2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 458-462
Boris Georgiev ◽  

This report is dedicated to the creation and implementation of a curriculum based on the STEM methodology. The subject #AlgoRhythm combines three areas (natural sciences, music and information technology) in order to increase creativity, motivation to learn and encourage the imagination of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-16
V.G. Kuznetsov ◽  

The paper examines the problem of the criteria for the scientific nature of humanitarian knowledge and its demarcation from natural science. The goal is to determine the specifics of the humanities. The author proposes to discuss the texts as a subject of the humanities. The classical understanding of the text presents it as written works, taken in different genres of literature. Cognitive strategies for studying such texts are called textual methodologies. It is impossible to give a general justification for all the humanities with this approach. Therefore, author proposes to consider an expanded understanding of texts as outwardly objectified results of a person’s spiritual activity. Such an extension will allow to explore a vast subject area, which will include classical texts. With this approach, the category of “understanding” becomes the central unifying category. It is also subject to the creation of a comprehensive understanding methodology capable of explaining the difference be­tween the humanities and the natural sciences. The subject universality of the textual nature of the humanities makes possible the “transfer” of hermeneutical methodology to the whole world of humanitarian culture.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Hasanudin S. Usman

The purpose of this research is to know how to incerease the students’ learning achievement that has been applied learning contextual task-based learning model and to know the influence of contextual learning in  the task-based teaching model to improve achievemen and motivation to learn the material pe civis lesson.   This research is an action research by theree rounds. Each round consists of four phases. Design activities are observation, and revesion. The subject of the research is XI grade students of Bina Informatika Ternate accademic year 2015/2016. Data obtained in the form of a formative test results, observation sheet teaching and learning activities. The results of the research showed that students’ achivement increased from round I to III that the round 1, (70.00 % ), (92,50 %)  3 cycles, conclusions of this research is the method of cooperatif learning can be a positive influence on students motivation and achievement in material udaya politics in Indonesia. It means that this model can be used as one of the alternative learning for Pkn.            Kata  kunci: PKn, cooperative learning method

GEOgraphia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 103
Alexandre Domingues Ribas ◽  
Antonio Carlos Vitte

Resumo: Há um relativo depauperamento no tocante ao nosso conhecimento a respeito da relação entre a filosofia kantiana e a constituição da geografia moderna e, conseqüentemente, científica. Esta relação, quando abordada, o é - vezes sem conta - de modo oblíquo ou tangencial, isto é, ela resta quase que exclusivamente confinada ao ato de noticiar que Kant ofereceu, por aproximadamente quatro décadas, cursos de Geografia Física em Königsberg, ou que ele foi o primeiro filósofo a inserir esta disciplina na Universidade, antes mesmo da criação da cátedra de Geografia em Berlim, em 1820, por Karl Ritter. Não ultrapassar a pueril divulgação deste ato em si mesma só nos faz jogar uma cortina sobre a ausência de um discernimento maior acerca do tributo de Kant àfundamentação epistêmica da geografia moderna e científica. Abrir umafrincha nesta cortina denota, necessariamente, elucidar o papel e o lugardo “Curso de Geografia Física” no corpus da filosofia transcendental kantiana. Assim sendo, partimos da conjectura de que a “Geografia Física” continuamente se mostrou, a Kant, como um conhecimento portador de um desmedido sentido filosófico, já que ela lhe denotava a própria possibilidade de empiricização de sua filosofia. Logo, a Geografia Física seria, para Kant, o embasamento empírico de suas reflexões filosóficas, pois ela lhe comunicava a empiricidade da invenção do mundo; ela lhe outorgava a construção metafísica da “superfície da Terra”. Destarte, da mesma maneira que a Geografia, em sua superfície geral, conferiu uma espécie de atributo científico à validação do empírico da Modernidade (desde os idos do século XVI), a Geografia Física apresentou-se como o sustentáculo empírico da reflexão filosófica kantiana acerca da “metafísica da natureza” e da “metafísica do mundo”.THE COURSE OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF IMMANUEL KANT(1724-1804): CONTRIBUTION FOR THE GEOGRAPHICALSCIENCE HISTORY AND EPISTEMOLOGYAbstract: There is a relative weakness about our knowledge concerningKant philosophy and the constitution of modern geography and,consequently, scientific geography. That relation, whenever studied,happens – several times – in an oblique or tangential way, what means thatit lies almost exclusively confined in the act of notifying that Kant offered,for approximately four decades, “Physical Geography” courses inKonigsberg, or that he was the first philosopher teaching the subject at anyCollege, even before the creation of Geography chair in Berlin, in 1820, byKarl Ritter. Not overcoming the early spread of that act itself only made usthrow a curtain over the absence of a major understanding about Kant’stribute to epistemic justification of modern and scientific geography. Toopen a breach in this curtain indicates, necessarily, to lighten the role andplace of Physical Geography Course inside Kantian transcendentalphilosophy. So, we began from the conjecture that Physical Geography hasalways shown, by Kant, as a knowledge carrier of an unmeasuredphilosophic sense, once it showed the possibility of empiricization of hisphilosophy. Therefore, a Physical Geography would be, for Kant, theempirics basis of his philosophic thoughts, because it communicates theempiria of the world invention; it has made him to build metaphysically the“Earth’s surface”. In the same way, Geography, in its general surface, hasgiven a particular tribute to the empiric validation of Modernity (since the16th century), Physical Geography introduced itself as an empiric basis toKantian philosophical reflection about “nature’s metaphysics” and the“world metaphysics” as well.Keywords: History and Epistemology of Geography, Physical Geography,Cosmology, Kantian Transcendental Philosophy, Nature.

