2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Wahyu Ningsih ◽  
T Silvana Sinar ◽  
T Thyrhaya Zein

Ideology in a novel is a central concept in Critical Discourse Analysis. One of the novel authors who has a view of the surrounding existence through an ideology is Habiburahman El Shirazy. This studied aimed to find out how the ideology that underlies Ayat-ayat cinta's novel 2 by Habiburahman El Shirazy and what context triggers the ideology. To answer the research question, this research used van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis theory. This type of research was included in the type of content analysis research. The data in this study was sentences and paragraphs. Based on the results of the study, it was known that the ideology underlying the novel Ayat-ayat cinta's novel 2 by Habiburahman El Shirazy was an Islamic ideology and the context that triggers the ideology was how Habiburrahman El Shirazy views the western perception of Islam, views on dating in Islam, and based on the biography of Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Overall the Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2’s novel was a novel that reminds the reader of being able to at least change the mindset by reading and understanding the Qur'an well. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-60
Xuejiao Xiong

Bliss is one of Katherine Mansfield’s masterpieces, which is a short story containing a large number of discourses, i.e. speeches. Previous scholars analyzed this classical novel from many perspectives, among them the discursive power is less mentioned and is worth discussing. This paper applying critical discourse analysis theory on discursive power and the interrelation between discourse and power, discusses the non-equivalence between the identity and discursive power of the heroine, Bertha, aiming to provide a new perspective to appreciate the novel and unveil the power in discourse of the novel.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Gazali Gazali

This study aims to describe structures, functions, and values in Kaili folksongs in Central Sulawesi Province. It was conducted in four regencies/cities of Donggala,Sigi Biromaru, Parigi-Mautong, and Palu. The data were collected through recording,interviews, and document study. They were analyzed by means of Ricouere’s hermeneutictheory approach supported by cultural discourse theory, critical discourse analysis,content analysis, theory of folksong functions, and componential theory of values. Thefindings are as follows. First, the structures of Kaili folksongs comprise macrostructure,superstructure, and microstructure representing Kaili people’s cultural ideology. Second,Kaili folksongs have ritual, social, educational, communicative and informative, andentertaining functions. Third, values in Kaili folksongs are religious, philosophical, ethical,and esthetic values.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 56
Indah Mustika Santhi

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul “The Media Conspiracy Behind the Death of Diana, Princessof Wales: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskanbagaimana kematian Putri Diana direpresentasikan oleh The Daily Mail dalam artikelartikelpemberitaannya melalui dimensi tekstual dan juga memaparkan cara pandang TheDaily Mail sebagai pelaku media konspirasi pada praktik kerjanya terkait berita kematianPutri Diana dalam dimensi sosiokultural. Objek penelitian ini adalah The Daily Mail, salahsatu tabloid harian terbesar di Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmetode kualitatif, analisis deskriptif. Penulis menggunakan teori analisis wacana kritisFairclough (1995), disertai dengan beberapa teori pendukung lainnya, seperti teori klausasebagai representasi Halliday (2004), teori konspirasi Feaster (2008), Birchall (2006),Barkun (2003), Hodapp dan von Kannun (2008). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa representasi kematian Putri Diana dalam dimensi tekstual didapat melalui prosesmaterial, proses mental, proses relasional, proses verbal, dan proses eksistensial yangterdapat dalam artikel-artikel The Daily Mail. Sementara itu, cara pandang The Daily Mailsebagai pelaku media konspirasi atas berita kematian Putri Diana didapat melalui prosestataran sosial, tataran institusional, tataran sosial pada dimensi praktik sosiokultural.Kata Kunci: Transitivitas, Analisis Wacana Kritis, Media konspirasi.ABSTRACTThis thesis is entitled “The Media Conspiracy Behind the Death of Diana, Princessof Wales: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis”. This thesis is aimed to describe therepresentation of Princess Diana’s death and The Daily Mail’s perspective as a mediaconspiracy actor through textual and sociocultural dimension. The object of this thesis isThe Daily Mail, one of the widest national daily newspapers in England. The method that isused in this thesis is a qualitative method, a descriptive analytic method. The writer uses thecritical discourse analysis theory of Fairclough (1995) and some other supported theories,such as clause as representation theory by Halliday (2004), the conspiracy theory by Feaster(2008), Birchall (2006), Barkun (2003), Hodapp and von Kannun (2008). The result of thisresearch shows that the representation in textual dimension that appear on Princess Diana’sdeath is derived from material process, mental process, relational process, verbal process, andexistential process. While The Daily Mail’s perspective on Princess Diana’s death is derivedfrom situational level, institutional level and social level of sociocultural practice dimension.Keywords: Transitivity, Critical Discourse Analysis, Media Conspiracy.

