Introduction: Arthroscopy has a significant efficacy amongst patients, butis dependent on the anasthesia used. This is particularly important, as research on kneearthroscopy has established importance on anasthesia, particularly the type and number used.Study Research Objective: This study conducted over a period of 2 years, included all patientsundergoing knee arthroscopy, irrespective of age, gender and underlying conditions (whethertraumatic, degenerative, infective or inflammatory). In this study the Impact of postoperativepain management on patient recovery was evaluated. There is evidence that the knee joint hasmorphine receptors, thus nalbuphin was used. Study Design: Randomized Case Control Study.Setting: Department of KRL Hospital. Period: Jan 2014 to Dec 2015. Methodology: Randomizationwas done through the random number generator function provided by Open EPI Ver. 3.01.The random numbers generated were compared with serial numbers assigned to patientsthrough consent forms and then assigned to the three groups accordingly (Control, Lignocaine,Lignocaine + Nalbucin). Out of 117 patients 6 patients were given general anesthesia and 111were given spinal anesthesia. Arthroscopy was done under tourniquet control. To measure painthresholds, a visual analogue scale from 1 to 9 was used and then made into three groups:mild (1-3), moderate (4-6) and severe (7-9). Patient Mobilization was measured 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,14, and 16 hours post operation. Analysis was done using OpenEPI Ver. 3.01 and MicrosoftExcel 2013 separately for both Lignocaine and Lignocaine + Nalbuphin. A systematic literaturereview was done to compare the results found in this study with those found in this study. Forthis purpose, the following string was used in Google Scholar and Pubmed: “Arthroscopy”AND “TB” AND “Synovial Biopsy” and “Postoperative Pain Management” AND “Arthroscopy”AND “Knee Joint”. Results: Interventions of Lignocaine and Lignocaine + Nalbucin were moreeffective than control. Lignocaine + Nalbucin combined showed higher chances of mobilitywhen compared to Lignocaine and control. Systematic Literature Review also provided similarresults. Conclusion: If this procedure is performed with the correct expertise and the patientgiven intra articular lignocaine and Nalbuphin, the patients show early and good recovery andtherefore they can be discharged the same day thus reducing the cost on the patient as wellas the hospital.