2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Baiq Farista ◽  
Arben Virgota

The development of tourism activities in Taman Wisata Alam Krandangan (TWAK) has shown an escalating trend with 33% visits increase in a period of 2010-2014. The increasing number of visits is potential to promote environmental damage. Therefore, to create a function balance between the area conservation and it’s utilization as a tourism destination, then an assessment study on the tourism carrying capacity is of high importance. This research aimed to analyze tourism carrying capacity based on the environment biophysical aspects as well as the management capacity in TWAK. Assessments method employed was a carrying capacity assessment developed by Cifuentes (1992). The concepts of this carrying capacity assessment considered physical, biological, and management conditions in determining the maximum number of visitors and was divided into three levels i.e. Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC), Real Carrying Capacity (RCC) and Effective Carrying Capacity (ECC). The assessment of carrying capacity was performed in 4 tourism area of TWAK i.e. recreational area, observation area, camping area and hiking tracks. The calculation results showed the physical carrying capacity (PCC) of TWAK was 1,406 visitors per day. This value implies the number of visitors that physically can be contained in every group of tourism area. Physical carrying capacity could not consider the biophysical factors of the area. Hence, this value cannot be utilized as a reference in visitor management. Based on the calculation result of the real carrying capacity, the maximum number of visitors to be allowed to visit TWAK is 186 people per day. An effective carrying capacity is 93 visitors per day.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 04015
Eko Suwarno ◽  
Holi Bina Widjaya

The number of tourists who visit Goa Kiskendo Forest Tourism have been increased. By the increasing of tourists number will increase tourism activities so it will not be easy to manage it. It relates to realize the balance between tourism activities with environmental sustainability because with the increase will cause environmental damage. Therefore, to reduce the negative impacts, especially environmental biophysical conditions, it is necessary to conduct research on the carrying capacity analysis of the tourist environment in Goa Kiskendo Forest Tourism, which is linked to the maximum amount of visitors received in the area influenced by environmental biophysical aspects and management capacity. The method used refers to the Cifuentes formula (1992) which consists of Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC), Real Carrying Capacity (RCC) and Effective Carrying Capacity (ECC). Data collection was done by field observation / survey, literature study, questionnaire and limited interview. The carrying capacity analysis result of tourist environment in Goa Kiskendo Forest Tourism shows the PCC value is amount 3,930 visitors / day; RCC value is 276 visitors / day and ECC value is 184 visitors / day. This value when compared with the actual average number of current visitors is 37 visitors / day, is immobile far under the value of the effective carrying capacity analysis results. Founded on the effective carrying capacity value, the growth of Goa Kiskendo Forest Tourism can still be done by optimalization of the visitors number by 79.89% in accordance with the effective carrying capacity so the environmental conditions are stay awaked with the tourism activities in the location.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 85 ◽  
Zhang Jihong ◽  
Lin Fan ◽  
Fang Jianguang

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Arie Herlambang

Basically, nature has the ability to perform the restoration of environmental damage caused by increased human activity, but because of the limited carrying capacity, then the environment has decreased the quality from year to year. In saving the environment, technology plays a role in reducing the risk of pollution, increased efi siensi process, and creating processes and environmentall friendly products, monitoring and prediction of environment quality, environmental pollution control, restoration and environmental improvement. Waste Technology (end of pipe technology) are widely used to cope with environmental pollution, both for liquid waste, solid and air. Waste processing technology developed for the waste can be in accordance with quality standards thathave been established, while monitoring technology has been developed either manually or automatically. For recovery and improvement of technology has been developed remedies and restoration that rely on bacteria in nature.Keywords: end of pipe technology, reuse, recycle, reduce (3R), carrying capacity, and environment pollution

B. S. Tselentis ◽  
D. G. Prokopiou ◽  
Em. Gyalirakis ◽  
D. Bouga

Nusa Setiani Triastuti ◽  
Indriasari Indriasari

<p><em>Pile foundation is one of the solutions of high-rise buildings not in the area of restrict area. When the pile foundation reached until the hard ground reaches, a small settlement is expected and  different  setlement  are  not occur. The objective: analyze the results of loading tests compared carryng capacity calculations, pile cap thick required secure.</em></p><p><em>The research method used in this research is the case study of pile foundation  twelve floors building in Batam island. The reaction on the pile is analyzed using software program of non-linear structure version 9.5 which is supported by primary data, namely loading test and secondary data of soil investigation and the largest column force taken on the pole 1.618,854 ton, Mx -7,936 ton meter, My -75,531 ton meter.</em></p><p><em>Carrying capacity analysis is based on friction and end bearing and calculated pole efficiency. The axial load of the plan is supported by 16 (sixteen) piles, based on the loading test (P) the ultimate pile foundation reaches 200% (two hundred percent) in the amount of 411.52 tons. </em><em>Single pile carrying capacity is 205.76 tons .Settlement in the loading test results 10mm is smaller than from the setlement in calculation results. The stress acting on the pile cap of 12.453 kg/cm<sup>2</sup> is smaller than the permit strees of 13 kg/cm<sup>2</sup>.</em></p>

Rongyan Zhu ◽  
Xiaofen Zhou ◽  
Lizhe Shi ◽  
Shufan Zhu

Logistics resources will be concentrated in the same space by logistics park, to provide intensive logistics services and enhance the efficiency of logistics, thereby, a large number of logistics parks emerged in China for a period of time, and the park vacancy rate caused by high attention. Logistics Park construction should be matched with the demand. Calculation of logistics park carrying capacity is one of those problems should be solved. This paper uses the analogy method, the standard reference method and the space-time consumption method to calculate the comprehensive carrying capacity of “one port, six parks”, which is planned in Wuhan. The results show that although the space-time consumption method is more complicated than the other two, but its calculation results can better reflect the carrying capacity of Logistics Park.

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