Complex parathyroid tumours - importance of histopathological diagnosis in patient management.

Preetha Chengot
Dental Update ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-164
Thomas Saunsbury ◽  
Tim Hodgson ◽  
Barbara Carey

Localized juvenile spongiotic gingival hyperplasia is a relatively new histopathological diagnosis, presenting as a localized erythematous lesion of the anterior attached gingivae. Presenting in a peri-pubertal age, this condition is often misdiagnosed as ‘puberty gingivitis’. Here, two cases presenting to the Joint Paediatric-Oral Medicine clinic at the Eastman Dental Hospital are discussed. CPD/Clinical Relevance: Localized juvenile spongiotic gingival hyperplasia is a novel diagnosis, and one that is currently under-reported. Increased awareness of this condition is required for appropriate patient management.

1994 ◽  
Vol 72 (03) ◽  
pp. 426-429 ◽  
S Kitchen ◽  
I D Walker ◽  
T A L Woods ◽  
F E Preston

SummaryWhen the International Normalised Ratio (INR) is used for control of oral anticoagulant therapy the same result should be obtained irrespective of the laboratory reagent used. However, in the UK National External Quality Assessment Scheme (NEQAS) for Blood Coagulation INRs determined using different reagents have been significantly different.For 18 NEQAS samples Manchester Reagent (MR) was associated with significantly lower INRs than those obtained using Diagen Activated (DA, p = 0.0004) or Instrumentation Laboratory PT-Fib HS (IL, p = 0.0001). Mean INRs for this group were 3.15, 3.61, and 3.65 for MR, DA, and IL respectively. For 61 fresh samples from warfarin-ised patients with INRs of greater than 3.0 the relationship between thromboplastins in respect of INR was similar to that observed for NEQAS data. Thus INRs obtained with MR were significantly lower than with DA or IL (p <0.0001). Mean INRs for this group were 4.01, 4.40, and 4.59 for MR, DA, and IL respectively.We conclude that the differences between INRs measured with the thromboplastins studied here are sufficiently great to influence patient management through warfarin dosage schedules, particularly in the upper therapeutic range of INR. There is clearly a need to address the issues responsible for the observed discrepancies.

Bhawana Pant ◽  
Sanjay Gaur ◽  
Prabhat Pant

F.NA.C has been used for ages as a safe and economical tool for fast preoperative diagnosis of parotid tumors. It has certain pitfall which sometimes leads to misdiagnosis and consequently it may have affect on treatment of the tumors. Keeping in view of the diverse classification of parotid tumors’ information from cytology should be combined with radiology as well as clinical diagnosis. Aim: To discuss some cases where there was discrepancy between cytological diagnosis and histopathological result and also suggest measures to improve the efficacy of F.N.A.C. Material and methods: The study includes 50 cases of parotid tumours who presented to the  department of ENT at Government medical college Haldwani which is a tertiary referral centre during 2009 to 2016. Only adult patients were included and inflammatory swelling were excluded from the study. All patients evaluated  Contrast enhanced computerized tomography(CECT) and  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) followed by Fine needle aspiration cytology .Preoperative diagnosis was made upon the findings of the above investigations and different types of  parotid surgeries  were done. . Final diagnosis was made on  histopathological  examination. Result :The most common tumour  came out to be pleomorphic adenoma (23 cases-46%) followed by mucoepidermoid carcinoma(12cases-24%). In ten  cases there was no clear cut  association between cytological diagnosis and final histopathological diagnosis. Conclusion: FNAC is highly sensitive and specific technique for diagnosis of many salivary gland swellings. FNAC can be used preoperatively to avoid unnecessary surgery and biopsy. Details of clinical information and radiologic features may help the pathologist to arrive at the appropriate diagnosis and reduce false interpretation. Pitfalls may also occur with improper technique of FNAC which can be overcome by proper caution.

2015 ◽  
Chiara Verdelli ◽  
Irene Forno ◽  
Valentina Vaira ◽  
Vito Guarnieri ◽  
Alfredo Scillitani ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (05) ◽  
pp. 323-329 ◽  
Nele Ondreka ◽  
Sara Malberg ◽  
Emma Laws ◽  
Martin Schmidt ◽  
Sabine Schulze

SummaryA 2-year-old male neutered mixed breed dog with a body weight of 30 kg was presented for evaluation of a soft subcutaneous mass on the dorsal midline at the level of the caudal thoracic spine. A further clinical sign was intermittent pain on palpation of the area of the subcutaneous mass. The owner also described a prolonged phase of urination with repeated interruption and re-initiation of voiding. The findings of the neurological examination were consistent with a lesion localization between the 3rd thoracic and 3rd lumbar spinal cord segments. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a spina bifida with a lipomeningocele and diplomyelia (split cord malformation type I) at the level of thoracic vertebra 11 and 12 and secondary syringomyelia above the aforementioned defects in the caudal thoracic spinal cord. Surgical resection of the lipomeningocele via a hemilaminectomy was performed. After initial deterioration of the neurological status postsurgery with paraplegia and absent deep pain sensation the dog improved within 2 weeks to non-ambulatory paraparesis with voluntary urination. Six weeks postoperatively the dog was ambulatory, according to the owner. Two years after surgery the owner recorded that the dog showed a normal gait, a normal urination and no pain. Histopathological diagnosis of the biopsied material revealed a lipomeningocele which confirmed the radiological diagnosis.

1975 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 500-512
Kazukata NISHIO

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 117-120
Shamrendra Narayan ◽  
Kuldeep Kumar ◽  
Neha Singh ◽  
Ragini Singh

Spinal epidural hemangioma, mostly cavernous, is a rare lesion with many radiological mimics that has diagnostic difficulty. They can extend from one to multiple vertebral levels and may or may not be associated with vertebral hemangiomas. We are reporting a case of young adult presenting with features of compressive myelopathy. Plain and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging showed a large spinal epidural lesion extending from C7 to D10 vertebral levels with extension into adjacent neural foramina and paravertebral spaces. There were also signal changes in bodies and posterior elements of dorsal vertebrae. A provisional diagnosis of lymphoma was made. The patient was operated for decompression and histopathological diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma was made. As in our case, a review of literature shows that epidural cavernous hemangioma of spine may extend to multiple vertebral levels and difficult to diagnose on pre-operative imaging. However, such a long segment epidural cavernous hemangioma has not been reported in literature. Furthermore, we should be aware of these rare lesions to include it in our differential diagnosis the spinal epidural lesions for early diagnosis and management.

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