scholarly journals How About The Resilience of Students Who Have Mothers as Victims of Domestic Violence?

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Arnaldy Arnaldy Arnaldy ◽  
Yarmis Syukur ◽  
Herman Nirwana

The ability in the form of individual toughness to be ready to face bitter realities is known as resilience. Resilience is needed by students, one of which applies as the child of a parent of victims of domestic violence. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. The study was conducted at one of the High Schools in the City of Padang. The subjects in this study were one student with criteria as a child whose parents (mother) experienced domestic violence, counseling teachers and parents of students. Taking the subject of this study using purposive sampling method. This study uses data collection techniques with interviews and observations. The technique guarantees the validity of the data carried out by building close relationships with subjects and informants naturally and continually making observations. Data analysis technique is done by data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification. The results revealed that the conditions of resilience of parents (mothers) of domestic violence victims are as follows: (1) IRs have immature emotional control when dealing with domestic violence experienced by their mothers, (2) IRs have poor impulse control when dealing with domestic violence experienced by their mothers , (3) IR has good optimism when facing domestic violence experienced by his mother, (4) IR is still not good at analyzing problems carefully, (5) IR has good empathy, (6) IR has good self-efficacy, and (7) IRs have good reaching out when dealing with their mothers as victims of domestic violence. So, it can be concluded that IR has a fairly good resilience.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 42
Farhan Farhan

<p>The research is motivated by the author's desire to know how the students' self-acceptance / acceptance of a problem they are facing. The author uses an individualized psychological counseling approach, which feels suitable to the characteristics of the respondent in order to see his self-acceptance, which is needed in life. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. The study was conducted at one of the High Schools in the City of Padang. The subjects in this study were one student. Taking the subject of this study using purposive sampling method. This study uses data collection techniques with interviews and observations. The technique guarantees the validity of the data carried out by building close relationships with subjects and informants naturally and continually making observations. Data analysis technique is done by data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification. The results of the study revealed that the conditions of self-acceptance of students in the case are as follows: (1) Students have good confidence in their capacity to cope with the environment, and the environment is good (2) Students consider themselves to be different from others, (3) Students consider themselves reasonable and have expectations that others will accept it, (4) Students can be said to be confident, not ashamed or self-aware, as evidenced by the achievements achieved (5) Students can be responsible for each behavior, but also doubt for the future (6) stand alone, this problem lacked opinion students proved that sometimes affected by social pressures from the community / school environment (7) students can receive objective criticism and praise, (8) students are able to accept strengths and weaknesses possessed, (9) Students do not deny all the feelings that arise. But sometimes it can change the mood to negative. So, it can be concluded that students have good self-acceptance.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-215
Syafdi Maizora ◽  
Rizky Rosjanuardi

