Panggung ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
Nuning Y. Damayanti Adisasmito

Manuscript is a cultural product belongs to every civilized community that understands letters and words. Visual communication, before script and writing were established, such as ancient drawings, has been used by people since thousands years ago.  The discovery of picture in prehistoric caves is considered as the beginning of drawing tradition towards the modern illustration. The discovery of scripts and writing shifted the tradition of drawing, although the simplest and the most effective communication is still the visual language.   It explains why an illustrative drawing in the old manuscript was used as a communication device which reflects the cultural development and the way of thinking from the society who created it. The tradition of writing and drawing in illustration was found in the Javanese and Balinese old manuscripts. The visual illustration, theme, and media of manuscripts shown similar in diversity, depend on their role in social life. Some parts of those old manuscripts show unique illustrations as well as the local identity of the society. The illustration on manuscript reflects the society culture of thinking and aesthetic achievement of visual art.     Key Words: Illustration, old Indonesian manuscript, visual language. 

At-Turats ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah

Language is the most effective communication device and has huge influence for its speaker behavior. The way of thinking, understanding, and radicalism cannot be separated from language. Therefore, this article provides several terms related to radicalism, i.e. irhab ‘terorist’ and ‘jihad’. The terms are analyzed using relevant Arabic linguistic theories. It is the theory of semantic development (ath-thawwur ad-dalaly) that constitutes a part of semantics, one of the linguistics disciplines. This article also discusses the definition of both words irhab and jihad based on linguistics. The definition is also viewed from its periodic language history: pre-Islamic and present. Semantic development in the jahili age can be seen from jahili poem related to the use of the two words. As result, the meanings of these two words have been changing from time to time.

2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Michael Fisch

This article is an expanded commentary on the essay “The Social Life of ‘Scaffolds’: Examining Human Rights in Regenerative Medicine.” In discussing the limits and possibilities of the essay, this commentary suggests that problematizing scaffolds in regenerative medicine as a kind of infrastructure rather than prosthetic opens the way for an understanding of the genesis of regenerative assemblages in ways that help to reframe inherent issues of human rights. Ultimately, it proposes the notion of experimental ecologies as a way of thinking about an ethically driven productive entanglement of bodies, environments, and technology.

2016 ◽  
Vol 61 (9) ◽  
pp. 109-115
Czesław Domański

The article discusses the latest challenges of research and teaching related to statistical education of the society. The technological revolution change the economic and social life radically. They require a transformation of the way of thinking and acting. Society need statistics that provides information about the country and its neighbors. Through statistics citizens can actively participate in democratic processes. These new conditions define the tasks set for the statisticians — to develop statistics skills and adapt statistical information to the needs of citizens.

А. Дононбаев ◽  
Лили Сюй

Аннотация: В данной статье анализируется этико-политическая культура в мировоззрении Конфуция и Ян Чжу. Проводится сопоставление учений двух философов, две важные составляющие мировоззренческая и этико-политическая. Данные два компонента в своем сочетании, создают определенное умонастроение времени, тем самым непосредственно формируя образ мышления и понимания действительности философами. Рассматриваются их противоположные концептуальные линиями мировоззренческой ориентации общественного сознания. Ключевые слова: "этикетность", "естественность", общественно-политическое учение, этико-политическая культура. Аннотация: Бул макалада Конфуцийдин жана Ян Жунун көз караштарындагы этикалык жана саясий маданияты анализделген. Бул эки ойчулдардын окууларын, идеологиялык жана этикалык-саясий эки маанилүү компоненттерин салыштырат. Бул эки компоненттердин натыйжада адамдардын түздөн-түз чыныгы ой жүгүртүүсүн, түшүнүктүн жолун түзүү, убакыттын белгилүү бир маанай түзүү үчүн биригишин, коомдук сезимдин идеологиялык багытынын карама-каршылыгын жана алардын багыттары талкууланат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: "этикеттик", "табигый", бир коомдук-саясий доктрина, ахлактык жана саясий маданият. Abstract: This article analyzes the ethical-political culture in the worldview of Confucius and Yang Zhu. A comparison of the teachings of two philosophers, two important components of the worldview and ethical-political. These two components, in their combination, create a certain frame of mind, thereby directly shaping the way of thinking and understanding of reality by philosophers. Their opposite conceptual lines of the ideological orientation of social consciousness are considered. Key words: "etiquette", "naturalness", social and political doctrine, ethical and political culture.

