scholarly journals Possibilities of applying the concept of “winter city” in the Russian Arctic (on the example of the city of Nadym)

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-303
R.Y. Fedorov ◽  
O.S. Sizov ◽  
V.V. Kuklina ◽  
A.A. Lobanov ◽  

On example of the city of Nadym, located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, the authors consider the socio-ecological problems of the development of green, blue and white open urban spaces. The research approach presented in the article is based on the study of a multifaceted complex of urban social and natural systems in their integrated unity, not just as public places, but as biomes — highly integrated urban ecosystems. A posteriori the reserchers based on the materials of interviews conducted in 2020 with experts who in different years took part in the study or planned the development of the open urban spaces in Nadym, as well as on the analysis of available publications on this topic and publicly available data. The study found that factors such as the short summer, during which many residents leave the city, as well as the prevalence of freezing temperatures for almost eight months, in fact, transform the green and blue spaces of Nadym into white. This situation indicates the advisability of a more active appeal to the concept of a “winter city” in the development of the city urban environment. The application of the concept principles can be in demand in the process of creating more comfortable living conditions and spatial mobility of the Nadym residents, as well as for developing the recreational opportunities of the city open spaces and integrating them into the natural environment surrounding the city, which in general can be considered as one of the factors for the sustainable development of the city and the formation of post-industrial features in its socio-economic life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (24) ◽  
Tarmo Pikner

Artikkel mõtestab kogemuspõhiste lugude kaudu kahaneva linna olemust, mida sageli määratletakse eelkõige majanduspoliitiliste katkestuste ja kahaneva rahvaarvu kaudu. Kahte autobiograafilist jutustust kõrvutav temaatiline sisuanalüüs toob esile Detroiti ja Narvaga seonduvad linnalisuse-kogemused, mis ilmestavad postindustriaalseid muutusi. Struktuurse kriisi kontekstualiseerimine linnade kahanemises näitab omakorda mitmeid linnaruumilisi kestvusi ja alternatiive otsivad kultuuripraktikaid. Linnalisuse ümbermõtestamine avaldub siin ruraalsete omaduste ja piiride esitamisega linnamaastikes. Ilukirjanduslike jutustuste ja nende kaudu esitatud lugude põimimine kahanevate linnade uurimusse võimaldab märgata kriisi mõjude ambivalentsust ning seejuures uurida kompleksset mitmesuunalist linnastumist.   The article analyses the characteristics and appearances of shrinking cities, which are too often framed in terms of structural economic ruptures and population decline. The notion of “structural crisis” needs to be contextualised in opening up diverse experiences of transformation in postindustrial urbanity. The study includes the literary stories represented in two books about the cities of Narva and Detroit:  Katri Raik’s Minu Narva (2013) and Francesca Berardi’s Detour in Detroit (2015). These autobiographical narratives were brought together along with qualitative content analysis, which focused on the emergent qualities of postindustrial cities: rurality, social change, political boundaries and trajectories of the future.      The books analysed represent the shrinking of cities as part of their story of evolution, although the focus is on contemporary situations.  This way of seeing adds the time dimension to changes of urban landscapes, working to observe possible trajectories of the future in on-going events. These autobiographical narratives about the cities’ sudden transformations articulate diverse experiences and practices connected to living together, with shrinking infrastructures and economic turbulence.  The shrinking city appears as an ambivalent assemblage, because wasteland and unlit silence generate affective fears for one person, but somebody else will associate these conditions with freedom of practice and of interpretation. The decline of industry as a marker of structural crisis flickers in the narrated landscapes. Beside this, lively initiatives are represented, which associate industrial decline with the potential for emergent new beginnings. Some possible solutions to the postindustrial crisis become entangled with changes in everyday streetscapes. The narratives indicate that there is no reason to view the cities’ shrinkage as a total crisis extending into all spheres of urban life.        Comparing these narratives about Detroit and Narva revealed similarities in the changes and in the experiences of the landscapes of the shrinking cities. The large-scale end of industrial production, the rapid decline of inhabitants and ethnic segregation – these are shared aspects of the shrinkage and in Narva, post-socialist transformation is a further factor. Therefore, the context and crisis of post-industrial urbanity evolve through diverse glocal interactions. The narratives show that global change and crisis inhabits particular places, and the search for solutions can lead to shifting urban characteristics. Reductions in municipal infrastructure made the cities more rural, so that such characteristics of dispersed settlements as silence, less lighting and growth of edible plants became widespread in them. Therefore, the framings of ‘nature’ and ‘rural’ in processes of post-industrial urbanity require more attention in future research. The (temporary) shrinkage renders visible coexistences between urbanity and nature-based practices, which problematize both the city as a form and the assumption that trends of global urbanisation are linear. The boundaries and borders that appear in different scales can be approached as spatial spheres of coexistence, which transform in the crisis and simultaneously try to reproduce social integrity. Geopolitical territories appear side by side with the shifting of meaningful boundaries in the streetscapes. In Narva, the nearness of the frontier came, through events, into the everyday lives of people, affecting situations and indicating possible alternatives. Border-making entanglements with geopolitical neighbours were not so important in Detroit’s narrative, but changes in the city were presented as a sensitive barometer offering understanding of wider post-industrial transformations. The experience-based and comparative approach to tendencies in the shrinking city indicated a slowness and temporal shift which exist in the middle of turbulence. This spatiotemporal shift exists with fragmentary infrastructures, which accumulate certain cultural practices and simultaneously push to find alternatives for the future.             These texts, with their diverse narratives, enrich the spectre of experience in approaching the tendencies displayed by shrinking cities. The situations and emotional affects represented in the stories can give important hints towards new methods for analysing and rethinking the tendencies summed up as the “shrinking city”. A contextual approach is needed to explain settings experiencing structural crisis, which often becomes to frame the shrinking cities. In the narratives analysed, the flickering post-industrial crisis appears alongside a combination of shifting cultural and economic tendencies, which as well as disturbances also generate spatial conditions and publics for re-inscription of political alternatives. Declining industrial production in cities is combined with diverse processes of shrinkage, change-seeking initiatives and durations of urban spaces, helping people cope with sudden turbulences and create meaningful places.    