Artikel ini menggambarkan konsepsi salah seorang siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar di Kota Bengkulu tentang bilangan bulat di luar pembelajaran formal. Siswa ini mengalami banyak intervensi tanpa skenario dalam pembelajarannya, di antaranya dari keluarga (kakak kelas 8 yang memiliki prestasi baik dalam matematika, kedua orang tua pengajar matematika) dan pelatihan sempoa. Konsepsi yang digali adalah arti bilangan negatif, bilangan bulat, serta operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan pada bilangan bulat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek diberikan beberapa pertanyaan seputar konsepsi bilangan bulat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek memiliki konsepsi sebagai berikut: 1) menggunakan istilah “kurang”, “utang” atau “posisi di bawah permukaan” untuk memaknai bilangan bulat ne­gatif, 2) bilangan bulat negatif diartikan sebagai invers penjumlahan bilangan asli, 3) ada perbe­daan antara simbol negatif dengan simbol operasi pengurangan, 4) bilangan bulat negatif bera­da di sebelah kiri bilangan 0 pada garis bilangan, 5) bilangan bulat negatif terkecil berada di sebe­lah kiri bilangan bulat negatif lainnya, seperti bilangan-bilangan pada penggaris, dan mampu menggunakan dinding sebagai pengganti garis bilangan, 6) menggunakan istilah “maju” atau “mundur” untuk mengoperasikan penjumlahan bilangan bulat, 7) menggunakan kata “jarak”, “lompatan di atas garis bilangan”, dan “lompatan di bawah garis bilangan”  untuk mengoperasi­kan pengurangan bilangan bulat. Conceptions of third-grader elementary school about integersAbstractThis article described the conception of a third-grader elementary school in the City of Bengkulu about integers outside formal learning. This student experienced many interventions without scenarios in their learning, including their families (a brother in eighth-graders who had good mathematics achievements, parents were mathematics education lecturer) and an abacus trai­ning. The explored conceptions were the meaning of negative numbers, integers, and addition and subtraction operations on integers. This research was qualitative research with a case study approach. The subject was asked several questions regarding the conception of integers. The results of this research indicated that the subject had the following conception: 1) using the term “less”, “debt”, or “position under the surface” to interpret negative integers; 2) interpreting nega­tive integers as the inverse of the addition of natural numbers; 3) differentiating the negative symbol and the subtraction operation symbol, 4) locating negative integers to the left of “0” on a number line; 5) locating smaller negative integers to the left of other negative integers like num­bers on a ruler and having an ability to use a wall as a substitute of a number line; 6) using terms “forward” or “backward” to operate integer additions; and 7) using the term “distance”, “jumps over the number line”, and “jumps under the number line” to operate integer subtractions.

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Milyarti Ningrum ◽  
Aning Az zahra ◽  
Moch Imron Rosyidi ◽  

Entrepreneurship is one way that students do in order to develop their potential and overcome concerns about the work that will be obtained after graduating. Entrepreneurial activities are one of the most popular activities for students, but have many obstacles in their implementation. The purpose of this study was to determine the resilience ability of students. This research was conducted in Ketundan Village, Pakis District, using qualitative methods with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out by interview and observation. The research subjects were 4 students who had been self-employed for at least 6 months and involved 4 non-participants who were related to the subject as supporting informants in order to obtain valid information. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the dynamics of the ability of student resilience to entrepreneurship as a whole have this ability well, where this ability consists of emotional regulation, impulse control, optimism, empathy, problem cause analysis, self-efficacy, and achievement. Although not all subjects show excellent resilience by having the seven resilience components above, in fact entrepreneurship has been able to give confidence and optimism to students with less prominent achievements.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Anna Dian Savitri ◽  
Purwaningtyastuti Purwaningtyastuti

