scholarly journals Formulation of complementary feeding biscuits with yellowfin fish flour (Thunnus albacares) and terubuk flour (Saccharum edule Hasskarl) to improve nutritional status of children in Papua

Food Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (S3) ◽  
pp. 31-37
D.I.B. Manik ◽  
Nuryanto ◽  
B. Panunggal ◽  
D.N. Afifah

The yellowfin fish and terubuk were still rarely used in Papua. This study aimed to determine the physicochemical properties of complementary feeding biscuit formulated with yellowfin fish flour and terubuk flour to improve the nutritional status of children in Papua. A completely randomized single factor-experimental study by using three formulations of yellowfin fish flour and terubuk flour, F1 (1:3), F2 (1:1), and F3 (3:1) was conducted. The carbohydrate content was analyzed with by the difference method, fat by Soxhlet method, protein by Kjeldahl method, fiber by gravimetry method, iron and phosphorus by spectrophotometry method. The physical properties in terms of density, reconstitution and texture were conducted. Sensory evaluation was conducted to determine the acceptance of complementary feeding biscuits. Data were analyzed using the One-Way ANOVA test, Kruskall-Wallis test, Tukey test and Mann-Whitney test. Complementary feeding biscuits F1, F2 and F3 contained energy (435.58; 426.85; 436.71 kcal), protein (13.86; 15.75; 17.33 g), carbohydrate (23.19; 24.79; 20.45 g), fat (20.58; 20.40; 20.62 g), fiber (26.22; 20.63; 25.25 g), iron (3.76; 4.03; 3.68 mg), and phosphorus (267.70; 266.36; 275.79 mg). Complementary feeding biscuits had the following physical properties: density (0.64; 0.68; 0.70 g/mL), reconstitute test (20; 20; 25 mL) and texture test (468.78; 299.55; 408.05 gf). The complementary feeding biscuit was accepted by the panelists. The recommended serving size of complementary feeding biscuit with yellowfin fish flour and terubuk flour was 45 g or four pieces of biscuit needed to fulfill the required 30% of children’s protein per day

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Agus Hendra AL Rahmad

Children under two years is a period with rapid growth and development in (the golden period) and is classified in the group were extremely malnutrition. Complementary feeding and the nutritional status of children cause problems in the aspect of a causal relationship, that the giving its less precise impact on malnutrition status. The study aims to measure the difference in the use omplementary feeding type in families with non-civil and civil servants on the nutritional status of children aged 7 – 24 months in the district Jaya Baru Banda Aceh. The research method with quantitative approach through the cross-sectional design, with a variables consist of the use complementary feeding, nutritional status, and family status. Data was collected through interviews and observations taken at 83 randomly selected samples. Analysis data used with statistical a Chi-Square test on CI:95%. The results showed no difference in proportion of nutritional status (p-value= 0,518) between a families from civil servants with not a family of civil servants (p-value > 0,05). Furthermore, the use omplementary feeding type a proportionally shows the difference with p= 0,005 (p-value < 0,05) in the district of Jaya Baru Banda Aceh. The conclusion that the nutritional status of children between the families of civil servants with not civil servants did not show a difference, but in the use of omplementary feeding by proportion and type of family status have significant differences.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 512 ◽  
Aripin Ahmad ◽  
Siti Madanijah ◽  
Cesilia Meti Dwiriani ◽  
Risatianti Kolopaking

2017 ◽  
Vol 60 (10) ◽  
pp. 320 ◽  
Tantut Susanto ◽  
Syahrul ◽  
Lantin Sulistyorini ◽  
Rondhianto ◽  
Alfi Yudisianto

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-117
Desi Nur Yuniyanti ◽  
Elza Ismail ◽  
Joko Susilo

