underground space
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Yun Wan ◽  
Yaoping Luo

With the accelerating pace of urbanization, the development and application of urban underground space has attracted much attention. In the construction of urban underground space, geotechnical engineering safety is the key point for construction. Based on this, this paper analyzes the application of geotechnical engineering safety technology in urban underground space construction, in hope that this analysis can provide a scientific reference for the rational application of geotechnical engineering safety technology as well as the construction and development of urban underground space.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Mohammad Isfan Batubara ◽  
Emmanuel Ariananto Waluyo Adi ◽  
Wirdyaningsih Wirdyaningsih

Peningkatan bonus demografi di Indonesia menyebabkan jumlah permukaan lahan untuk dimanfaatkan ruangnya dalam menggerakan roda ekonomi semakin sempit. Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta yang menjadi pusat bisnis dalam menghadapi masalah keterbatasan lahan perlu memanfaatkan ruang bawah tanah yang ada. Keberadaan ruang bawah tanah pada praktiknya dimanfaatkan untuk sarana jaringan utilitas terpadu agar pemanfaatan lahan menjadi lebih optimal. Sebelum adanya Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 pemanfaatan ruang bawah tanah tidak diatur secara komprehensif. Kemudian barulah Peraturan Pemerintah No. 18 tahun 2021 menegaskan secara yuridis bahwa terdapat pemisahan secara horizontal antara kepemilikan hak atas tanah di atas permukaan dengan di bawah tanah. Namun dalam penerapan peraturan-peraturan dimaksud masih perlu adanya sosialisasi terus menerus agar tercipta keteraturan pemahaman hukum. Lebih lanjut, dengan adanya Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 yang menyatakan UUCK inkonstitusional bersyarat diduga dapat memperlambat proses penerapan peraturan baru ini. Bahwa dalam hal ini diperlukan peranan notaris sebagai pejabat pembuat akta tanah yang akan bersinggungan dengan hal-hal dimaksud. Notaris perlu turut andil dalam peran edukasi terkait khususnya pelaksanaanya selama masa pandemi covid-19 saat ini. Penulis menemukan dalam pemanfaatan ruang bawah tanah menggunakan hak guna bangunan dimana untuk pembuatan aktanya dapat diproses oleh notaris.Keyword: Notaris, ruang bawah tanah, jaringan utilitasAbstractThe increase in the demographic bonus in Indonesia causes the amount of land to be used for economic development purposes has its own limitation. The Province of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta, which is a business center that dealing with the problem of limited land, needs to take advantage of the existing underground space. The existence of underground space is usually utilized for integrated utility network facilities so that land use becomes more optimal. Prior to Law Number 11 of 2020 the use of underground spaces was not comprehensively regulated. Then the Government Regulation No. 18 of 2021 juridically confirms that there is a horizontal separation between ownership of land rights above the surface and below the ground. However, in the application of these regulations, there is still a need for continuous socialization in order to create a regular understanding of the law. Furthermore, with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 which states that the UUCK is conditionally unconstitutional, it is suspected that it can slow down the process of implementing this new regulation. That in this case the role of a notary as an official making land deeds is needed which will intersect with the underground utilization. Notaries need to take part in the role of related education, especially its implementation during the current covid-19 pandemic. The author finds that in the use of the basement using the right to use the building where the deed can be processed by a notary.

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 ◽  
pp. 00020
Omar Lanchava ◽  
Nicolae Ilias ◽  
Sorin Mihai Radu ◽  
Giorgi Nozadze ◽  
David Tsanava

All main and auxiliary equipment in the tunnel with an intelligent ventilation system are designed to ensure the safety. These systems “talk” and “listen” to each other, make decisions to switch on/off certain system(s) or part(s) thereof and duly inform the tunnel operator, who is authorized to the centralized control of all systems of necessity. The present article uses the numerical models to assess the efficiency of the transformable elements ensuring safe operation of the tunnels. The idea of their use is based on an artificial increase of the tunnel aerodynamic resistance by means of a flexible element, which will hamper the dissemination of combustion products, but not the movement of people through the tunnel and will help isolate clean and polluted air masses. Such resistance will be used to swiftly divide the tunnel carriageway into smaller sections what will help extinguish the fire as early as at its initial stage, prolong the evacuation time and save lives during the strong uncontrollable fires. As for the compact transformable element, it can be used in both, the operating and the planned tunnels, as it in practice does not reduce the volume of valuable underground space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Jizhong Shao ◽  
Guan Liu ◽  
Hong Yuan ◽  
Qize Song ◽  
Minge Yang ◽  

Following economic growth in the past three decades, rapid urbanization has caused many pronounced issues, such as spatial scarcity and cultural discontinuity, in Chinese historical and cultural cities. In order to better deal with the diversification of underground space resources, data and information, this study introduces a random forest algorithm and proposes a multi-layer information superposition method. According to the characteristics of different information, starting from qualitative and quantitative aspects, we explore the effective performance of the rational development of underground space resources. Taking Yangzhou City, China, as an example, this paper evaluates the suitability and calculates the development volume of urban underground space. The development capacity, potential value, and comprehensive quality of underground space resources are explored in an attempt to demonstrate the practicality and scientificity of the evaluation method for achieving the developmental goals of urban space reconstruction and historic preservation. On this basis, an underground space scale forecast is carried out to provide decision support for relevant planners, managers, and construction personnel that is conducive to the orderly development of urban space, alleviation of increasing human–land conflicts, and coordination of the protection and development of underground space resources in historical and cultural cities, ultimately promoting sustainable development of cities.

2021 ◽  
Chunxiao Wang ◽  
Zhigang Zhao ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Jidong Huo

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Wang Liu ◽  
Peng Pei

Storage is currently a major obstacle to the promotion of hydrogen energy. Hydrogen storage in abandoned coal mines can achieve the effective use of underground space while meeting the growing demand for energy storage facilities, which can bring economic and environmental benefits. However, research in this area has been limited to the conceptual discussion stage, without establishing a scientific evaluation method for the potential of modifying and utilizing abandoned coal mine space. In this study, based on the analytic network process (ANP), the Apriori algorithm is introduced to mine the association rules for various influencing factors. First, the Apriori algorithm is applied to mine association rules between indicators, eliminate unnecessary influence relationships, simplify the network structure model, and optimize the ANP weight calculation results; second, the solution method of judgment matrix is improved with triangular fuzzy numbers, and the index weight is solved by fuzzy nine marks instead of the method of nine scale, which is convenient for experts to give the fuzzy scale while better reflecting the opinions of experts. Finally, the ANP algorithm is applied to rank the weights of the obtained influencing factors, discuss the main factors with higher weights, and analyze the feasibility of converting candidate coal mines into hydrogen storage facilities using the derived evaluation method in the case study. The evaluation methods and conclusions presented in this study provide analytical tools and a decision basis for analyzing the feasibility of converting underground space of abandoned coal mines into hydrogen storage facilities and assessing the economic indicators.

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