interactive learning
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Ady Purna Kurniawan ◽  
Sritenaya Geovani Putri ◽  
Agus Pratondo ◽  
Danica Rani Intani Putri

E-learning-based learning has been widely applied in several educational institutions, one of which is Telkom University (Tel-U). Through the Center of e-Learning and Open Education (CeLOE) program established by Tel-U, network-based learning can be enjoyed by students. However, along the way, CeLOE encountered several obstacles, including the very rigid teaching materials that could have an impact on the reduced learning power of students. To solve this, it is necessary to improve the content of the material, especially learning videos by providing designs and animations for lecturer materials which on average contain full text. The approach used is the principle of visual design by utilizing motion graphics as the main aspect of material content with the ultimate goal of making learning videos more interesting and animated. Thus, the material presented can stimulate interest in learning for students at Telkom University.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Xiuye Yin ◽  
Liyong Chen

In view of the complexity of the multimodal environment and the existing shallow network structure that cannot achieve high-precision image and text retrieval, a cross-modal image and text retrieval method combining efficient feature extraction and interactive learning convolutional autoencoder (CAE) is proposed. First, the residual network convolution kernel is improved by incorporating two-dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA) to extract image features and extracting text features through long short-term memory (LSTM) and word vectors to efficiently extract graphic features. Then, based on interactive learning CAE, cross-modal retrieval of images and text is realized. Among them, the image and text features are respectively input to the two input terminals of the dual-modal CAE, and the image-text relationship model is obtained through the interactive learning of the middle layer to realize the image-text retrieval. Finally, based on Flickr30K, MSCOCO, and Pascal VOC 2007 datasets, the proposed method is experimentally demonstrated. The results show that the proposed method can complete accurate image retrieval and text retrieval. Moreover, the mean average precision (MAP) has reached more than 0.3, the area of precision-recall rate (PR) curves are better than other comparison methods, and they are applicable.

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 1023-1042
Ahad Alloqmani ◽  
Omimah Alsaedi ◽  
Nadia Bahatheg ◽  
Reem Alnanih ◽  
Lamiaa Elrefaei

2022 ◽  
pp. 802-820
Debbita Ai Lin Tan ◽  
Bee Choo Lee ◽  
Malini Ganapathy ◽  
Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma

Kahoot! is a gaming system designed for interactive learning and can be utilised for students of all ages. The present study involved two groups of Malaysian ESL students (n = 57) enrolled in a remedial English proficiency course in a public university. All 57 participants were exposed to weekly Kahoot! sessions over a period of one semester; the sessions covered various English language learning components including vocabulary and reading comprehension, but focused largely on grammar. At the end of the semester, the participants completed a 34-item questionnaire comprising closed- and open-ended items. The questionnaire was tested for reliability with returned values indicating high internal consistency, thus making the instrument a reliable option for use in future studies. The study's findings indicate that the students found Kahoot! to be beneficial in terms of: 1) inducing motivation, and 2) fostering and reinforcing learning. The students were also of the opinion that Kahoot! would be useful for foreign language learning (for instance, Spanish and French).

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Susilo . ◽  
Abdul Hasan Saragih ◽  
Sahat Siagian

Abstrak: Studi ini bertujuan untuk : (1) menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Macromedia Flash Profesional 8 yang berkualitas pada mata pelajaran matematika materi geometri untuk siswa kelas VI MIN Padang Bulan Rantauprapat yang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran (2) mengetahui efektifitas penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif  berbasis Macromedia Flash Profesional 8 pada mata pelajaran matematika materi geometri untuk siswa kelas VI MIN Padang Bulan Rantauprapat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model pengembangan produk Borg dan Gall yang dipadu dengan model pengembangan pembelajaran Dick dan Carey. Model ini meliputi enam tahapan, yakni: studi literatur, perencanaan atau desain pengembangan, pengembangan produk, validasi ahli, uji coba, revisi, produk akhir. Data tentang kualitas produk pengembangan ini dikumpulkan dengan angket. Data-data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pengembangan media interaktif menunjukan validasi ahli menunujukkan bahwa keseluruhan rata-rata dikategorikan “Sangat Baik” dan uji kelayakan menunujukkan bahwa keseluruhan rata-rata dikategorikan “Sangat Baik”. Hasil pengujian hipotesis membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif Macromedia Flash dengan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional.  Kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran Interaktif, Matematika Abstrack: This study aims to: (1) produce a qualified interactive learning media based  Macromedia Flash profesional 8 in mathematics material geometry for students of class VI MIN Padang Bulan Rantauprapat are eligible for use in learning (2) determine the effectiveness of the use of interactive learning media-based Macromedia flash profesional 8 in mathematics materials for students of class VI geometry MIN Padang Bulan Rantauprapat. This type of research is the development of research that uses models Borg and Gall product development combined with learning development model of Dick and Carey. This model includes six stages, namely: literature studies, planning or design development, product development, validation expert, testing, revision, the final product. Data about the quality of the products of this development are collected by questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of development of Interactive LearningMedia by Experts’ validation indicate that the overall average categorized "Very Good" And the Feasibility test indicate that the overall average categorized "Very Good". Hypothesis testing results show that there are significant differences between the students learning outcomethat to be learned by using Macromedia Flash Interactive Learning Media and Students learn outcometo be learned by conventional learning. Keywords: Interactive Learning Media, Mathematic

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-194
Lalu Muhammad Fauzi ◽  
Muhammad Gazali ◽  
Husnul Mukti ◽  
Baiq Fitri Rahmawati ◽  

Teachers have a crucial role in fostering and directing students to compete in all fields. The era of globalization requires teachers to improve their pedagogical competence, especially in professional competence. Teachers are needed to be proficient in understanding the subject matter, but teachers must also be able to use and utilize technology as a medium and source of learning. It is vital to provide workshops or training to create and use interactive learning media for smooth learning during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop was held for three days with details on the provision of material on the first day, the practice of making media on the second day, and evaluation of the products produced by the participants on the third day, which was held from Saturday, August 5, to Monday, August 7, 2021, at SDN 3 Sembalun Bumbung. The workshop results illustrate that participants have been able to create interactive learning media using the AutoPlay Media Studio 8.0 application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Mikhael Sihombing ◽  
Efendi Napitupulu ◽  
Farihah .

Abstrack : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pembelajaran interaktif layak media menggunakan dan efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran mesin konversi energi materi motor bakar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pembangunan Borg dan empedu, diadaptasi menjadi model sederhana. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK Nila Harapan Deli Serdang. Sampel terdiri dari abjad percobaan kelas (36 siswa) dan kontrol kelas (34 siswa). Hasil pengujian hipotesis membuktikan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil pembelajaran siswa yang menggunakan media interaktif pembelajaran dengan mahasiswa belajar hasil hasil menengah yang menggunakan media interaktif pembelajaran dengan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan media cetak. Itu ditunjukkan oleh hasil analisis untuk menghitung T > T meja (9.77 > 2.00). Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran Interaktif; Multimedia; Motor Bakar Abstract : This research aims to produce a viable interactive learning media use and are effective in enhancing energy conversion Machine learning results. The methods used in this research are the development model of the Borg and Gall, adapted into a simple model. Research conducted at Nila Harapan Deli Serdang Vocational High School. The samples consist of alphabets experiment class (36 students) and control classes (34 students). Hypothesis testing results prove that there is a significant difference between the learning outcomes of students who use media interactive learning with student learning results intermediate results that use interactive learning media with results Learning students use print media. It was shown by the results of the analysis to calculate T > T table (9.77 > 2.00). Key Words: Interactive Learning Media; Multimedia; Energy Conversion Machines.

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