The Artificial Intelligence is growing and covering various aspects of our daily life. The idea seems to be very complex. It seems that a program cannot be developed using our home PC. But believe me, it's not that difficult. Let us try to understand what the neural networks are and how they can be applied in trading. Artificial Neural Networks can be used in forex Currency Trading, for finding or predicting the next possible movements. We know that Artificial Neural Networks involves study of neurons in the human brain, sometimes called as biological network.ANN is based on connections of nodes, units called as artificial nodes or neurons. Neural network is an entity consisting of artificial neurons, among which there is an organized relationship. These relations are similar to a biological brain.

2013 ◽  
Vol 710 ◽  
pp. 739-742
Shu Zhang

Artificial neural networks are composed of interconnecting artificial neurons (programming constructs that mimic the properties of biological neurons). Artificial neural networks may either be used to gain an understanding of biological neural networks, or for solving artificial intelligence problems without necessarily creating a model of a real biological system. First modal analyses of microstructure defects are performed in ANSYS. Second the genetic algorithm is implemented in MATLAB to Calculate the Value of b and p. The last, The FEM analysis results are imported in ANSYS about the Stress distribution. The result presented in this paper is obtained using the Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Aminmohammad Saberian ◽  
H. Hizam ◽  
M. A. M. Radzi ◽  
M. Z. A. Ab Kadir ◽  
Maryam Mirzaei

This paper presents a solar power modelling method using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Two neural network structures, namely, general regression neural network (GRNN) feedforward back propagation (FFBP), have been used to model a photovoltaic panel output power and approximate the generated power. Both neural networks have four inputs and one output. The inputs are maximum temperature, minimum temperature, mean temperature, and irradiance; the output is the power. The data used in this paper started from January 1, 2006, until December 31, 2010. The five years of data were split into two parts: 2006–2008 and 2009-2010; the first part was used for training and the second part was used for testing the neural networks. A mathematical equation is used to estimate the generated power. At the end, both of these networks have shown good modelling performance; however, FFBP has shown a better performance comparing with GRNN.

Vicky Adriani ◽  
Irfan Sudahri Damanik ◽  
Jaya Tata Hardinata

The author has conducted research at the Simalungun District Prosecutor's Office and found the problem of prison rooms that did not match the number of prisoners which caused a lack of security and a lack of detention facilities and risked inmates to flee. Artificial Neural Network which is one of the artificial representations of the human brain that always tries to simulate the learning process of the human brain. The application uses the Backpropagation algorithm where the data entered is the number of prisoners. Then Artificial Neural Networks are formed by determining the number of units per layer. Once formed, training is carried out from the data that has been grouped. Experiments are carried out with a network architecture consisting of input units, hidden units, and output units. Testing using Matlab software. For now, the number of prisoners continues to increase. Predictions with the best accuracy use the 12-3-1 architecture with an accuracy rate of 75% and the lowest level of accuracy using 12-4-1 architecture with an accuracy rate of 25%.

2014 ◽  
pp. 35-39
Viktor Lokazyuk ◽  
Viktor Cheshun ◽  
Vitaliy Chornenkiy

The base principles of a technique of application of 3-layer feedforward fullconnected artificial neural network for execution of adaptive algorithms of testing of digital microprocessor devices are considered. The method of change of weight coefficients and thresholds of artificial neurons in the mode of operation of artificial neural network realized at the hardware level is considered. The application of this method provides implementation of adaptive algorithms of testing of the large complexity with the limited hardware resources of artificial neural network.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.13) ◽  
pp. 402
Y Yusmartato ◽  
Zulkarnain Lubis ◽  
Solly Arza ◽  
Zulfadli Pelawi ◽  
A Armansah ◽  

Lockers are one of the facilities that people use to store stuff. Artificial neural networks are computational systems where architecture and operations are inspired by the knowledge of biological neurons in the brain, which is one of the artificial representations of the human brain that always tries to stimulate the learning process of the human brain. One of the utilization of artificial neural network is for pattern recognition. The face of a person must be different but sometimes has a shape similar to the face of others, because the facial pattern is a good pattern to try to be recognized by using artificial neural networks. Pattern recognition on artificial neural network can be done by back propagation method. Back propagation method consists of input layer, hidden layer and output layer.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 2384 ◽  
Constantin Ilie ◽  
Catalin Ploae ◽  
Lucia Violeta Melnic ◽  
Mirela Rodica Cotrumba ◽  
Andrei Marian Gurau ◽  

