2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Tiurma Sinaga ◽  
Clara M. Kusharto ◽  
Budi Setiawan ◽  
Ahmad Sulaeman

The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of one dish meal breakfast on dietary intake and adequacy level of energy and other nutrients of elementary school children. The study used pre-experimental<br />one-group pretest-posttest design and was conducted from March to May 2011 at Kebon Kopi 2 Public Elementary<br />School in Bogor City. The total number of sixty two elementary students were fully participated in this study, most of them were girls aged 11 years old. The Ethical Approval for this study was obtained from Komisi Etik Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan No. KE.01.05/EC/301/2011. The study showed that there was significant difference before and after giving one dish meal breakfast as school feeding among the elementary school children (pKey words: one dish meal, breakfast school, dietary intakes, nutrient adequacy, elementary school children

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47
Desi ◽  
Didik Hariyadi

Sufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits is one balanced nutritional indicator. Indonesian people (60.44%) consume fewer vegetables and fruits. The fiber content in vegetables and fruit is very useful for the body. Nutrition education in early childhood aims to shape nutritional behavior to be better. Efforts to improve nutrition knowledge can be done with appropriate, interesting, and easily understood media for children including storytelling methods. Therefore, it is necessary to research nutrition education through a storytelling method to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits for elementary school children. This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition education through storytelling methods to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits for elementary school children. This research is a pre-experiment. one group pre-post test. Data analysis in this study using the Paired Sample T-test. The subjects of this study were the elementary school children of 21 North Pontianak totaling 35 samples. The technique of collecting questionnaire data was chosen by direct interview, to see the difference in the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Based on the results of statistical tests of fruit intake scores before and after the intervention of 35 respondents obtained p-value 0,000 <0,05 this indicates that there is a significant difference between the fruit intake score before and after. The statistical test results of vegetable intake scores before and after the intervention were obtained p-value 0,000 <0,05, indicating that there were significant differences in vegetable intake scores in school children.

Marlinda Budiningsih ◽  
Nofi Marlina Siregar ◽  
Hernawan Hernawan

This study aims to create a product in the form of a game model based on environmental insights for elementary school children. This research is a research development using research and development from Borg and Gall which consists of ten steps. In this study, researchers only used eight steps because after conducting a small group trial and product evaluation it was declared to be feasible for a primary trial or field trial by experts. This study involved 80 subjects aged 6-12 years. Data collected through observation, interviews, and tests.The significant value of the difference in the results of t-count = 28,971, and p-value = 0.00 <0.05, which means there is a significant difference in understanding of environmental insights before and after being treated in the form of a game model based on environmental insights. It was concluded that the game model developed was effective in increasing understanding of environmental knowledge for children aged 6-12 years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Wahyu Adhi Saputro ◽  
Fachruddin Edi Nugroho Saputro

AbstrakJumlah penduduk yang semakin meningkat diikuti dengan selarasnya kebutuhan pangan namun tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan sektor pertanian di Indonesia ditunjukkan dengan semakin berkurangnya minat anak muda di bidang pertanian. Permasalahan mengenai penurunan minat anak muda di pertanian hakikatnya menjadi perhatian khusus dari berbagai pihak karena menjadi faktor penghambat pertumbuhan pembangunan pertanian. SD Negri 01 Manang merupakan mitra yang tepat untuk diberikannya kurikulum pendidikan anak yang diselipkan arti penting pertanian sehingga dari masa kanak-kanak potensi pertanian untuk masa depan tertanam dalam pola pikir mereka. Solusi mengenai model edukasi pertanian sejak dini dirasa sangat tepat menarik minat anak-anak dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, kemampuan dan kesenangan setiap anak sehingga dampaknya dapat meminimumkan dampak ketidaktertarikan generasi muda terhadap bidang pertanian. Program Agroschooling memiliki tujuan untuk mengenalkan kepada anak-anak sekolah dasar mengenai pentingnya dunia pertanian dan pengelolaan lingkungan alam sekitar. Metode yang diberikan dalam program agroschooling anak-anak SD menonton secara virtual video tentang pertanian, kemudian ditanyai dengan beberapa pertanyaan di kuesioner dengan bantuan mahasiswa mengenai cita-cita dan kesukaan di bidang pertanian. Acara dilanjutkan dengan penanaman tanaman di ikuti dengan pertanyaan kuesioner untuk menanyai apakah ada yang ingin berganti cita-cita setelah mengikuti program Agrochooling. Data-data tersebut di analisis menggunakan linkert dan diinputkan dalam rating scale. Selain itu digunakan analisis before dan after untuk melihat peningkatan anak-anak yang ingin bekerja di sektor pertanian sebelum dan sesudah diadakan program Agroshcooling. Survei awal membuktikan bahwa sebanyak 0% dari siswa dan siswi SD yang bercita-cita ingin bekerja di sektor pertanian. Peningkatan persentase keinginan bekerja para siswa dan siswi di SD 01 Manang di bidang pertanian terjadi sebanyak 15,38% setelah diadakannya program Agroschooling. Persepsi para siswa dan siswi terhadap kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat mengenai agroschooling masuk ke dalam kategori� baik. Harapannya akan adanya kelanjutan pengabdian dengan survey ketertarikan siswa terhadap pertanian. �Kata kunci: Pertanian; Agroschooling�AbstractIncreasing population followed by harmonious food needs but not followed by an increase in the agricultural sector in Indonesia is shown by the decreasing interest of young people in agriculture. The problem regarding the decline of young people's interest in agriculture is of particular concern to various parties because it is a factor inhibiting the growth of agricultural development. SD Negri 01 Manang is the right partner for child education curriculum which is tucked in the importance of agriculture so that from childhood childhood the potential of agriculture for the future is embedded in their mindset. The solution regarding the agricultural education model from the beginning is felt to be very appropriate to attract the interests of children and adapted to the needs, abilities and enjoyment of children so that the impact can minimize the impact of the young generation's disinterest in agriculture. The method given in the agroschooling program for elementary school children watched a virtual video about agriculture, then was asked a number of questions in the questionnaire with the help of students about their ideals and preferences in agriculture. The program was followed by planting plants followed by questionnaire questions to ask if anyone wanted to change their goals after joining the Agrochooling program. The data is analyzed using linkert and entered in the rating scale. Also used before and after analysis to see the increase in children who want to work in the agricultural sector before and after the Agroshcooling program was held. The Agroschooling Program aims to introduce elementary school children about the importance of agriculture and the management of the surrounding natural environment. Initial survey prove that as many as 0% of elementary school students want to work in the agricultural sector. The increase in the percentage of students wanting to work at SD 01 Manang in agriculture occurred as much as 15.38%. The perception of students and students of community service activities regarding agroschooling into the good category. The hope is that there will be continued service by surveying student�s interest in agriculture �Keywords: Agriculture; Agroschooling

