Svetlana Palamar ◽  
Marina Naumenko ◽  

The article considers the characteristics of the future pedagogue’s personality, the peculiarities of his / her formation as a person and a professional, which occurs for a long period: in the process of studying for the chosen profession, during independent pedagogical professional activity after graduation and throughout the entire professional life. Becoming a young specialist is associated with the formation of a professional position - determining a position in the system of relations with colleagues and students. The importance of personal abilities to self-development and self-design, flexibility, openness to the knowledge of the new, the presence of which, as well as individual behavior, characterize the competitiveness of a specialist, especially in the conditions of European integration is also noted. The relevance of the implementation of interactive teaching methods, particularly the storytelling, as a method in the professional training of future pedagogues, is theoretically substantiated. It is determined that the main difference between storytelling is the ease, lack of compelling suggestions; while listening or reading such a story, the audience will draw the necessary conclusion and will remember a lot more information. Submitting educational material in the form of storytelling develops the imagination, logic and enhances students' cultural education. Storytelling can be considered universal because its possibilities are wide and independent of time and place. Possibilities of introducing storytelling into the educational process of higher education institutions in Ukraine are analyzed in the article. The basic features of storytelling are confirmed, which affirm the relevance of the use of this method in working with students. A list of modern educational tools for creating quality content and interesting styling is presented, because in the educational process it is important not only to use such a method as storytelling but also to diversify the presentation and design of stories

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (46) ◽  
S. O. Danylov

In the article the author shows the peculiarities of the development of socio-professional maturity of the future pedagogue in the context of pedagogical acmeology. Therefore, there is an urgent need to optimize the process of professional training of future lecturers on the basis of a new methodology that would combine personal and professional development in the educational process, direct professional self-determination and self-improvement of the future specialist, promote their self-realization and professional development. We believe that the process of professional training of future pedagogues should be based on the developed acmeogram and professiogram, model the professional and personal development of the specialist in accordance with the content and objectives of professional activity. This will not only direct the process of professional training to a certain ideal model of the specialist, but also to actualize the professional self-determination and self-development of the future pedagogue.Key words: future pedagogue, activity, personality, self-determination, self-improvement, acmeology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77
Irina Ye. Molostvova

The article describes the requirements for a man of the new time, expressed in the need for his personal self-development, the full disclosure of creative potential. The specificity of the professional activity of a teacher-musician as a subject of culture capable of establishing a spiritual level interaction with students is determined, which is based on the actualization of the creative self-consciousness of all subjects of the educational process. The author considers the possibility of the technologization of the process of mastering the teacher-musician artistic and interpretative activities as a necessary component of his professional training, starting with the development of diagnostics of the success of mastering it. For this purpose, the concept of “artistic and interpretational competence of a teacher-musician” is introduced, and the stages of mastering it are defined: motivational-indicative, procedural-activity-related, and effective-corrective. The article proposes a detailed description of these stages in terms of content and diagnosis of the achievement of the appropriate level. In accordance with this, to diagnose the process of forming artistic and interpretative competence, the author proposes a level principle of diagnosis and an exemplary system of tasks that reveal knowledge and skills that are characterized as standard, key or leading.

Tamara HNATENKO ◽  

Introduction. High-quality professional training of health care professionals necessitates the renewal and introduction of innovative technologies, forms and methods of teaching in the educational process of establishments of higher education. It is time to train a modern specialist who will not only be competent, but also able to think independently, make responsible decisions and act creatively in various areas of professional activi-ties, navigate in modern society, information space, life-long learning. The purpose of the article is to determine the effective-ness of the introduction and use of interactive technolo-gies in pharmaceutical activities, taking into account the requirements of today. Methods. Theoretical and empirical. Results. Interactive teaching methods based on the latest information-and-computer technologies not only encourage students to creative search activities, promote their professional development, enable the development of their personality, but also create conditions for the for-mation of the necessary qualities for interaction in modern society. The main role in this process is played by dis-tance learning methods, which are based on modern computer technologies and have no equal in the degree of mobility, the number of students who study, and long-range. Originality. The use of interactive teaching methods leads to certain changes in the construction and structure of classes, which become more intense and interesting. Interactive learning technologies promote active interac-tion of students with each other and with the teacher. At the same time, interactive learning technologies are based on the direct interaction of students with the learning environment. Conclusion. Interactive teaching methods contribute to the intensification and optimization of the educational process in pharmaceutical activities. These modern meth-ods encourage the strengthening of educational influ-ences, as in their application students become more dem-ocratic, learn to think critically, be ready to solve complex professional problems, situations, show activity, initiative, demanding, responsibility for their actions, humane per-sonality qualities. Thus, teachers of medical establishments of higher education should help modern society to “get sick without complications” of general computerization, and students should be taught in the best traditions of practical orienta-tion of medical (pharmaceutical) education so that they are healthy, happy after graduation, motivated, highly professional, competitive, in demand and self-sufficient. Thus, the use of interactive teaching methods will opti-mize the educational process, which will make learning more effective and complement the interaction of teachers and students with interactive forms of communication and increase the level of higher education in Ukraine.

