scholarly journals A Group Portrait of the Sophists

The article is devoted to a major change of meaning of the word "sophist" (σοφιστής) in the testimonies of ancient authors. Initially term “sophist” was applied to various groups of people - poets, rhapsodes, sages and legislators were called sophists, it was synonymous with the word "sage" (σοφός). But in the middle of the 5th century it was used to refer only to the teachers of virtue and rhetoric, which appeared in Greece and began to call themselves sophists following Protagoras. Most or all of the fifth-century sophists tend to require a fee, to travel from city to city, to educate young people, promising to teach virtue and rhetoric. The influence of Plato in determination and evaluation of the sophists played a decisive role. In his dialogues, Plato calls Protagoras, Gorgias, Hippias and others as sophists. Besides that, Plato gave the word σοφιστής all well-known negative connotations, among them a liar and a charlatan. Negative assessments of the activities of the sophists persisted until the middle of the 19th century, until the English historian of Antiquity George Grote began a long process of their rehabilitation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 57-70
Aneta Bołdyrew

Reformative Concepts of Education and Protective Activities Toward Neglected Children in the Kingdom of Poland at the Turn of the XIX-th Century in Comparison with European SolutionsAfter the January Uprising in the Kingdom of Poland, across half of the following century, industrial development was mostly connected with social reforms. One tragic consequence of it was the increase in the number of children without parental protection, juvenile beggars, tramps, young criminals and prostitutes. During the last thirty years of the 19th century it became a priority in the Kingdom of Poland to pay attention to the education and protection of children and teenagers from the poorest families. Numerous innovative and educational concepts were formulated at that time; some of them were used in centres for socially maladjusted young people, for instance in Studzieniec, Mariańska Wilderness or Struga, in centres for young prostitutes. The activity of educational centres and societies which organised the protection of children  (for example, The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) was given as an example.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Katalin Kanczné Nagy

The study explores the possibilities of becoming an industrialist by examining an industrial law published in the second half of the 19th century. It focuses on the process of children and young people becoming industrialists. It shows what conditions and permits were needed to start the industry. It highlights the rules that have played a role in educating apprentices. From the analysis, we can form a picture of the contemporary process of becoming an apprentice, the life of the child, the circumstances of their schooling. The range of professions available in the late 1800s is also presented. At the same time, the spirit of the law, its values, and its commitment to the development of industry are outlined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Nataliia Sokolova

The article highlights the features of professional training of students of the University of St. Volodymyr, who received the right to study at public expense in the 19th century. Under the conditions of elite education, accessible to a limited number of young people due to its high cost and social and religious discrimination, the institution of state-funded students allowed talented young people to obtain higher education and pursue a scientific or bureaucratic field. In modern Ukraine, where the issue of reducing the number of government orders, limiting the number of scholars, the historical experience of the University of Kiev is more relevant than ever. The article uses general scientific principles of historicism and objectivity and uses analytical, descriptive, comparative-historical methods. Their use allowed to examine the conditions of study, the level of professional training of students, as well as to involve new historical sources in scientific circulation. The research is conducted on the basis of a wide source base with the involvement of archival materials. For the first time, an attempt is made to analyse the scientific works of students who were dependent on the state or received a scholarship for writing a scientific paper. It is proved that the scientific level of student works written in the second half of the 19th century is much higher than in the works created in the first decades of the University of St. Voladymyr. It should be emphasized that the level of professional training of state-funded students is much higher than that of their own. The threat of being deprived of state financial aid forced students to attend lectures honestly, prepare for exams and constantly work on scientific research. Despite the success of student youth in the scientific field, the percentage of scholarship holders at the University of Kyiv was much lower than at other Ukrainian universities. Studying the conditions of study, the content of scientific works of students who were on state support in other universities of the Russian Empire will determine the level of professional training in each educational institution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12-3) ◽  
pp. 134-142
Irina Pivovarova

Based on the results of the first general population census, the literacy of the population was analyzed regarding the number and composition of workers in Siberia in the context of 28 groups and the corresponding types of industrial and commercial activity. The most popular types of youth employment in Siberia have been identified. Shown is the gender and age differentiation of literate among employed youth. The types of activities in which young people are employed with the highest and lowest literacy levels are indicated.