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-130
Siti Qorrotu Aini

ENGLISHIt is important to pay attention regarding the safety of snack for elementary school children because it affects the quality of health of school children. The safety of snacks for elementary school children is a responsibility for stakeholders in particular government institutions. This research aimed to find out how the local government in the guidance of snacks for elementary students in Pati Regency as well as the barriers for implementing it. This research used descriptive exploratory methode with qualitative approach. The data collected through in-depth interview, observation, and document study. The results showed that the policy for food safety from elementary students have not been specifically stated in the strategic plan of related government institutions. The role of the local government to improve the security of snack for elementary students is conducted implicitly in related service programs from the office of health and the office of education and culture. The constraints comes from budget limitation, the absense of local regulation and low awareneess regarding food safety among elementary students, teachers / principals, and food sellers. INDONESIAPangan jajanan anak sekolah dasar sangat penting mendapat perhatian karena berdampak terhadap kualitas kesehatan anak sekolah. Keamanan pangan jajanan anak sekolah dasar menjadi tanggungjawab bersama antara pemangku kepentingan khususnya pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran pemerintah daerah dan kendala dalam pembinaan pangan jajanan anak sekolah di Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif eksploratif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen instansi terkait. Analisis data dengan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan keamanan pangan jajanan anak sekolah dasar belum tertuang secara khusus di dalam rencana strategis (renstra). Peran pemerintah dalam upaya peningkatan keamanan pangan jajanan anak sekolah dasar secara implisit dalam program dinas terkait, yaitu Dinas Kesehatan dan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Kendala dalam pelaksanaan pembinaan keamanan pangan jajan anak sekolah yang sudah berjalan, diantaranya berupa keterbatasan anggaran, belum adanya peraturan daerah yang mengatur masalah tersebut, serta rendahnya kesadaran akan pentingnya keamanan pangan pada siswa, guru/kepala sekolah, dan penjaja makanan.

1976 ◽  
Vol 58 (5) ◽  
pp. 697-703
David M. Paige ◽  
Angel Cordano ◽  
Shi-Shung Huang

Nutritional reinforcement of disadvantaged elementary-school children is a recognized objective. Increased emphasis over the past few years has been placed on institutional feeding programs to upgrade the nutrition of children considered to be at risk.1,2 A traditional vehicle for attempting to improve the nutritional status of these youngsters is the "type A" school feeding program. This program represents one of the largest federal efforts in the field of public health, and is important in the nutrition of over 80% of the nation's children.3 Recent reports, however, indicate that the lunch program through the provision of one third of the daily requirements will not fully meet its objective of contributing to an improved nutritional profile in disadvantaged children, 4,5 It would, therefore, seem appropriate that in addition to providing lunch and an occasional breakfast in a conventional pattern, emphasis be placed on providing additional nutritional reinforcement through an acceptable, convenient, palatable, and nutritionally enriched supplement which would assist in improving the nutrition of children.6 It is the purpose of this paper to report on the provision of a nutritionally fortified supplement, containing low lactose levels, to disadvantaged elementary-school children and the changes, if any, in: (1) hematocrit; (2) height; (3) weight; and (4) absenteeism in the supplemented and nonsupplemented children studied. METHODOLOGY Population The 177 children completely studied in the experimental school receiving the supplement represent all children in the first three grades remaining in school and participating in all elements of the study over the entire school year. The children ranged in age from 5.1 to 9.1 years.

