2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 84-92
Akmal Abduvohidov ◽  
Abubak Muxametov ◽  
Gayrat Berdiev ◽  
Bekzod Toshboev

This article is based on the study of the experience of developed countries of the world and justifies the role and importance of digital technologies and the digital economy in the sustainable development of the country

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 245-258 ◽  
Tetiana Kolesnyk ◽  
Oksana Samborska ◽  
Mykola Talavyria ◽  
Liudmyla Nikolenko

The agro-industrial complex of Ukraine with its basic component – agrarian sector is a system-forming element of the national economy. The Ukrainian agrarian sector has a production potential, which far exceeds the needs of the internal market. It is a link that can become the engine of development of the national economy and its effective integration into the world economic space. The purpose of this research is to determine the approaches to ensure sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in the context of globalization and integration processes strengthening. The main task is to determine the problems of ensuring the sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in the process of its integration into the world economic space. The category of “sustainability of agrarian sector development” has been considered and improved. It has been suggested to include in the classification of “sustainability of the agrarian sector” an element of the description of global integration processes. It has been proved that the sustainability of the agrarian sector development lies in the balanced combination of industrial, economic, social, environmental, intellectual and globalization processes.

Fisheries ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Valery Vorobyov

Global problems and trends in the development of world fisheries and aquaculture are considered. The reasons and factors of the extensive development of the world industrial fisheries and the sustainable development of the production of world aquaculture products are shown. The contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to the GDP of the national economy of the countries is noted. Russia needs to actively develop industrial mariculture, based on the existing significant scientific and practical groundwork and the formation of regional clusters.


Since the late 1980s there has been a global rethinking of the human impact on the environment. This led to the emergence of various theories emphasizing environmental stewardship while maintaining a sustainable rate of economic growth. These theories are called the concept of sustainable development. The ecological component of sustainable development emphasizes a frugal attitude to the ecosystem, «green» technologies as the basis for innovative growth and protection of the right of future generations to the quality of the environment. Most developed countries already emphasize the development of such "green" technologies as hydropower, wind power, solar and bioenergy, and geothermal energy. Due to the growing demand of countries for energy resources, it is the development of "green" energy that can become a key point of economic growth of the national economy without harming the environment.

Natallia Maltsevich ◽  
Тatiana Рrokhorova ◽  
Elena Oshurkevich

Introduction. The article examines the functioning of digital technologies in the banking sector of the Republic of Belarus; the emphasis is on the development of remote banking services and the formation of a national model of secure payments. The necessity of introducing banking innovations in the digital economy to transform the format of banking services is substantiated and promising areas of digital transformation that contribute to the sustainable development of the banking system of Belarus are analysed. Methods. The methods of theoretical generalization and empirical methods were applied in the course of the research to determine the foundations for building approaches to the digital path of sustainable development of the banking sector at the present stage; the systemic and structural method was applied to highlight the current positions of the digital transformation of the banking sector and ways to increase its stability and efficiency. The task of this scientific work is to find relevant directions for the development of banking activities in the context of the introduction of inno-vations in the modern digital economy. Results. The key dominants of the introduction of banking innovations in the digital economy are evaluated, taking into account the directions of the formation of cross-channel banking infra-structure. The necessity of introducing banking innovations in the digital economy to transform the format of banking services aimed at ensuring sustainable development has been substantiated. Discussion. The need to implement and actively apply banking innovations in the digital econ-omy to transform the format of banking services in order to ensure sustainable development of the banking sector in Belarus. In the future, the sustainable development of the banking system in the direction of introducing innovations will ensure the competitiveness of banking products and services in comparison with neobanks and fintech projects, taking into account the substantiated directions for the development, regulation and implementation of banking innovations in the digital economy. Keywords: banking services, digital technologies, innovative trends in banks.

