random number generator
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Roman Senkerik ◽  
Michal Pluhacek ◽  
Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova

This research deals with the initial investigations on the concept of a chaos-driven evolutionary algorithm Differential evolution. This paper is aimed at the embedding of simple two-dimensional chaotic system, which is Lozi map, in the form of chaos pseudo random number generator for Differential Evolution. The chaotic system of interest is the discrete dissipative system. Repeated simulations were performed on standard benchmark Schwefel’s test function in higher dimensions. Finally, the obtained results are compared with canonical Differential Evolution.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Tsuyoshi Takara ◽  
Kazuo Yamamoto ◽  
Naoko Suzuki ◽  
Shin-ichiro Yamashita ◽  
Shin-ichiro Iio ◽  

Background and objective: Chrysanthemum flowers are consumed as fresh condiments, herbal teas, and processed foods in Japan and Taiwan. They contain luteolin as a major polyphenol and are traditionally used for eye care. We previously demonstrated that the ingestion of Chrysanthemum flower extract (CFE) for 1 month reduced serum uric acid levels. However, the findings obtained were considered to be biased because the study was performed by a CFE manufacturer. Therefore, we herein conducted a clinical trial on CFE on a larger scale and examined its effects on purine base absorption from the intestines, which represents an effective approach for reducing serum uric acid levels. Methods: Both studies were performed as randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials and CFE (100 mg) containing 1 mg of luteolin was used as the active sample. We enrolled 44 healthy Japanese men and women with 6.0 to 7.9 mg/dL serum uric acid. All subjects were randomly allocated to an active group (n=22) or placebo group (n=22) using a computerized random number generator. In the purine base absorption study, CFE was ingested with a purine base-rich diet and serum uric acid levels were measured chronologically. In the 12-week consecutive ingestion study, CFE or placebo was administered between January and April 2021. Serum uric acid levels after 12 weeks were assessed as the primary outcome, and uric acid were measured before and after 4 weeks of the intervention as secondary outcomes. Blood, urine and body parameters were examined to evaluate the safety of CFE. Results: Thirty-nine subjects completed the trial, and the per protocol set comprised 18 and 21 subjects in the active and placebo groups, respectively. In the single dosing study of CFE on subjects loaded by the purine base-rich diet, no significant changes were observed between the CFE and placebo groups. On the other hand, in the 12-week ingestion study, serum uric acid levels were significantly lower in the CFE group than in the placebo group. Laboratory tests revealed no abnormalities to suggest any side effects of CFE.Conclusions: CFE (100 mg/day) containing 1 mg of luteolin reduced serum uric acid levels. CFE may be beneficial for improving hyperurichemia. Trial Registration: UMIN-CTR: UMIN000042327Foundation: The present study was funded by Oryza Oil & Fat Chemical Co., Ltd. Keywords: Chrysanthemum, luteolin, uric acid, purine base

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xiangzi Zhang ◽  
Xiaobin Ding ◽  
Dandan Tong ◽  
Pengbin Chang ◽  
Jizhao Liu

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a direct communication pathway between the brain and the external environment without using peripheral nerves and muscles. This emerging topic is suffering from serious issues such as malicious tampering and privacy leakage. To address this issue, we propose a novel communication scheme for BCI Systems. In particular, this scheme first utilizes high-dimensional chaotic systems with hyperbolic sine nonlinearity as the random number generator, then decorrelation operation is used to remove the physical characteristics of the output sequences. Finally, each of the sequences is applied in differential chaos shift keying (DCSK). Since each output sequence corresponds to a unique electrode, the communication data of different electrodes will not interfere with each other. Compared with popular multi-user DSCK schemes using Walsh code sequences, this scheme does not require the channel data of all electrodes while decoding. Therefore, this scheme has higher efficiency. Experimental results on communication data indicate that the proposed scheme can provide a high level of security.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Unsub Zia ◽  
Mark McCartney ◽  
Bryan Scotney ◽  
Jorge Martinez ◽  
Ali Sajjad

AbstractPseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) are one of the building blocks of cryptographic methods and therefore, new and improved PRNGs are continuously developed. In this study, a novel method to generate pseudo-random sequences using coupled map lattices is presented. Chaotic maps only show their chaotic behaviour for a specified range of control parameters, what can restrict their application in cryptography. In this work, generalised symmetric maps with adaptive control parameter are presented. This novel idea allows the user to choose any symmetric chaotic map, while ensuring that the output is a stream of independent and random sequences. Furthermore, to increase the complexity of the generated sequences, a lattice-based structure where every local map is linked to its neighbouring node via coupling factor has been used. The dynamic behaviour and randomness of the proposed system has been studied using Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy, bifurcation diagrams and the NIST statistical suite for randomness. Experimental results show that the proposed PRNG provides a large key space, generates pseudo-random sequences and is computationally suitable for IoT devices.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Serhii Haliuk ◽  
Oleh Krulikovskyi ◽  
Dmytro Vovchuk ◽  
Fernando Corinto

