scholarly journals Community Empowerment to Increase Litopenaeus vannamei Productivity Towards Semi-Intensive System by Potential Analysis and Self-Feed Production

Sulastri Arsad ◽  
Muhammad Musa ◽  
Evellin Dewi Lusiana ◽  
Mohammad Mahmudi ◽  
Nanik Retno Buwono ◽  

Vaname shrimp is one of the leading cultivations of fishery production commodities in Indonesia which has high selling price and market share, also relatively resistant with high stocking density. Cultivation activities of this commodity can be carried out through three systems; namely traditional, semi-intensive, and intensive system. One group of cultivators who develop shrimp farming business is Mina Nusantara group in Lamongan District, where the cultivation system is still performed traditionally. The shrimp size was not uniform, and the survival rate was low once it harvested. Moreover, community empowerment was applied to increase vaname productivity towards semi-intensive system by culture potential analyses using SWOT and self-feed production training. Survey and experimental approach were used during the activities. The activities included survey and discussion with shrimp local farmer (Mina Nusantara), identified internal and external factors of culture by using SWOT analysis, carried out self-made artificial feed training, and program evaluation at the end. The activity resulted an increasing of farmer understanding of various culture system and they can produce the pellet in small scale by themselves. Based on SWOT analysis, the culture is potential to develop sustainably by regarding both internal and external factors.

Indah Fajarini Sri Wahyuningrum ◽  
Shanty Oktavilia ◽  
Sri Utami

This article describes potential strategies to develop community empowerment, and proposals for the economy, based on the local knowledge of the Semawis Night Market stallholders. The study focused on the disparity between the existing, unique, ethnic-based tourism sector and initiatives to preserve their heritage, amid massive development in the area to capture the phenomena of the night market. The approach used to devise the strategies was to map internal and external factors and conduct a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis. Results of this analysis revealed that the most effective strategies for developing economic activities in Semawis Night Market are funding, bureaucratic support for development, efficient digital-based promotion and marketing, and empowerment of the community. The community empowerment strategies address three areas: creating a conducive climate to develop communities, encouraging the existing potential, and protecting the less fortunate. The results of this study can be used as a reference for regions wishing to develop their ethnic-based tourism sites while preserving their heritage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Muhammad Feriady

This study aims to analyze business strategies owned by Micro Finance Institutions BUMDES Samirono in an effort to develop business and impact on community empowerment. This research was conducted in Gogik Village, West Ungaran District, Semarang Regency. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method with IFE and EFE environment analysis and SWOT Analysis. The results of this study showed that in the analysis of Internal and External Factors found by the researchers that internal factors are on average condition with IFE scores of 2.539. In the analysis of external factors have an EFE score of 2.662 which means the position of the organization in a state of being. The SWOT analysis shows that the alternative strategy that needs to be developed by the Samirono BUMDES Micro Finance Institution (LKM-BUMDES) is by maintaining a family organization that is familial in order to address the challenges and threats of the organization. The conclusion that can be obtained from this research is Village Finance Institution has its own characteristic in doing business activity. The aspect of familial, flexible and customizing the characteristics of the village community is the key to the success of the Samirono Micro Finance Institution (LKM-BUMDES) in running the savings and loan business and improving the welfare of the surrounding community.

2019 ◽  
Onsardi Onsardi

The title of this study is the Strategy of Increasing Consumer Food Loyalty in CurupCity, Rejang Lebong Regency (Case Study in "Henvian" Typical Food Industry). Thisresearch is based on the importance of strategies in increasing business and consumerloyalty to products sold.Strategies to increase business and consumer loyalty can bedone with a SWOT analysis. Place of this research is the "Henvian" shop that sellstypical Rejang lebong food. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative.Informants in this study were people who were considered to know for certain about theHENVIAN Specialty Food Store in Curup City, Rejang Lebong Regency. The dataanalysis technique used in this study is a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a typical Rejang Lebong food business.By using SWOT analysis techniques that consist of strengths (weakness), weaknesses(weakness), opportunities (opportnity) and threats (threath). The results of this studycan be concluded that the internal factors that are the strength of the marketing strategyare the quality of the product that is good at a price affordable to the public andtourists, service that is friendly and responsive to consumer needs, as well astechnological advancements that facilitate the promotion of business. Internal factorsthat are a weakness are often lack of stock, there are some products that do not meet thestandard packaging, the product shelf life is short, employees do not use uniforms.External factors that become opportunities are a fairly high economic community,abundant raw materials while external factors that are a threat are the manycompetitors, an unstable economy, the price of basic needs increases. Based on theresults of the SWOT analysis of internal and external factors, the strategy used is toimprove product quality by improving the appearance of packaging and quality ofcontent and quality of service by providing uniforms to employees and providingstandards of service to consumers. .Keywords: Strategy, Consumer Loyalty, SWOT

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Herwin Mopangga ◽  
Fitriaty Puhi

Tourism shows a significant contribution to foreign exchange and regional income in Indonesia. Defined as a priority and leading sector in the RPJMD, tourism development in the Regencies and the Province of Gorontalo must measure the results, benefits and impacts for all stakeholders. Contribution to regional income (PAD) and the composition of internal and external factors in each of the leading destinations is needed for the purpose of determining the strategy and policy of sustainable tourism development. The study concluded that tourism sector was relatively small in its contribution to each PAD total by Regencies in Gorontalo Province. The low of PADsp is relevant to the low occupancy rate (TPK) of the hotel and the length of stay (LoS). The lack of retribution income from recreation and sports spot is relevant to the lack of activities to support the attractiveness such as art and cultural attractions and local products that can be souvenirs for tourists. Infrastructure facilities at leading tourism objects are relatively incomplete or do not meet tourism standards. The low of PAD, TPK LoS can also explain that the increase in tourists to Gorontalo is only a transit to the other tourist objects outside of Gorontalo Province.Keywords: Tourism, Leading Sector, Gorontalo, Income, Swot Analysis

