scholarly journals POTENSI LESTARI IKAN SELAR KUNING (Selaroides leptolepis) DI PERAIRAN SELAT SUNDA (Population Dynamics of Yellowstripe Scad (Selaroides leptolepis) in Sunda Strait)

Maizan Sharfina ◽  
Mennofatria Boer ◽  
Yunizar Ernawati

<p>ABSTRACT<br />Yellowstripe scad included the one of commodity that has an important economic value in the Sunda Strait. Commonly, this species processed by Pandeglang fishermen to be the boiled fish, salted fish, grilled fish, besides it also traded in fresh or frozen fish product. The high market demand can not offset the production of this species from the nature. Therefore, it needed an information about resources of yellowstripe scad in the waters of the Sunda Strait in order to manage it well. The objective of this study was to estimate the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and the optimum fishing effort (fopt), so that the yellowstripe scad resources in the waters of the Sunda Strait can be utilized optimally and sustainably. Based on the standardization analysis, the purse seine be made the standard fishing gear for estimating the MSY of yellowstripe scad. The yellowstripe scad growth patterns during the study is isometric. Trends of CPUE of the yellowstripe scad fisheries tends to decrease during 2003 to 2013. Then, this species was estimated its maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of 304.50 tons per year, with the optimum fishing effort of 12.478 trips per year. The decline of the catch per fishing effort can indicated that the yellowstripe scad fishing conditions in the Sunda Strait was having the overfishing phenomenon.</p><p><br />Key words: Sunda Strait, sustainable potential, yellowstripe scad</p><p>-------</p><p>ABSTRAK</p><p><br />Ikan selar kuning termasuk salah satu komoditas perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis penting di perairan Selat Sunda. Jenis ikan ini, selain banyak dimanfaatkan oleh nelayan sekitar Kabupaten Pandeglang sebagai ikan pindang, ikan bakar, ikan asin, juga diperdagangkan dalam keadaan segar maupun dibekukan. Tingginya permintaan pasar tidak dapat mengimbangi produksi ikan tersebut di alam. Oleh karena itu, untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan selar kuning di perairan Selat Sunda, diperlukan suatu kajian mengenai potensi lestari ikan selar kuning. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil tangkapan maksimum lestari (maximum sustainable yield atau MSY) serta upaya penangkapan maksimum lestari (fopt) sehingga sumberdaya ikan selar kuning di Perairan Selat Sunda dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal dan berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan hasil standardisasi, alat tangkap standart yang digunakan adalah purse seine. Pola pertumbuhan ikan selar kuning selama penelitian, yaitu isometrik. Hasil perhitungan CPUE menunjukkan adanya produksi yang cenderung menurun dengan upaya penangkapan yang meningkat dari tahun 2003 sampai 2013. Hasil perhitungan potensi hasil tangkapan maksimum lestari (MSY) diestimasi sebesar 304,50 ton per tahun, dan upaya penangkapan optimumnya adalah 12.478 trip per tahun. Penurunan hasil tangkapan per upaya penangkapan dapat dijadikan salah satu indikasi bahwa kondisi penangkapan ikan selar kuning di Perairan Selat Sunda sedang mengalami gejala lebih tangkap atau overfishing.</p><p><br />Kata kunci: Selat Sunda, potensi lestari, ikan selar kuning</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 713-728
Yulia Estmirar Tanjov ◽  
Roza Yusfiandayani ◽  
. Mustaruddin

Lempasing is a Coastal Fishing Port (CFP) which located in Bandar Lampung. It is one of the centers of fisheries activities in the city. One of the fishing gear which operated by most of fishermen in Lempasing is mini purse seine. Mini purse seine fishing activities in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP is not in accordance with the conditions of the surrounding waters area. The research was conducted in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP, Lampung. This study aims to: 1) determine the status of fisheries resources utilization, 2) to describe the dominant fish caught by mini purse seine.  Analysis methods were used in this study namely: 1) Fishing Power Index (FPI), Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) to determine the status of fisheries resource utilization. The dominant small pelagic fishes caught were scad fish Selaroides sp., mackerel fish Rastrelliger sp., longnose trevally fish Carangoides chrysophrys. The result showed that Fox model was the best fits models with estimated maximum sustainable yield of 15.5 ton and fishing effort of 992 trip/year for mini purse seine. The longnose trevally fish in lampung bay area in do not exceeded the optimal catch fish condition can be used to sustainably. In these condition is necessary to wisely manage and setting the catches to not exceed the allowable catch of the small pelagic fish, so the stock of small pelagic fish in the Lampung Bay Area can be used sustainably.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 713
Yulia Estmirar Tanjov ◽  
Roza Yusfiandayani ◽  
. Mustaruddin

