Ozurdex in the lens is a rare complication of intravitreal injection (clinical case)
A clinical case of unintentional implantation of the Ozurdex dexamethasone implant (Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) into the lens is presented. The patient was treated for a long time with intravitreal injections of Lucentis (5) and Ozurdex (4) in various clinics of the Russian Federation for recurrent macular edema associated with thrombosis of the n/temporal branch of the central retinal vein. After the last injection of Ozurdex, he noted a decrease in visual acuity. I applied to the Eye Surgery clinic after 5 months due to a significant decrease in visual acuity. After the examination, a cataract was diagnosed, an implant in the thickness of the lens. Phacoemulsification was successfully performed with the implantation of an intraocular lens into a capsule bag (UltraSert, Alcon). An attempt during the operation to preserve the Ozurdex implant and move it into the retrolental space failed, which was due to the long period of its stay in the eye and rapid hydrotation and destruction under the action of irrigation solution. High visual acuity was obtained. The optical coherence tomogram revealed complete relief of macular edema. Key words: Ozurdex®, intralenticular implantation Ozurdex®, complications of intravitreal injections, macular edema, iatrogenic cataract.