powder particles
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Anand Kumar S ◽  
Ajay Kushwaha ◽  
Nagesha B K ◽  
Sanjay Barad

Abstract The proposed work investigates the hybrid surface characterisation of intra thin-walled Ti6Al4V surfaces fabricated using laser powder bed fusion technology. The thin-walled samples were characterised using scanning electron microscopy and Opto-digital microscopy techniques. The fractal dimensional analysis was performed using ImageJ software integrated with an open-source MultiFrac plug-in. The surface microscopy analysis revealed satellites powder particles, partially melted powder particles, spherical balling, and pores on the thin-walled surface. The fractal dimension establishes a correlation between the surface roughness values. The surface areal surface parameters analysis suggested variation along the build direction of thin-walled Ti6Al4V sample. The development of sharp peaks and thus higher Ra, Sku and Ssk values were found along the build direction of the intra thin-walled samples. Therefore, the combination of areal surface topography analysis and fractal dimension approach can be a promising methodology towards surface characterisation of additively manufactured complex thin-walled surfaces.

Metals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 132
Doina Raducanu ◽  
Vasile Danut Cojocaru ◽  
Anna Nocivin ◽  
Radu Hendea ◽  
Steliana Ivanescu ◽  

The aim of the present paper is to apply the mechanical alloying process to obtain from powder components a new biodegradable Mg-based alloy powder from the system Mg-xZn-Zr-Ca, with high biomechanical and biochemical performance. Various processing parameters for mechanical alloying have been experimented with the ultimate goal to establish an efficient processing route for the production of small biodegradable parts for the medical domain. It has been observed that for the same milling parameters, the composition of the powders has influenced the powder size and shape. On the other hand, for the same composition, the highest experimented milling speed and time conduct to finer powder particles, almost round-shaped, without pores or various inclusions. The most uniform size has been obtained for the powder sample with 10 wt.%Zn. These powders were finally processed by selective laser melting, an additive manufacturing technology, to obtain a homogeneous experimental sample, without cracking, for future more systematical trials.

Mehdi Delshad Chermahini ◽  
Ghorbanali Rafiei Chermahini ◽  
Jamal Safari

Abstract The effect of Mg content and milling time were investigated on the microstructure and microhardness values of Al-xMg/5Al2O3 (x = 0, 4, 8 and 12 wt %) nanostructured composite prepared via high energy milling technique. XRD results showed an acceleration of alloying process and formation of Al (Mg) ss by enhancing percentage of Mg element. Also, by increase in Mg percentage the grain size reduction was more considerable during milling treatment. Additionally, increment of the Mg content up to 12 wt%, causes the increase in micro-strain of the samples (from 0.31 to 0.82%). Increase in Mg concentration accelerates the mechanical milling process. According to SEM results a coaxial and circular morphology with a uniform distribution of powder particles has been formed. Up to 12 wt% (for each milling time), significant increase in microhardness (215 HV) was carried out due to solid solution hardening and crystallite refinement. From 10 to 15 h, a slight increase in microhardness up to 218 HV can be observed.

2022 ◽  
V. Gavrish

Abstract. The results of research of characteristics of highly dispersed titanium carbide powder obtained from carbide waste of TN-20, TN-25, TN-30 types are presented. The powder particles were studied using analytical methods including scanning microscopy, X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis. The obtained results confirm the formation of nanosized particles of titanium carbide of monocrystalline form.

Metals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Rafael G. Estrada ◽  
Marta Multigner ◽  
Marcela Lieblich ◽  
Santiago Fajardo ◽  
Joaquín Rams

This paper shows the results of applying a combination of high energy processing and magnesium (Mg) as an alloying element in a strategy for enhancing the degradation rate of iron (Fe) for applications in the field of non-permanent medical implants. For this purpose, Fe powder was milled with 5 wt% of Mg (Fe5Mg) and its microstructure and characterized degradation behavior. As-received Fe powder was also milled in order to distinguish between the effects due to high energy processing from those due to the presence of Mg. The powders were prepared by high energy planetary ball milling for 16 h. The results show that the initial crystallite size diminishes from >150 nm to 16 nm for Fe and 46 nm for Fe5Mg. Static degradation tests of loose powder particles were performed in Hanks’ solution. Visual inspection of the immersed powders and the X-ray diffraction (XRD) phase quantification indicate that Fe5Mg exhibited the highest degradation rate followed by milled Fe and as received Fe, in this order. The analysis of degradation products of Fe5Mg showed that they consist on magnesium ferrite and pyroaurite, which are known to present good biocompatibility and low toxicity. Differences in structural features and degradation behaviors of milled Fe and milled Fe5Mg suggest the effective dissolution of Mg in the Fe lattice. Based on the obtained results, it can be said that Fe5Mg powder would be a suitable candidate for non-permanent medical implants with a higher degradation rate than Fe.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 136
Ricardo Chávez-Vásconez ◽  
Sheila Lascano ◽  
Sergio Sauceda ◽  
Mauricio Reyes-Valenzuela ◽  
Christopher Salvo ◽  