<p><em>Lempasing is a Coastal Fishing Port (CFP) which located in Bandar Lampung. It is one of the centers of fisheries activities in the city. One of the fishing gear which operated by most of fishermen in Lempasing is mini purse seine. Mini purse seine fishing activities in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP is not in accordance with the conditions of the surrounding waters area. The research was conducted in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP, Lampung. This study aims to: 1) determine the status of fisheries resources utilization, 2)</em><em> to describe the dominant fish caught by mini purse seine. </em><em> Analysis methods were used in this study namely: 1) Fishing Power Index (FPI), Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) to determine the status of fisheries resource utilization. The dominant small pelagic fishes caught were scad fish <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Selaroides</span> </em>sp<em>., mackerel fish <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Rastrelliger</span> </em>sp<em>., longnose trevally fish <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Carangoides</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">chrysophrys</span>. The result showed that Fox model was the best fits models with estimated maximum sustainable yield of 15.5 ton and fishing effort of 992 trip/year for mini purse seine. The longnose trevally fish in lampung bay area in do not exceeded the optimal catch fish condition can be used to sustainably. In these condition is necessary to wisely manage and setting the catches to not exceed the allowable catch of the small pelagic fish, so the stock of small pelagic fish in the Lampung Bay Area can be used sustainably.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yesi Dewita Sari ◽  
Sonny Koeshendrajana ◽  
Benny Osta Nababan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah alat tangkap yang dioperasikan pada perikanan lemuru di Selat Bali, yang didasarkan pada mekanisme keseimbangan supply dan demand. Pendugaan parameter biologi dilakukan menggunakan model CYP, pendugaan kurva supply menggunakan model Clark dan pendugaan kurva demand menggunakan model Salvatore. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa keseimbangan supply dan demand terjadi pada tingkat harga Rp 5.889 dengan jumlah produksi 10.149 ton per tahun. Sementara itu, berdasarkan hasil survei diperoleh data bahwa harga ikan lemuru berkisar antara Rp 1.500 – 2.000 dengan rata-rata jumlah produksi (tahun 1990-2007) 30.254 ton dengan rata-rata upaya penangkapan 16.934 trip per tahun. Pada kondisi Maximum Sustainable Yield diperoleh maksimum jumlah tangkapan adalah 21.418 ton per tahun dengan jumlah upaya penangkapan 8.023 trip per tahun. Jumlah upaya penangkapan ini setara dengan 81 unit purse seine dengan asumsi setiap unit purse seine memiliki 99 trip per tahun. Mengacu kepada jumlah produksi pada kondisi MSY, maka dengan jumlah produksi 10.149 ton per tahun pada kondisi keseimbangan supply dan demand, hanya 38 unit purse seine yang diperlukan di Selat Bali. Kebijakan pembatasan jumlah upaya penangkapan di lokasi tersebut diharapkan mampu memulihkan sumberdaya ikan lemuru, dan dalam jangka panjang eksploitasi dapat dilakukan secara optimal. Tittle: Optimalization of Governing ‘Lemuru’ Fishery Based on the Supply and Demand Mechanism in the Bali Strait.This research aimed to know amount of fishing effort for capturing lemuru in the Bali Strait based on supply demand equilibrium. Biology parameters were estimated by using CYP model, supply curve was estimated using Clark model and demand curve wos estimated using Salvatore model. Results show that supply demand equilibrium is reached at Rp 5,889 of price and 10,149 MT per year of harvest. Based on survey, price of lemuru was around Rp 1,500 – 2,000 with average of harvest (1990-2007) was 30,254 MT per year. At maximum sustainable yield (MSY), maximum harvest were 21,418 MT per year and fishing effort 8,023 trip per year. Fishing effort at MSY were 81 unit purse seine assuming that one unit purse seine operated 99 trips per year. Based on fishing effort and harvested fish at the MSY, with 10,149 ton per years at the equilibrium point of supply and demand of that particular fish, it required 38 units of purse seine in the Bali Strait. Limiting number of fishing effort in the Bali Strait is to be expected by which enabling to recover lemuru required in the long-run optimal exploitation rate of the lemuru.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Sri Turni Hartati ◽  
Setiya Triharyuni ◽  
Lilis Sadiyah