Krzysztof Rzasa ◽  
Marek Ogryzek

Many Polish cities have objects in them that have ceased to function in accordance with their intended use, for one reason or another. These are often post-industrial objects and former military facilities. As a result of the social, political and economic transformations that have taken place in Poland over the years after the Second World War, these objects have lost the meaning of their existence and functioning. Quite often such objects also have a historical character, which may, under Polish law, serve to hinder the possibility of them being reused. A well prepared revitalisation is often the only way for such objects to regain their earlier functionality, or gain a new one. Selected examples of the revitalisation of historic buildings located in Olsztyn (the capital of Warmia and Mazury, the Voivodeship in North-East Poland) were analysed by the authors in this article, and the effects of such actions, connected to the development of the city, were presented. The study included examples of the revitalisation of post-industrial objects and former military facilities. The analysis was performed in the years 2010–2016. The history and previous functional status of the tested objects were presented, as well as their present form and function. The authors have performed a comprehensive analysis of the compliance of new functions of objects with the idea of the sustainable development of the city. The results show the extent to which the analysed activities comply with the principles of sustainable development, in social, economic and environmental terms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 8352
Chiara Garau ◽  
Alfonso Annunziata

The global process of urbanization, and the modification of social interaction determined by the pandemic crisis, poses the issue of the place of vulnerable users and, in particular, children, within the contemporary city. This research aimed to elaborate a theoretical and methodological framework, based on the concepts of affordance and capability, for analyzing the potential of public spaces to enable and support children’s independent activities. This potential, or meaningful usefulness, is expressed by the Index of Meaningful Usefulness of public Urban Spaces (IUIS). The latter is calculated via the tool ‘Opportunities for Children in Urban Spaces’ (OCUS). This methodology is applied to the analysis of significant public spaces within the historic center of the city of Iglesias in Sardinia, Italy. The results reveal adequate usefulness of the selected spaces, while underlining criticalities related to intrinsic spatial and physical attributes. The application to the case study confirms the validity of the theoretical and methodological framework embodied in the OCUS tool for supporting urban design and planning by orienting place-shaping processes towards the acknowledgement of children’s needs.

Chiara Garau ◽  
Alfonso Annunziata

The global process of urbanization, and the modification of social interaction determined by the pandemic crisis poses the issue of the place of vulnerable users, and in particular children, within the contemporary city. This research aims to elaborate a theoretical and methodological framework, based on the concepts of affordance and capability, for analyzing the potential of public spaces to enable and support children’s independent activities. This potential, or meaningful usefulness, is expressed by the Index of Meaningful Usefulness of public Urban Spaces (IUIS). The latter is calculated via the tool ‘Opportunities for Children in Urban Spaces’ (OCUS). This methodology is applied to the analysis of significant public spaces within the historic center of the city of Iglesias in Sardinia, Italy. The results reveal adequate usefulness of the selected spaces, while underlining criticalities related to intrinsic spatial and physical attributes. The application to the case study confirms the validity of the theoretical and methodological framework embodied in the OCUS tool for supporting urban design and planning by orienting place-shaping processes towards the acknowledgement of children’s needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-107
S. Ryndiuk ◽  
M. Maksymenko ◽  