K. Blishchuk ◽  
O. Domsha

Problem setting. The progressive digitalization of all spheres of life and their confident transition to fundamentally new forms of functioning and interaction between economic entities, public administration and international relations is based on digital tools that allow using digital technologies in the digitalization of the national economy. However, the experience of their application and effective use is insufficient in comparison with developed countries, so to ensure sustainable development of society, it is necessary to thoroughly and comprehensively study the features of digital tools and their use in government and to objectively assess the prospects of digitalization in all spheres of life in modern Ukraine.Recent research and publications analysis. The issue of digitalization and the increasing use of digital technologies is present in the research of many specialists. In particular, it is necessary to note significant achievements in this field of such scientists as V. Apalkova, O. Bernaziuk, S. Vereteniuk, N. Hrytsiak, N. Deieva, A. Dobrynin, N. Drahomyretska, O. Yemelyanenko, T. Kaminska, A. Kaminskyi, G. Karcheva, O. Kachnyi , S. Koliadenko, N. Kraus, V. Kuibida, S. Kutsenko, D. Layon, I. Lopushynskyi, V. Liashenko, A. Maslov, V. Nikolaev, V. Pysarenko, A. Semenchenko, K. Semiachkov, S. Chukut and many others. However, there is a necessity for complex research, which concern the use of digital tools for ensuring sustainable development.Previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The article aimed at substantiating the directions of intensification of the use of digital tools for ensuring sustainable development in Ukraine basing on the studies of features of the usage of digital tools, the analysis of its use in various fields at the present stage of the development of our state. Paper main body. The conceptual approach to understanding the essence of sustainable development makes it possible to consider this concept as “development that meets the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The answer to public demands is given by the Sustainable Development Goals, offering a new vision of economic growth of states and new values.In the context of the needs of today’s development and the implications for future generations, we need to look at the digital economy and the increasing use of digital tools. Digitalization can not only solve today’s problems but also generate new ones, the consequences of which may be felt by the next generation in the case of inefficient use of digital technologies. In the world, digitalization processes have significantly accelerated after quarantine and affected not only developed countries but also Ukraine and other developing countries. They relate to all spheres of public life, in particular, to the interaction of citizens with public authorities.In Ukraine, the introduction of digital tools in the work of state and municipal authorities has not become as widespread as abroad, but it is worth noting some steps in this direction. The following digital tools for interaction between the government and communities are already in force or will be implemented in the nearest future: for the government – feedback from the community population; involvement of people into the managerial process. For adult residents of communities – Centres for providing administrative services, which work as centres of “Action”; consulting zones for entrepreneurs; online population survey; local chatbots. For students and schoolchildren – the opportunity to get an IT profession online; career guidance online courses; electronic magazines.Along with public authorities, digitalization processes have confidently entered the business sphere, and this has become especially noticeable in the conditions of quarantine, according to which many employees were forced to switch to remote work. Digital tools allow businesses to adapt to new realities and build relationships between employees, customers and partners on a fundamentally new basis. They help to automate routine processes and business, and also to redirect free resources in the direction of finding new ideas for business development.Digitalization has also affected the scientific sphere – today it is difficult for the average scientist to imagine his work without the use of, for example, Google tools, in particular, such as Google Cloud Platform, Google Academy, etc. Thanks to them, it is possible to conduct comprehensive research and publish their results. And the use of such specialized digital tools for scientists as Google Public Data, Dataset Search and Google Data Studio makes it possible to work effectively with data sets.Along with the scientific sphere, digitalization is closely connected with the educational field. Responding to the quarantine requirements for distance learning, the State Education Quality Service of Ukraine has introduced the following distance forms: the study of practical experience of work of participants in the certification of pedagogical staff; conducting institutional audits of general secondary education institutions.Areas of intensification of the use of digital tools to ensure sustainable development are regulatory, organizational-managerial, labour, competency-based, project, infrastructure and international. The development of digitalization and the introduction of digital tools in social processes have become inevitable, so it is necessary to ensure the implementation of digitalization procedures with maximum effect.Conclusions and prospects for further studies. Digital tools can be defined as a tool, a mean to improve communication between individuals and legal entities and the state through digital technologies and online communications. In the direction for ensuring the sustainable development of society, digital tools are essential tools that minimize resource costs, which allows you to redirect their use in a more constructive direction and, if possible, to preserve the resource potential for future generations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Elena Zolochevskaya ◽  
Tatyana Cherkasova ◽  
Valeriya Arsenieva ◽  
Larisa Lozovova

The article reveals the concepts of innovative development and digital economy and defines their categorical correlation. The main modern trends in the development of the world economy in the context of globalization are highlighted, which implies that the digital transformation of national economies is becoming a key factor for sustainable economic growth, allowing to ensure strong competitive positions in the global space. Expert assessments of cross-country ratings in terms of the global competitiveness and innovativeness of the national economy demonstrate that the leading role in the development of the world economy belongs to the developed and rapidly developing countries at the top of these ratings. However, the leading positions some countries in the ratings are not the result of simple evolution of economic development, but a purposeful strategy of innovative development implemented through a set of public policy measures. The analysis of the state innovation policy of the USA, EU countries, Sweden and Norway, which occupy leading positions in the Digital Economy and Society Index (I-DESI) rating, made it possible to identify the main directions of economic growth that are important to consider in the Russian state policy of digitalization. As part of the study of the current state of the Russian digital transformation, the achieved success is highlighted and the constraints are identified, the elimination of which will determine the success of the development of digital technologies and their implementation in government bodies, public organizations and business structures. The successful result of Russian digitalization is the adoption of a strategic document (National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation"), which defines the goals and institutional conditions for its implementation for all subjects of the national economy. Critical analysis of national programs helped to highlight some of the contained flaws, including the lack of: - economic objectives that concern system development of national industry 4.0 and the withdrawal of Russian digital technologies on global markets;- the indicative indicators of the pace of development of e-Commerce, the share of high-tech jobs in the total employment structure, growth of high-tech exports, and others; incentive mechanism for businesses to transition on the numbers; - ways to increase investment in research and development. In addition, the need for its adjustment is due to the selected seven limiting factors of Russian digitalization, which demonstrate the low efficiency of the national program in the transition from the stage of formation to the stage of development of the digital economy in Russia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-41
Sergey Bobylev ◽  
Sofya Solovyeva ◽  
Mikhail Palt ◽  
Irina Khovavko

