irrigation solution
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Sultan Timah M Alshammari ◽  
Hiba Abdullah Turkistani ◽  
Yaqeen Ibrahim Almatar ◽  
Abdullah Mohammed Abdullah Alhuraish ◽  
Shaza Tarek Hefni ◽  

Alexandra Aparecida Tanomaru ◽  
Ana Grasiela Limoeiro ◽  
Adriana de Jesus Soares ◽  
Elson Lopes Medeiros Junior ◽  
Gabriel Rocha Campos ◽  

Abstract Objective This study evaluated the dynamic cyclic fatigue resistance of the XP-Endo Shaper (XPS), associated with chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) or sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) in two different formulations: gel (G) or liquid (L). Materials and Methods Sixty XPS were used in an artificial stainless-steel canal, and the files were fully immersed in the irrigating solution throughout the experiment until the fracture. The files were divided into six groups (n = 10) based on the irrigation solution used: NaOCl(L), NaOCl(G), CHX(L), CHX(G), natrosol gel (NAT) (control), and lubricating oil (LO) (control). The artificial canal was manufactured 1.5 mm wide, 20 mm long, and, 3.5 mm deep with a straight cervical segment measuring 14.29 mm; an apical segment of 4.71 mm with 3 mm radius; and 90 degrees of curvature apical 1 mm long straight segment. Resistance to cyclic fatigue was determined by recording the number of cycles to fracture (NCF). Results The CHX(G), CHX(L), and OIL (LO) groups showed no significant difference between them and presented longer time to fracture (p > 0.05). NaOCl(L) shows the lowest NCF without significant differences between NaOCl(G) and NAT. The NCF of the NaOCl(G) was statistically similar to the CHX(L) and statistically lower than the CHX(G) and OIL groups. NAT did not present a statistical difference of the NaOCl(L), NaOCl(G), and presented a significantly lower NCF than the CHX(G) (p < 0.01). Conclusion The use of CHX(G) resulted in increased cyclic fatigue resistance of the XPS instruments compared to NaOCl or LO.

2021 ◽  
pp. 205141582110596
Sunirmal Choudhury ◽  
Avisek Dutta ◽  
Dilip Kumar Pal

Purpose: Bleeding is the most dreadful and distressing complication of percutaneous nephrolithotomy, which can cause significant morbidity. Intravenous use of tranexamic acid to reduce bleeding complication is widely established. Our aim is to compare the result between the two groups using tranexamic acid intravenous and in irrigation solution. Materials and methods: A total of 160 patients were enrolled in this study. Patients were randomly allocated to two groups. Group 1 received 0.1% tranexamic acid solution (1000 mg in 1 L of irrigation solution (normal saline)). Group 2 received 1 g tranexamic acid intravenously in intraoperative period. Results: The mean estimated fall in haematocrit, mean estimated total blood loss and mean operative time in tranexamic acid irrigation group is significantly less compared to intravenous tranexamic acid group. No significant difference was found with regards to stone clearance. Conclusion: We found that tranexamic acid irrigation was safe and associated with reduced blood loss as compared to intravenous tranexamic acid.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1299
Yan Jia ◽  
Heyun Sun ◽  
Qiaoyi Tan ◽  
Jingyuan Xu ◽  
Xinliang Feng ◽  

Sulfuric acid solution containing ferric iron is the extractant for industrial heap bioleaching of copper sulfides. To start a heap bioleaching plant, sulfuric acid is usually added to the irrigation solution to maintain adequate acidity (pH 1.0–2.0) for copper dissolution. An industrial practice of heap bioleaching of secondary copper sulfide ore that began with only water irrigation without the addition of sulfuric acid was successfully implemented and introduced in this manuscript. The mineral composition and their behavior related to the production and consumption of sulfuric acid during the bioleaching in heaps was analyzed. This indicated the possibility of self-generating of sulfuric acid in heaps without exogenous addition. After proving by batches of laboratory tests, industrial measures were implemented to promote the sulfide mineral oxidation in heaps throughout the acidifying stages, from a pH of 7.0 to 1.0, thus sulfuric acid and iron was produced especially by pyrite oxidation. After acidifying of the heaps, adapted microbial consortium was inoculated and established in a leaching system. The launch of the bioleaching heap and finally the production expansion were realized without the addition of sulfuric acid, showing great efficiency under low operation costs.

