Ricardo Costa ◽  
Marcos Curi
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
R. C. S. M. Costa ◽  
M. F. Curi

With the modernization and miniaturization of equipment and systems toincrease the overall efficiency in smaller spaces, new cooling solutions needto be developed. Microfluidic in the last decades becomes a new way to getthis. Nanofluids are used to attend this demand to optimize efficiency, withtheir improved thermohydraulic properties, especially different thermalconductivities. To determine the advantages of using a nanofluid for thermalexchange, the properties, parameters and modelling will be presented, and thedifferential equations necessary to obtain the results. In that sense, the basictheory of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, through the Navier-Stokes andConvection-Diffusion equation, is used in the two-dimensional steady-stateformulation. Slip boundary conditions for the velocity field. Constant heat fluxand constant temperature at the surface are used for the temperature field,initially without the flow’s microscale effects. The external flow over a flatplate and internal flow between parallel plates will be studied. Considering alaminar flow, with the base fluid being water and engine oil, with variousvolumetric fractions of Single Wall and Multiple Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Todetermine the results and create the comparative graphs, the WolframMathematica v.11 software will be used for solving the remaining partialdifferential equations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Claudia Gariboldi ◽  
Takéo Takahashi

We consider an optimal control problem for the Navier–Stokes system with Navier slip boundary conditions. We denote by α the friction coefficient and we analyze the asymptotic behavior of such a problem as α → ∞. More precisely, we prove that if we take an optimal control for each α, then there exists a sequence of optimal controls converging to an optimal control of the same optimal control problem for the Navier–Stokes system with the Dirichlet boundary condition. We also show the convergence of the corresponding direct and adjoint states.

Kangrui Zhou ◽  
Yueqiang Shang

AbstractBased on full domain partition, three parallel iterative finite-element algorithms are proposed and analyzed for the Navier–Stokes equations with nonlinear slip boundary conditions. Since the nonlinear slip boundary conditions include the subdifferential property, the variational formulation of these equations is variational inequalities of the second kind. In these parallel algorithms, each subproblem is defined on a global composite mesh that is fine with size h on its subdomain and coarse with size H (H ≫ h) far away from the subdomain, and then we can solve it in parallel with other subproblems by using an existing sequential solver without extensive recoding. All of the subproblems are nonlinear and are independently solved by three kinds of iterative methods. Compared with the corresponding serial iterative finite-element algorithms, the parallel algorithms proposed in this paper can yield an approximate solution with a comparable accuracy and a substantial decrease in computational time. Contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) new parallel algorithms based on full domain partition are proposed for the Navier–Stokes equations with nonlinear slip boundary conditions; (2) nonlinear iterative methods are studied in the parallel algorithms; (3) new theoretical results about the stability, convergence and error estimates of the developed algorithms are obtained; (4) some numerical results are given to illustrate the promise of the developed algorithms.

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