scholarly journals The reality of organizational structures and the possibility network structure (Survey of Asser Government agencies ): واقع الهياكل التنظيمية وإمكانية تطبيق الهيكل الشبكي  (دراسة ميدانية على الدوائر الحكومية بمنطقة عسير)

Mohamed Alamin Ahmed Almahi, Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Hattan

The study aimed to evaluate the status of organizational structures and the applicability of network structure in Asser region. The problem of the study is the weakness and inadequacy of current organizational structures. The importance of the study lies in diagnosing the reality of organizational structure and recognizing the supporting and opposing aspects to the network structure Applicability. To achieve the purpose of the study, the descriptive method, that describes, analyzes and interprets the phenomenon, was used in order to reach meaningful generalizations. The study community consists of all employees of quality units and administrative development in various job names with (45) government departments for (90) employees. A range of statistical methods such as arithmetic mean, Pearson coefficient and standard deviation were used. The study showed a number of results, the most important of which are that: The application of the network structure contributes significantly in improving the quality of services, and the Saudi work environment is very encouraging for the application of network structure. In addition, the organizational structures in Asser region are well suited to support and achieve the strategy to a great extent. The results also showed that the design of the structures using the method of network structure is less than expected (medium). The study made some recommendations, the most important of which: Evaluating the effectiveness of structures periodically, updating job description cards, eliminating the overlapping of responsibilities between units and strengthening the orientation towards network organization with further studies on the subject of network structures.

2020 ◽  
pp. 63-74
E.V. Glebova ◽  
E.P. Lapteva ◽  
M.A. Lisakovskaya

Nowadays, improving the competitiveness of catering facilities (CF) by improving the quality of services is a key task in this area of activity. The quality of services provided by CF is ensured by a multitude of parameters, including the degree of accessibility, reliability, characteristics of personnel and their interactions, etc. Each parameter is important for the functioning of CF, but the quality of communications between personnel is currently a problematic issue in many CF, because heads of facilities often pay more attention to the processes of production and sale of products themselves, but forget about establishing of high-quality interactions between these two processes. Part of the communication between staff is interfunctional interactions. The absence of any regulation of such interactions is an important and extremely urgent problem, taking into account the current growth of popularity of CF, the growth in sales and turnover of such facilities, and, consequently, the complexity of the organizational structures of CF. The object of the study were interfunctional interactions of the service process in public catering enterprises. Accordingly, the subject of the study were risks arising from interfunctional interactions of the service process in CF. The main objective of the study was to develop the theoretical and methodological aspects of risk management of interfunctional interactions of the service process at CF.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-94
Nuning Octaviani

The purpose of this study is to determine the KBIH strategy in improving prime service in the form of customer needs or practical pilgrims as well as the needs of customers or pilgrims emotionally and the process of providing services in KBIH Maqdis in terms of improving excellent service for prospective pilgrims. The method used in this study is descriptive method using a qualitative approach. The research steps are taken by: determining the location of research, collecting data using observation techniques, interviews, literature studies, and documentation then analyzing data by means of data reduction then data classification and drawing conclusions. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the KBIH Maqdis strategy in improving excellent service is quite good because this can be seen from the practical needs given by KBIH Maqdis to prospective pilgrims. The KBIH Maqdis party provides good service in terms of its service, supervisor, management and chairman. Because the effort to provide good service is expected that pilgrims feel satisfied so that they can tell others about the quality of services provided by KBIH Maqdis to worshipers. The process of implementing service delivery can also look good, that is seen from the provision of excellent service in KBIH Maqdis, Bandung.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi KBIH dalam meningkatkan pelayanan prima berupa kebutuhan pelanggan atau jamaah secara praktis maupun kebutuhan para pelanggan atau jamaah secara emosional dan proses dari pemberian pelayanan yang ada di KBIH Maqdis dalam hal meningkatkan pelayanan prima terhadap calon jamaah.Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun langkah-langkah penelitian ditempuh dengan: penentuan lokasi penelitian, pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan tehnik observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan, dan dokumentasi selanjutnya analisis data dengan cara reduksi data kemudian klasifikasi data dan penarikan kesimpulan.Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi KBIH Maqdis dalam Meningkatkan pelayanan prima cukup baik karena hal ini dapat dilihat dari kebutuhan secara praktis yang diberikan KBIH Maqdis kepada calon jamaah haji. Pihak KBIH Maqdis memberikan pelayanan yang baik dari segi pelayanannya pembimbing, pengurus maupun ketuanya. Karena dengan upaya memberikan pelayanan yang baik diharapkan jamaah haji merasa puas sehingga dapat memberitahu kepada orang lain tentang kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan pihak KBIH Maqdis terhadap jamaah. Proses pelaksanaan pemberian pelayanan pun dapat terlihat baik yakni dilihat dari pemberian pelayanan prima yang ada di KBIH Maqdis Kota Bandung.

