scholarly journals Physicochemical properties and sensory acceptance of Canavalia ensiformis tempeh energy bar

Food Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1637-1645
N.A. Zainal Abidin ◽  
Z. Mohd Zin ◽  
M.A.A. Abdullah ◽  
N.D. Rusli ◽  
M.K. Zainol

The food industry needs a creative approach to innovation in order to produce revolutionary materials, innovations and fresh, nutritious, sustainable food products. Tempeh is a traditional meal prepared using Rhizopus oligosporus to ferment dehulled and cooked soybeans to a compact and sliceable cake. Because of their high content of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and minerals, energy bars are snacks offering good sensory and nutritional properties. Canavalia ensiformis (Kacang Koro), is an underutilised legume that contains up to 32% of protein. To our knowledge, no prior studies have studied regarding tempeh and energy bars, especially in Malaysia. This research aimed to evaluate both the physicochemical properties and sensory acceptance of the C. ensiformis tempeh energy bar. Energy bars of six formulations (Formulation A – E) were produced using different percentages of C. ensiformis tempeh namely 0%, 4.8%, 9.5%, 14.3%, 19.0% and 23.8%. The physical characteristics of the energy bar were analysed based on colour profile analysis, texture analysis and also the pH value, while the chemical characteristics were analysed based on proximate analysis, calories, mineral content, and toxicity analysis. The results showed that the energy bars consist of moisture content of 9.29-13.09%, ash of 0.99-1.56%, crude fibre of 1.82-7.27%, protein of 4.93-10.34%, crude fat of 12.36-15.97%, carbohydrate of 58.91-64.94%, and calorie content of 4627.55 - 5267.80 cal. Energy bars with 23.8% of C. ensiformis tempeh exhibited highest in moisture and protein, moderate in ash and fibre and showed no significance in carbohydrate and fat contents. The taste and overall acceptability indicate that formulation A showed the best acceptance among the prepared formulations. The utilization C. ensiformis tempeh could diversify the usage of C. ensiformis in the food industry, hence promoting their application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Zalifah Mohd Kasim ◽  
Nurul Farhana Hasim ◽  
Saiful Irwan Zubairi

Vegetarian diets are slowly becoming a lifestyle in Malaysia but is still lacking in the production of vegetarian foods in the form of ready-to-eat meals. The main objectives of this study were to determine the proximate composition and sensory acceptance of selected Indian vegetarian dishes (aloo gobi, dhal curry, potato curry, aloo patta gobi, bhindi masala, vadai and vegetarian kebab) before and after sterilization process. The preparation of the dishes was done using sterilization and vacuum packaging technique. As for the proximate analysis, ash, moisture, fat, protein, carbohydrate and crude fibre and total caloric content were determined. Sensory analysis which was quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) and the 7-point hedonic scale were used to determine appearance, colour, odour, taste, texture and overall acceptance, before and after sterilization process. In proximate analysis, significant difference (p<0.05) between reference and steril samples for vegetarian kebab and vadai (moisture), aloo patta gobi and aloo gobi (ash), bhindi masala, vegetarian kebab and aloo gobi (protein), aloo gobi, vegetarian kebab and vadai (fat).  Vegetarian kebab showed the highest mean value and significantly different (p<0.05) in energy values. Hedonic test showed that the overall acceptability of Indian vegetarian dishes among races were significantly different (p<0.05). Vegetarian kebab had the highest preference score as compared to the other samples. As for QDA, there were no significant difference in the overall acceptability for all the reference and sterilized samples. In conclusion, the sterilization process slightly affected the proximate composition and sensory acceptance of selected Indian vegetarian dishes.

Food Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1162-1171
W.N.I. Wan Mohamad Din ◽  
Z. Mohd Zin ◽  
M.A.A. Abdullah ◽  
M.K. Zainol

