discourse theory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 1032-1040
Ye. R. Kravchuk

The present study featured the image of a TV hostess in such genres as chat interview and portrait interview. The speech genre is a factor that affects the linguistic image of a media personality. The linguistic image explicates various linguistic means used by TV hostesses to achieve the main goal of the speech genre. The research objective was to demonstrate the interrelation between the TV hostess image and the chat / portrait interview speech genres. The study involved the descriptive method, the qualitative and quantitative content analysis, and the discourse analysis. The linguistic image was analyzed at four levels. Each level revealed units that served as markers of the linguistic image of a TV hostess during chat and portrait interviews. The research results can be applied in theoretical and practical courses of media discourse theory, as well as in special courses of media linguistics, linguistic imagology, and communicative genreology. Further research is required to identify the nonverbal means of the image of a TV hostess in these speech genres.

Xinyun Kang ◽  
L.V. Kushnina

The authors of the article discuss the problem of translating an onomastic metaphor in humorous discourse, relying on the results of research in the field of proper name theory, cognitive metaphor theory, comic theory, discourse theory, and the theory of harmonious translation space, which are the research methodology. The purpose of the work is to show that the metaphorical onym, as a complex dynamic transformation of a proper name-anthroponym, has a high cultural potential, and in humorous discourse acquires a pragmatic humorous effect, reflecting the author's intention. The material of the work was the literary texts of A.P. Chekhov in Russian and their translations into Chinese, as well as literary texts in English by P.G. Woodhouse and their translations into Russian and Chinese. The choice of these authors is due to their belonging to the same historical era - the beginning of the twentieth century. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the semantics of Chinese anthroponyms differs significantly from the semantics of English and Russian-language proper names-anthroponyms, which should be known and taken into account by the translator in the process of translating metaphorical meanings into Chinese in order to ensure mutual understanding of representatives of different linguistic cultures. Translations into Chinese are ongoing. Linguistic and translation analysis consists in identifying the level of harmony of translations of an onomastic metaphor, correlated with the nature of the reconstruction of metaphorical meanings and the humorous effect of the original. Such a translation is recognized as harmonious, in which there is a remetaphorization of the onomastic metaphor, accompanied by synergy - an increment of new meanings acceptable to the host culture.

Taisha McMickens ◽  
Miranda Dottie Olzman ◽  
Bernadette Marie Calafell

Queer intercultural communication is the study of sexuality in intercultural communication. It is a critical, interdisciplinary field that explores identity (i.e., race, gender, sexuality, nationality, and class) across political, historical, transnational, and social spheres. Queer intercultural communication is grounded in using an intersectional lens and embodiment, and in understanding the way power functions both systemically and individually. Historically, intercultural communication has lagged in including intersectional works that center on queer and transgender voices, theorizings, and methodologies. Queer intercultural communication has worked to expand the voices that are being centered as a way to theorize about potential and hope. As this work continues, scholarship on sexualities must remain open to broadening discourse, theory, and methodologies that are inclusive of multiple stories that evoke queer possibilities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0920203X2110541
Xun Cao ◽  
Runxi Zeng ◽  
Richard Evans

This study examines the discursive practice of mourning and commenting by netizens on the final social media post made by Dr Li Wenliang, regarding it as a form of political participation and competitive discursive politics enacted in cyberspace. Discourse theory is applied to conduct discourse analysis on 4000 comments. We identified two strategies that netizens used to establish an alternative space for discourse. The first involved hidden protests expressed through multi-semantic mourning, avoiding suppression by indirectly challenging official authorities. Second, through engagement with microblogs, netizens applied personalized narratives to form a collective memory and a counter-memory space that departed from the official normative narrative. Discursive activities enacted by netizens stimulated the political agenda of resilient adjustment on the part of the authorities, leading the government to accept and incorporate public demands into policies through strategic rectification. These findings help to better understand the significant power of disorganized connective action that is reliant on affective citizens and the further development of regime resilience on the part of the Chinese political system in response to digital activities.