Kristina Fedoseeva

The subject of this research is indicators that characterize the quality of municipal services rendered in accordance with the state (municipal) task in the sphere of youth policy. Special attention given to the analysis of state tasks approved on the federal and regional levels for budgetary (autonomous) institutions. The author examines the indicators that characterize the quality of municipal services in the sphere of youth policy as the foundation for assessing the achievement of publicly significant results in the context of the vector for improving the efficiency of spending budgetary funds. The article explores the problem of the absence of correlation between the quality of services rendered and the size of subsidy allocated for the implementation of state (municipal) task. The main conclusion consists in the statement that at the present day it is difficult to assess the achievement of publicly significant result in rendering state (municipal) services in the sphere of youth policy as a criterion for the appropriate use of subsidies for the fulfillment of the state (municipal) tasks within the framework of the activity of budgetary (autonomous) institutions. This is substantiated by the formal determination of indicators set by such institutions, which characterize the quality of the rendered municipal services and the absence of comprehensive legislative regulation in this sphere. The efficiency parameters of the conducted state youth policy are for the most part reflected through the quantitative indicators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 121
Prayudha Prayudha ◽  
Ma’ruf Fawwaz

This paper analyzes the textual aspects in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) Norman Fairclough model of CNN news discourse about Uyghur issue. When this research is conducted, there are only at least five articles specifically discussing Uyghur issue that are 29th December 2011, 29th February 2012, 29th February 2012, 30th October 2013, and 5th September 2014 publications. The research focuses on analyzing the text representation and the relation between participants in the discourse. Objectives of the paper are: 1) to analyze the text representation of news in the news channel of CNN related to the Uyghur case, and 2) to analyze the relation between participants in the news channel of CNN related to the Uyghur case. The subject of this paper is Uyghur issue as reflected in the news articles of CNN International. The paper applies qualitative descriptive method. As a consequence: CNN often put formality features and a vague vocabulary to block and obscure the negative value from the readers to China. The relation here is presented by CNN to China rather than CNN to Uyghur. It is reflected by the power of the status of China.

Paweł Antkowiak

The subject of this article is access to legal services in Europe, demonstrated on the basis of Polish solutions in the field. The legal professions operate as corporations called professional self-government. The theoretical assumptions behind professional self-government is that it guarantees high ethical and professional standards, as well as balance between free professional practice and the quality of services provided. Its existence and operation is therefore an integral part of the democratic rule of law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 577-588
Daniel Bezerra da Silva ◽  
Joana Dar’c Moreira Pimenta ◽  
Maria Zilvanir Pinheiro ◽  
Raimundo Edilberto Moreira Lopes

Resumo – Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o poder das redes sociais na venda de produtos educacionais, sabendo que o universo tecnológico se faz a cada dia mais presente na sociedade. Assim, aumentando o vínculo de empresa e cliente. Inicialmente foram realizadas pesquisas e análises em diversas fontes de literatura sobre marketing digital e redes sociais. Tais ações foram necessárias para um aprofundamento teórico sobre a temática. Após as análises literárias, foram elaborados questionários e aplicados em forma de entrevista, coletando assim, informações através do público alvo. A entrevista foi aplicada através de links do Google formulários onde realizou-se uma análise da utilização do uso das tecnologias e quais suas estratégias utilizadas no marketing para vender de forma rápida e satisfatória para seus clientes. Foram entrevistadas quatro empresas bem conceituadas na área educacional, todas elas utilizam a internet como fonte de venda assim promovendo as mesmas e suas mercadorias. Ainda existem dificuldades no marketing digital, muitos ainda não o utilizam de forma correta e positiva pois é algo inovador que precisa sempre está de acordo com a necessidade do cliente, construindo uma relação fortalecida buscando o maior número de atrações fazendo com que as conheça e se relacione bem alavancando os negócios. Hoje o marketing digital é uma das maiores modalidades do comercio devido ao grande número de usuários da internet. Afinal, o mesmo é feito não só por computadores e celulares mais por um conjunto de pessoas e ações que buscam a melhoria e a qualidade de serviços para seus negócios. Palavras-Chave: Tecnologias. Vendas. Consumidores. Abstract:This article aims to reflect on the power of social networks in the sale of educational products, knowing that the technological universe is increasingly present in society. Thus, increasing the bond between company and customer. Initially, research and analysis were carried out in various sources of literature on digital marketing and social media. Such actions were necessary for a theoretical deepening on the subject. After the literary analyses, questionnaires were developed and applied in the form of an interview, thus collecting information from the target audience. The interview was applied through links from Google forms where an analysis of the use of the use of technologies was carried out and what are their strategies used in marketing to sell quickly and satisfactorily to their customers. Four reputable companies in the educational area were interviewed, all of which use the internet as a source of sales, thus promoting themselves and their goods. There are still difficulties in digital marketing, many still do not use it correctly and positively because it is something innovative that always needs to be in line with the customer's needs, building a strengthened relationship seeking the greatest number of attractions, making them know them and get to know them. relate well leveraging the business. Today, digital marketing is one of the biggest forms of commerce due to the large number of internet users. After all, the same is done not only for computers and cell phones, but also for a group of people and actions that seek to improve the quality of services for their businesses.Keywords: Technologies. Sales. Consumers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 347-366
Sona Sofyan Permana ◽  
Syamsuddin RS ◽  
Arif Rahman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pengorganisasian yang dilakukan oleh kepala seksi Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Garut, terhadap pegawai dalam penyelenggaraan Haji dan bagaimana kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh kepala seksi dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun analisis data dilakukan melalui penafsiran logika yang dihubungkan dengan konteks Manajemen Dakwah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, standar pelayanan yang ditetapkan di Seksi Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah; Kedua, proses pembagian kerja yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Seksi Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan; Ketiga, pendelegasian wewenang yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Seksi Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Secara umum penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pola pengorganisasian yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Seksi Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah ini sudah tepat, dengan adanya proses evaluasi dan tindakan perbaikan sehingga program kerja yang telah ditetapkan dapat berjalan dengan efektif dan lancar. This research aims to find out how the organizing process is carried out by the section head of the Hajj and Umrah organizers of the Ministry of Religion of Garut.  Regency towards employees in the implementation of Hajj, and how policies are carried out in improving service quality. The method presented in this study is the technique descriptive method in collecting this data by observing, interviewing and documenting studies. As for the data analysis done with the interpretation of logic which is related to the context of da'wah management, the results of the study show that: First, service standards set in the Hajj and Umrah Implementation Section; Second, the process of division of labor carried out by the Section Head of Hajj and Umrah Implementation in improving the quality of services; Third, delegation of authority is carried out by the Section Head for Hajj and Umrah Implementation in improving service quality. In general, this study can be concluded that the organizational pattern carried out by the Head of Hajj and Umrah Implementation Section is appropriate, with the evaluation process and corrective actions so that the work program that has been established can run effectively and smoothly.