Olena Kirdan ◽  
Oleksandr Kirdan

The article is devoted to the characteristics of the peculiarities of the formation of soft skills of higher education in the educational process of higher education. To achieve this goal, general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, comparison, concretization, generalization, content analysis. The following essential features of soft skills are singled out: coverage of competencies that contribute to the self-realization of future professionals and are individualized in terms of content, target, time and personal dimension; complexity, etc. Emphasis is placed on the need for active formation and intensive development of soft skills in students at the stage of study in higher education institutions. The importance of soft skills formation in the context of criteria for assessing the quality of the educational program and descriptors of the National Qualifications Framework is substantiated. It is emphasized that the formation of soft skills of students in the educational process depends on the policy of free economic education. Positive practice includes the pervasiveness of soft skills formation both within certain educational components (compulsory and optional) and extracurricular activities of higher education institutions. It is stated that the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions does not yet have universal technologies for the formation of soft skills. Teaching methods such as small group work, creative exercises, case method, role and business games, debate, discussion, interactive method, brainstorming, project method, facilitation, training, personal and professional portfolio creation, independent research, heuristic method – should be used in the educational process of modern universities for the formation and development of soft skills. Possibilities of non-formal education for self-development of soft skills are analyzed. Keywords: soft skills; educational process; teaching methods; learning technologies; personal development; educational program; professional training; non-formal education; self-development.

O.R. Luchko

The article reflects the relevance of using interactive teaching methods based on the involvement of all participants of the educational process, who are being impelled to pass through the specific training materials within the relevant discipline and each topic in particular. The article also highlights the distinct features of innovative teaching techniques, their types and characteristics. There have been analyzed small group methods, brainstorming, discussion, case method, business game, and debriefing techniques. A variety of teaching methods, the requirements for their selection make instructors and lecturers of a higher medical school to opt teaching methods thoroughly for each topic in order to enhance their own methodology of teaching subjects than in general should considerably contribute to professional task solving of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. The paper presents the implementation of some methods into interactive professional training at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Prof. M.M. Berezhnitsky Dentistry Faculty, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. The 3rd year dental students are often involved into training activities through the methods of small group working and "brainstorming" that allows to deeper understanding and better mastering of theoretical knowledge. In order to improve subject comprehension, the 4th year students are involved into topic-related discussions and problem-solving tasks. The case method in its different designs and business games are used to consider and analyze an each individual clinical case in the discipline course. The debriefing technique seems to be effective to improve practical skills required by a typical discipline curriculum. The implementation of interactive training techniques is a prerequisite for ensuring the effectiveness of the teaching and learning the discipline "Internal Medicine". Such training tactics provide fostering of students' professional thinking, promote their professional and personal growth, stimulate learning and cognitive activity, master the skills of comprehensive analysis of situations and prompt decision making.

I.N. Gornostaeva ◽  

The article discusses the possibilities of using methods of teaching English in higher education from classical to interactive ones. Special attention is paid to the role of the teacher in the formation of language competence and the effective organization of the learning process. The article proves the importance of introducing into the educational process such interactive teaching methods as work in small groups, preparation of projects and multimedia presentations, training, and brainstorming.

