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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (12) ◽  
pp. e2141353
Anna H. Grummon ◽  
Joshua Petimar ◽  
Mark J. Soto ◽  
Sara N. Bleich ◽  
Denise Simon ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 703-711
Adefuye O.A ◽  
Adedeji K.A ◽  
Fadipe L.O

Due to its low fat and calorie content, chicken meat is popular among non-vegetarians all over the world. The design, fabrication, and performance evaluation of a chicken de-feathering machine using locally available materials are described in this paper. The design calculations were done correctly to guarantee the right shaft diameter, as this might impact the machine's efficiency. The machine uses rubber fingers to do the actual removal of the feathers. The rubber fingers are attached to a rotating plate against a stationary plucking basin carrying protruding rubber fingers. From the analysis, a 1.0 H.P electric motor is required to drive the machine and this was used to drive the machine. Following the design and fabrication of the machine, three different types of chickens were used to test its performance. The chickens were immersed in hot water between 60 and 90 degrees Celsius and held between the 40s and 60s. The machine removed feathers without any major damage to the chickens. At each trial, the efficiency was calculated. In conclusion, the machine performed efficiently and effectively, leaving behind products that are readily marketable. Keywords: [Chicken, De-feathering, Efficiency. Fingers, Scalding, Rubber.]

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-34
Мария Викторовна Доржиева ◽  
Инга Вячеславовна Хамаганова ◽  
Татьяна Цыбиковна Дамдинова

В статье представлены исследования органолептических свойств модельных образцов мясных фаршей из конины с включением разного количества консервированного папоротника Орляк ( Pteridium aquilinum ). Результаты исследований свидетельствуют о том, что использование соленых побегов папоротника в количестве 15 % в рецептуре котлет из конины обеспечивает высокие потребительские показатели готового продукта. Разработана рецептура котлет «Бурятские новые» пониженной калорийности с высокими потребительскими свойствами. The article presents a study of the organoleptic properties of model samples of minced horse meat with the inclusion of different amounts of canned Orlyak fern (Pteridium aquilinum). Research results indicate that the use of salted fern shoots in the amount of 15% in the formulation of horse meat cutlets provides high consumer performance of the finished product. A recipe for «New Buryat» cutlets of low calorie content with high consumer properties has been developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Seda Erdem

PurposeThe aim is to explore the impact of new menu labels on consumers' actual meal purchases with a field experiment undertaken in a local restaurant.Design/methodology/approachThe author used a field experiment in a natural eating environment at a restaurant to investigate the effect of restaurant menu labelling on consumers' meal choices and opinions on the use of nutritional labels on menus. The experiment included control and treatment conditions in which we offered customers unlabelled and labelled menus, respectively. After individuals' dining experience, the data on meal choices and attitudes to menu labelling was collected via a brief questionnaire. The author then performed inferential statistical analysis to test differences between the control and treatment conditions and logistic regression analysis to explore further what predicts the probability of labels being influential on meal choice.FindingsThe study finds that the information provided to the consumers on restaurant menus matters. The more useful the information is perceived by consumers, the more likely the labels will influence their choices. Calorie content and the walking minutes to burn those calories on labels were considered the most useful aspect of the menu labels.Originality/valueThe study contributes to a better understanding of the impact of menu labelling on actual meal purchases, as well as the best way to communicate calorie and nutrient information to consumers. The author also shares her experience designing a field experiment with a restaurateur for future research.


Расширение ассортимента изделий пониженной сахароемкости, калорийности, себестоимости и повышенной пищевой ценности является приоритетным и актуальным направлением. Основным компонентом в традиционных рецептурах мармелада является сахар, употребление которого в значительных количествах ведет к развитию различных заболеваний. Патока крахмальная является универсальным сахаросодержащим продуктом, который по сравнению с сахаром имеет ряд конкурентных преимуществ, повышающих эффективность производственного процесса. Выбирая тот или иной вид патоки, можно заранее прогнозировать свойства и качество готового продукта. Высокоосахаренная патока обладает наибольшей сладостью и наименьшей энергетической ценностью, низкоосахаренная – содержит наибольшее количество декстринов и имеет повышенную калорийность. При получении мармеладных масс на патоке различных видов процесс уваривания необходимо проводить на 1–3 мин дольше. Конечное содержание редуцирующих веществ – глюкозы и мальтозы в уваренных мармеладных массах на патоке больше, чем в контрольном образце на сахаре, что обусловлено изначально большим их содержанием в рецептурной смеси до уваривания. Наибольшую вязкость имеет образец на низкоосахаренной патоке, что объясняется высоким содержанием в ней полисахаридов, которые придают массе высокие вязкостные свойства. Анализ цветности показал, что наибольшую насыщенность окраски имел образец мармелада на основе карамельной патоки. Опытные образцы полученных мармеладных масс имеют прочность больше допустимого значения и обладают удовлетворительной студнеобразующей способностью. Разработанные образцы мармелада из-за большего – в 1,5–3 раза содержания полисахаридов и меньшего легкоусвояемых углеводов можно отнести к продуктам пониженной сахароемкости и диетической направленности. Новая продукция конкурентоспособна по качественным и экономическим характеристикам. Expansion of the assortment of products of reduced sugar content, calorie content, cost price, increased nutritional value is a priority and an urgent trend. The main recipe ingredient in the traditional formulations of marmalade is sugar, the use of which in significant amounts leads to the development of various diseases. The starch kernel is a universal sugar-containing product, which, in comparison with sugar, has a number of competitive advantages that increase the efficiency of the production process. Choosing this or that kind of treacle, you can predict the properties and quality of the finished product in advance. The highest sweetness and the lowest energy value are highly sugared molasses, low-sugar content contains the greatest amount of dextrins and has an increased caloric content. When obtaining marmalade mass on molasses of various species, the process of boiling should be carried out longer for 1–3 min. The final content of reducing substances (glucose and maltose) in the fried marmalade masses on molasses is higher than in the control sample on sugar, which is due to the initially large content in the formula before boiling. The sample has the highest viscosity on low-saccharified molasses, which is explained by the high content of polysaccharides in it, which impart high viscous properties to the mass. Analysis of color samples showed that the highest intensity of color and saturation had a sample of marmalade based on caramel molasses. The experimental samples of the marmalade mass obtained have a strength greater than the allowable value and have a satisfactory gel-forming ability. The developed samples of marmalade because of the greater content of polysaccharides – 1,5–3 times and less easily digestible carbohydrates, can be attributed to products of reduced sugar content and dietary orientation. The new products are competitive both in terms of quality characteristics and economic efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012041
T N Suhareva ◽  
K I Toporkova ◽  
N Yu Tolstova