Yulia Bolshakova ◽  
Sergey Bolshakov

The article discusses the problems of implementing state policy in the field of school education and preschool sphere. The article analyzes the results of a sociological study on the example of the educational services market Leningrad region. The results of a sociological study allow us to identify certain shortcomings in the organization of public services at the municipal level of government. The article discusses such aspects of organizing a competitive environment in the field of education as the number of organizations in the market, the representation of organizations in the market, the quality of services, price and the choice of organization. The results of the study allow us to note that more than a third of respondents are satisfied with the quality of services, and the choice of organization, and pricing policy. At the same time, the majority of respondents express certain doubts about these indicators, which is expressed in a small amount of differences between negative and positive values. The results of the study allow us to state the relevance of research on the quality of the organization of the provision of services in the field of preschool education, additional education of children, the market of psychological and pedagogical support services for children with disabilities. Studies show the high importance that households in the Leningrad Region attach to the education sector. This study allows us to identify areas of managerial impact to local authorities regulating these services. Monitoring the state of the market for services in the field of school and preschool education makes it possible to identify problem organizations and directions for solving social and economic problems in the field of educational organization. The education sector for all modern states is an important political component, the accessibility and universality of education is a constitutional indicator of the status - “social”, “rule of law”. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Nanang Wahyudin

This study aims to analyze the quality of services available at the health center of Mranggen in order to formulate a strategy to improve the quality of health services of Puskesmas by analyzing the importance and level of performance in six dimensions of service quality (Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Accessibility) to produce performance (performance) that can satisfy customers. The data analysis of this research was conducted by qualitative descriptive method, to answer the problem formulation about how to improve the quality of health service of Mranggen in accordance with the quality standard set by the Government, then used "Importance-Performance Analysis" with Cartesian diagram, the number of samples of this study 75 respondents taken from three Puskesmas available at Puskesmas Mranggen. The result of the research shows that the dimension of Responsiveness is the main priority to improve the quality of service because it has the highest importance of 81.3%, while the performance is still low with the level of conformity of 71%, while the next sequence based on the level of conformity is Assurance dimension, Accessibility, Tangibles, Reliability, and Empathy. Thus the whole health center Mranggen considered good enough from the level of customer satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136-143
Ion Cojocari ◽  

The fight against trafficking of migrants is a common international concern that ensures the protection of the rights not to be subjected to slavery and conditions similar to slavery. This article deals with the subject of the crime of organizing illegal migration. Particular attention is paid to the status of the migrant, who under certain conditions can be considered the subject of the crime under consideration. In the Republic of Moldova, the trafficking of migrants is protected by the crime of “organizing illegal migration”. Paragraph 4 of Article 3621 of the Criminal Code, exonerates the migrant from criminal liability for the act prejudicial to the organization of illegal migration. However, the issue arises when the migrant is the object of the crime within the meaning of the Protocol against Trafficking of Migrants. The article analyzes the special quality of the subject of the crime and of the beneficiaries of international humanitarian protection. In the author’s opinion, there are many questions that need to be elucidated, such as: who is the subject of the crime? How old is he/she? What is the special subject of the crime, and what are the conditions when the migrant can be prosecuted? In the author’s view, in order to avoid violations of migrants’ rights, the Moldovan legislature must strengthen its position on the protection of migrants’ rights so that the national criminal law (which responsibly ensures the protection of migrants’ rights) complies with the Additional Protocol on Trafficking of Migrants, having as material object the migrant’s body (material object).

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