<p>This study aims to determine the resilience picture of adolescents infected with HIV AIDS. Subjects in this study were adolescents who tested positive for HIV / AIDS, were undergoing ARV treatment and were willing to become research subjects. The informants who supported this research came from volunteers and the leadership of the shelter where the subjects resided. The method used in this research is a qualitative paradigm with a case study approach. Subject and informant data collection through structured interviews, while the analysis technique used uses triangulation of sources, by comparing the analysis of subject data with research informants. The results of this study are high levels of Sy resilience. Aspects of I Have include support and attention from others, Sy prioritizes pleasure and comfort, has a role model, has the drive to be independent, and has experienced health discrimination, gets good education and safety services. Factor I Am includes having an attractive attitude, expressing love through actions, and caring. I Can aspects include being able to express what is felt and thinking, being able to solve problems, being able to control emotions, and being able to foster good relations with others. The subject has good resilience and is able to accept his condition</p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Resilience, Youth, HIV / AIDS</em></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Daftar Pustaka</strong></p><p>Azwar, S. 2003. <em>Penyusunan Skala Psikologi</em>. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Offset</p><p> </p><p>Calhoun, J.F. dan Acocella, J.R. 1995. <em>Psikologi Tentang Penyesuaian dan Hubungan Kemanusiaan</em>. New York : Mc Graw Hill</p><p> </p><p>Chaplin, C.B. 1995. Kamus Lengkap Psikologi. (Terjemahan: Kartini Kartono).ed 1. cetakan ke-2. Jakarta: Grafindo Persada.</p><p>Davidoff. 1991. <em>Psikologi Suatu Pengantar</em>. Jilid 2. Alih Bahasa : Mari Jumiati.Jakarta : Erlangga</p><p> </p><p>Gerungan, W.A. 1996. <em>Psikologi Sosial</em>. Bandung : PT Eresco</p><p> </p><p>Herdiansyah, Haris. 2015. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif untuk Ilmu Psikologi. Jakarta : Salemba Humanika</p><p> </p><p>Hurlock, E. 2004. <em>Psikologi Perkembangan</em>. Jakarta : Erlangga Press</p><p> </p><p>Kementrian Kesehatan RI (2012) : <em>MEDIAKOM Mengenal, Mencegah Pertumbuhan</em><em> </em><em>HIV-AIDS. </em>Jakarta.</p><p> </p><p>Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (KPA), (2003) <em>Strategi Nasional Penanggulangan AIDS, </em>2003-2007, Menkosesra, KPAN, Jakarta.</p><p> </p><p>Kurniawan, Y., &amp; Noviza, N. (2018). Peningkatan Resiliensi pada Penyintas Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan Berbasis Terapi Kelompok Pendukung. <em>Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo</em>, <em>2</em>(2), 125–142.</p><p> </p><p>Sarafino. 1998. <em>Health Psikologi : Biopsychosocial Interaction</em>. USA : John Willey and sons</p><p> </p><p>Smet, B. 1994, <em>Psikologi Kesehatan</em>. Jakarta : PT Grasindo</p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 482
Rara Anggraeni ◽  
Lisda Sofia ◽  
Muhammad Ali Adriansyah

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana optimisme dan proses terjadinya posttraumatic growth pada istri yang mengalami kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di samarinda. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yaitu pemilihan subjek berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang memenuhi tujuan-tujuan yang sudah ditetapkan. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggumakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam, serta data dokumentasi yang terkait dengan subjek yaitu istri yang mengalami kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Samarinda. Subjek KW, HF, dan N menunjukkan aspek optimisme permanensi, personalisasi, dan pervasivness. Ketiga subjek juga menunjukkan peningkatan kekuatan dalam diri, kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru, penghargaan dalam hidup, peningkatan spiritual and hubungan dengan orang lain. The purpose of this study is to see how optimism and the process of posttraumatic growth occur in wives who experience domestic violence in Samarinda. Researchers used qualitative research with a case study approach. The study used a purposive sampling technique, namely the selection of subjects based on characteristics that meet predetermined goals. The data collection method in this study uses in-depth observation and interviews, as well as documentation data related to the subject, namely the wife who experiences domestic violence in Samarinda. Subjects KW, HF, and N showed aspects of optimism on permanence, personalization, and pervasiveness. The three subjects also showed increased personal strength, new possibilities, appreciation of life, spiritual development and relating to others.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-44
Indah Ahdiah

AbstrakThis study aims to determine the background and motivating factors for survivors to become local volunteers in the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction natural disasters that occurred on September 28 in the city of Palu. The method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. The results of the study showed that being a survivor's background in volunteering was a position as a board or member of Muhammadiyah, and there was also an interest in MDMC work. The driving factors (1) imply the meaning of Al Maun, be useful human beings, (2) as an act of gratitude, (3) an expression of gratitude for the opportunity of life given by God, (4) working as a volunteer becomes one of the ways to restore emotions.Keywords : survivor, volunteer, humanitarian organizations

Psibernetika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Lulus Faqihatur Rohmah ◽  
Herlan Pratikto