Marina Dekavalla

This paper presents preliminary findings from a wider study into the form that political debate takes in Scottish and English/UK newspapers’ reporting of the 2001 and the 2005 UK Elections. The research project aims to contribute to the discussion regarding the role played by the Scottish press in political deliberation after devolution and compares its contribution to the electoral debate with that of newspapers bought in England. This paper explores the results of a content analysis of articles from daily Scottish and UK newspapers during the four weeks of each election campaign period. This reveals that, despite some differences, the overall picture of the coverage of major election issues is consistent. A selection of the coverage of taxation, the most mentioned reserved issue in the 2001 campaign, is subsequently analysed using critical discourse analysis, and the results suggest more distinction between the two sets of newspapers.

2021 ◽  
Carmen Chui

<div>This study seeks to explore how nature-based therapies are understood in Western “mental health” practices. Specifically, horticultural and equine-assisted therapeutic models are examined for discursive themes tied to mind-body connections, attachment and healing. Additionally, texts used to teach specific therapeutic modalities are examined to further explore common concepts such as mindfulness and coping. In conducting a review of relevant literature, similar themes were revealed which contributed to a base knowledge for understanding the discourse around nature-based therapies. Engaging in an anti-colonial theoretical framework and a modified critical discourse analysis methodology, this qualitative study explores the research question: “What are the discourses which inform Western nature-based therapies?” Ultimately, this study aims to develop a more thorough understanding of how these therapies are linked to Indigenous approaches, how practices may be appropriated and used by Western practitioners, and the shift in social work towards more wholistic therapeutic practices. </div>

2021 ◽  
Carmen Chui

<div>This study seeks to explore how nature-based therapies are understood in Western “mental health” practices. Specifically, horticultural and equine-assisted therapeutic models are examined for discursive themes tied to mind-body connections, attachment and healing. Additionally, texts used to teach specific therapeutic modalities are examined to further explore common concepts such as mindfulness and coping. In conducting a review of relevant literature, similar themes were revealed which contributed to a base knowledge for understanding the discourse around nature-based therapies. Engaging in an anti-colonial theoretical framework and a modified critical discourse analysis methodology, this qualitative study explores the research question: “What are the discourses which inform Western nature-based therapies?” Ultimately, this study aims to develop a more thorough understanding of how these therapies are linked to Indigenous approaches, how practices may be appropriated and used by Western practitioners, and the shift in social work towards more wholistic therapeutic practices. </div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-157
Anne Golden ◽  
Toril Opsahl ◽  
Ingebjørg Tonne

In this article, we analyze the use of the term ‘morsmål’ (‘mother tongue’) in official Norwegian documents and in media texts to identify if and how its conceptualization has changed in the era of increasing globalization. Our point of view is explorative. When examining our data, we highlight the importance of reflecting openly about the instability of powerful concepts. We highlight two partly conflicting conceptualizations that we name the ‘traditional use’ and the ‘novel use’, respectively. Building on critical discourse analysis and conceptual metaphor theory we explore how the conceptualizations reveal certain aspects of ideologies and the potential management of multilingualism in society. A broader understanding of how conceptualizations of mother tongue(s) are played out in the Norwegian context may contribute to the dialogue about multilingualism as it is understood and recognized across diverse contexts.

