Spin 3/2 particle: Puali – Fierz theory, non-relativistic approximation
The relativistic wave equation is well-known for a spin 3/2 particle proposed by W. E. Pauli and M. E. Fierz and based on the 16-component wave function with the transformation properties of the vector-bispinor. In this paper, we investigated the nonrelativistic approximation in this theory. Starting with the first-order equation formalism and representation of Pauli – Fierz equation in the Petras basis, also applying the method of generalized Kronecker symbols and elements of the complete matrix algebras, and decomposing the wave function into large and small nonrelativistic constituents with the help of projective operators, we have derived a Pauli-like equation for the 4-component wave function describing the non-relativistic particle with a 3/2 spin.