scholarly journals Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Pangan Hasil Aplikasi Vertikultur Tanaman Sayuran di Kelurahan Tengah, Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 216-225
Julfi Restu Amelia ◽  
Ira Mulyawati ◽  
Lisa Ratnasari

Utilization of garden area at this time is still not optimal, and the development of various innovations related to the garden area is also limited. This fact related with the garden that owned by the people in general is very narrow. Verticulture is one of technique that can be used for narrow land in urban farming. The target audience of the activity is the partners and the community of Kelurahan Tengah, East Jakarta. The problems that exist are decreasing in interest and participation of target audience in carrying out reforestation activities due to limited land, and in the development of processed food products that is related with the difficulty of raw materials and the limitations of product marketing. The aim of the activity is to increase the participation of target audiences through assistance in optimizing reforestation activities, processing food products and developing market systems through online marketing. The method used in the activity are approach, socialization, and training, such as training on greening technology packages (verticulture techniques); food processing training: drinks from spinach, carrot and pineapple (Batelnas), drinks from okra, honey and ginger (The Kraduu), dodol from ginger and sesame (Dojawi), and dodol from ginger and carrot (Dojawo); and digital marketing technique training. The results showed that activity through appropriate technology transfer and assistance to the target audience is able to increase interest and participation and better care for the environment as well as business opportunities from such activities. The products resulted from this activity are new innovation products so that they have economic added value, and if it continuously done, it will increase household income of the target audience.

Ekalia Yusiana

Sweet potatoes are a cultural plant for the people of the Pegunungan Tengah, Papua because every day people in this region are always use sweet potatoes. Pegunungan Tengah, Papua community knows sweet potatoes with the name hipere. The purpose of this service is to change the behavior patterns of farmers in the process of processing sweet potatoes that have never been processed into regional superior products in Pegunungan Tengah, Papua. The implementation of this activity through KKN-PPM is by providing socialization and training in making various flavors of sweet potato chips. The results of this community service are the people of Wamena District can make various kinds of flavored sweet potato chips food products, thus helping the community in creating added value of products and can increase family income.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Dina Anika Marhayani ◽  
Zulfahita Zulfahita ◽  
Nindy Citroresmi Prihatiningtyas ◽  
Mariyam Mariyam ◽  
Rini Setyowati ◽  

<p> </p><em>One of the forms of business that may be done by a housewife is entrepreneurship, namely making APAYA (Abon Papaya). Processed food products made from papaya are chosen as an entrepreneurial business because they have good prospects. In addition to the young leaves as medicine, the fruit can be used as sweets, there are other food preparations made from papaya. Given the benefits and good nutritional content, papaya fruit verification is needed so that the product can be more acceptable to the community. The purpose of this activity is to inspire people about an idea and an entrepreneurial spirit with raw materials that are easily available and available around them so that they can increase household income. Through this service activity, assistance in making APAYA (Abon Papaya) into an economic commodity product in the form of shredded shredded can provide an alternative to new economic businesses in the community. The positive impact of this activity is to increase skills and knowledge related to the production of processed papaya fruit.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-79
Yohanes Martono ◽  
Maria Endah Retno Palupi ◽  
Betsy Felita ◽  
Sekar Nurani Saptaningtyas ◽  
Bereka Meidelivia Raharjianti ◽  

This community service activity is aimed at empowering the people of Kalkurmo Village, Beringin District, Semarang Regency through the processing of local natural resources. The appropriate technology being trained is the processing of corn into modified flour which can then be processed into various processed food products. Activities carried out in the form of training and community assistance to master post-harvest corn processing technology. Corn has been successfully processed into flour by fermentation and acetylation and then made into cookies. Cookies products can be used as processed food products to be marketed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 934 (1) ◽  
pp. 012091
A Pramana ◽  
H Adhianata ◽  
Y Zamaya ◽  
Y Nopiani ◽  
P Alvionita

Abstract There have been many efforts to increase agricultural productivity as a step to improve farmers’ welfare, one of which is through food diversification. Processing sago into various kinds of processed food products is a strategic to accelerate sago diversification. The market potential for sago starch in Riau Province is quite growing along with the local food products development. The purpose of this study was to analyze practical steps as an acceleration of sago food diversification so that opportunities could be identified in improving the welfare of sago farmers in Riau Province. This study used a survey method through interviews and direct observation regarding raw materials and processing methods for sago-based food products and the development of sago diversification products. As a support, secondary data is used through documents and reports related to local processed food in Riau Province, nutritional aspects, community and farmer empowerment, as well as increasing added value of products as supporting economic aspects. It was analyzed through a comparison between the increase in population and the potential for sago production. The existing diversified sago food products have good consumer acceptance and nutritional aspects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-45
I Gusti Bagus Udayana ◽  
Ni Made Defy Janurianti ◽  
AA Mayun Wirajaya ◽  
Made Yuliartini ◽  
Luh Kartini ◽  

The food industry is one of the industries that is growing very rapidly throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Various types of food and beverages with an attractive appearance continue to be produced to increase the aesthetic value and attractiveness of consumers. Food and beverage production processes include the selection of raw materials, food and beverage processing, food and beverage quality testing, packaging to the food and beverage distribution process. Every process that takes place must be controlled so that the final product produced is safe and suitable for consumption by consumers. Zalacca production in Karangasem Regency is very good to be developed into the useful food industry. The development of the zalacca-based food industry can increase added value for the people and zalacca commodities. The results of the study using the Process Hierarchy Analysis methodology show that Chips, Syrups, and Extracts occupy high yields to be developed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 404-409
Titin Apung Atikah