1999 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25 ◽  
A. H. Johns

Job (Ayyūb) is a byword for patience in the Islamic tradition, notwithstanding only six Qur'anic verses are devoted to him, four in Ṣād (vv.41-4), and two in al-Anbiyā' (vv.83-4), and he is mentioned on only two other occasions, in al-Ancām (v.84) and al-Nisā' (v.163). In relation to the space devoted to him, he could be accounted a ‘lesser’ prophet, nevertheless his significance in the Qur'an is unambiguous. The impact he makes is achieved in a number of ways. One is through the elaborate intertext transmitted from the Companions and Followers, and recorded in the exegetic tradition. Another is the way in which his role and charisma are highlighted by the prophets in whose company he is presented, and the shifting emphases of each of the sūras in which he appears. Yet another is the wider context created by these sūras in which key words and phrases actualize a complex network of echoes and resonances that elicit internal and transsūra associations focusing attention on him from various perspectives. The effectiveness of this presentation of him derives from the linguistic genius of the Qur'an which by this means triggers a vivid encounter with aspects of the rhythm of divine revelation no less direct than that of visual iconography in the Western Tradition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-41
Ischak Suryo Nugroho

Islamic education is not only focussed on physical problems such as cognitive but also on spiritualilty which the mind’s ability that is build in tasawuf by tarekat way. Qadiriyah is a taken from the name of its founder Abd. Al-Qadir Jilani who is popular with Syekh Abd. Al-Qadir Jilani Al-Ghawsts atau Quthb Auliya. Syeikh Abd. Al-Qadir is athe founder of spiritual which is masive and organized well. Before Syeikh Abd. Al-Qadir Jilani, Islamic spiritual is individual and not well-organized. According to Al Sya’rani, the form and characteristic of Tarekat Syaikh Abd. Al-Qadir is tauhid . The way to achieve the syariat is by spritual and mental activities. The Syaikh Abd. Al-Qadir Al-Jilani always emphasizes on purificstion from the men’s desire. Some of the lessons are taubat, zuhud, tawakal, syukur, ridha and honest.  Key Words : Islamic Education, Tarekat, Qadiriyah

1970 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 426-440
Yuni Setia Ningsih

Family is a tiny scope that will bring someone to social life. The fine social order influenced by condition of every family inside it, because society is an accumulation and reflection of lifestyle, world view, even way of thinking of every individual in a family. Good or worse community at social life is depending on family condition. Family is playing important role to direct children to become good moral generation on and beneficial for society. Therefore, to realize that goal, children emotional education from early age at family scope is requirement. 

Anastasia Fedorova

In Linguistics the terms model and modelling have a vast array of meanings, which depends on the purpose and the object, and the type of the scientific research. The article is dedicated to the investigation of a special procedure of semantic processes modelling, deducing and substantiating the notion “evolutional semantic model”, the content and operational opportunities of which differ drastically from the essence and purpose of the known from the scientific literature phenomenon of the same name. In the proposed research this variety of modelling is oriented towards the description of the dynamics of the legal terms content loading, the estimation of possible vectors of the semantic evolution on the way of its terminalization/determinalization. The evolutional model of semantics has here as its basis the succession of sememes or series of sememes, the order of which is determined with accounting of a number of parameters. The typical schemes of the meaning development, illustrated by the succession of sememes, are considered to be the models of semantic laws (evolutional semantic models = EMS). Their function is the explanation of the mechanism and the order of the stages of the semantic evolution of the system of the words which sprung from one root on the way of its legal specialization, and, therefore, the proposed in the paper experience of semantic laws modelling differs from the expertise of the “catalogue of semantic derivations”, proposed by H. A. Zaliznjak, which doesn’t have as its purpose the explanation of meaning displacements, and from the notion of semantic derivation, models of derivation, dynamic models, worked out by O. V. Paducheva, which also only state such a displacement, without proving its reality. Key words: evolutional semantic model (EMS), modelling, semantic law, sememe, pre(law).

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 26-43
Marcin Pliszka

The article analyses descriptions, memories, and notes on Dresden found in eighteenth-century accounts of Polish travellers. The overarching research objective is to capture the specificity of the way of presenting the city. The ways that Dresden is described are determined by genological diversity of texts, different ways of narration, the use of rhetorical repertoire, and the time of their creation. There are two dominant ways of presenting the city: the first one foregrounds the architectural and historical values, the second one revolves around social life and various kinds of games (redoubts, performances).

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