An effort done to decrease dependence toward rice flour is by changing rice flour with pumpkin. High potentcy of pumpkin andmung beans production in Indonesia is not matched with the public interest on its utilization. Nagasari is a white-coloredtraditional cake with chewy texture and is filled with banana.The addition of yellow pumpkin and mung beans can provideadditional nutrients and as an alternative healthy snack. The research was aimed to know the effect of pumpkin and mungbeans addition on nagasari reviewed from physical properties, organoleptic and nutrient content of nagasari. This researchwas a quasi experimental with simple random sampling. The data of physical properties was analized descriptively. Data offavorite level test was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test and if there were differences, it would be continued by Mann-Whitney test. The physical properties of Nagasari with pumpkin addition made the yellow colour looks brighter, its aromawould be decreased and the pumpkin aroma would be stronger, the sweet taste of it will be dominant and the chewy texturecould be decreased. The favorite level of nagasari with variation of pumpkin and mung beans based on the quality of colour,aroma, taste, and texture was significantly different (p<0,05). The addition of pumpkin in nagasari showed the difference ofbetakaroten, so that the more pumpkin added the more betakaroten content. The addition of mung beans in nagasari showedthe difference. Nagasari with mung beans showed the protein content was higher than the one without mungbeans addition.The content of energy, carbohydrate, and fat were not matched with the theory. It might be caused by biased of the researchwhich did not take nagasari sampling homogeneously. Conclusion: There was an effect of pumpkin and mung bean sadditiontoward the physical properties, organoleptic and the nutrient content of the nagasari traditional food.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. 1088-1093
Mathew Thomas Maliael ◽  

It is of interest to establish the cephalometric correlation of angular data between frankfort horizontal and the sella-nasion line in different sagittal skeletal bases. Beta angle was used to divide the sample based on their sagittal skeletal base relationship. The FH-SN angle was measured for each group. The data were tabulated into IBM SPSS software. Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test was done to test the normal distribution of the data. One-way ANOVA analysis was done to test the difference of the FH-SN angle among the groups. Independent samples t-Test was done to test for gender dimorphism. The mean FH-SN angle of the sample was 6.33°3.35°. The results of the One-Way ANOVA and independent samples t-Test were insignificant. Results show that is no statistically significant difference in FHSN angle between skeletal class I, II and III.The mean FH-SN angle of the sample was 6.33°3.35°. The distribution of the data was normal. The results of the One-Way ANOVA and Independent samples t-Test were insignificant. There was no statistically significant difference in FH-SN angle between skeletal class I, II and III.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-74
Nikolas Nagy ◽  
Miroslav Holienka ◽  
Matej Babic ◽  
Jakub Michálek ◽  
Egon Kunzmann

SummaryThe main aim of this research was to compare differences in heart rate values (HR) of soccer players during small-sided games (SSGs) with different number of players. We assumed that the number of “neutral” player or players in small-sided games will significantly affect the intensity of SSGs and in this case the heart rate values of participating players. The experimental group consisted of older junior players from the FC DAC 1904 Dunajská Streda soccer club (n = 9). The heart rate values were evaluated on the basis of collected data, which we obtained using Polar sport testers and special software Polar Team2. In order to find out the statistical significance of the difference in heart rate was used the One-Way ANOVA and the Bonferroni post hoc test. The level of statistical significance we set at 5 %. We found out that with increasing number of “neutral” players’ the intensity of small-sided games gradually decreased. During SSG1 (3 vs. 3), we recorded the highest achieved average heart rate values of the monitored players, in average 171.33 ± 9.39 beats.min-1. This form of the SSGs was the most intense, but not statistically significant. Our recommendation is to employ SSGs in the systematic training process with different number of players, because we can adequately prepare the players for the match load itself. Attention need to be paid for the playing position requirements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 50-58
Rela Pamungkas Sari ◽  
Dwi Bagus Pambudi ◽  
St Rahmatullah ◽  
Wulan Agustin Ningrum