Aksara ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
David Samuel Latupeirissa ◽  
Zummy Anselmus Dami

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menggali ideologi yang terkandung dalam bahasa politik Soekarno selaku salah satu tokoh pendiri bangsa dan proklamator kemerdekaan NKRI, (2) menggali motivasi yang ada di balik lahirnya ideologi dalam bahasa tersebut, dan (3) melihat perubahan sosial budaya sebagai dampak dari ideologi bahasa politik Soekarno. Untuk mencapai ketiga tujuan penelitian di atas, peneliti menggunakan Teori Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) model Fairclough (1989, 1995, 2005, 2006) sebagai teori utama, dan teori Ideologi sebagai teori pendukung. Metode yang diterapkan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode dokumentasi, sedangkan metode yang diterapkan dalam analisis data adalah metode deskripstif kualitatif yang diterapkan berdasarkan tiga level analisis AWK Fairclough. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ideologi yang terkandung dalam bahasa Soekarno adalah ideologi ‘persatuan dan kesatuan sebagai hal yang penting’, ideologi ‘revolusi adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari jiwa bangsa Indonesia’, dan ideologi ‘imperialisme sebagai musuh utama bangsa Indonesia’. Ideologi tersebut perlu dihidupi sebagai salah satu strategi demi menjaga ketahanan, keamanan, dan perdamaian Indonesia. Selanjutnya, ideologi tersebut dilatari oleh keadaan bangsa yang plural dan kesadaran bahwa sifat statis adalah penghalang kemajuan bangsa. Kandungan ideologi dimaksud membawa perubahan dalam cara berkomunikasi dan cara hidup bangsa Indonesia.Kata kunci: ideologi, bahasa politik, analisis wacana kritis AbstractThe current study aims at: (1) to explore the ideology conceived in Soekarno’s political language as one of the nation founding fathers and the proclaimer of Indonesia independence, (2) to explore the motivations behind the birth of ideology in the language, and (3) to see the socio-cultural changes as the result of Soekarno’s political ideology. To achieve the research objectives, researcher used Critical Discourse Analysis Theory (CDA) of Fairclough (1989, 1995, 2005, 2006) as the main theory, and the theory of Ideology as a supporting theory. The method applied in data collection was documentation method, while the method applied in data analysis was descriptive qualitative method that applied based on three analysis levels of Fairclough CDA theory. The results show that the ideology contained in Soekarno’s political language is the ideology of ‘unity as an important thing’, the ideology of ‘revolution as an integral part of the Indonesian nation soul’, and the ideology of ‘imperialism as the main enemy of the Indonesia’. The ideology needs to be lived for the sake of Indonesia’s endurance, security and peace. Furthermore, the ideology is based on a plural nation state and the realization that static nature is a barrier to the progress of a nation. The ideology contents have brought changes in the way of communication and the way of Indonesian nation life.Keywords: ideology, political language, critical discourse analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 227
Enita Istriwati

In one of the 13 October 2016 news, this Detiknews media online shows certain ideology to the 2017 Jakarta Governor Election. To find out the ideology or the perspective of the media to the election, the writer analyzes the news text using critical discourse analysis theory of Norman Fairclough. Yet, the writer limits the analysis only on the description of the vocabulary, grammatical, and textual structure. The study uses a descriptive qualitative method, while the data is analyzed by using the equivalent method. The equivalent method is used to analyze the meaning of vocabulary, phrase, or sentences in the article. The data is collected by using deep-listening and note-taking techniques. The analysis result shows that Detiknews media online in “Panasnya Pilgub DKI: Ada Upaya Serius Ganjal Agus-Sylvi, Ada yang panik?” of 13 October 2016 uses vocabulary of expression to attract readers. It also uses many active sentences. As in textual structure, the text has been affected situationally, socially, and institutionally. 

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