Every good food comes with its negative side, and ‘Kacang Koro’ is one of them. Although ‘Kacang Koro’ contains a lot of protein, it also has a negative side, such as an anti-nutritional factor. These anti-nutrient factors need to be removed in order to produce nutritious food. This study was aimed to determine the effect of pre-treatment (soaking, soaking-boiling, soaking-roasting, soaking-microwave) on physicochemical composition and sensory acceptability in ‘Kacang Koro’ energy bar. The energy bars were subjected to physical analyses, proximate analysis, calorie content, phytochemical analyses and sensory analysis. All the different treatments of ‘Kacang Koro’ energy bar showed moisture content of 8.29 - 12.42%, ash of 1.09 - 1.11%, crude protein of 7.51 - 10.14%, crude fat of 12.75 - 17.77%, crude fibre of 2.78 - 3.62%, and carbohydrate of 57.19 - 63.91%. The calorie content was found to be 484.81 - 511.29 kcal/100 g. The oxalate content in all ‘Kacang Koro’ pre-treated is ranged between 29.81 - 45.1 mg/kg. The phytic acid content is between 0.15% - 0.37% and the tannin content is in the range of 25.53 L - 52.30 mg GAE/L. Energy bar with soaking-microwave pretreated ‘Kacang Koro’ has higher value in crude protein, crude fat, and crude fibre but moderate in moisture and carbohydrate content, meanwhile lower in ash content. Sensory acceptability tests showed the sweetness, taste and overall acceptability of the samples were significantly different between ‘Kacang Koro’ energy bars using soaking compared to soaking-microwave pretreatment. The pre-treatment of ‘Kacang Koro’ may boost the use of these ‘Kacang Koro’ in the food industry and promote their application.

Food Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1545-1553
L.-H. Ho ◽  
S.R.R. Irisha Yasmira ◽  
Norlia M.

Consuming of foods high in calories is often associated with higher risks for obesity. This has increased the consumer demand for the food products that promise health benefits. The aim of this study was to evaluate the proximate composition, physicochemical properties, and sensory attributes of reduced-calorie belimbi fruit jam with maltitol. Two formulations of belimbi fruit jams were prepared using sucrose as a reference food (i.e. BJSUC) or maltitol (i.e. BJMAL). The proximate composition, biochemical analysis, texture profile analysis, and sensory evaluation of the produced fruit jams were conducted. The obtained results of BJSUC and BJMAL were compared using unpaired Student’s ttest. The moisture content of BJMAL (76.58%) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than the BJSUC (66.41%). There was a reduction in carbohydrate and caloric values for belimbi fruit jam prepared using maltitol (22.19% and 96.43 kcal, respectively) as compared with belimbi fruit jam prepared using sucrose (32.91% and 136.09 kcal, respectively). However, belimbi fruit jam prepared without sucrose (i.e. BJMAL) did not affect to the ash (0.27%), crude protein (0.39%), crude fat (0.55%), and crude fiber (1.95%) contents, as well as for pH value (3.05), water activity (0.80), and vitamin C (22.90 mg/100 g) contents. BJMAL showed a significant (P<0.05) lower total soluble solids (66°Brix) and total titratable acid (0.09%) than BJSUC. BJMAL had lower firmness value and easy to spread than the BJSUC. The overall acceptability of BJMAL by panellists was comparable to the BJSUC, both fruit jams received scores higher than 5. The reducedcalorie belimbi fruit jam can be prepared by using maltitol.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Normah Ismail ◽  
Rosliana Rosman

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of papaya leaves crude extract on the physicochemical properties of marinated chicken meat. Papaya leaves was extracted with sodium acetate (CH3COONa) buffer (pH 7.2) at room temperature. Protein concentration and activity of enzyme in the crude extract were determined by using UV-Spectrophotometer. The crude extract was mixed with marinated ingredients and then coated onto chicken meat which was subsequently kept for overnight in refrigerator at chill temperature. Protein concentration of the enzyme was identified as 166.36 μg/μl and enzyme activity was 1.28 CDU/ml. Results also showed that lightness (L*), cooking loss and shrinkage of the marinated chicken were higher than control. Redness (a*), yellowness (b*), protein content, water-holding capacity, shear force, and texture profile analysis were lower than control. Microstructure analysis showed that the chicken meat muscle was destructed in the presence of papaya crude extract. Sensory acceptability evaluation of marinated chicken which was carried out by using 9 point hedonic scale suggested that chicken meat treated with papaya crude extract gave significant effect on texture, juiciness, flavour and overall acceptability compared to commercial bromelain. Additionally, the use of papaya crude extract gave a significant effect on the physicochemical properties of marinated chicken.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (9) ◽  
pp. 1470-1476
Zhuang Zhuang Qiu ◽  
Koo Bok Chin