Cassava is a type of plant that is easy to grow in various types of soil, and its cultivation method is relatively easy. The stems, leaves, and tubers of cassava have various benefits for human life. Limited knowledge and skills regarding the diversification of cassava-based processed products are an obstacle for which solutions must be sought. The purpose of this service activity is to empower the community, especially partners/target groups, through training on processing cassava into raw materials for processed food products. Community service activities carried out using training/mentoring and demonstrations/practices are one of the solutions that can be carried out for community empowerment. The results of community service activities show that all participants (100%) can actively participate in receiving all the knowledge and skills transferred and are interested in doing it themselves at home (100%). Processed products in the form of cassava flour will be consumed by themselves (77%) and sold (23%) with processed food products of cassava lunkhead (89%) and cassava noodles (11%), which were of high interest. This data shows that community service activities carried out by Palangka Raya University can contribute and become a solution to overcome problems faced by the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Harapin Hafid ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Inderawati Inderawati ◽  
S.H. Ananda ◽  
L.O.A. Sani

Community service activities in the form of training in the application of appropriate technology for shredded production aimed at providing entrepreneurial skills and motivation. In this activity, technical guidance is carried out to increase knowledge and skills as well as work insights to the target so that they can form a shredded meat business group so that they can supply shredded needs for the people in the city of Kendari and surrounding areas. The activity method uses the technical guidance method where the participants are first given counseling related to basic knowledge of raw materials, equipment, manufacturing processes and abon assessment. Then there was a demonstration to make floss making involving the participants. The results achieved in this activity, in the form of increased knowledge and understanding of the training participants consisting of alumni of the Department of Animal Science, Halu Oleo University, were very interested and enthusiastic about receiving training materials and were very actively participating in the training activities. This situation shows that alumni majoring in animal husbandry are still in dire need of additional practice material because of the limited practical opportunities they have. In evaluating activities, participants' perception responses to follow-up activities are divided into three categories. Most want to make it for consumption and sell it as a source of income (60%), some want to make it for their own consumption with their families (30%) and some are interested but it is difficult to buy raw meat because of economic incapability (10%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 116-132
M. D. Goryachko ◽  
N. S. Leonenko

The recent interest in the topic of agri-food exports is caused by investment activity in agriculture after 2014 and, as a consequence, the positive dynamics of the main indicators of the industry's development. Russia’s food exports has grown more than 15 times since the early 2000s, and the dozens of countries around the world buy this food. At the same time, there are structural and regional features that indicate the limited results achieved in foreign trade, but Russia’s agri-food exports are growing only at the expense of three categories of goods (grain, vegetable oil and fish) with a lower added value than by top-processed food products. It is noted that despite the large number of importing countries, only a few of them purchase significant volumes of Russia’s food. The aim of the study is to quantify the regional differences in the involvement of the territory in the export of food and agricultural raw materials. The assessment showed that most of the Russia’s regions are poorly involved in foreign trade, therefore more than half of all food exports belong to several regions that have a large seaport and produce one of the three main food products. Based on the assessment results, a typology of Russia’s regions is presented according to the criterion of involvement in Russia’s export of agricultural products, taking into account the characteristics of exported products (upper, middle or lower processing). The results obtained make it possible to assess the real export activity of the agroindustrial sector of the regions and the potential for its increase in the future. To calculate the dynamics and regional distribution of Russia’s food exports we used the database of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (HS codes 01-24). In the article, we also calculated the Balassa index and the export diversification index, modified for analyzing the involvement of Russia’s regions in the export of agricultural products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 437-442
Teuku Athaillah ◽  
Bagio ◽  
Hasanuddin Husin

Poor waste management has become a problem in Kuta Jeumpa Village of Jeumpa Sub-district of Aceh Barat Daya Regency. The people of Kuta Jeumpa Village still throw their household wasteinto the river. As the result, the water of Putroe Aloh River in Kuta Jeumpa Village is filled with household waste. To overcome this situation, waste management education is needed to be carried out for the people of Kuta Jeumpa to manage their waste properly. The people of Kuta Jeumpa village need to be taught on how to turn waste into a source of income, for example by introducing on how to make processed food from household waste. After the the people of Kuta Jeumpa received the waste management education, they have succeeded in making new processed food products from household waste with the help of university students and lecturers. The products produced can provide profit value for the community. In addition, the community was also educated to no longer throw their household waste into the river.  

Novyandri Taufik Bahtera ◽  
Hanifiyah Yuliatul Hijriah ◽  
Himmatul Kholidah

Background: Strengthening of economic added value in overcoming the problem of poverty in Sidoarjo Regency through the participation of community organizations, one of which is the Muhammadiyah organization through fostering micro-businesses. But apparently there are still problems faced by most members of micro entrepreneurs who are incorporated in the form of inadequate abilities from the aspect of insight and skills. Purpose: This activity aims to increase the capacity of these micro entrepreneurs through a training in the field of financial administration records and product marketing Methods: The method used contains active training, discussion, and practice by organizing workshops and training in financial administration and tax development, and also implementation of practicing online marketing development training with the latest technology such as the use of e-commerce. Results: Micro entrepreneurs have gained insights and abilities in managing business financial administration, taxation for micro entrepreneurs and digital marketing. Conclusion: Partners can improve business competitiveness through increased skills related to the preparation of financial administration, micro business tax literacy and increased marketing through digital marketing.

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