This paper suggests an approach to generate pseudo-random sequences based on the discrete-time model of the simple memristive chaotic system. We show that implementing Euler’s and Runge–Kutta’s methods for the simulation solutions gives the possibility of obtaining chaotic sequences that maintain general properties of the original chaotic system. A preliminary criterion based on the binary sequence balance estimation is proposed and applied to separate any binary representation of the chaotic time sequences into random and non-random parts. This gives us the possibility to delete obviously non-random sequences prior to the post-processing. The investigations were performed for arithmetic with both fixed and floating points. In both cases, the obtained sequences successfully passed the NIST SP 800-22 statistical tests. The utilization of the unidirectional asymmetric coupling of chaotic systems without full synchronization between them was suggested to increase the performance of the chaotic pseudo-random number generator (CPRNG) and avoid identical sequences on different outputs of the coupled systems. The proposed CPRNG was also implemented and tested on FPGA using Euler’s method and fixed-point arithmetic for possible usage in different applications. The FPGA implementation of CPRNG supports a generation speed up to 1.2 Gbits/s for a clock frequency of 50 MHz. In addition, we presented an example of the application of CPRNG to symmetric image encryption, but nevertheless, one is suitable for the encryption of any binary source.

2022 ◽  
Jialin Cheng ◽  
Jiliang Qin ◽  
Shaocong Liang ◽  
Jiatong Li ◽  
zhihui yan ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Borja Bordel ◽  
Ramón Alcarria ◽  
Tomás Robles

Most recent solutions for users’ authentication in Industry 4.0 scenarios are based on unique biological characteristics that are captured from users and recognized using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. These biometric applications tend to be computationally heavy, so to monitor users in an unobtrusive manner, sensing and processing modules are physically separated and connected through point-to-point wireless communication technologies. However, in this approach, sensors are very resource constrained, and common cryptographic techniques to protect private users’ information while traveling in the radio channel cannot be implemented because their computational cost. Thus, new security solutions for those biometric authentication systems in their short-range wireless communications are needed. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new cryptographic approach addressing this scenario. The proposed solution employs lightweight operations to create a secure symmetric encryption solution. This cipher includes a pseudo-random number generator based, also, on simple computationally low-cost operations in order to create the secret key. In order to preserve and provide good security properties, the key generation and the encryption processes are fed with a chaotic number sequence obtained through the numerical integration of a new four-order hyperchaotic dynamic. An experimental analysis and a performance evaluation are provided in the experimental section, showing the good behavior of the described solution.

2021 ◽  
pp. 494-505
Alexandr A. Kuznetsov ◽  
Yurii Gorbenko ◽  
Anastasiia Kiian Anastasiia Kiian ◽  
Yuliia V. Ulianovska ◽  
Tetiana Kuznetsova

Pseudo-random number generator is an important mechanism for cryptographic information protection. It can be used independently to generate special data or as the most important element of security of other mechanisms for cryptographic information protection. The application of transformations in a group of points of elliptic and hypereliptic curves is an important direction for the designing of cryptographically stable pseudo-random sequences generators. This approach allows us to build  the resistant cryptographic algorithms in which the problem of finding a private key is associated with solving the discrete logarithm problem. This paper proposes a method for generating pseudo-random sequences of the maximum period using transformations on the elliptic curves. The maximum sequence period is provided by the use of recurrent transformations with the sequential formation of the elements of the point group of the elliptic curve. In this case, the problem of finding a private key is reduced to solving a theoretically complex discrete logarithm problem. The article also describes the block diagram of the device for generating pseudo-random sequences and the scheme for generating internal states of the generator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Aleksandar Radonjić

The paper presents the basic idea of ​​the construction of an analog discrete uniform noise generator. The source of noise is a carbon resistor, the noise is linearly strongly amplified and limited to around zero. The probability density function (PDF) of the carbon resistor thermal noise in that region is square. By narrowing the symmetric allowable gap (interval) around zero, PDF of the noise approaches a uniform distribution. The factor of deviation from the uniform distribution is correctly and precisely defined. This quantity has been shown to be practically negligible. In addition, the paper discusses the application of the proposed ditheter noise, both in the two-bit and in the multi-bit stochastic digital measurement method (SDMM). It has been shown that noise is more suitable for application in multi-bit SDMM, because it is less sensitive to deviations from the uniform distribution. Commercially available track-and-hold circuits provide at least an order of magnitude wider bandwidth of the described generator compared to the standard solution that uses numerical random number generator and a corresponding D/A converter. However, the realization of such a generator requires hard engineering work, and therefore goes beyond the scope of this paper.

Nozomi Akashi ◽  
Kohei Nakajima ◽  
Mitsuru Shibayama ◽  
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Abstract Random number generation has become an indispensable part of information processing: it is essential for many numerical algorithms, security applications, and in securing fairness in everyday life. Random number generators (RNG) find application in many devices, ranging from dice and roulette wheels, via computer algorithms, lasers to quantum systems, which inevitably capitalize on their physical dynamics at respective spatio-temporal scales. Herein, to the best of our knowledge, we propose the first mathematically proven true RNG (TRNG) based on a mechanical system, particularly the triple linkage of Thurston and Weeks. By using certain parameters, its free motion has been proven to be an Anosov flow, from which we can show that it has an exponential mixing property and structural stability. We contend that this mechanical Anosov flow can be used as a TRNG, which requires that the random number should be unpredictable, irreproducible, robust against the inevitable noise seen in physical implementations, and the resulting distribution's controllability (an important consideration in practice). We investigate the proposed system's properties both theoretically and numerically based on the above four perspectives. Further, we confirm that the random bits numerically generated pass the standard statistical tests for random bits.

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