The coastal of Makassar Strait is one of main fishing grounds for purse seine vessels from northern part of Java which based at the following landing sites, i.e. Pekalongan, Tegal and Juwana. The purse seine fishery predominantly targets small pelagic fish. This paper attempts to present the current condition of small pelagic fishery in the Makassar Strait. Catch and effort (trip) data between 2004 and 2011 from the three landing sites were used to estimate Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) using Schaefer & Fox models. The results showed a decreasing trend in the catch rate, from 30.83 tons/trip in 2004 to 12.27 tons/trip in 2011. The estimated MSY is at the range of 34,705- 37,930 tons with optimum efforts for 2,234-2,500 purse seine trips. Thus the level of purse seine fishing effort in 2011, i.e. 3,078 trips, was exceeding the optimum effort. The decreasing trend in the catch rate may indicate overfishing is occurring between 2004 and 2011. For management of the small pelagic fisheries in the waters of Makassar Strait, important action recommended is fishing effort restrictions. The effort allowed would be only in the range of 2,234-2,500 purse seine trips, and the fishing capacity needs to be controled.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Donald H. Simanjuntak ◽  
Lawrence J. L. Lumingas ◽  
Joudy R. R. Sangari

This research was conducted in the city of Bitung, North Sulawesi Province with activities centered on the Bitung Ocean Fisheries Port (PPS), which began from mid March to April 2019. The fishing activities studied are using the fishing areas around the waters of  North Sulawesi Province namely the Sulawesi Sea and The Maluku Sea which are included in WPP 715 and 716 based on tuna catch landed data on PPS Bitung. The purpose of this study was to analyze the value of sustainable potential by looking at the level of utilization and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) of tuna in the waters around North Sulawesi Province based on a surplus production model approach (Schaefer Model). This research is expected to be used as a consideration in the management of tuna stocks around the waters of North Sulawesi Province, and can be used as a basis for further research. This study uses a secondary data collection method in the form of fishery statistics documents. The data used are data from tuna fishing and fishing (effort), from 2014 to 2018 (5 years). The results showed that the sustainable potential of tuna fisheries around the waters of North Sulawesi Province based on North Sulawesi PPS data indicated that, the sustainable potential value of tuna that could be caught was 14,173.51 tons / year which is counted as 80% of the value of tuna resources around the waters of North Sulawesi Province. PPS Bitung data which amounted to 17,716.15 tons / year for Hmsy, 1,200.15 trips / year for Emsy, with an average CPUE value of 2014-2018 of 19 tons / trip. The level of tuna utilization around the waters of North Sulawesi Province is based on data from PPS Bitung in 2014, 2017 and 2018 which indicate that there were indications of overfishing with the largest utilization rate in 2014 which reached a value of 155.09%.Keywords: tuna, Bitung, Bitung PPS, sustainable potential, MSY. ABSTRAKKegiatan penelitian ini berlangsung di Kota Bitung, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan kegiatan berpusat di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Bitung, yang dimulai  dari pertengahan bulan Maret hingga bulan April 2019. Aktivitas perikanan tangkap yang ditelaah berlangsung di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yaitu Laut Sulawesi dan Laut Maluku yang masuk ke dalam WPP 715 dan 716 berdasarkan data tangkapan tuna yang didaratkan di PPS Bitung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis nilai potensi lestari dengan melihat tingkat pemanfaatan dan maximum sustainable yield (MSY) ikan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan pendekatan model produksi surplus (Model Schaefer). Penelitan ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengelolaan stok ikan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, serta dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data sekunder berbentuk dokumen. Data yang diambil adalah data tangkapan ikan tuna dan upaya penangkapan ikan atau effort (trip), dari tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2018 (5 Tahun). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan potensi lestari perikanan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung Sulawesi Utara nilai potensi lestari tuna yang bisa ditangkap adalah 14.173,51 ton/tahun 80% dari nilai pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan tangkap tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung yang sebesar 17.716,15 ton/tahun untuk Hmsy, 1.200,15 trip/tahun untuk Emsy, dengan nilai CPUE rata-rata tahun 2014-2018 sebesar 19 ton/trip. Tingkat pemanfaatan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung Sulawesi Utara di tahun 2014,2017 dan 2018 sudah yang menandakan adanya indikasi overfishing dengan tingkat pemanfaatan terbesar di tahun 2014 yang mencapai nilai 155,09%.Kata Kunci: ikan tuna, Bitung, PPS Bitung, potensi lestari, MSY.

