Naukovy Visnyk of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K D Ushynsky Linguistic Sciences
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Published By Ushynsky University


Oleh Tyshchenko

The article considers performative speech acts (expressives, commissives, wishes, curses, threats, warnings, etc.) and generally exclamatory phraseology in the original and translation in terms of the function of the addressee, the specifics of the communicative situation, the symbolism and pragmatics of the cultural text. Through cultural and semiotic reconstruction of these units, their semantic and grammatical structure and features of motivation in several linguistic cultures were clarified. Collectively, these verbal acts, on the one hand, mark the semiotic structure of the narrative structure of the text, and on the other hand, indicate the idiostyle of a particular author or characterize the speech of the characters and the associated range of emotions (curses, invectives, cries of indignation, dissatisfaction, etc.). Several translated versions of M. Bulgakov’s novel «The Master and Margarita» (in Ukrainian, Polish, Slovak and English) and English translations of M. Kotsyubynsky’s novel «Fata Morgana» and Dovzhenko’s short story «Enchanted Desna» constitute the material for the study. The obtained results are essential for elucidating the specifics of the national conceptual sphere of a certain culture and revealing the types of inter lingual equivalents, idiomatic analogues in the transmission of common ethno-cultural content. This approach can be useful for a new understanding of domestication and adaptation in translation, translation of culturally marked units, onyms, mythological concepts, etc. as a specific translation practices. There was further developed the theory of phatic and performative-expressive speech acts in lingual cultural comprehension.

Yuliia Kukovynets ◽  
Vladyslava Akkurt ◽  
Olena Velychenko

The article reveals the concept of comic effect, its types, techniques in fiction, as well as their differential features. In order to conduct a deep analysis of humor, the means of its transmission were identified and analyzed, that is, stylistic figures and artistic tropes. The author of the scientific paper revealed the essence of translation transformations, substantiated their role in conveying the comic effect in the literary text for children and adult readers, and also analyzed the features of conveying the comic effect using translation lexical, lexicalsemantic, grammatical, complex lexico-grammatical transformations and translation techniques.

Victor Britsyn

The article outlines the main provisions of the cognitive theory of modality and shows the possibilities of applying this theory in the process of describing poetic texts. The methodology of applying the cognitive theory of modality is demonstrated mainly on the material of the poetic works by T. Shevchenko. They exhibit an extremely wide palette of modal meanings and modal thought transitions. In particular, the visual perceptions presented here are an example of the verbal continuation of the talent of the wonderful artist. The article shows the innovation of T. Shevchenko in the modal organization of poetic texts, the correlation between his finds and new stylistic devices that were introduced by A. Pushkin who greatly enriched the literature.

Oleksandra Popova

The article is devoted to the study of the translation specificities of rendering the innovative Chinese scientific and technical terms into English, German, Ukrainian and Russian. The tactical and strategic vectors determining the manifestation of scientific and technical discourse have been specified; the notions “terms”, “terminology”, “scientific and technical discourse” have been clarified. We associate terms with the exact linguistic designation of specialised concepts expressed by nouns, nominative, verbal and adverbial phrases. We identify terminology as an aggregate / set of terms that function within scientific, technical and other professional fields. Scientific and technical discourse is determined through the prism of its dual nature (linguistic and extralinguistic) as a discourse of science and technology, a scientifically-driven discourse, the extralinguistic background of which is associated with the prerequisites for launching innovative scientific (and technical) projects, alongside intrastate development and intergovernmental cooperation. The linguistic features of the terms under study and the translation construct used while reproducing them from Chinese into English, German, Ukrainian and Russian have been characterised. We define the strategy of communicatively equivalent / equivalent translation as the leading one in terms of implementing the communicative intention of the author of the source (original) text in the target language. The article analyses translation tactics which can contribute to an adequate perception of a scientific message: the tactics of transferring cognitive information; the tactics of correct information layout (in accordance with the norms of the target language). The author specifies common translation transformations enabling adequate reproduction of innovative Chinese terms in Germanic and Slavonic languages: transliteration (transcription, transcoding), equivalent translation, analogue, loan translation, descriptive translation.

Olena Steriopolo

The article reveals the methodology of developing and conducting an experimental phonetic analysis of speech which will facilitate the usage of substantiated approaches to collect material and describe it from different viewpoints. It illustrates a wide potential of valid approaches to phonetic investigations, as well as equips researchers with knowledge of how to correctly plan all the stages of a specific analysis, which will ultimately help them to avoid speculative assertions; instead, it offers an objective criterion of assessing the validity of the obtained results.

Ilona Derik ◽  
Yevheniia Savchenko

The article is dedicated to the issue of possible difficulties of rendering phonetic and graphical stylistic devices in translating English belles-lettres texts into Ukrainian. The survey of the existing theoretical works on this topic has revealed the relevance of the sound imitation and other ways of sound instrumentation in the general stylistic and pragmatic effect of the literary work. It has been proved that typological discrepancies on one hand, and ethnic and cultural differences on the other hand result in additional challenges for belles-lettres literature translators. In this respect children's literature requires special techniques in translation as young readers' perception is more dependent on the translator's skill. The research was carried out on the basis of K. Grahame's fairy tale «The Wind in the Willows» and its Ukrainian translation by A. Sahan «Вітер у вербах». The phonetic and graphical stylistic devices and the mechanism of their functioning in English children's literature served as the object of the research, the subject being the peculiarities of rendering these devices in Ukrainian translation. The objective of the research was to provide the most efficient ways of rendering the phonetic and graphical stylistic devices in translation into the typologically different language. It has been concluded that onomatopoeic words are more aptly rendered by means of the search for the analogue, while in preserving assonance and alliteration losses in rendering are more inevitable due to the typological discrepancies on the phonetic and lexical levels. However, the employment of translation transformations allows to optimize the quality of translation. The perspective is seen in the study of the figures of speech of other linguistic levels and the ways of their rendering in Ukrainian translation.