Büşra Karataşer

The purpose of this chapter is to examine how globalization has played a decisive role in the Ottoman Empire and how it created reform through international trade policies and institutions. The first part will examine the concept of globalization and the integration of the Ottoman Empire into the West, the fundamentals of the Ottomanmentality and the effects of globalization on the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. The second part will examine how globalization played a decisive role in the Ottoman Empire, the 19th century Ottoman economy, Ottoman international trade, and Ottoman external loans. The third part examines the institutionalization and modernization of the Ottoman Empire, reforms in naval affairs during the reign of Abdul Hamid II, and the organization of the navy. The fourth part will examine the institutional relations in the Ottoman Empire after globalization. Institutions will be examined in terms of how they were restructured or how new ones were created to adapt to a new world order.

Thomas Buchner

Communities. State-Building and Communal Finances 1849–1914. Using the example of Lower Austria, this chapter examines the importance of municipalities in the move towards state capitalism under the Habsburg Monarchy. The establishment of “free” (semi-autonomous) municipalities in 1849 was tantamount to the assumption of state duties on the local level. As an analysis of municipal finances shows, from the second half of the 19th century onwards, municipalities played a decisive role in the expansion of infrastructure (water supply, hospitals, etc.). However, the municipalities were not able to draw on central government funding in this process. That it was nevertheless possible for them to meet the increasing state demands was largely due to the fact that solutions to problems with financing could be negotiated locally. (Another reason was mounting municipal debt.) Taking this issue as its point of departure, this chapter argues that the development of governance on the local level was made possible not least by the mobilization of non-governmental resources in the form of associations, clubs, etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 98-112
Fuyin Yang

Introduction. The Neapolitan song is a phenomenon associated with stable patterns of perception. This was a consequence of the popularity of the genre in the field of “light music”, when from the end of the 19th century to the 1970s, other non-pop forms of Canzone Napoletana were ousted from the musical context and the minds of listeners. The transfer of interest from authenticity to the field of musical “pop culture” naturally provoked a certain mode of silence in the research environment. Little interest in the study of the genre indicated a lag in scientific and analytical processes in comparison with practical results. Background. The active studying phase of the South of Italy song tradition falls on the middle of the 20th century and is associated with the activities of a music critic, professor of ethnomusicology Diego Carpitella (1924−1990). This defender of Italian folklore took an active part in ethnographic expeditions and the 1950s discussions, collected more than 5,000 songs, and paid special attention to the music of southern Italy. An important contribution was also made by Roberto De Simone (born 1933) – Italian theater director, composer and ethnomusicologist, founder of Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare (from 1967 to the present). Today, the fate of the historical past of Canzone Napoletana appears to be the object of close attention in Italy. This is evidenced by regularly held international conferences dedicated to the stylistics and poetics of Neapolitan song, its historical past, personalities who made a significant contribution to the formation of the genre, as well as monographs of various topics. Objective of the researching. In Ukrainian and Chinese musicology, the state of elaboration of the information field on the issue of Canzone Napoletana is extremely weak. Therefore, it seems relevant to refer to the review of foreign scientific sources. Thus, the subject of research in this article is the tradition of scientific and critical understanding of the phenomenon of Neapolitan song, formed at the crossroads of different areas of modern Italian art history. The identification of the leading issues in the coverage of the phenomenon of Canzone Napoletana in the works of modern scientists is the subject of this article. The research material, on the one hand, is a song “Te vogliо Bene assaje” as an example of commercialization of the genre, on the other hand – a monograph “La canzone napoletana. Tra memoria e innovazione” (2013). Results. The prerequisites for modern scientific thought aimed at studying the musical folklore of the South of Italy first arose in the 19th century. In the context of Romanticism’s interest in folk culture, musicological search was more of a practical nature: collection and recording of the texts of Neapolitan songs, musical notation of samples of spoken creativity. The origin of these processes is investigated in the collective monograph “La canzone napoletana. Tra memoria e innovazione” (2013) prepared by historians, sociologists, anthropologists, musicians. They entered a group for the study of Neapolitan song on the initiative by Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean (ISSM, Italy). Paola Avallone points to the ability of Neapolitan music to sublimate the musical traditions of various Mediterranean peoples, due to contact with the southern regions through geographic, commercial interaction. In Italy itself, the Neapolitan song is already recognized as a cultural phenomenon, the uniqueness of which is surprising against the background of the region’s economic problems, the depletion of its natural resources, and weak state financial support. The study of Neapolitan song at an interdisciplinary level dictates the development of such directions as: historical, methodological, scientific-analytical, morphological. The Neapolitan song is inextricably linked with the cultural environment of the southerners, their special “lifestyle”, mythological and religious ideas. Marialuisa Stazio characterizes the Neapolitan song of the late 19th century as unique because of its strong connection to collective memory. The attitude to the Canzone Napoletana as a certain musical archetype reveals the insufficiency of methods and imperfection of the tools of analysis due to the archaic nature of the origins of the Canzone Napoletana, as well as because of the incompleteness of its evolution from 1824 to 1970. Many of the samples created during this period have many similarities. At the same time, the forms of communication changed: from “flying” leaflets to “compilations” – collections of Neapolitan songs, like “Passatempi musicali” by G. Cottrau; from author’s songs to the involvement of the media in the 20th century, “television festivals of the Neapolitan song”. In the last decade, the Internet resources YouTube, Spotify, Pandora have played a decisive role in promoting the musical product Musica Napoletana. Conclusions. The Neapolitan song is of interest as a cultural and economic phenomenon. It has turned into a “tourist” product, a souvenir, which fully represents the cultural originality of the southern region, acts as a carrier of the cultural code of the nation and the Mediterranean as a whole. The problem of its preservation, as well as of bringing the existing developments in the field of ethnomusicology to a common denominator, giving them a certain integrity, remains urgent.