Crustacea ◽  
2020 ◽  
Jorge Homero Rodriguez Castro ◽  
Sandra Edith Olmeda de la Fuente ◽  
Wanda Ortiz Baez ◽  
Alfonso Correa Sandoval ◽  
Jose Alberto Ramirez de León

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Yusep Sugianto ◽  
I G N Sumanta Buana

Data tahun 2016 menunjukkan bahwa trend produksi ikan PPS Bungus meningkat dalam kurun waktu 2007-2015. Hasil tangkapan tertinggi adalah di tahun 2015 sebanyak 5.025,59 ton. Akan tetapi kecenderungan peningkatan produksi tangkapan ini tidak menyebabkan peningkatan pada nilai tangkapannya. Nilai produksi per ton justru memperlihatkan trend penurunan. Pada tahun 2015, nilai produksi ikan per ton adalah Rp. 60.118.000. Nilai produksi ini sangat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan nilai produksi pada tahun 2012 sebesar Rp. 89.645.000 per ton dengan hasil tangkapan sebanyak 4.155,9 ton. Penurunan nilai produksi ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun jumlah tangkapan meningkat namun mutu ikan yang dalam hal ini adalah ukuran ikan yang ditangkap justru semakin mengecil. Ini menandakan bahwa terdapat dugaan bahwa perairan Sumatera Barat tersebut telah terlalu banyak dieksploitasi sehingga menimbulkan kelangkaan sumberdaya ikan tersebut. Untuk menghindari kelangkaan sumerdaya tersebut, maka perlu pengendalian jumlah kapal penangkap ikan. Untuk menentukan jumlah kapal ikan, langkah pertama adalah menentukan jumlah potensi letari sumberdaya ikan (Maximum Sustainable Yield). Potensi lestari sumberdaya ikan dihitung dengan menggunakan metode surplus produksi. Jumlah kapal ikan dihitung dengan metode optimasi dengan kendala asli adalah jumlah tangkapan yang diperbolehkan, dan kendala sasaran adalah jumlah tangkapan masing-masing tipe kapal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi overfishing di perairan Sumatera Barat sebanyak 2.011,27 ton dari jumlah yang seharusnya diperbolehkan yaitu 3.013,82 ton. Jumlah kapal ikan yang diperbolehkan adalah 31 unit kapal longline dan 146 unit kapal purse seine

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 621-638 ◽  

ABSTRACTThis study aims to examine the interannual variation in fish biomass and to estimate the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for the marine fisheries of Kerala, India. Although the productivity of a fishery is known to be dependent on species diversity, this relationship is not widely documented. This paper uses an extended Gordon–Schaefer model that is modified to incorporate species diversity to estimate the MSY levels of catch and the corresponding fishing effort. Species diversity is expressed as both biological and bioeconomic diversity using the Simpson index. The model reports that the actual fishing effort has exceeded the maximum level necessary to support sustainable yield, while the maximum level of catch for maintaining sustainable yield is not known. A comparison of fish landings and effort data across different fishing techniques indicates that there is a potential to decrease the current level of fishing effort without experiencing a significant decline in fish catch.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Donald H. Simanjuntak ◽  
Lawrence J. L. Lumingas ◽  
Joudy R. R. Sangari

