hardening effect
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2022 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 108291
Jiasheng Huang ◽  
Kai Wang ◽  
Jiabo Tang ◽  
Jialu Xu ◽  
Hanwen Song

В.Н. Колодежнов ◽  
А.В. Колтаков ◽  
С.С. Капранчиков ◽  
А.С. Веретенников

Предложена методика обработки экспериментальных данных и алгоритм для ее реализации по определению параметров реологической модели вязкопластической жидкости, которая демонстрирует проявление эффекта «отвердевания». С целью проверки работоспособности алгоритма проведены численные эксперименты с наборами генерируемых случайным образом “псевдоэкспериментальных” данных с заранее заданной величиной максимальной относительной погрешности. Проведен анализ влияния максимальной относительной погрешности исходных “псевдоэкспериментальных” данных на величину относительной погрешности определяемых в ходе численных экспериментов параметров реологической модели. По итогам проведенных экспериментов показано, что относительная погрешность определения параметров реологической модели соизмерима с максимальной погрешностью генерируемых “псевдоэкспериментальных” данных. Рассмотрен пример обработки экспериментальных данных для суспензии частиц карбоната кальция на основе полиэтиленгликоля. A technique for processing experimental data and an algorithm for its implementation to determine the parameters of a rheological model of a viscoplastic fluid, which demonstrates the manifestation of the "hardening" effect, are proposed. In order to test the algorithm's operability, numerical experiments were carried out with sets of randomly generated "pseudo-experimental" data with a predetermined maximum relative error. The analysis of the influence of the maximum relative error of the initial “pseudo-experimental” data on the value of the relative error of the parameters of the rheological model determined during numerical experiments was carried out. Based on the results of the conducted experiments, it is shown that the relative error in determining the parameters of the rheological model is commensurate with the maximum error of the generated “pseudo-experimental” data. An example of processing experimental data for a suspension of calcium carbonate particles based on polyethylene glycol is considered.

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-118
N. Hfaiedh ◽  
Olfa Daghfas ◽  
Amna Znaidi ◽  
H. Badreddine

Kaitao Wu ◽  
Guisen Liu ◽  
Ping Yu ◽  
Changqing Ye ◽  
Jiaqing Shi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Shao-Hsien Chen ◽  
Bo-Ting Wang

In this study, the plasma was integrated with a lathe, and the online heat treatment was performed to achieve mechanical strength and hardness, to reduce the machining process and handling. However, for online heat treatment of cast iron FC25, it is important to study the parameters of the lathe and plasma, and the research method is used eventually to optimize the process and reduce the machining cost and machining error. The variable factors in the surface online real-time heat treatment are spindle speed, feed rate, and current, and the objective function is the hardness of mechanical properties. In the screening experiment, the interaction of factors was discussed using a full factorial experiment. The Central Composite Design was combined with the Lack-of-Fit test for the optimization experiment, and the R2 coefficient was used to determine whether the regression model is appropriate. The optimum parameters were derived from the contour diagram and response surface diagram. The experimental results show that the significant factors include spindle speed, feed rate, and current and the optimum parameters include spindle speed of 168 rpm, feed rate of 0.068 mm/rev, and current of 86 A. The experimental results of optimum parameters show that the surface hardness is increased from 306 HLD to 806 HLD and the surface hardening effect is enhanced by 163%, so the online real-time heat treatment equipment has the best hardening effect.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (17) ◽  
pp. 5001
Guangshan Wu ◽  
Yangqi Li ◽  
Fei Chen

Bimodal grain structure leads to high strength and strain hardening effect of metallic materials. In this study, an effective approach called flow control extrusion (FCE) is proposed to achieve heterostructures of pure copper. Compared with conventional extrusion (CE), FCE shows much stronger grain refine ability and much weaker grain orientation concentration. The significant grain refinement and heterostructures depend on the severe shear strain from FCE. The heterostructures of sample subject to FCE transfer from bimodal structure to gradient structure with the decrease of temperature, as the grains in the surface of sample are all refined to ultrafine scale. Both these two heterostructures can realize the improvement of strength and strain hardening effect simultaneously.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 168781402110449
Xiaoliang Shi ◽  
Xiuming Zhang ◽  
Shichao Xiu

Grinding hardening can obtain hardening effect besides fine machining effect on the surface of workpiece. A certain degree of surface micro-damage will be formed during grinding hardening process which mainly contains micro-crack, melting coating, decarburization, and surface scratch. In order to study the micro-damage of grinding hardening, the paper carries on a grinding hardening experiment and the characteristics of micro-damage are observed. The generation mechanism of micro-crack is revealed. It is formed by the accumulation of dislocation pile-up in the condition of grinding hardening process. When the grinding depth reaches a certain value, the surface micro-crack will be produced obviously and become more serious with the increasing of grinding depth. Other micro-damage containing surface melting coating, decarburization, and surface scratch are also studied and their relevance with micro-crack is revealed. Based on the grinding hardening theory and pile-up dislocation theory, a model for micro-crack of grinding hardening is established. The calculating result of the model accords with the experimental result in general.

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