дизонтогенез, батьки, порушення опорно-рухового апарату, розумова відсталість, мовленнєві порушення.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

Persons with mental retardation enter a group of persons with disabilities. We also use the term “persons with developmental disabilities” and “persons with special needs” but recently, for persons with mental retardation, we use the term “persons with intellectual disabilities”. Sometimes negative opinions and negative attitudes, violence and discrimination were not directed against them, but such practices were advancing to the social pattern of behavior towards them. Even today we are witnessing that there is still a pattern of behavior toward them. Although society has been educating and expanding its vision and understanding of the world around it, it often happens that their abilities and their abilities create superficial conclusions. The presence of mental retardation does not justify any form of discrimination. Although more and more institutions dealing with improving the lives of persons with intellectual disabilities, they are in some ways deprived of their own choice and decision-making.

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