Discourse ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 109-119
T. I. Svistun ◽  
I. L. Ilyicheva

Introduction. The precedent phenomenon in the title of a journalistic article is one of the characteristic features of the modern Belarusian mass media discourse. The article examines the pecularities of transformation processes of precedent phenomena in republican and regional newspapers.Methodology and sources. The theoretical basis of this research was formed by the works in the field of discourse theory (T. van Dijk, T. G. Dobrosklonskaya, V. E. Chernyavskaya), as well as the theory of intertextuality and precedence (M. M. Bakhtin, Y. Kristeva, R. Bart, I. V. Arnold, D. B. Gudkov). In the course of the study, a structural and semantic analysis of the headings and a content analysis of the articles of Belarusian newspapers were carried with the focus on difference between center and periphery. The research material was the republican and regional newspapers of Belarus in the period from 2017 to 2020 years (a total of 400 articles with heading complexes).Results and discussion. The activity of precedent information in the Belarusian journalism of the period under review is evidenced by numerous references, allusions, intertextual inclusions recorded in various republican and regional media, both unchanged and transformed. In the case of transformation, the elements of the original text, name, statement, situation can be shortened, replaced or addition may take place. In some cases, to draw attention to the media text, the author uses transformations not only at the lexical, but also at the phonetic, morphemic, syntactic levels. In general, transformed precedent phenomena prevail in Belarusian publications (about 75 %). The most subject to transformation are precedent statements and texts, and the least – situations. These tendencies are typical for both republican and regional publications.Conclusion. The application of the precedent phenomenon actualizes the background knowledge of the reader, referring to the phenomena that have already received a certain interpretation and assessment. The transformation of the precedent phenomenon allows you to link information about the event or the fact described by the author with the information already available in the linguo-cognitive base, updating and multiplying it, expanding and enriching the communicative space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (44) ◽  
pp. 163-185
Zlatko Bukač

This paper examines the discursive formation of Croatianness (hrvatstvo) during the Croatian War of Independence in the 1990s and the post-war era, focusing mainly on the domain of popular culture. In this analysis of Croatian children’s popular culture, the main emphasis is on chocolate bar stickers and sticker albums manufactured by Kraš. At the time, the company had published Cro-Army chocolate stickers and the accompanying Croatian army sticker album, Knights’ Tales, about Croatian history and various historical events, and Maki, a sticker album of Catholic saints. In relying on theoretical and methodological frameworks of representational and discourse theory regarding national identity and fantasy, this paper shows one of the ways in which Croatianness was formed in children’s popular culture through three main aspects – war, history, and religion

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Clara Mejía-Hernández

Femicide events in Mexico has become a crisis along the country. The journalist’ article Que nadie te arrebate esta partida (2020) wrote it by the journalist Gabriela Warkentin sheds light through to the relation between femicide and three recent female stories. The present paper is based on critical discourse theory and Halliday’s (1978) Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) to scrutinize the journalist’ article. Besides, the present examination considers the importance of draw attention to the increasing prevalence of femicides as a national concern.

2021 ◽  
Francesco Melito

Defending the Traditional Polish Way of Life: The Role of FantasiesThe current escalation of the cultural conflict in Poland is described as a cultural war between neo-traditionalist and liberal worldviews. Drawing on psychoanalytic political theory and Poststructuralist Discourse Theory (PDT), fantasmatic narratives are deemed as an instrument to conceal the non-necessary character of identities. Based on the direct observation of the counter-marches against LGBT parades in Kalisz, Lublin, and Kraków (2019–2020), this article shows how fantasies define the ‘authentic Polish way of life’: from the traditional family in an idyllic scenario (beatific fantasy) to the ‘LGBT virus’ (horrific fantasy), fantasies sustain a neo-traditionalist conception of Polishness and exclude antagonistic visions. Also, religious symbols are sublimated to embody the lost unity: a harmonious society without the conflict generated by the liberal value system. The fantasmatic logic analyzed in the article explains how neo-traditionalist fantasies strengthen identities and provide the necessary ideological ground to resist the emancipatory impetus of liberalism. Broniąc tradycyjnego polskiego stylu życia. Rola fantazjiAktualnie zaostrzający się konflikt kulturowy w Polsce określa się mianem wojny kulturowej między światopoglądem neotradycjonalistycznym a liberalnym. Odwołując się do psychoanalitycznej teorii politycznej i poststrukturalistycznej teorii dyskursu, autor uznaje fantazmatyczne narracje za narzędzie maskujące niekonieczny (non-necessary) charakter tożsamości. Na podstawie bezpośredniej obserwacji kontrmanifestacji organizowanych jako sprzeciw wobec marszów równości w Kaliszu, Lublinie i Krakowie (2019–2020) w artykule zaprezentowano, w jaki sposób fantazje definiują „prawdziwy polski styl życia”: poczynając od obrazu tradycyjnej rodziny w sielankowym otoczeniu (beatific fantasy), na „wirusie LGBT” (horrific fantasy) kończąc, fantazje podtrzymują neotradycjonalistyczną koncepcję polskości i wykluczają jej odmienne wizje. Z kolei symbole religijne zinstrumentalizowano tak, by ucieleśniały utraconą jedność – harmonijne społeczeństwo bez konfliktów wywoływanych przez liberalny system wartości. Fantazmatyczna logika analizowana w artykule pozwala wyjaśnić, jak neotradycjonalistyczne fantazje wzmacniają tożsamości i dostarczają niezbędnej podstawy ideologicznej, aby stawić opór emancypacyjnemu naporowi liberalizmu.