2006 ◽  
Vol 99 (2) ◽  
pp. 619-629 ◽  
Neriman Aral ◽  
Figen Gürsoy ◽  
Hatice Dizman

The present research investigated depression in children with and without mothers. Differences in depression scores were tested by gender, socio-economic level, the cause of not having a mother, and the age of separation. The sample included 300 fourth and fifth grade elementary school children. Among them, there were 150 children (68 boys and 82 girls) who were living with their mothers and 150 (68 boys and 82 girls) who did not live with their mothers. Each group had an equal number of students ( n = 50) representing three different socio-economic levels (i.e., low, middle, high). Students in the sample came from 39 different public elementary schools. Children's ages varied between 10 and 12 years ( M = 10.8, SD = .6). Teachers, administrators, and school counselors were asked to identify children without mothers. The children who were living with their mothers were randomly chosen. Results showed significant differences in depression between the two groups of children. Furthermore, there was a significant difference by socio-economic level. Depression of children without mothers is significantly associated with the cause of not having a mother and the age when the child was separated from the mother.

Aleksandar Puklavec ◽  
Ljubomir Antekolović ◽  
Pavle Mikulić

The aim of this study was to examine the acquisition of the long jump skill in elementary school children using augmented feedback of varying type and frequency. Eighty-eight boys and girls aged (mean ± SD) 11 ± 0.5 years, without any prior experience in the long jump skill acquisition,  were assigned to one of the four study groups: (1) the group receiving only verbal feedback on key errors, (2) the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on key errors, (3) the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on all errors, and (4) the group receiving no feedback. Before and after an 8-week training intervention, long jump distance and relevant kinematic variables were recorded. The results indicated that the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on all errors improved the most in terms of the long jump distance. Varying feedback influenced kinematic parameters differently, as there was no consistent change in the monitored kinematic variables across groups. It was concluded that, when learning a complex motor skill in a typical Physical Education setting, elementary school children are likely to benefit the most when receiving frequent feedback (both verbal and using video analysis, focusing on all errors) in comparison with the situation in which they receive feedback reduced in the type (only verbal) and the frequency (focusing only on key errors).Keywords: bandwidth feedback; kinematics; knowledge of performance; motor learning. --- Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati utjecaj različitih količina i vrsta povratnih informacija (PI) u procesu usvajanja tehnike skoka u dalj kod učenika osnovne škole. Osamdeset i osam učenika i učenica, starosti 11 (±0,5) godina, bez prethodnoga iskustva u treningu skoka u dalj, raspodijeljeno je u jednu od četiriju skupina ispitanika koje su dobivale PI: (1) verbalno samo na ključne greške, (2) verbalno i vizualno samo na ključne greške, (3) verbalno i vizualno na sve greške ili (4) nisu primale PI. Duljina skoka i relevantni kinematički parametri skoka u dalj izmjereni su prije i nakon 8-tjednog eksperimentalnoga tretmana. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako je grupa koja je primala PI, na svaku grešku verbalnim i vizualnim putem najviše napredovala u smislu duljine skoka u dalj. Različite količine i vrste PI različito djelovale su na promatrane kinematičke parametre te nisu uočene konzistentne promjene između grupa. Zaključeno je kako djeca osnovnoškolske dobi prilikom usvajanja kompleksne motoričke vještine imaju više koristi od većih frekvencija PI (verbalnih i vizualnih na sve greške) u usporedbi s reduciranim PI prema vrsti (samo verbalne) ili frekvenciji (samo na ključne greške).Ključne riječi: kinematika; motoričko učenje; poznavanje izvedbe; reducirane povratne informacije.

2004 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
E Kristjansson ◽  
VA Robinson ◽  
T Greenhalgh ◽  
J McGowan ◽  
D Francis ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 105984052093418
Jae Yeon Lee ◽  
Ok Kyung Ham ◽  
Hyun Soo Oh ◽  
Eun Jin Lee ◽  
Young Ko ◽  

This study evaluated a life skill training program on school violence given to elementary school children. A quasi-experimental study was conducted, and a 12-week intervention was implemented targeting 70 students aged between 10 and 11 years. The instruments included peer competency, attitudes toward school violence, experience of school violence, and the Self-Control Rating Scale. The data were analyzed using repeated measure analysis of variance. A significant difference was observed between the groups over time on peer competency ( F = 4.17, p = .020), attitudes toward school violence ( F = 6.02, p = .004), and violence experience as a victim ( F = 3.49, p = .036) and as a perpetrator ( F = 3.87, p = .026). In the experimental group, the mean scores for peer competency increased compared to the control group, whereas school violence experience decreased at the posttests. A 12-week program of life skill training offered to children was effective in promoting peer competency and attitudes toward school violence, while decreasing the experience of school violence.

Muhammad Chamdani

<em>The research is based on an analysis of the problems of elementary school children and efforts to develop planning and counseling programs. This type of quantitative research with survey sampling techniques. The research location was in the elementary school in Klirong sub-district, Kebumen. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation methods. The results showed that there were several types of problems of elementary school children so that there was a need for planning counseling and programs to help elementary students optimal development.</em>

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