<p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> </em><em>This study aims to intervene in one of the schizophrenic patients who are in RSUD Dr. Radjiman Widiodiningrat Malang. Subjects experienced hebefrenic schizophrenia. The researcher gave an intervention in the form of expressive writing therapy as a medium to express feelings, heal and improve mental health. This therapy is believed to be able to reveal or describe life experiences in the past, present or future. The method used in the study is qualitative with a case study approach. The results of this study indicate that Expressive writing therapy is effectively used as a medium to express the feelings / heart content / emotions of the Subject</em>.<em></em></p><pre><strong><em>Keyword:</em></strong><em> Expressive writing therapy, Hebefrenic Schizophrenia.</em></pre><p><em> </em></p><p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong><strong>:</strong><em> </em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan intervensi kepada salah satu pasien skizofrenia yang berada di RSJ Dr.Radjiman Widiodiningrat Malang. Subyek mengalami gangguan skizofrenia hebefrenik. Peneliti memberikan intervensi berupa <em>expressive writing therapy </em>sebagai media untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengungkapan diri (<em>self disclosure</em>), menyembuhkan dan peningkatan kesehatan mental. Terapi ini diyakini mampu mengungkap atau menggambarkan pengalaman hidup pada masa lalu, sekarang atau masa depan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa <em>Expressive writing therapy </em>efektif digunakan sebagai media mengungkapkan perasaan/isi hati/emosi Subyek.<em></em></p><p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> <em>Expressive writing </em><em>T</em><em>herapy, </em>Skizofrenia Hebefrenik.</p><p> </p>

PSYCHE 165 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 45-52
Mukhaira El Akmal ◽  
Martha Dewi Kasih Riang Waruwu ◽  
Yuninka Cicilia Br. Sinaga ◽  
Jecika Alisya ◽  
Naween Naween

This study aims to determine the description of self-awareness and faking behavior in employee job interviews. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The main subjects in this study were 5 people with the following characteristics: employees who have just worked for less than one year. The results showed that the subject showed a different picture of self-awareness and faking behavior in several aspects. Subjects are able to understand themselves, set life and career goals, build relationships with others, build diversity values, be able to balance their own needs with job demands, and develop self-control over appropriate stimuli. Meanwhile, in faking behavior during job interviews, subjects tend to prioritize physical appearance during the interview, ability to communicate and cover up negative self-images during the interview.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 566-575
Suhatridjas Suhatridjas ◽  
Isnayati Isnayati

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the semi-fowler position on Respiratory Rate in pulmonary TB patients in the Pelni Hospital in Jakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive research with a case study approach. The results showed that there was a change in respiratory rate from 21x / min to 18x / min in the subject I and 22x / min to 19x / min in subject II for three days of treatment. In conclusion, there is a significant change in the patient's breathing ability before and after the intervention.   Keywords: Semi Fowler Position, Respiratory Rate, Lung TB

Khilda Utami ◽  
Nani Darmayanti ◽  
Rosaria Mita Amalia ◽  
Inu Isnaeni Sidiq

This study is entitled “Pronunciation of Indonesian Language Consonant by Students with Autism in Bintang Harapan Special Needs School: A Psycholinguistic Analysis”. The aim of this research is to describe the pronunciation of Indonesian Language Consonant by students with Autism in Bintang Harapan Special Needs School in Bandung, Indonesia. This research utilized qualitative data analysis with case study approach. The data was collected by observing students in Special Needs School of Bintang Harapan followed by recording and note-taking techniques as well as interviewing teachers and parents. Theories used in this research include psycholinguistic and phonological theories related to language acquisition. The research results show that there is alteration of consonants in [p], [t], [k], [g], [ñ], [ŋ], [l], [f], [v], and [z]; deletion of consonants [n], [ŋ], and [r]; and appearance of consonants [h] and [?]. However, the student has a good articulation compared to other students in the school. This was driven by family support, namely when he was a child, he was more often required to speak by his parents.

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