1984 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-39
Roger D. Spegele

The history of recent efforts to establish a science of international politics may be usefully viewed as elaborate glosses on David Hume's powerful philosophical programme for resolving, reconciling or dissolving a variety of perspicuous dualities: the external and the internal, mind and body, reason and experience. Philosophers and historians of ideas still dispute the extent to which Hume succeeded but if one is to judge by the two leading ‘scientific’ research programmes1 for international politics—inductivism and naive falsificationism —these dualities are as unresolved as ever, with fatal consequences for the thesis of the unity of the sciences. For the failure to reconcile or otherwise dissolve such divisions shows that, on the Humean view, there is at least one difference between the physical (or natural) sciences. and the moral (or social) sciences: namely, that while the latter bear on the internal and external, the former are concerned primarily with the external. How much this difference matters and how the issue is avoided by the proponents of inductivism and naïve falsification is the subject matter of this paper.

Ewa Wipszycka

The Canons of Athanasius, a homiletic work written at the beginning of the fifth century in one of the cities of the Egyptian chora, provide us with many important and detailed pieces of information about the Church hierarchy. Information gleaned from this text can be found in studies devoted to the history of Christianity of the fourth and fifth centuries, but rarely are they the subject of reflection as an autonomous subject. To date, no one has endeavoured to determine how the author of the Canons sought to establish the parameters of his work: why he included certain things in this work, and why left other aspects out despite them being within the boundaries of the subject which he had wished to write upon. This article looks to explore two thematic areas: firstly, what we learn about the hierarchical Church from the Canons, and secondly, what we know about the hierarchical Church from period sources other than the Canons. This article presents new arguments which exclude the authorship of Athanasius and date the creation of the Canons to the first three decades of the fifth century.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Wardana, Zakiah

pplication quizlet is one of media-based learning android application that can be used to a limited extent to the students, that is, their use by teachers who provided the material is in the form of questions relating to the learning and grating exam questions that will be dihadapai by the students of classes VI MI DDI Seppange Bone. Granting of quizlet is done gradually so that absorption to the students can be more rapid and structured. Use of the media learning is very beneficial to students because it can be developed by entering (input) the subject matter in the form of questions that melingupi an important part of the sub a lesson. Quizlet apps is also a means of contracting the message and information learned. As well as the power tTarik learning using information technology is well designed to help learners in the digest and understand the subject matter. On dasarya this research uses Quasi Experimental Research method, by using the subject of research in the form of a group (class). Class VI MI DDI Seppange taken as the population because, this class was considered qualified and already have knowledge about android-based learning, this can be seen from the quizlet diajuan at the time of pre-test. Variables that are revealed in this research is a study of the response against the application of learning to the students ' quizlet klas VI students taught using quizlet and response application of their learning. Next design research is applied in this study isThe pre-test – post-test control group design.

Ж. Л. Козіна ◽  
О. Пугунец

In the article the basic directions of modern information technology to provide visibility through the creation and application not only static, but also dynamic circuits. We describe the use of modern means of computer printing technology to create visual aids, and - the method of creation of animated charts.

2002 ◽  
Vol 01 (03) ◽  
Emanuele Salerno

This paper is concerned with the interactions between information technology and the humanities, and focuses on how the humanities have changed since adopting computers. The debate among humanists on the subject initially focuses on the alleged methodological changes brought about by the introduction of computing technology. It subsequently analyses the changes in research that were caused by IT not directly but indirectly, as a consequence of the changes effected on society as a whole. After briefly summarising the history of the interactions between information technology and the humanities, the paper draws on literature to examine the way humanists have perceived the evolution of their disciplines. The paper concludes by fitting the phenomenon into a model of scientific revolution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 527-536
Paula T. Palomino ◽  
Armando M. Toda ◽  
Wilk Oliveira ◽  
Luiz Rodrigues ◽  
Seiji Isotani

This paper presents an experience report concerning the use of a platformcalled “Storium” in the subject of “Interactive Fiction” for undergraduatestudents, from a Digital Design Course. The objective was to use the learningtheories of constructivism and multimedia learning to create an instructionalplan devised to teach the students how to create complex interactive narrativesand stories from a practical perspective. During the course, the students learnedthe subject’s theoretical concepts and applied them directly, creating their owninteractive fiction. The results from this research proposes a new approach, usingdigital tools whose resources provides an environment for the creation ofinteractive narratives. These narratives can be used to aid future designs ofinstructional plans for complex writing concepts.

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