This research was conducted in the city of Bitung, North Sulawesi Province with activities centered on the Bitung Ocean Fisheries Port (PPS), which began from mid March to April 2019. The fishing activities studied are using the fishing areas around the waters of  North Sulawesi Province namely the Sulawesi Sea and The Maluku Sea which are included in WPP 715 and 716 based on tuna catch landed data on PPS Bitung. The purpose of this study was to analyze the value of sustainable potential by looking at the level of utilization and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) of tuna in the waters around North Sulawesi Province based on a surplus production model approach (Schaefer Model). This research is expected to be used as a consideration in the management of tuna stocks around the waters of North Sulawesi Province, and can be used as a basis for further research. This study uses a secondary data collection method in the form of fishery statistics documents. The data used are data from tuna fishing and fishing (effort), from 2014 to 2018 (5 years). The results showed that the sustainable potential of tuna fisheries around the waters of North Sulawesi Province based on North Sulawesi PPS data indicated that, the sustainable potential value of tuna that could be caught was 14,173.51 tons / year which is counted as 80% of the value of tuna resources around the waters of North Sulawesi Province. PPS Bitung data which amounted to 17,716.15 tons / year for Hmsy, 1,200.15 trips / year for Emsy, with an average CPUE value of 2014-2018 of 19 tons / trip. The level of tuna utilization around the waters of North Sulawesi Province is based on data from PPS Bitung in 2014, 2017 and 2018 which indicate that there were indications of overfishing with the largest utilization rate in 2014 which reached a value of 155.09%.Keywords: tuna, Bitung, Bitung PPS, sustainable potential, MSY. ABSTRAKKegiatan penelitian ini berlangsung di Kota Bitung, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan kegiatan berpusat di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Bitung, yang dimulai  dari pertengahan bulan Maret hingga bulan April 2019. Aktivitas perikanan tangkap yang ditelaah berlangsung di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yaitu Laut Sulawesi dan Laut Maluku yang masuk ke dalam WPP 715 dan 716 berdasarkan data tangkapan tuna yang didaratkan di PPS Bitung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis nilai potensi lestari dengan melihat tingkat pemanfaatan dan maximum sustainable yield (MSY) ikan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan pendekatan model produksi surplus (Model Schaefer). Penelitan ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengelolaan stok ikan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, serta dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data sekunder berbentuk dokumen. Data yang diambil adalah data tangkapan ikan tuna dan upaya penangkapan ikan atau effort (trip), dari tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2018 (5 Tahun). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan potensi lestari perikanan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung Sulawesi Utara nilai potensi lestari tuna yang bisa ditangkap adalah 14.173,51 ton/tahun 80% dari nilai pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan tangkap tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung yang sebesar 17.716,15 ton/tahun untuk Hmsy, 1.200,15 trip/tahun untuk Emsy, dengan nilai CPUE rata-rata tahun 2014-2018 sebesar 19 ton/trip. Tingkat pemanfaatan tuna di sekitar perairan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan data PPS Bitung Sulawesi Utara di tahun 2014,2017 dan 2018 sudah yang menandakan adanya indikasi overfishing dengan tingkat pemanfaatan terbesar di tahun 2014 yang mencapai nilai 155,09%.Kata Kunci: ikan tuna, Bitung, PPS Bitung, potensi lestari, MSY.

2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
T. V. Sathianandan ◽  
Somy Kuriakose ◽  
K. G. Mini ◽  
P. K. Safeena

The south-west region of the Indian coast is shared by three maritime states and it contributes nearly 32% to the total marine fish production of the country. Mechanised trawl fishery accounts for 44% of the marine fish harvest in the south-west coast and a number of resources are harvested by trawl nets from this region. An assessment of the trawl fishery to determine sustainable harvest levels for mechanised trawlers in the region was carried out using time series data on annual landings and fishing effort of mechanised trawlers during the period 1990-2015. A Bayesian estimation method for Schaefer model was used for the analysis. Posterior probability densities of parameters of the model, maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and corresponding biomass were obtained through Bayesian estimation for the trawl fishery in south-west coast and the harvest levels were found to be above MSY from 2012 onwards. Forecasts of biomass and fish landings by mechanised trawlers upto 2025 under different levels of fishing effort were also simulated using the model to study the dynamic changes over time. It was found that the numbers of multiday trawlers and single day trawlers operating in this region have to be reduced by 207 and 36 respectively to retain the harvest at sustainable level.

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