Tetiana Korolova ◽  
Natalya Zhmayeva

The work is devoted to the research of the ways that reflect the prosody characteristics of the English utterances containing negative semantics in the Ukrainian oral translation. The difficulty of achieving this goal when treating prosody is in its multifunctionallity and multicomponential nature. Prosody is the main means of signifying the communicative types of sentences and the pragmaticsof the communicative process. Correlation of prosody with pragmatic andsemantic components of communication is carried out through the prism of the emotional sphere of human speech behavior. The analysis of the experimental material provided an opportunity to find both distinctive and typologically common for Ukrainian and English characteristics of negative modality at the level of negative connotative meanings prosody, such as of objections, condemnation, reproach, and specific correlates of negative modality in either of the two languages under analysis. Typologically similar characteristics include the following: the register of melody, the range of dynamic parameter andtimbre components of prosody, the state of the vocal cords and larynx and their combinations. The mechanism of realization of prosody of negative connotations is typologically similar in two languages: the most frequent combinations of interaction of prosody parameters in English and Ukrainian languages are the increase in intensity and the synchronous growth of melody – 24,7% and 25,3%, respectively, in the amount of the experimental phrases. The functional significance of the temporal component at the segmental level in the English language and the absence of such a characteristic in the Ukrainian language expands the possibility of applying the time parameter at the suprasegmental level in the Ukrainian language. Knowledge of the laws of prosodic variability in two languages helps to interpret correctly and produce the semantics of a foreign language in translation.

Natalia Romanova

The article deals with the German neologisms in the period from March 2020 to the present. Coronavirus although is not terrible, but its consequences are unpredictable. The world is not only divided into two parts: before and during the disease, but also put man in front of a difficult choice: to be or not to be a biological form. In other words, human behavior must be transformed, focused on real fruitful cooperation to increase the level of happiness on the planet Earth. Covid is obviously the trigger that will help balance the spiritual and the unspiritual, the material and the ideal, the moral and the immoral, the intellectual and the emotional, or, conversely, the physical destruction of the “spoiled product” of modern humanity. All this indicates the relevance of choosing the topic of the abstracted article. The semantic uncertainties of German nouns with coronavirus meaning, the fragmentary nature of scientific research necessitate further comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon. We also see the urgency of the work in the general orientation of modern linguistics to consider the peculiarities of the formation of the lexical meaning of the neologism. We interpret neologism as a result of the nominative process of new concepts of the world around us on the time axis. The semantic subtypes of the analyzed neologisms are singled out, their classification by thematic feature is offered, the strong and weak links of the general development of the linguistic community are clarified, the duality of the socio-psychological behavior of the ethnos is proved, and its emotional and evaluative attitude to the coronavirus pandemic is reconstructed.

Tetyana Yablonska ◽  
Darya Iordanova

The relevance of the English Language learning is substantiated in the article for many reasons. First, because of its prevalence in the whole world. Secondly, due to the huge number of lexical and stylistic features, such as context, polysemantic words, direct word order in sentence, variability (British, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand English). Thirdly, owing to its clarity, conciseness, emotional colouring and individuality. The article defines the possibilities of the contextual method using in the Turkish and English language Lexicology studying. Such teaching methods as descriptive (for a general description of the context); contextual-interpretive (to identify the functional and semantic meaning of a word), as well as a method of creating a problem situation using a contextual task were used for achieving the goal. The features of the English language as the language of international communication are determined; the place of the context in English is considered and the role of the English context in comparison with the Turkish one is defined. The difficulties of translating words from English and vice versa due to their ambiguity are stipulated. Especially it concerns synonymic dominants, idioms, set phrases and phrasal verbs. Context has been shown to understand the meaning of a word or phrase. Depending upon the context and lexical surroundings, most words in common vocabulary can change their meaning in both Turkish and English.

Іван Бондаренко

Міжнародне співробітництво набирає дедалі важливішого значення й однією з основних сфер міжнародного суспільства є освіта. Дослідження потребують особливості відтворення юридичних документів з урахуванням особливостей юридичної системи та лінгвокультури кожної країни, що робить дослідження надзвичайно актуальним та теоретично значущим. Характерною ознакою сучасного етапу розвитку світової культури є широка глобалізація, інтернаціоналізація і всеосяжність електронних засобів зв’язку у межах чого особливого значення набуває процес міжнаціональної комунікації. Значне місце в цьому процесі займає офіційна комунікація між країнами, яка відрізняється від інших видів комунікації цілою низкою специфічних рис на всіх рівнях її реалізації, що має бути об’єктом компетенції професійних фахівців із перекладу і постійно знаходитися в центрі їхньої уваги. Особливо актуальним стає дослідження означеного питання по відношенню до мов Сходу через їхні суттєві лінгвокультурні відмінності. Виокремленню і комплексному дослідженню таких особливостей англомовних документів при їх перекладі китайською мовою і присвячено рецензовану монографію.

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