Agrociencia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (7) ◽  
pp. 597-610
Odón Castañeda Castro ◽  
Miriam Cristina Pastelín Solano ◽  
Libia Iris Trejo Téllez ◽  
Eduardo Ariel Solano Pastelín ◽  
Fernando Carlos Gómez Merino

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is moderately sensitive to salinity and the effects on plant performance vary according to stress level and genotype. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of salt stress induced by application of different NaCl levels in the irrigation solution on plant height, indirect index of chlorophylls (SPAD), and macronutrients concentration (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and Na in leaves of two sugarcane varieties: CP 72-2086 and Mex 69-290. The experiment was set in a completely randomized design with a 2×5 factorial arrangement. The study factors were sugarcane variety (CP 72-2086 and Mex 69-290) and NaCl concentration (0.0, 71.8, 143.6, 215.4 and  282.7 mM NaCl). Salinity as a single factor negatively affected plant height, SPAD units and N and P concentration in leaves; Ca concentrations increased, while K, Mg and S remained unaffected by the tested NaCl levels. Mex 69-290 grew higher and concentrated greater levels of N and K. Interactions of factors showed that salinity reduced growth in both varieties, but this reduction was more pronounced in CP 72-2086. SPAD units were also significantly reduced by salinity in both varieties. Concentrations of N and P in leaves decreased in both varieties in response to NaCl, while those of K and Ca increased in Mex 69-290. Concentration of Na was higher in Mex 69-290 which exhibited better performance than CP 72-2086. Sodium concentrations in leaves increased in direct relation to the tested NaCl concentrations. Mex 69-290 reached higher concentrations of Na in leave tissues but displayed better health than CP 72-2086. Thus, the variety Mex 69-290 showed more efficient Na-tolerance mechanisms related to Ca and K concentrations, and an indirect chlorophyll index better than CP 72-2086.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S610-S611
David Huang ◽  
Dana Parker ◽  
Nicholas Pachuda ◽  
Despina Dobbins ◽  
Jonathan Steckbeck ◽  

Abstract Background PLG0206 is a novel engineered cationic antimicrobial peptide being evaluated for treatment of prosthetic joint infections (PJI). This study evaluated the rapid bactericidal activity of PLG0206 to decrease biofilm and planktonic bacteria on ex vivo infected prosthesis following removal from patients with chronic PJI. Methods De-identified infected prosthetics were removed from nine patients with PJI, despite chronic suppressive oral antibiotics, during a 2-stage revision procedure. Removed prosthetics were then submersed ex vivo to an expected clinical exposure of PLG0206, 1 mg/mL, for ~15 minutes. Upon completion of the 15-minute exposure, the treated explant was placed into buffer and sonicated. The sonication solution was then plated for bacterial analysis including colony forming unit (CFU) enumeration. Remaining explanted implants from the same patient served as a control and was processed similarly but without exposure to PLG0206. Results As shown in the Table, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were identified from removed prosthetics during a 2-stage revision procedure of chronic PJI. Eight of ten infected prosthetics treated ex vivo to PLG0206 1 mg/mL were sterilized (No. 1-5, 8-10). Of the two infected prosthetics that were not sterilized (No. 6 and 7), one was polymicrobial (No. 6) and the other was monomicrobial (No. 7). Collectively, infected prosthetics exposed to PLG0206 demonstrated a mean 4log10 reduction (range 2 to 7). Summary of culture and CFU log reduction among infected prosthetics exposed and not exposed to PLG0206 Table: Summary of culture and CFU log reduction among infected prosthetics exposed and not exposed to PLG0206 Conclusion Overall, these findings support the ongoing development of PLG0206 as a local irrigation solution at 1 mg/mL concentration in the wound cavity for 15 minutes in patients undergoing treatment of a PJI occurring after total knee arthroplasty. Disclosures David Huang, MD, PhD, Peptilogics (Employee) Nicholas Pachuda, DPM, Peptilogics (Employee) Despina Dobbins, BS, Peptilogics (Employee) Jonathan Steckbeck, PhD, Peptilogics (Employee) Kenneth Urish, MD, PhD, Peptilogics (Grant/Research Support)

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 183-187
Mehmet Eskibağlar ◽  
Sadullah Kaya ◽  
Güney Mustafa Yüzer ◽  
Ridvan Güler ◽  
Gizem Akin Tartuk

Summary Background/Aim: Many irrigation solutions are used during root canal treatment. It is unacceptable to confuse irrigation solutions with anesthetic solution and inadvertently inject the patient. After such an error, local and systemic serious complications can be seen in the patient. The purpose of this case report is to show how careless use of etilendiamin tetraacedic acid (EDTA) can result in important complications, and offer some treatment methods for curing symptoms resulting from such complications. Case Report: A 17% EDTA solution, was inadvertently injected in the buccal mucosa of a 20-year-old male during routine root canal treatment. Severe pain, bleeding and mucosal swelling occurred shortly after the injection. Irrigation with saline was performed by sliding the mucoperiosteal flap at the injection site. Then the flap was sutured primary. At the control one week later, there were no areas of necrosis in the patient, but ecchymosis occurred. Decalcified areas were not detected in dental volumetric tomography examination. Conclusions: The dentists must apply the precautions of EDTA irrigation solution during the root canal treatment and manage the treatment of this clinical complication.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Shannon Rauter ◽  
Youping Sun ◽  
Melanie Stock