enadakultura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Tamar Mardaleishvili

The present article deals with the problem of defining the essence of artistic translation as the specific type of discourse and conducting such interpretation of intersubjectivity as the principle of discourse theory refers to the translator’s role and importance (‘translator icon’) within the scope of artistic translation. As the object of this study, artistic translation differs from the other types of translation by its creativeness. Creativeness of artistic translation should be considered as the interrelation of the concepts of ‘translator icon’ as well as translation style. ‘Translator icon’ is believed to be precisely revealed in translation style. According to the fact, that the research is being conducted on the basis of interdisciplinary methodology, it is very important to determine more precisely the research aspects related to the artistic translation as discourse phenomenon. ‘Translator icon’ and translation style concepts are implied here, of course. While determining translation as well as artistic translation, the modern theory of discourse should be taken into account. Correspondingly, translation should be considered as the type of discourse and artistic translation as the sub-type of this latter one. Thus, in the research process, it is very necessary to highlight the discourse principle such as intersubjectivity that implies the communicative relation between the addresser (the sender of information) and the addressee (the recipient of the information). In conclusion, it is possible to be said, that a) artistic translation differs from the other types of translation with its creativeness, b) according to the fact, that creative act implies the creator’s individual style, artistic translation is characterized with its individual creative style as well, c) it was essential to connect the concept of translation style to the concept of ‘translator icon’; d) artistic translation differs from the other types of discourse with its very peculiarity of specific realisation of the principle of intersubjectivity: within its frame the translator is at the same time the adressser and the addressee as well.

2021 ◽  
David Bernard Carter

<p>Regulating telecommunications is complex: international experience indicates that there is no 'successful' regulatory framework due to the balancing of industry and regulatory interests (Laffont & Tirole, 2000, p. 13). The New Zealand 'light-handed' regulatory experiment failed and the 1999 General Election presented an opportunity for change in telecommunications. The Labour-led Government in implementing a policy of 'responsible re-regulation' enacted the Telecommunications Act 2001, signalling the passage of "landmark telecommunications legislation ..." (Swain, 2001d). Within the Telecommunications Act 2001, 'cost' assumed a central regulatory role. It is this move to cost that this thesis considers in identifying, developing, and critiquing the interface of law and accounting. The thesis examines the increasing call for accounting information in law and regulation by interrogating the use, presentation, and reception of accounting to examine the interface between law and cost in the regulation of telecommunications. The Telecommunications Act 2001 incorporates total service long run incremental costing as the 'costing technique' for interconnection access and annual net costing for the Telecommunications Service Obligation. Through interrogating 'cost' as an accounting technology, in contrast to the economic and legal conception of cost as a simple, objective concept, the thesis illustrates the role of cost at methodological, technical, and political levels, and the challenges that this poses for telecommunications regulation. The thesis articulates the relevance of discourse theory to the interface of law and accounting. Consequently, the thesis investigates the formation and discursive enunciation of standpoints of political identities characterised by antagonism and uncertainty. This includes identifying attempts by interested parties, including industry actors, stakeholders, and the Government and its agents, to articulate 'new' discourses centred on nodal points around 'cost'. The rhetorical analysis examines how actors articulate the metaphorical element of 'cost' in agitating for particular costing methods to be included in the legislation. The empirical analysis examines the process of rhetorical condensation as arguments for and against the incorporation of total service long run incremental costing and net costing came to signify the complete failure of the light-handed regulation. Then, by examining the politics following the enactment of legislation, this condensation is unpacked. The analysis of the contestation over interpreting and implementing the regulation illustrates displacement of the 'common' signifier resulting in confusion and disappointment in relation to the aims of the new regulatory regime.</p>

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