Abstract In order to improve the nutritional value of fish products and intensify metabolic processes, various micronutrients are added into fish products. They enrich the products with proteins, vitamins and minerals and reduce the calorie content. When developing a recipe for fish products, the possibility of partial replacement of wheat bread with flaxseed bran with seeds and water with turnips was analyed. The addition of flaxseed bran with seeds and turnips can enrich the product with dietary fiber, micro - and macroelements, vitamins. To determine the optimal percentage of plant raw materials, samples with the addition of linseed bran with seeds and turnips (10, 20 and 30%) were analyzed. A higher percentage has a negative effect on the organoleptic properties of the product.

O. I. Dolmatova ◽  
A. A. Rogova

Butter is a leading consumer choice. This is facilitated by its attractive composition and taste, good digestibility, as well as compatibility with almost all food products. However, butter is not recommended by nutritionists for older people due to its high calorie content, increased mass fraction of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Some of the consumers of the young and middle generation are almost completely abandoning butter, preferring low-fat products. The diet of a person adhering to a healthy diet should include foods enriched with functional ingredients. The paper proposes a technology for producing butter with barberry berries. Fruits contain carbohydrates, pectin substances, organic acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins, etc. For the production of butter with barberry berries, a method of converting high-fat cream has been chosen. The oil has a high degree of dispersion of moisture and a low content of the gas phase, is less susceptible to bacterial contamination in comparison with the analogue produced by the churning method. The resulting butter can be attributed to the "Dessert" group. Dessert butter was obtained as follows. Dairy and non-dairy raw materials were accepted, their quality was assessed, milk was separated, and the resulting cream was pasteurized. Then, high-fat cream was obtained by secondary separation, and their normalization was carried out. A feature of the production of butter Dessert is the introduction of flavoring components into the normalized mixture - puree from barberry berries and granulated sugar according to the recipe. Further, the normalized mixture was converted into oil and directed to thermostatting. Organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators of the quality of Dessertnoye butter have been studied. The addition of barberry berries to butter contributes to the enrichment of its composition with vitamins and a decrease in calorie content. The economic efficiency and feasibility of the production of Dessert butter consists in saving the raw milk used by replacing the fatty part with vegetable components.

2021 ◽  
pp. 58-61
L. Yu. Volkova ◽  
S. V. Orlova

The study of diet as a factor influencing the formation of an exogenous constitutional form of obesity in children and adolescents is an urgent task of modern health care. The distribution of energy by meals has a significant impact on the degree of overweight and the severity of obesity. In the course of the study, a weak positive correlation (r = 0.26) was revealed between the proportion of dinner in terms of calorie content and the degree of overweight: the higher the proportion of dinner in the overall structure of the caloric content of the diet, the higher the degree of obesity in a child. With regard to breakfast, an inverse negative relationship was revealed (r = -0.27): the lower the proportion of breakfast in terms of calorie content, the higher the BMI value by gender and age. The high proportion of calories in the evening meals (afternoon snack and dinner) is more important for the degree of obesity in boys (r = 0.40) than in girls (r = 0.34). The older the child, the stronger the correspondence between excess calorie intake in evening meals and the degree of excess weight (at 8-10 years old r = 0.26; at 11-13 years old r = 0.31; at 14-18 years old r = 0.48).

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. e71-e80
Carlos Alberto Nogueira-de-Almeida ◽  
Durval Ribas Filho

AbstractPolyols are poorly digestible carbohydrates present in small amounts in some fruits and vegetables. Xylitol and erythritol are used as table sweeteners. These compounds are widely used in the food industry due to their low-calorie content. Erythritol is the only noncaloric polyol. Xylitol is the sweetest of the polyols, being the only one with sweetness equivalent to sucrose, but with one third of its calories. Clinical studies have shown reductions in the number of plaques, in counts of Streptococcus mutans, and in the number of dental cavities in individuals receiving erythritol and xylitol. Xylitol is also capable of reducing the growth and adherence to the oropharynx of bacteria that cause acute otitis media, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, and several studies have shown that it reduces the risk of this bacterial infection in children. In addition to these effects, polyols can also have beneficial effects on metabolism. Both erythritol and xylitol have been approved by the European Union for use as sweeteners for several years, and replacing sugar with polyols decreases caloric intake, which can reduce body weight and blood glucose in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The safety of polyols is recognized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who classifies them as compounds generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Thus, based on available scientific data, the daily consumption of both substances is associated with several benefits and does not represent any risk to human health.

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