In response to the growing demand for specialty cut flowers, floral crops are increasingly produced in semiarid areas where soil salinity can impact crop timing, reduce stem length, and decrease yield. The goal of this study was to investigate the salinity sensitivity of ‘Carmel’ and ‘Galilee’ anemone (Anemone coronaria), and ‘Amandine’ and ‘LaBelle’ ranunculus (Ranunculus asiaticus) with respect to physiological characteristics and marketable yield. Nine plants were irrigated weekly for 8 weeks with a nutrient (control) solution with an electrical conductivity (EC) of 0.5 dS⋅m–1 or saline solutions prepared by adding sodium chloride and calcium chloride dihydrate to a nutrient solution to obtain an EC of 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, or 5.5 dS⋅m–1. Yield was evaluated by dividing stems into marketable and cull grades based on length and bloom quality. At the end of the study, the visual quality of the plants was scored, and gas exchange data were collected using a portable photosynthesis system. Cultivars of each species responded similarly, and marketable yields were low across all treatments, with average marketable yields (mean ± sd) of 1.7 ± 0.6 stems/plant for anemone and 1.2 ± 0.1 stems/plant for ranunculus. Visual quality (0–5 scale, with 0 = dead and 5 = excellent) decreased from 3 to 1 for anemone and 3 to 2 for ranunculus as EC increased from 0.5 to 4.5 dS⋅m–1 and 0.5 to 5.5 dS⋅m–1, respectively. Anemone leaf greenness decreased by 48%, stomatal conductance (gS) decreased by 79%, transpiration (E) decreased by 75%, and net photosynthesis (Pn) decreased by 92% when irrigation solution EC increased from 0.5 to 4.5 dS⋅m–1. The ranunculus growth index decreased by 17%, leaf greenness decreased by 45%, and E decreased by 23% as irrigation solution EC increased from 0.5 to 5.5 dS⋅m–1. Both anemone and ranunculus can be considered sensitive to salinity, indicating the importance of careful soil management in cut flower production systems in semiarid areas that are at risk for elevated soil salinity.

V.S. Stebnev ◽  
S.D. Stebnev ◽  
N.I. Skladchikova ◽  
T.Y. Vashchenko ◽  

A clinical case of unintentional implantation of the Ozurdex dexamethasone implant (Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) into the lens is presented. The patient was treated for a long time with intravitreal injections of Lucentis (5) and Ozurdex (4) in various clinics of the Russian Federation for recurrent macular edema associated with thrombosis of the n/temporal branch of the central retinal vein. After the last injection of Ozurdex, he noted a decrease in visual acuity. I applied to the Eye Surgery clinic after 5 months due to a significant decrease in visual acuity. After the examination, a cataract was diagnosed, an implant in the thickness of the lens. Phacoemulsification was successfully performed with the implantation of an intraocular lens into a capsule bag (UltraSert, Alcon). An attempt during the operation to preserve the Ozurdex implant and move it into the retrolental space failed, which was due to the long period of its stay in the eye and rapid hydrotation and destruction under the action of irrigation solution. High visual acuity was obtained. The optical coherence tomogram revealed complete relief of macular edema. Key words: Ozurdex®, intralenticular implantation Ozurdex®, complications of intravitreal injections, macular edema, iatrogenic cataract.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2216
Yigal Elad ◽  
Dor Barnea ◽  
Dalia Rav-David ◽  
Uri Yermiyahu

We examined the effects of applications of N, P, K, Mg, and Ca through an irrigation solution and spraying K, Ca, and Mg salts on cucumber powdery mildew (CPM, Podosphaera xanthii) in potted plants and under commercial-like conditions. Spraying CaCl2 and MgCl2, or KCl and K2SO4, decreased CPM. There were significant negative correlations between the anion-related molar concentrations of the salts and disease severity. Among the sprayed treatments, NaCl provided significantly less CPM control when applied at a low (0.05 M) concentration, as compared with CaCl2 and MgCl2. When sprayed applications of Mg and K salts were analyzed separately from the untreated control, the Cl− salts were found to be more effective than the SO4−2 salts. High N and Mg concentrations in the irrigation water delivered to young, fruit-less cucumber plants reduced CPM, whereas more CPM was observed when the irrigation solution contained a medium amount of P and a high amount of K. In contrast, mature, fruit-bearing plants had less severe CPM at higher N, lower P, and higher K levels. Spraying mature plants with monopotassium phosphate, polyhalite (K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4·2H2O), and the salts mentioned above over an entire growing season suppressed CPM. CPM severity was also reduced by spray applications of Ca, Mg, and KSO4−2 and Cl− salts. Spray applications provided better CPM control than fertigation treatments. Induced resistance is probably involved in the effects of nutrients on CPM.

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