2016 ◽  
Anna Wiśniewska-Grabarczyk

In this paper I examine how culinary scenes correspond with categories of elderly and youth. Texts I analyse differ in terms and the amount of culinary aspects — from simple enumeration of side and main dishes to more detailed culinary scenes which are often remembered by the readers. The author of this paper is going to examine the ritual of tea brewing as performed by nubiles which is characteristic for the 19th century literature. The most important is to reveral causes and consequences of this ritual. In the second part of the paper there will be analysed socialist-realist novel, which depicts old and young people engaged in the act of eating. I debate whether the elderly and the youth are depicted similarly in the culinary context. Additionally, I devote some attention to gender differences.

Антон Кириллович Салмин

В XIX в. Российская академия наук продолжила традиции изучения истории, этнографии и языков народов, населяющих страну. Среди членов РАН, принимавших активное участие в этом благородном начинании — А. А. Куник, В. В. Радлов, Н. Я. Бичурин, Н. И. Ильминский и А. Э. Альквист. В XIX-XX вв. выделяется среди них Н. Я. Марр — персона, оцененная в науке неоднозначно: от возведения буквально до неимоверных высот до низведения к нулю. Марр сумел войти в научную элиту Петербурга: его близкими друзьями и родственниками стали такие выдающиеся личности, как В. В. Радлов, В. А. Жуковский, С. Ф. Ольденбург, В. В. Бартольд, И. Ю. Крачковский и другие. В статье предпринята по мере возможности оценить труды и личность Николая Яковлевича Марра объективно. В качестве основных объектов выделены работы Марра по этногенезу и языку чувашского народа. Всегда нацеленный на вербовку аудитории, Марр нашел среди чувашской молодежи и в правительстве Чувашии благородную почву. У него появились аспиранты по филологическому направлению, его и его сотрудников стали приглашать в экспедиции, читать лекции, изучать музеи. С большой охотой издавали его труды в Чебоксарах. Марр быстро сумел убедить, что чуваши — это яфетиды, выходцы из Месопотамии. А его современники способствовали утверждению идей учителя и даже «расширили» подброшенные замыслы. Хотя следует подчеркнуть, что Марр никогда не доводил идеи этногенеза до логического конца. Он не шел дальше этноглоттохронологии. Тем не менее, его замыслы иногда наводят на размышления. Например, расшифровка этнонима чуваши, косвенное указание исхода исторических предков из Кавказа и теория об укающих и окающих диалектах. Самое негативное в его трудах и выступлениях — это отрицание этничности. А также злополучная теория о четырех элементах в поисках семантики слов. Во многих случаях приходится соглашаться с критиками Марра о том, что он окружал себя множеством учеников, для основной массы которых яфетическая теория была выше всего. Сторонники Марра нанесли науке большой урон. Они использовали свои должности для нанесения удара по своим личным противникам: сначала говорили, что термин «этнос» трудно доказуем, а потом сами же отдавали ему предпочтение. Впрочем, знакомая картина и в сегодняшней жизни. In the 19th century, the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) continued the traditions of the study of the history, ethnography, and languages of the peoples living in the country. Ernst-Eduard Kunik, V. V. Radlov, N. Ya. Bichurin, N. I. Ilminsky, and August Ahlqvist were among the RAS members who took active part in this honorable initiative. In the 19th–20th centuries, a person standing out from the rest of them is N. Ya. Marr who was ambiguously assessed in science, from raising to incredible height to bringing down to zero. Marr managed to become one of the scientific leaders of St. Petersburg: V. V. Radlov, V. A. Zhukovsky, S. F. Oldenburg, V. V. Bartold, I. Yu. Krachkovsky and others were his intimate friends and relatives. An attempt to make an objective assessment of the works and identity of Nikolay Yakovlevich Marr. Marr’s works on the ethnogenesis and language of the Chuvash people are specified as the main subjects. Always focused on enrolment of the audience, Marr found a welcome audience among the young people and the government of Chuvashia. He started to work with post-graduates in the philological discipline, he and his employees were invited to take part in expeditions, deliver lectures, and study the museums. His works were published willingly in Cheboksary. Marr quickly managed to assure that the Chuvash were Japhetides which came from Mesopotamia. And his contemporaries promoted the assurance of the master’s ideas and even “extended” the thrown vision. However it is worth emphasizing that Marr never followed out the ethnogenesis ideas. He only dealt with ethnoglottochronology. Nevertheless, his vision is sometimes suggestive. For example, an explanation of the Chuvash ethnonym, the indirect indication of the fact that the historical ancestors came from the Caucasus, and the theory of dialects where unstressed “u” and “o” are pronounced. The negative thing in his works and speeches is the denial of ethnicity, and the illfated theory of four elements in the word semantics search. In many cases one has to agree with those who criticize Marr that he surrounded himself with great numbers of disciples, for the most of whom the Jathetide theory was above all else. Marr’s followers did severe damage to science. They used their positions to strike a blow against their personal enemies: at first they said that the “ethnos” term was difficult to prove and then gave preference to the same. However, this is familiar picture also in today's life.