Commercially pure (c.p.) titanium grade IV with a bimodal microstructure is a promising material for biomedical implants. The influence of the processing parameters on the physical, microstructural, and mechanical properties was investigated. The bimodal microstructure was achieved from the blends of powder particles with different sizes, while the porous structure was obtained using the space-holder technique (50 vol.% of ammonium bicarbonate). Mechanically milled powders (10 and 20 h) were mixed in 50 wt.% or 75 wt.% with c.p. titanium. Four different mixtures of powders were precompacted via uniaxial cold pressing at 400 MPa. Then, the specimens were sintered at 750 °C via hot pressing in an argon gas atmosphere. The presence of a bimodal microstructure, comprised of small-grain regions separated by coarse-grain ones, was confirmed by optical and scanning electron microscopies. The samples with a bimodal microstructure exhibited an increase in the porosity compared with the commercially available pure Ti. In addition, the hardness was increased while the Young’s modulus was decreased in the specimens with 75 wt.% of the milled powders (20 h).

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 7784
Mihaela Albu ◽  
Bernd Panzirsch ◽  
Hartmuth Schröttner ◽  
Stefan Mitsche ◽  
Klaus Reichmann ◽  

Powder and selective laser melting (SLM) additively manufactured parts of X5CrNiCuNb17-4 maraging steel were systematically investigated by electron microscopy to understand the relationship between the properties of the powder grains and the microstructure of the printed parts. We prove that satellites, irregularities and superficial oxidation of powder particles can be transformed into an advantage through the formation of nanoscale (AlMnSiTiCr) oxides in the matrix during the printing process. The nano-oxides showed extensive stability in terms of size, spherical morphology, chemical composition and crystallographic disorder upon in situ heating in the scanning transmission electron microscope up to 950 °C. Their presence thus indicates a potential for oxide-dispersive strengthening of this steel, which may be beneficial for creep resistance at elevated temperatures. The nucleation of copper clusters and their evolution into nanoparticles, and the precipitation of Ni and Cr particles upon in situ heating, have been systematically documented as well.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2002
Stanislav Stankevich ◽  
Nikolay Larionov ◽  
Ekaterina Valdaytseva

Based on numerical solutions of the equation of motion of a particle in a gas jet modeled by the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations, the features of transporting powder particles to the working zone of laser-based directed energy deposition are investigated. The propagation of a gas jet in a confined space in the presence of obstacles in the form of a substrate and a wall of a part is considered. A solution determining the gas-dynamic parameters of the jet is obtained, and the results of calculating its velocity field are presented. The influence of gas-dynamic parameters on the trajectories of the powder particles is analyzed. It is shown that these parameters determine the amount of model material involved in the formation of the geometry of the part.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2144 (1) ◽  
pp. 012004
P V Panin ◽  
I A Bogachev ◽  
E A Lukina

Abstract Chemical composition, structure, and technological properties have been investigated for metal powder compositions (MPCs) of a new six-component TiAl-based alloy with Gd microadditions: Ti-31.0Al-2.5V-2.5Nb-2.5Cr-0.4Gd, wt.% (Ti-44.5Al-2V-1Nb-2Cr-0.1Gd, at.%). Three MPCs fractions (10–63, 40–100, 80–120 μm) were produced by electrode induction melting and inert gas atomization technique and targeted for the additive synthesis of parts. It is shown that the chemical composition of the MPCs for the main elements corresponds to that of the electrode. In contrast, a 1.5-fold increase of the oxygen content in the MPCs was observed, which is being the result of natural oxidation of powder particles upon air environment due to developed specific surface. It has been determined that the phase composition of the MPCs (γ+α(α2)+β) differs from the equilibrium phase composition of the electrode (γ+α2)+β0/B2) and corresponds to a rapidly quenched metastable state, which indicates high solidification rates in the atomization process, exceeding critical cooling rates of the alloy. The technological properties, specifically the powder flowability, were found to be improved for 40–100 and 80–120 μm fractions, making them applicable for additive synthesis of parts from the studied alloy by selective electron-beam melting method

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