AbstractGranules come from small particles which then become single larger particles to form a lump. The binder in the granules is used to ensure the incorporation of the powder particles in the granules. Manihot starch is a natural binder and polyvinylpyrrolidone is a synthetic binder, because manihot starch has poor flow properties, it is necessary to modify it by pregelatination. The purpose of this study was to determinethe characterization of the physycal properties of granules with a natural binder of pregelatinized starch manihot and and synthetic polyvinylpyrrolidone on the physical properties of the granules. Variations in the concentration of pregelatinated starch manihot were 3% and 5% respectively. The granulation process is carried out by mixing all materials that have easy flowing properties. The resulting granules were evaluated for their physical properties and then the data were analyzed using SPSS with the One Way ANOVA method with a 95% confidence level. The results of the organoleptic test are white granules but on F1 and F2 there are brown spots then round shape and characteristic odor, the flow time meets the requirements of 10 g/second, the angle of repose test meets the requirements <30˚, compressibility meets the requirements <15%. The results of statistical analysis showed a significant difference (sig <0,05) in the flow time test. The optimum concentration of pregelatiansi manihot starch is 5% (F2) and polyvinylpyrrolidone 5% (F4). The Suggest for further researchers can use other natural excipients and make modifications to improve the physical characteristics of the granules. Keyword: Amylum Manihot; granules;polivinilpirolidon; pragelatination AbstrakGranul berasal dari partikel-partikel yang berukuran kecil kemudiam menjadi partikel tunggal yang lebih besar membentuk suatu gumpalan. Bahan pengikat pada granul digunakan untuk menjamin penyatuan partikel serbuk dalam granul. Amilum manihot merupakan pengikat bahan alami dan polivinilpirolidon merupakan pengikat bahan sintetis, dikarenakan amilum manihot memiliki sifat alir yang kurang baik maka perlu dilakukan modifikasi dengan pragelatinasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakterisasi sifat fisik granul dengan bahan pengikat alami amilum manihotpragelatinasi dan bahan sintetis polivinilpirolidon. Variasi konsentrasi bahan pengikat masing-masing adalah 3% dan 5%. Proses granulasi dilakukan dengan mencampurkan seluruh bahan yang memiliki sifat mudah mengalir. Granul yang dihasilkan di evaluasi sifat fisiknya kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS dengan metode One Way ANOVA dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil uji organoleptisgranulbewarna putih namun pada F1 dan F2 terdapat bintik coklat kemudian bentuk bulat dan bau khas, waktu alir memenuhi syarat ≤10 g/detik, uji sudut diam memenuhi syarat <30˚, kompresibilitas memenuhi syarat <15%. Hasil analisis statistik terdapat perbedaan bermakna (sig < 0,05) pada uji waktu alir.Konsentrasi optimum bahan pengikat amylummanihotpragelatiansi 5% (F2) dan polivinilpirolidon 5% (F4). Saran untuk peneliti selanjutnya dapat digunakan bahan eksipien alami yang lainnya dan dilakukan modifikasi untuk meningkatkan karakteristik sifat fisik granul. Kata kunci: Amilum Manihot; granul;polivinilpirolidon; pragelatinasi

Dydik Kurniawan

This research is aimed to know the Difference Between of the Result of the Innovative in curve surface Study Using the Audiovisual Media, Macromedia Authorware, and Macromedia Flash for the Students’ Of SMPN. The determination of sampling in this research done randomly after chose 3 classes based on daily tests score in learning material congruency. Sample in research of 3 classes are class IX-C Audiovisual media, IX-D Macromedia Authorware, and class IX-E Macromedia Flash. This learning was given on the subject of curved space geometrical. Data collection done by using test, that is mathematic test after giving treatment with multiple choice and essay form. Data analysis was using one way anova with the help of SPSS which previously tested for normality by the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with α = 5% for all three classes, namely learning Audiovisual, Macromedia Authoware, and Macromedia Flash. Then the homogeneity test of the Lavene's test with α = 5% for all three classes, next data analysis was using one-way Anova statistical test with α = 5%. Further analysis used LSD test.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-32 ◽  
Pratik Pokharel ◽  
Anju Adhikari ◽  
Prakash Lamsal ◽  
Ramhari Adhikari

 Background and Objectives: The aim of the paper was designed to know the relationship between complementary feeding, nutritional knowledge and behavior of mothers (IYCF practices) and nutritional status of children less than two years of age at Ambhanjyang Village Development Committee (VDC) of Makwanpur district.Material and Methods: The study was conducted in aforesaid VDC of Makwanpur districts with a total of 120 samples. The questionnaire used consisted of socio-demographic information, health profile, dietary behavior of the child such as amount of feeding, frequency of feeding, diversified food and attitude statements of mothers regarding nutritional knowledge. The nutritional status of the child was assessed on the basis of anthropometric measurements weight and height.Results: In this survey, 21.2 percent of the children were found to be moderately underweight while 5.8 percent of the children were severely underweight, 19.2 percent were moderately stunted while 15 percent were found severely stunted. Likewise, 10.8 percent of the children found moderately wasted and only 1 child was found to be severely wasted. No significant association was observed between various socio-economic factors, complementary feeding practices and nutritional status of a child.Conclusion: The prevalence of under nutrition, stunting and inadequate complementary feeding practices was observed in the study sample. Although no significant association was observed between various socio-demographic factors and nutritional status of a child, there is an immediate requirement of healthy knowledge and change in behavior of mothers of children about complementary feeding practices to prevent the deteriorating nutritional status of child.  Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Sciences (2017) Vol. 5(1): 22-32

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