Objective: This study was carried out to investigate physicochemical properties, and antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of low-fat sausages (LFSs) covered with sodium alginate (SA) film alone and with powder film (TSA-film) formed by cross-linking cherry tomato powder (CTP) and SA with calcium chloride (CaCl2).Methods: Sausages covered with the biodegradable film were assessed based on the measurement of pH, color (L*, a*, b*), proximate analysis, expressive moisture (EM), texture profile analysis, total plate counts (TPC), violet red bile, and 2-Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) during storage under refrigeration. LFSs wrapped with TSA-film were compared with those wrapped with SA-film and without film (control) during storage at 10°C for 35 days.Results: The LFSs covered with the mixed film had lower pH, lightness (L*), EM%, TBARS, and TPC, but lower yellowness (b*) and hardness values than those wrapped with TSA-film alone.Conclusion: Lipid oxidation and microbial growth was retarded in sausages covered with biodegradable films, especially multiple films as compared to single film, thereby resulting in extended shelf-life of the LFSs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-160
O. Fadairo ◽  
G. Diósi ◽  
I. Mironescu ◽  
E. Máthé

Abstract Variants of kokoro snack samples were produced by fortification of maize flour-Fibersol 2-whey protein blends at 1% each with functional ingredients (ginger, fenugreek, turmeric, spirulina, red paprika) and a final blend containing all the functional ingredients at 1% level each. The resultant kokoro snack samples produced were evaluated for proximate composition and sensory qualities. The results of proximate analysis showed a significant (P < 0.05) difference in moisture, protein, ash content, crude fat, crude fibre, carbohydrate content, and energy values in all the blends of the kokoro snack sample and ranged from 51.20% to 36.80%, from 4.46% to 3.85%, from 1.15% to 0.98%, from 0.13% to 0.00%, from 4.93% to 3.94%, from 53.57% to 39.2, and from 232.30 kcal/100 g to 172.99 kcal/100 g respectively. There was also a significant (P < 0.05) difference in the sensory attributes of all kokoro samples in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and overall acceptability. The kokoro snack blend R 97:1:1:1 (Maize: Fibersol 2: Whey protein: Red paprika) was most preferred by the panellists, having the highest mean sensory score of 8.97. The results of the evaluation of the kokoro snack samples showed that an acceptable fortified bakery product based on kokoro can be produced by the addition of maize flour-Fibersol 2-whey protein blends to red paprika and ginger at 1% level of fortification. This will further encourage the cultivation and utilization of these spices in food formulation and hence provide health-promoting benefits to target consumers.

Food Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-58
N.H. Mustaffer ◽  
N.S. Ramli ◽  
K. Tongkhao ◽  
K. Vangnai ◽  
N.K. Rosni ◽  

One method for processing Pangium edule Reinw. seeds for consumption is fermentation. The aim of this study was to determine the physicochemical characteristics of P. edule Reinw. seeds during fermentation and antioxidant activity of the extracts. P. edule Reinw. seeds were boiled for 2 hrs and subjected to spontaneous fermentation for 40 days. The physicochemical properties were evaluated according to AOAC methods. Raw and fermented P. edule Reinw. seeds (day 40) were dried and extracted using ethanol and distilled water. The antioxidant activity was measured using 2,2-diphenyl-1- dipicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay while total phenolic content was measured by following the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The results showed that there were no significant differences in water activity while the pH value was decreased along fermentation days. The TSS was significantly increased from day 0 (11.00) to day 30 (19.50), however, it drastically decreased to 11.50 after 40 days of fermentation. The value of lightness (L*) parameter was decreased from 66.44 to 25.28 on day 40 but no significant differences for a* and b* parameter. For proximate analysis, the percentage of ash, crude protein, crude fat, and crude fibre were significantly increased while moisture content and carbohydrate were significantly decreased throughout the fermentation days. Besides, the highest DPPH activity was observed in the ferment-water extract at concentration 10 mg/mL which about 95.61% while the highest total phenolic content was obtained from the ferment-ethanol extract (173.79 mg GAE/100 mg). In conclusion, there were some changes in the physicochemical properties of P. edule Reinw. seeds during fermentation and potentially has antioxidant activities. The results of this study might be used as basic information to develop the fermented seeds as a functional food.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Rosliana Rosman ◽  
Normah Ismail