The article examines the study of the development of modernization and transformation of the urban environment. Some issues of underground space development in urban conditions are considered, the stages of evolution of underground urban planning are singled out and characterized. Examples of development and rational use of underground space are given and analyzed. The underground space is considered as a valuable renewable georesource of the metropolis, which can actively contribute to the sustainable development of the city. This should take into account a number of factors that affect the ecology of the underground environment, the state of the hydrogeological environment and existing buildings and structures. Overconcentration of population, infrastructure and industrial production leads to overload of the geoecological and hydrogeological environment. In domestic and foreign practice there is a tendency to combine trade and household enterprises, entertainment, cultural, educational, administrative and sports institutions, transport facilities in large complexes with an underground part. The main meaning of the development of underground space - saving surface area within the city. This method of reconstruction of urban spaces is used mainly in the areas of the most intensive traffic flows and intersections, in the areas of industrial nodes and areas of utility and warehousing.

2011 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-25
Martin Severin Frandsen

Denne artikel tager afsæt i den aktuelle sociologiske og offentlige diskussion om offentlige byrum og præsenterer nyere og i dansk sammenhæng stort set ukendte bidrag fra den strømning i fransk sociologi, der betegnes som ”den pragmatiske vending”. Artiklen har to hovedpointer. For det første at den pragmatiske bysociologi kan bidrage til denne diskussion ved at beskrive og fremhæve betydningen af de oftest upåagtede og dagligdags kompetencer, ved hjælp af hvilke byboere skaber sociale overenskomster og fredelig sameksistens på offentlige steder i socialt og kulturelt differentierede byer. For det andet at bysociologien ifølge de pragmatiske sociologer ikke kan standse ved analyser af segregation, ghettodannelser og lokale fællesskabers tilegnelser af territorier. ”At tænke byen” indebærer at bevæge sig videre til også at undersøge de byrumsmæssige design og trafikale forbindelser og passageveje, der skaber sammenhængen i det urbane væv og tillader byboeren at overvinde fremmedheden på et ikke fortroligt territorium. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Martin Severin Frandsen: Rediscovering Urban Culture and Public Space: On Isaac Joseph and the Pragmatic Turn in French Urban Sociology This article analyses current sociological and public discussions concerning public urban spaces, and introduces new (and in a Danish context largely unknown) contributions from the movement in French sociology that has been labelled ”the pragmatic turn”. The article makes two main arguments. Firstly, the pragmatic urban sociology can contribute to these discussions by highlighting the importance of the often unnoticed and everyday civilities through which city-dwellers create social agreements and peaceful co-existence in public places in socially and culturally heterogeneous cities. Secondly, urban sociology cannot, according to the pragmatic sociologists, stop with inquiries into segregation, ghettos and local populations appropriations of territories. Imagining the city implies moving on to explore the designs of public spaces and public transit systems that create continuity and mobility in urban agglomerations and allow city-dwellers to overcome the strangeness of unfamiliar territories.

1997 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-175 ◽  
Richard Alston

Philo's famous account of anti-semitic rioting in Alexandria in A.D. 38, the InFlaccum, has frequently been exploited by scholars interested in the legal status of the Jewish community within the city and the issue of the constitution of Alexandria. This legalissue lies near the heart of the dispute which leads to some ancient and most modern accounts tracing the roots of the dispute to the Ptolemaic period. It is notable, however, that the first major attested outbreaks of anti-Jewish feeling considerably post-date the Roman conquest, suggestingthat this is a problem of Roman Alexandria with its roots in the Roman administration of the city. Philo also places comparatively little emphasis on legality in the InFlaccum. The account of the persecution concentrates rather on the topography of the dispute. The centrality of spatial factors in the In Flaccum can be illustrated by comparing the persecution of the Jews and the fall of Flaccus. Flaccus was publicly humiliated through a show trial, through the sale of his property at public action, and on his journey into exile, by the crowds in Italy and Greece who flocked to watch him pass. He was excluded from public space, both from his city by decree of the emperor and from the urban spaces of his island exile, prompted in the latter case by his conscience. Finally, while in isolation, he was attacked and murdered. The Jews were robbed and driven from the streets of their city into exile and deprived of access to the theatre and market. Their leaders were humiliated in the most public places in the city and finally they were attacked in their own homes. Although the parallels are not exact, as can be seen in Table 1, they are explicit and thiselaborate structure demonstrates for Philo the justice of God in His persecution of the persecutors.