2019 ◽  
pp. 119-156
Alicja Puszka

The Polish version of the article was published in “Roczniki Humanistyczne,” vol. 57 (2009), issue 2. The Sodality of Our Lady is a Catholic religious association for young people founded in the Jesuit College in Rome in 1563 by Fr Jan Leunis. The most gifted and devout boys joined the Sodality in order to spread the cult of the Mother of God. Popes provided care for the vibrantly developing movement because of the great influence Sodalities of Our Lady had on the religious formation of young people. Jesuits established Marian congregations of students attending colleges in all Catholic countries, forming an international elite organization of lay Catholics. Sodalities thrived and they spread to all social estates in the 17th and the first half of the 18th century. Not only did school students belong to it, but also popes, kings, the gentry, clergy, townsfolk, craftsmen, military men and servants. The chief objective of the Sodality was to live by the motto “Per Mariam ad Jesum.” The development of the Sodality was halted by the dissolution of the Jesuit Order. In the middle of the 19th century the pronouncement of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin, made by Pope Pious IX, opened a new era of the cult and a new period in the history of the Sodality. In Poland, the first Marian congregation of school students was established in Braniewo in 1571. At the end of the 18th century, before the dissolution of the Jesuit Order, in Poland there were 66 colleges, seminaries and monastery schools, and there was always at least one congregation affiliated to each of the schools. At the end of the 19th century, school sodalities were revived in Galicia, i.e. in Tarnopol, Chyrów, Tarnów, and in a girls’ secondary school run by the Ursulines in Kraków. A dynamic development of Marian congregations of school students started after Poland regained independence in 1918. The centre of the sodalitarian movement for all the estates was Kraków. The movement gained solid foundations in the two powerful sodality unions of both secondary school boys and girls. Father Józef Winkowski established a sodality for boys, and Fr Józef Chrząszcz one for girls. Sodalities published their own magazines, organized conventions, pilgrimages to Jasna Góra (Częstochowa, Poland), and ran charity organizations. In the late 1930s, nearly seventeen thousand students of secondary schools throughout the country were members of school sodalities. At the dawn of the Second Polish Republic, the greatest number of school sodalities operated in Kraków. There were 11 boys’ sodalities in secondary state schools and one in a private school run by the Piarist Order, and 11 girls’ sodalities in state and private schools. The Sodality of Our Lady contributed to the religious revival in Poland. The development of this organization was halted by World War II. After the war, in the years 1945–1949, the operation of the Sodality of Our Lady was resumed in many centres. The liquidation of church organizations in 1949 stopped its work for good, and its members came to be persecuted by the Communist regime.

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