Мар’яна ЛЕВКО

The article deals with analysis and generalization of methodological fundamentals of the development of political culture of future officers in the educational process of higher military educational establishments. It was clarified that formation of political culture of cadets depends on the teacher, since their general culture and personal qualities are a tool of influence upon them.A military instructor promotes development of political culture of future officers through the use of various methods, techniques and forms of training that help to form cadets’ interest in politics, political knowledge, education of political self-education, acquisition of democratic norms and values, desire to know and study political traditions of Ukrainian people and other world nations.Taking into account different methodological approaches including system, personality-oriented, culturological, activity-oriented, competence, integrative, axiological and acmeological to determine the component composition of political culture, research on the formation of various components of political culture, as well as peculiarities of professional activity of officers enabled to identify their political culture as an integral quality of a personality which contains a system of knowledge about the political aspects of professional activity of an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, rules of professional communication, political behavior and political actions.Structural components of political culture of future officers include political orientation, political literacy, political readiness and political competence.On the basis of the analysis of scientific works, educational work of higher military educational establishments, the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment on the formation of political culture of future officers, the following pedagogical conditions were determined: creation of positive motivation of future officers to master political culture; supplementing the content of professional subjects in the context of professional training of future officers with forms, methods and means of formation of components of political culture in the conditions of higher military educational establishments; involving cadets in educational personality-oriented activities through the use of the latest educational technologies and teaching a special course “Fundamentals of Formation of Political Culture of Future Officers in Higher Military Educational Establishments”; carrying out of regular monitoring of the level of formation of components of political culture of future officers in professional training in the conditions of higher military educational establishments.Efficiency of pedagogical conditions and structural and functional model of formation of political culture of future officers in professional training in higher military educational establishments is confirmed by the results of the formative stage of the experiment.

2020 ◽  
pp. 137-141
V. M. Synyshyna

The scientific achievements of leading scientists on the selected theme are analyzed and leading ideas, concepts, and main definitions of the research are identified in the article. The creation of proper psycho-didactic conditions in institutions of higher education, which serve as a basis for the formation of professionally significant competences, the development of personal creative potential and active public position in future practical psychologists, is updated. It is argumented that the educational system built on the conceptual foundations of professional training makes it possible to effectively content the educational disciplines, and therefore effective fundamental knowledge, professional-oriented skills, advanced skills, professional norms and values, which have the highest degree of generalization of social phenomena and processes. It is proved that the concept of the study of practical psychology combines professional methodological, philosophical and general scientific principles and scientific-methodological approaches, which are directed at the revealing future professional activity. The outlined conceptual foundations of professional training allow us to modify the educational process in higher education according to the individual needs of future practical psychologists. The methodological analysis of educational phenomenon of practical psychology in institutions of higher education on four basic levels is offered: philosophical-theoretical (evolutionary-theoretical formation of the specialist and his or her effective functioning), methodological (formation of the system of world-view and semantic individual formations for realization of individual’s educational skills and abilities), specific-scientific (acquisition of fundamental knowledge about professional activities) and technological (effective use of methods and techniques of research for acquisition of true empirical knowledge). The conclusion about the importance of outlining of conceptual foundations in the system of professional training of future practical psychologists is made.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 1122-1130
Akhmedova Mukaddas ◽  
Dilmurodova Nilufar

Interactive teaching methods provide solutions to educational problems in various aspects. The use of interactive methods allows you to organize independent cognitive activity of students during the lesson. Possession of interactive learning technology and its use in the educational process will undoubtedly contribute to the development of students' qualities that correspond to the processes taking place in life today. This paper presents the technologies of conducting Uzbek language lessons using interactive methods and their significance.

God Mihalyuk

In the article essence of interactive teaching methods is explained in the article and the advantages of their application in the educational process of higher education institutions are argued. The importance of the focus of the modern educational process not only on professional but also on personal growth of students is outlined. It is about the need to create conditions for the formation of personality traits such as mobility, ability to integrate into a dynamic society, critical thinking, the ability to generate new ideas, the ability to make non-standard decisions and be responsible for them, communication skills, teamwork skills, skills educational situations, etc. The essence of interactive learning is defined, which consists in mutual learning, group form of organization of educational process with realization of active group teaching methods for solving didactic problems. The peculiarities of using interactive teaching methods in the process of preparation of future teachers are revealed. The essence of the most common interactive teaching methods is considered. Working in pairs is an effective method that involves sharing ideas with a partner and further voicing your thoughts to the audience. It is effective to use the Microphone method to update background knowledge, which enables each student to say something quickly, alternately, by answering questions or expressing their opinion or position. Collective discussion, such as Brainstorming, is at the forefront of the educational process of higher education. The Carousel method is most effective for simultaneously involving all participants in the educational process in active work with different partners to discuss discussion issues. The Learning-to-Learn method enables students to pass on their knowledge to their classmates. The method of projects that determines the acquisition and application of practical skills by students. An important tool for the cognitive activity of future professionals is a discussion that involves broad public discussion of some controversial issue. The role of interactive teaching methods in the process of formation of personal and professional qualities of future teachers is revealed.

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