2015 ◽  
pp. 118-129
Barbara Camocini ◽  
Agnese Rebaglio ◽  
Daniela Petrillo

Design has been often used as a key-lever in the transformation of urban places to respond to the arising needs of the contemporary society. Our cities see the growing demand for places where people can cultivate a sense of wellbeing, share their daily life and get closer to other inhabitants. This paper focuses on the challenging task of designing new scenarios to reactivate urban spaces and abandoned or underutilised interiors, on the ground level of the city, in some difficult contexts. Urban interior design could help to create welcoming public places where the ethnically diverse neighbourhood, the co-existence of a progressively ageing population together with young families, the mix of council housing and private ownership, could be a value. This paper introduces the neighbourhood of San Siro, where the final design studio lab experience of the Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Reloading Spaces took place. Design lab projects were aimed at the activation of dynamic redevelopment and revitalisation of the neighbourhood through strategies for the re-appropriation of the urban spaces that bond different environments in order to communicate and strengthen a common identity of the neighbourhood.The ultimate goal of the design lab projects was to imagine possible scenarios that could become innovative trends, starting with an enquiry into people, their behaviour and their contemporary needs.

2018 ◽  
Maryam Khabazi ◽  
Hooman Foroughmand Araabi

Lighting in cities at night is a significant issue that maybe has not been discussed enough in developing countries. This issue should be considered from various aspects as an aesthetic issue, a low-cost art, or as a booster of safety or even identification and it also could be exploited as a landmark in some places, for example, more lighting can portray center, or with different colours and rhythms it can cause disparate feelings in residents. In general, lighting should be dissimilar in different public places and urban spaces, such as squares, streets, expressways, in front of buildings (facades), parks, indefensible spaces such as underneath of the bridges, tunnels, etc. Additionally, lighting can provoke intensely good or bad effect on cities if it causes extreme differences between day and night character of the place, for example, if the lighting at night converts the city into an attractive city, while is not enough attractive during days, it could be risky for the identification of that city. All of these issues are discussed in this essay.

Research problem introduction. Modern society of highly developed countries, according to some scientists, is at the stage of post-industrial development, the rest are striving to reach this level and are in the process of transformation. The city, as a complex socio-geosystem, which is influenced by a number of external and internal factors, is a dynamic formation, which is characterized by the concepts of development and transformation. For Ukraine, as a part of the European region, the processes of post-industrial transformations are also characteristic. Kharkiv is a typical post-socialist city in the Eastern European region, which seeks post-industrial transformations. The study of post-industrial development factors is an important and relevant step in developing a strategy and planning for urban development, given the uniqueness of each individual city. The study of factors of development of this kind of city, gives the chance of implementation of the received results for implementation at planning of development of other cities. The purpose of this study is to determine the main factors of post-industrial transformation of urban socio-geosystems on the example of Kharkiv. To achieve this purpose, the following research questions were asked: What periods of post-industrial transformation did the city of Kharkiv undergo? What factors and with what force influenced the transformation of the city? Research methods. Multidisciplinary research approach to the study of cities and the peculiarities of their development, functioning and transformation, contributes to the formation of a significant set of interdisciplinary and specifically scientific research methods. Considering the city as a complex socio-geosystem, characterized by a significant set of development indicators, the most effective methods for determining specific factors of its transformation are mathematical and statistical methods, including cluster and factor analysis. Results, Scientific novelty, Practical significance. Cluster analysis, as a grouping tool, allowed to streamline the indicators of socio-economic and spatial development of the city for the study period, and to establish three main stages of post-industrial transition: a period of development at the expense of residual resources (1991-1997); a period of crisis, the beginning of post-industrial transformations, the most striking manifestation of which is the process of deindustrialization (1998-2010); a period of gradual recovery from the economic crisis, the economic situation in the city is stabilizing, some industries are being modernized, activization post-industrial processes like gentrification, revitalization, neo-industrialization, tertialization (2011-2019). Factor analysis allowed to identife three main factors groups transformation of Kharkiv from industrial to post-industrial stages (1991-2019): 1) the structure of labor resources, their social protection and the most important sectors of the tertiary, quaternary and fifth sectors of the economy; 2) demographic development of the city; 3) age structure of the population and the main indicators of economic development. During the period of Ukraine's independence in Kharkiv, as in most powerful industrial cities of the country, transformations of all spheres of their functioning took place. In the period of post-industrial transformations, the combination and interconnection of the triad of these factors is constantly changing, changing the internal structure of the urban socio-geosystem and its appearance. At the same time, the composition and structure of the city's population, the structure of the economy and methods of production are transformed, the sphere of social security of the population and the non-productive sphere comes to the fore, the interaction of the population with the city is transformed. Determining the periods of Kharkiv development and the main factors of influence is an important step for creating and substantiating a comprehensive description of the city in the period of post-industrial transformations, identifying problems and prospects for further development of the city.

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