Automated design of high voltage pylons

2021 ◽  
Jos de Bruijn ◽  
Sander van Alphen

<p>As new energy resources like solar, wind and hydropower are being used more and more over the world, the demand for transport of energy and with that the demand for powerlines is big. Also, in The Netherlands this is the case. TenneT (company responsible for the transport of energy in The Netherlands) had to realise a total of 75 km’s of power lines in one project called Wintrack II. This includes 41 different kind of pole types that carry the conductors. The conductors are carried by so called bipoles, these are conical steel tubes.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌</p><p>To help TenneT a semi-automatic tooling was made to calculate and to model the different pole types. The poles are modelled with inventor and calculated with different software programs.</p><p>To validate the different calculations and used model’s 3D FEM-calculations are performed as well as full scale tests. Several kinds of calculations and designs are made, especially in steel and concrete. For example, calculations are made on vortex, prestressing of anchors, flange connections and next to that measurements are being performed on full scale poles.</p>

1986 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 631-647
Peter Pintz

After the first oil-price shock of 1973, a search for new energy policies was started all over the world. Changing one fundamental concept - that relating to the general development of energy supply and consumption - was, however, out of the question. The pre-1973 trend of development was maintained. The energy elasticities did not change. The old forecasts were still held to be valid and were considered now, as earlier, to be the objectives which a successful energy policy had to achieve. This was considered a prerequisite for high growth rates of GNP and improvements in living conditions, and energy consumption was regarded as an indicator of the level of economic development. Therefore, the focus was shifted to an enlargement of the supply of indigenous energy resources as a substitute for imported energy, so that dependence on foreign countries could be minimized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 02015
Mikalai Shalabyta ◽  
Andrei Shuryn ◽  
Tatsiana Shalabyta ◽  
Viacheslav Dragan

There are quite often statically complex structures, the reliability of theoretical calculations of which needs experimental verification in the world practice of design and construction. Studies of building structures functioning can be full-scale or carried out on their models in laboratory conditions depending on the goals set. Full-scale tests of building structures are more expensive, therefore, their implementation requires a special approach and justification. However, to check the operation of complex, critical structures which primarily include metal spatial large-span structures of coatings of buildings and structures especially those used for the first time to assess their bearing capacity, to establish the degree of participation in the construction of each of the elements, to study the operation of individual new nodal elements etc., only full-scale tests are required.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 518
Andrija Ljulj ◽  
Vedran Slapničar

This paper presents seakeeping test results for a coastal patrol ship (CPS) in the Croatian Navy (CN). The full-scale tests were conducted on a CPS prototype that was accepted by the CN. The seakeeping numerical prediction and model tests were done during preliminary project design. However, these results are not fully comparable with the prototype tests since the ship was lengthened in the last phases of the project. Key numerical calculations are presented. The CPS project aims to renew a part of the Croatian Coast Guard with five ships. After successful prototype acceptance trials, the Croatian Ministry of Defence (MoD) will continue building the first ship in the series in early 2020. Full-scale prototype seakeeping test results could be valuable in the design of similar CPS projects. The main aim of this paper is to publish parts of the sea trial results related to the seakeeping performance of the CPS. Coast guards around the world have numerous challenges related to peacetime tasks such as preventing human and drug trafficking, fighting terrorism, controlling immigration, and protecting the marine environmental. They must have reliable platforms with good seakeeping characteristics that are important for overall ship operations. The scientific purpose of this paper is to contribute to the design process of similar CPS projects in terms of the development of seakeeping requirements and their level of fulfillment on an actual ship.

2014 ◽  
Vol 614 ◽  
pp. 141-144
Shi Ming Wang ◽  
Wei Zhao ◽  
Yao Li ◽  
Ka Tian

Now the world is running short of source and the human beings are developing different kinds of new energy resources. This article introduced and analysis several kinds of wave power devices, tells the advantage and disadvantages. There is a great improvement in the modern wave power generating sets, but still some technology bottlenecks, we should work on these challenges and make full use of the ocean energy resources with the lowest cost.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Ionuţ Alin Cîrdei

AbstractToday’s society is heavily dependent on fossil energy resources and especially on oil, which is the basis of the entire transport system and beyond. The need for energy resources will increase with the passage of time, in the context in which the population of the world grows, and the fulfillment of its basic needs implies an increasing consumption of energy. The fossil energy resources are in finite quantity, and their depletion is a matter of time, even if the moment when they will disappear is quite remote, due to the discovery of new deposits, the improvement of extraction technologies, etc. The depletion of fossil energy resources can be a major challenge for all states that will have to take measures for a smooth transition to the use of new energy sources that are supposed to cover the needs of society and at the same time to have a small impact on the environment, in an attempt to reduce the pace of climate change.

R. N. Nilsson ◽  
I. Oost ◽  
P. C. Hopman

VEROAD, a linear viscoelastic multilayer computer program, takes the time dependence of road building materials into consideration. VEROAD calculates the responses (displacements, stresses, and strains) of a pavement structure subjected to a moving, sliding load. The validation of VEROAD (for longitudinal and transversal strain results) is described. The calculated strains were compared with measured strains from two full-scale pavement tests: the road track machine test in Denmark and the linear tracking apparatus test in the Netherlands. Measurements from these tests indicate distinct viscoelastic strain curves, that is, time retardation and asymmetry. The study indicates that VEROAD is able to calculate the pavement behavior (both longitudinal and transversal strains) as it was measured in these two full-scale tests. VEROAD-calculated strain curves have the same shape as the measured curves.

2009 ◽  
pp. 26-38 ◽  
S. Glaziev

The article analyzes fundamental reasons for the world economic crisis in the light of global technological shifts. It proves that it is caused by the substitution of technological modes. It is shown that sharp increase and slump in stock indices and prices for energy resources are typical of the process of technological substitution which occurs regularly according to the rhythm of long-wave fluctuations of the world economic activity. The article rationalizes a package of anti-crisis measures aimed at stimulating the new technological mode. Its structure and role of the locomotive factor of the new long wave of economic growth are revealed.

2014 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
Jan Kurowiak

AbstractAs a work of propaganda, graphics Austroseraphicum Coelum Paulus Pontius should create a new reality, make appearances. The main impression while seeing the graphics is the admiration for the power of Habsburgs, which interacts with the power of the Mother of God. She, in turn, refers the viewer to God, as well as Franciscans placed on the graphic, they become a symbol of the Church. This is a starting point for further interpretation of the drawing. By the presence of certain characters, allegories, symbols, we can see references to a particular political situation in the Netherlands - the war with the northern provinces of Spain. The message of the graphic is: the Spanish Habsburgs, commissioned by the mission of God, they are able to fight all of the enemies, especially Protestants, with the help of Immaculate and the Franciscans. The main aim of the graphic is to convince the viewer that this will happen and to create in his mind a vision of the new reality. But Spain was in the seventeenth century nothing but a shadow of former itself (in the time of Philip IV the general condition of Spain get worse). That was the reason why they wanted to hold the belief that the empire continues unwavering. The form of this work (graphics), also allowed to export them around the world, and the ambiguity of the symbolic system, its contents relate to different contexts, and as a result, the Habsburgs, not only Spanish, they could promote their strength everywhere. Therefore it was used very well as a single work of propaganda, as well as a part of a broader campaign

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