scholarly journals Numerical simulation of fatigue crack propagation with crack opening and closing based on the strip yield model considering the strain hardening effect of materials

Kohei Yamashita ◽  
Koji Gotoh ◽  
Keisuke Harada

This paper presents an improved numerical simulation procedure for fatigue crack growth based on the strip yield model with a weight function. In the previous numerical model, one-dimensional bar elements plugged up the chink corresponding to the virtual crack opening displacement in the plastic zone to describe the crack wake over fatigue crack surfaces. However, this numerical simulation method gives poor growth estimations under large variable loading histories, e.g. spike overloading. It is possible that insufficient consideration of the strain hardening effect of materials leads to excess crack closure. The authors develop the numerical simulation model of fatigue crack growth by considering the strain hardening effect of materials using the modified strip yield model. Numerical simulations of fatigue crack growth under many types of loading are performed to investigate the validity of our new proposed model. Comparison of proposed simulation results with previous results and with experimental measurements confirms the superiority of the proposed method.

Koji Gotoh ◽  
Keisuke Harada

This paper presents the improved numerical simulation of fatigue crack growth considering the crack opening / closing behaviour based on the strip yield model with the stress intensity factor weight function. The mechanical property in the primitive model corresponds to rigid-plastic material and is replaced to the elastic - perfectly plastic material in order to describe the elastic behaviour of material around a crack tip during the unloading process. However, the simulation model based on the elastic - perfect plastic material gives poor growth estimations under rapidly changing of loading histories, e.g. the spike loading. The possibility is pointed out that insufficient considerations of work hardening effect of materials lead the excess crack closure in the numerical simulations. Authors propose the improved numerical simulation fatigue crack growth considering the work hardening effect of materials in this paper. Comparison of proposed simulation results with previous ones and with measured results confirms the primacy of proposed method over previous ones.

2019 ◽  
Vol 106 ◽  
pp. 104165
B. Aleksić ◽  
A. Grbović ◽  
Lj. Milović ◽  
A. Hemer ◽  
V. Aleksić

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