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of papaya leaves crude extract on the physicochemical properties of marinated chicken meat. Papaya leaves was extracted with sodium acetate (CH3COONa) buffer (pH 7.2) at room temperature. Protein concentration and activity of enzyme in the crude extract were determined by using UV-Spectrophotometer. The crude extract was mixed with marinated ingredients and then coated onto chicken meat which was subsequently kept for overnight in refrigerator at chill temperature. Protein concentration of the enzyme was identified as 166.36 μg/μl and enzyme activity was 1.28 CDU/ml. Results also showed that lightness (L*), cooking loss and shrinkage of the marinated chicken were higher than control. Redness (a*), yellowness (b*), protein content, water-holding capacity, shear force, and texture profile analysis were lower than control. Microstructure analysis showed that the chicken meat muscle was destructed in the presence of papaya crude extract. Sensory acceptability evaluation of marinated chicken which was carried out by using 9 point hedonic scale suggested that chicken meat treated with papaya crude extract gave significant effect on texture, juiciness, flavour and overall acceptability compared to commercial bromelain. Additionally, the use of papaya crude extract gave a significant effect on the physicochemical properties of marinated chicken.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
D. B. Kiin-Kabari ◽  
O. M. Akusu ◽  
N. J. T. Emelike

Ogi was produced by fermenting corn starch powder for 24h and 48h using a seed culture (omidium) as a starter culture. Physicochemical properties such as pH, titratable acidity, viscosity, swelling power solubility, and proximate composition were determined. The sensory properties of the ogi produced was also determined and compared with ogi produced from the traditional method. The results of the proximate analysis showed that the carbohydrate content of sample B(fermented corn starch for 24h) is 78.47% and sample C(fermented corn starch for 48h) is 77.43% were significantly higher (p&lt;0.05) when compared to the traditional method-sample A(73.43%).Protein content (10.63%) and fat content (5.10%) of sample A were significantly higher (p£0.05) than sample B (9.5%) (1.0%) and sample C (9.86%) (1.70%) respectively. The pH of ogi decreased from 5.18 at the beginning of the fermentation to 3.60 at the end of 48h. Whereas the titratable acidity increased from 0.27% to 0.63% after 48h of fermentation. The viscosity of the ogi in the gelatinized state increased as the fermentation period increased from 24h to 48h. There was ignificant (p³0.05) difference in color, flavor, aroma, taste, sourness, mouth feel and overall acceptability between sample A, C and B. The pH, titratable acidity, textural and sensory properties of ogi produced from corn starch powder that was fermented for 48h were more acceptable than ogi produced through the traditional method and from corn starch powder that was fermented for 24h.

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-113 ◽  
NA Saba ◽  
MA Hashem ◽  
MAK Azad ◽  
MA Hossain ◽  
M Khan

The experiment was conducted to find out the effect of different levels of bottle gourd leaf extraction on beef meatballs. Ground beef samples were divided into four treatment groups having bottle gourd leaf extracts as control T1 (0%), T2 (1%), T3 (2%), T4 (3%). Proximate analysis, sensory tests (color, flavor, tenderness, juiciness, and overall acceptability), cooking loss, pH value, free fatty acids (FFA), thiobarbituric acid values (TBARS), peroxide value (POV) and microbiological examination were determined. Days of intervals of experiment were 0, 15th, 30th and 45th days. Data were analyzed using SAS Statistical software. DM content of all the treatment groups differ significantly (p<0.05). In contrast, DM content increased significantly (p<0.05) with the advancement of different days of intervals. The CP and EE content at different treatment levels differ significantly (p<0.05). The FFA, TBARs, POV values were decreased significantly (p<0.05). The color, flavor, tenderness, juiciness, overall acceptability, raw and cooked pH were increased at different treatment levels significantly (p<0.05). The cooking loss (%) with the advancement of days of intervals were differ significantly (p<0.05). TCC (log CFU/g) and TYMC (log CFU/g) were decreased significantly (p<0.05) at different treatment levels. Parameters studied showed that, 2% bottle gourd leaf extract added meat balls were the best quality, so it may be concluded that  2% bottle gourd leaf extract can be used in beef meatball as a source of antioxidant and antimicrobial agent to increase shelf-life of meatballs. Bang. J. Anim. Sci. 2018. 47 (2):105-113

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