As the transformative power of AI crosses all economic and social sectors, the use of it as a modern technique for the simulation and/or forecast of various indicators must be viewed as a tool for sustainable development. The present paper reveals the results of research on modeling and simulating the influences of four economic indicators (the production in industry, the intramural research and development expenditure, the turnover and volume of sales and employment) on the evolution of European Economic Sentiment using artificial intelligence. The main goal of the research was to build, train and validate an artificial neural network that is able to forecast the following year’s value of economic sentiment using the present values of the other indicators. Research on predicting European Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) using artificial neural networks is a starting point, with work on this subject almost inexistent, the reason being mainly that ESI is a composite of five sectoral confidence indicators and is not thought to be an emotional response to the interaction of the entrepreneurial population with different economic indicators. The authors investigated, without involving a direct mathematical interaction among the indicators involved, predicting ESI based on a cognitive response. Considering the aim of the research, the method used was simulation with an artificial neural network and a feedforward network (structure 4-9-6-1) and a backward propagation instruction algorithm was built. The data used are euro area values (for 19 countries only—EA19) recorded between 1999 and 2016, with Eurostat as the European Commission’s statistical data website. To validate the results, the authors imposed the following targets: the result of the neural network training error is less than 5% and the prediction verification error is less than 10%. The research outcomes resulted in a training error (after 30,878 iterations) of less than 0.099% and a predictive check error of 2.02%, which resulted in the conclusion of accurate training and an efficient prediction. AI and artificial neural networks, are modeling and simulation methods that can yield results of nonlinear problems that cover, for example, human decisions based on human cognitive processes as a result of previous experiences. ANN copies the structure and functioning of the biological brain, having the advantage through learning and coaching processes (biological cognitive), to copy/predict the results of the thinking process and, thus, the process of choice by the biological brain. The importance of the present paper and its results stems from the authors’ desire to use and popularize modern methods of predicting the different macroeconomic indices that influence the behavior of entrepreneurs and therefore the decisions of these entrepreneurs based on cognitive response more than considering linear mathematical functions that cannot correctly understand and anticipate financial crises or economic convulsions. Using methods such as AI, we can anticipate micro- and macroeconomic developments, and therefore react in the direction of diminishing their negative effects for companies as well as the national economy or European economy.

Rajesh Sai K. ◽  
Veneela Adapa ◽  
Hari Kishan Kondaveeti

Unknowingly, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an inevitable part of our lives. In this chapter, the authors discuss how the neural networks, a sub-part of AI, changed the way we analyse things. In this chapter, the advent of neural networks, inspiration from the human brain, simplification models of biological neuron models are discussed. Later, a detailed overview of various neural network models, their strengths, limitations, applications, and challenges are presented in detail.

TEM Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1320-1329
Kostadin Yotov ◽  
Emil Hadzhikolev ◽  
Stanka Hadzhikoleva

How can we determine the optimal number of neurons when constructing an artificial neural network? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when working with this type of artificial intelligence. Experience has brought the understanding that it takes an individual approach for each task to specify the number of neurons. Our method is based on the requirement of algorithms looking for a minimum of functions of type 𝑺􁈺𝒛􁈻 􀵌 Σ 􁈾𝝋𝒊 𝒎 􁈺𝒛 􁈻􁈿𝟐 𝒊􀭀𝟏 that satisfy the inequality 𝒑 􀵑 𝒎, where p is the dimensionality of the argument z, and m is the number of functions. Formulas for an upper limit of the required neurons are proposed for networks with one hidden layer and for networks with r hidden layers with an equal number of neurons.

Т. В. Гавриленко ◽  
А. В. Гавриленко

В статье приведен обзор различных методов атак и подходов к атакам на системы искусственного интеллекта, построенных на основе искусственных нейронных сетей. Показано, что начиная с 2015 года исследователи в различных странах активно развивают методы атак и подходы к атакам на искусственные нейронные сети, при этом разработанные методы и подходы могут иметь критические последствия при эксплуатации систем искусственного интеллекта. Делается вывод о необходимости развития методологической и теоретической базы искусственных нейронных сетей и невозможности создания доверительных систем искусственного интеллекта в текущей парадигме. The paper provides an overview of methods and approaches to attacks on neural network-based artificial intelligence systems. It is shown that since 2015, global researchers have been intensively developing methods and approaches for attacks on artificial neural networks, while the existing ones may have critical consequences for artificial intelligence systems operations. We come to the conclusion that theory and methodology for artificial neural networks is to be elaborated, since trusted artificial intelligence systems cannot be created in the framework of the current paradigm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Sri Rahmadhany

Abstract - Artificial Neural Network is a computational method that works like a human brain. The Perceptron algorithm is one method that exists in Artificial Neural Networks. The research carried out was the identification of children's character patterns using the Perceptron algorithm. The Perceptron algorithm is very reliable in recognizing patterns, one of which is the child's character pattern as was done in this study. The Perceptron algorithm identifies the character patterns of children through three inputs and two outputs. The three outputs are taken from nature variables, attitude variables and behavioral variables. The output is four human temperaments according to Hipocrates, namely sanguin, melancholy, choleric and plegamatic. All inputs and outputs will be converted into binary numbers to be trained with Matlab software.Keywords - Artificial Neural Networks, Perceptron Algorithms, child character patterns, input, output, binary numbers. Abstrak - Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan merupakan salah satu metode komputasi yang dapat bekerja seperti layaknya otak manusia. Algortima Perceptron merupakan salah satu metode yang ada pada Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah identifikasi pola karakter anak dengan menggunakan algoritma Perceptron. Algoritma Perceptron sangat handal dalam mengenali pola salah satunya yaitu pola karakter anak seperti yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Algoritma Perceptron mengidentifikasi pola karakter anak melalui tiga input dan dua output. Tiga output tersebut diambil dari variabel sifat, variabel sikap dan variabel tingkah laku. Adapun output merupakan empat temperamen manusia menurut Hipocrates yaitu sanguin, melankolis, koleris dan plegamatis. Seluruh input dan output akan diubah menjadi bilangan biner untuk dilatih dengan software Matlab.Kata Kunci - Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan, Algoritma Perceptron, pola karakter anak, input, output, bilangan biner.

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