2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 475

communication carried through the same advertising message is expected to help consumers easily recognize the brand anywhere. This strategy is also useful in reducing advertising cost because they don’t have to redesign new advertisements for different countries. Pepsi “Rising” TV Commercial was created by CLM BBDO Paris Agency as the Pepsi global advertising for Africa, Caribbean Sea, Central America, South America, Europe, Oceania, and Asia (India). The advertisements for other countries were only shortened and dubbed to make them fit with local languages. However, for the Chinese market, the agency changed the actor and some storyline attributes with those similar to the original ones. They used one global advertisement for many countries, but they deliberately changed it for the Chinese market. This study uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic to analyze the connotation level between the Pepsi global advertisement and the Chinese advertisement that have similar visuals and plot lines in the denotation level. This study aims to determine the elements that can change the message and ideology in the advertisement. The final results show significant differences among the advertisements that represent each unique cultural development.                   Keywords: adapted advertising; Chinese advertising; global advertising; individualism-collectivism; semiotic analysis

Zootaxa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 1779 (1) ◽  
pp. 65 ◽  

Haemagogus (Haemagogus) is restricted mostly to the Neotropical Region, including Central America, South America and islands (Arnell, 1973). Of the 24 recognized species of this subgenus, 15 occur in South America, including the Antilles. However, the centre of distribution of the genus Haemagogus is Central America, where 19 of the 28 species (including four species of the subgenus Conopostegus Zavortink [1972]) occur (Arnell, 1973).

2017 ◽  
Vol 90 (1) ◽  
Megan Taig-Johnston ◽  
Madeline K. Strom ◽  
Kendall Calhoun ◽  
Kendra Nowak ◽  
Luis A. Ebensperger ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-26
Rafiqah Yusna Siregar

This research focuses on answering how Acehnese local wisdom is represented and sees social changes in the community through advertising media. Using Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis to find the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myths in TV commercial "The Light of Aceh", this research employs the constructivism paradigm with qualitative methods. The denotation falls in several objects, such as a traditional house Rumoh Aceh as a place for Acehnese people to live, the customs to honor guests and eat together with them as a symbol of friendship between communities, and the Pacu Kude tradition. The connotation of the local wisdom object has been cultured and become the community's identity, then displayed in the advertisement as the result of the construction of the existing reality. This construction is interpreted as a myth that does not necessarily refer to mythology in the ordinary sense. It is traditional stories, legends, et cetera, but rather an explanation of messages with a connotative dimension. The myths found in the advertisements show the social changes taking place in Acehnese society.   Fokus penelitian ini adalah menjawab bagaimana kearifan lokal Aceh direpresentasikan dan melihat perubahan sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat melalui media iklan. Dengan menggunakan analisis semiotik Roland Barthes untuk menemukan makna denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos dalam iklan TV “The Light of Aceh”, penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dengan metode kualitatif. Makna denotasi terdapat pada beberapa objek, seperti rumah adat Rumoh Aceh sebagai tempat tinggal masyarakat Aceh, adat istiadat untuk menghormati tamu dan makan bersama sebagai simbol persahabatan antar masyarakat, serta tradisi Pacu Kude. Objek kearifan local yang berkonotasi telah membudaya dan menjadi identitas masyarakat, kemudian ditampilkan dalam iklan tersebut sebagai hasil konstruksi dari realitas yang ada. Konstruksi ini dimaknai sebagai mitos yang tidak serta merta mengacu pada mitologi dalam pengertian biasa. Ini adalah cerita tradisional, legenda, dan sebagainya, tetapi lebih merupakan penjelasan tentang pesan dengan dimensi konotatif. Mitos yang ditemukan dalam iklan tersebut menunjukkan perubahan sosial yang terjadi pada masyarakat Aceh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 28-31
Jing Xiang ◽  
Jing Chu ◽  

Nowadays, with the globalization of world economy, knowing how to use advertising English in opening up overseas markets is of very practical significance. The purpose of advertising is to promote business sales and services, which creates added value in customer’s mind and lead to consumption, usually paid for by related sponsors through various media. Taking Coca-Cola for example, during its growth over a century, it has been supporting the advertising campaign in one stage after another, and in one country after another. Therein, 可口可乐, the Chinese translation soon became a household name in China, and it also played an important role in helping Coca-Cola tap into Chinese market. Admittedly, the competitive quality of product itself is important, but advertising is of much more importance to promote itself to be recognized worldwide. In translation, its techniques should be taken into account, which will help us to better use advertising English. It is true that good translation in advertising brings business great fortune, whereas bad one may result in severe losses and poor reputation, so we can see advertising translation is bound up with enterprise’s prosperity and decline. Therefore, the use of advertising English and its translation techniques should be valued. In this paper, the writer is doing study on the use of advertising English and its translation techniques, whereby current research situation of that in China and abroad, factual methodologies and related materials have all contributed to its completion. The writer believes that both one’s ability of ingenious thinking and the growth of economic globalization are benefiting from a better use of advertising English and its translation techniques.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-56
Jessica Odellia ◽  
Deborah Nauli Simorangkir

In order to efficiently reach its targeted market, advertisers often package their messages in a manner so as to be easily understood. These massages often contain subliminal meanings using stereotypes. Based on Erving Goffman’s work on gendered advertisement, this research analyzes the Rinso Anti Noda television commercial. Therefore, this research seeks to answer the following question: How is gender represented in the 2015 Rinso Anti Noda television commercial titled “Belajar Untuk Makan Sendiri” (Learning to eat by oneself)?. Based on the first author’s research thesis under the supervision of the second author, involving a semiotic analysis on the Rinso Anti Noda TV commercial, complemented by In-depth interviews with a number of Indonesian mothers, data were then analyzed using the Goffman’s gendered advertisement and Indonesia’s Ibuism ideology perspectives. Results show that the role of a women in the advertising is as a mother and her place is in the domestic realm.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Rachel Sippy ◽  
Fernando Moreira

Introducción: Ae. aegypti y Ae. albopictus son los vectores responsables de la transmisión de arbovirus en América Central y América del Sur.  Objetivo: ERevisar los principales aspectos acerca de los vectores de arbovirus (Dengue, Chikungunya, y Zika), su llegada al continente, y los métodos de control de los dos vectores.  Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de bibliografía utilizando los términos: vector, arbovirus, central america, south america. Resultados: 21 estudios fueron revisados.  Existen diferencias importantes entre las dos especies de mosquitos con relación a los tres arbovirus de mayor impacto en la salud pública de la región: Dengue, Chikungunya, y Zika.  Dengue se transmite en las Américas desde hace 35 años a través de Ae. aegypti. En cambio,  Ae. albopictus llegó recién a Brasil en 1986 y América Central en 1988 por medio de mercancías, específicamente con el transporte de neumáticos usados.  Ha habido un éxito limitado en el control de la transmisión de los arbovirus por parte de los dos vectores con la introducción de la bacteria Wolbachia Conclusiones: Se requieren más estudios para profundizar la relación entre vectores y los arbovirus para mejorar estrategias de control de transmisión de estas enfermedades cuyo impacto en la salud pública sigue creciendo.

Luis F. Jiménez

The conclusion summarizes the findings of the book. It uses a comparative approach to underline more explicitly how each case has contributed to our understanding. It then moves on to consider what the findings might tell us about other regions of the world. It specifically considers Central America, parts of South America, south Asia, and Africa.

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