In 2015, the UN Conference adopted the Sustainable Human Development Goals for 2016-2030, supported by all countries, including Russia. The article analyzes the task of adapting the UN SDG from the standpoint of the possibility of including indicators of the digital economy in these Goals for Russia. Key economic, social and environmental indicators of the digital economy, which most reflect the country’s sustainable development objectives, have been proposed. The particular difficulties in Russia and the world are caused by the identification of adequate indicators of the digital economy and their quantitative interpretation for environmental SDGs, which is caused by an insufficient statistical base. The integral index of the digital economy and society and the place of Russia in the world from the standpoint of this index are analyzed. It is advisable in the country to develop and adopt in one form or another its own long-term Sustainable Development Strategy that takes into account the SDGs, and the development of the digital economy will be an important driver for its implementation. и развитие цифровой экономики будет важным драйвером ее реализации.

Elena V. Zenkina ◽  

The article presents a review of the evolution in approaches to assessing the countries sustainable development in the world and Russian practice. The presented research includes an analysis of the world practice assessment for the effectiveness in sustainable development, relevant methodologies, indicators and their modifications in modern conditions. The author characterizes the current issues in developing indicators for measuring the sustainable state of countries with different levels of development. She also highlights difficulties in the cross-country comparison of those indicators and considers the most important aspects of the sustainable development assessment, such as indicators and investments. The main directions and approaches to the sustainable development assessment for Russia are determined at the current trends of the national economy development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 186 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Irina Ershova ◽  
Anna Obukhova ◽  
Olga Belyaeva ◽  

The authors define the goals of digital transformation of countries, highlight the main distinctive elements of their digitalization and classify factors that affect the speed of digital transformation. They assess the development level of digital economy in Russia, Ukraine and developed countries in 2007-2020 according to the International Digital Economy and Society Index (I-DESI) and the Global Innovation Index (GII). The authors provide information about changes in the ranking of individual countries according to the GII and identify top ten countries in each group. The authors compare the most popular innovative technological trends, present the expected payback periods for investments in digital solutions in Russia and the world and determine the barriers that hinder the development of digitalization in the countries and companies. The conducted analysis shows that against the background of a significant slowdown in the global economic growth, there are concerns about a reduction in R&D, venture capital and intellectual property.

Viktoriya Bondarenko

The level of economic development of entrepreneurship in any country in the world is crucial in increasing the competitiveness of the national economy in the world market of goods and services. The activities of economic entities are the driving force for the sustainable development of regions and their suburban areas, and they also impact the welfare of population. The article dwells on the analysis of scientific approaches to the regulation of economic development of enterprises in suburban areas of the region. The article analyzes the scientific approaches to the regulation of economic development of enterprises in suburban areas of the region. According to the well-known classics of the fundamental economic theory of entrepreneurship development (A. Smith, D. Ricardo, V. Laungard, A. Loria) the peculiarities of economic development of entrepreneurship in suburban territories of the region are determined by the possibility of distribution of surplus production, minimum production costs per unit of production, availability of labor resources. In modern economic theory (M. Weber, A. Pre, S.M. Kimelberg, E. Williams, C. Vlachou, O. Iakovidou, J. van Dijk, P. Pellenbarg) the development of entrepreneurship in suburban areas of the region can be determined by institutional, innovation, technological, social, ecological and other features of the economy at the regional, state or world levels. The complex and comprehensive generalization of the features of economic development of entrepreneurship in suburban areas is proposed. There are (1) the type of decision taken by an enterprise to carry out business activities in the relevant suburban area of the region, and (2) the influence of internal and external factors on economic activity. The article argues that large enterprises are guided by more objective decision-making reasons, attaching the most importance to the physical and innovative environment. Medium and small enterprises are mainly focused on getting benefits for the entrepreneur in the short-term time period and location in the nearest geographic area. The attention was paid to the tools of ensuring economic development of entrepreneurship in suburban areas of the region, taking into account institutional changes in the national economy and the experience of developed countries of the world.

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