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Fauzan Febrian ◽  
Nazmi Fathnur Ahmad

The Covid-19 Pandemic has hurt the beverage outlets' sales. This study investigates the strength of the internal and external factors that influenced sales in the online platforms of hype drinks. Thus, the study focused on the adaptation strategy to improve the sales in the online platform of hype drinks under environmentally-health pressures. The approach was mixed-method by obtaining the data through questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The participant in this study was consumer, employee, and owner.  Data analysis is conducted under the SWOT analysis that has four steps in presenting the data. The finding concluded that internal and external factors positively impacted the business strategy to increase online sales of beverage outlets by riding the wave of hype among customers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Christian Morgan Moray ◽  
Sintje Rondonuwu

Swot analysis is a problem solving process in determining the best strategy for the progress of the organization by looking at aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Swot analysis is accompanied by looking at the efas ifas and swot matrix for measuring the strategy assessment that will be taken. SWOT analysis process by identifying internal factors and external factors by means of data collection and field surveys aimed at obtaining aspects in internal factors and external factors. aspects of strengths and weaknesses are internal because they start from within the organization itself, while aspects of opportunities and threats are included in the external because they originate outside the organization, then the process is continued by connecting internal and external factors in the SWOT matrix to get four strategies, namely how to exploit opportunities, how weaknesses take advantage of opportunities, how strengths minimize threats and how weaknesses and threats seek solutions. from these results can be reflected which strategy is the best to run.Keywords : Strategic planning ,evaluate strenghs, evaluate weaknesses, evaluate opportunities, evaluate threats

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-137
Suprajitno Suprajitno ◽  
Imam Zaenuri ◽  
Muliyadi Muliyadi

Introduction: SWOT analysis can be used to assess the position of an organization that has considered internal and external conditions. The objective of this systematic review is to find out the differences in SWOT analysis carried out by health service facilities outside Indonesia and the other country. Method: A systematic review used the PRISMA method. The search keywords used were strategic management, hospitals, health facilities, health services, and SWOT analysis obtained from Google Scholar, Science Direct, ProQuest, and PubMed. The articles analyzed were fully accessible and published in 2010-2020. Result: The main difference of analysis was that in Indonesia illustrates that the SWOT analysis was aimed at hospital organizations and few were oriented towards special services which has similar indicators on internal and external factors. Meanwhile, outside Indonesia, SWOT analysis was directed at specific health services so that it has different internal and external factors of indicator. Discussion: The difference analysis illustrates that the needs of an organization are different in strategic management development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 96
Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara ◽  
Nanang Febrianto ◽  
Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru

This research conducted in PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi Nganjuk. The objectives of this research were obtain a better understandin internal as well as exsternal environmental condition, secondly trying to covering the formulate the marketing strategi. Method that used in this research was a survey method, it contains observation, interview, and documentation. The data analyzed by SWOT analysis. The result showed internal strategy factors matrix give positive value where it strengths were stronger than it weakness (S = 2,29>W = 0,71). External strategy factors’ matrix also give positive value where it opportunities values were bigger than it threats values (O = 1,84 > T = 0,70). From the result, we know that environmental condition in PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi was very good, and gave good prospect for its progress in the future. It known from total score of strength and opportunities factors (SO = 4.13). From SWOT analysis, strategy that will be taken was in the first quadrant where internal and external factors were positive. In general terms, it means that the environmental condition of PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi, relatively has bigger opportunity than its weaknesses. The decision that made by PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi for marketing strategy was rapid strategy by which all opportunity could be captured as marketing consideration.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2(64)) ◽  
pp. 310-313
V.M. Fomishina ◽  
V.S. Prischepo

The potential of Ukraine as a subject of foreign trade is considered. The major internal and external factors that determine competitiveness in the global agricultural market with the help of SWOT-analysis are identified. It is set that despite a great number of negative factors inherent in Ukraine, the country has enormous agricultural potential, allowing growing and exporting huge volumes of agricultural production in the conditions created by nature. The basic barriers and ways of their overcoming for domestic agricultural manufacturers are analyzed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-21
Yoki Kurniawan ◽  
Rahmat Al Hidayat

This study aims to identify internal and external factors faced by the Koto Jaya Daily Market in Mukomuko, determine the optimization strategy of the market utilization. The data used in this study are primary data obtained from traders at the Koto Jaya Daily Market in Mukomuko in 2018 using a SWOT analysis tool.The results of the SWOT analysis can be concluded that internal factors in optimizing the utilization of the Koto Jaya Daily Market in Mukomuko are; 1) Strength Factors (land availability, location, supporting facilities, trader organizations, merchant composition, infrastructure, price information); 2) Weakness factors (rental prices, utilities, location access, market conditions, budget constraints, trader awareness), for external factors in optimizing the utilization of the Koto Jaya Daily Market in Mukomuko are; 1) Opportunity factors (population, community response, government support, technological development); 2) Threat factors (other market competitors, natural disasters, thuggery, government policies, economic crisis). The strategy that must be applied in this condition is the WT (Weaknesses-Threats) strategy, namely; 1) Implement a kiosk and booth rental price strategy; 2) Improve the quality and service quality of the Koto Jaya Mukomuko Market; 3) Optimizing existing facilities and infrastructure; 4) Maintain market security and comfort

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