scholarly journals Opini Member Mengenai Personal Selling Sales Moka Pos dalam Memasarkan Produk

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Olga Puspa Novilini ◽  
Riza Hernawati

Abstract. Large companies application cash Moka POS is one of business competitors in the online. Moka POS system is the point of sales. The point of sales arranged to present information business. If a cafe, then output is menu and price. The output of cash application was sent digitally through sms to customers cellular phones. Moka POS through personal selling post, sell their products use of the executive marketers sales which aims to affect consumer to purchase. On Moka POS sometimes frequent mistake by sales or communication on the application cashier online itself. To the Moka POS give to briefing sales. However sales was not able to practice so they cannot give satisfaction for their customers, this can be seen in figure a customer complaint. The purpose of research to know a member opinion about salesmanship sales, negotiating, marketing sales relationship Moka POS heading in markets better for you products. A method of descriptive with the sampling method of who used in research is the total sampling. The sample collection as many as 95 visitors. Based on the research done, shows that a member opinion about salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing Moka POS heading in markets better for you products sales could be said to be good because any product Moka POS offer will be able to understand, the manner of serving salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing to consumer good so consumers business operators become a member of the application of these Moka POS. Abstrak. Perusahaan besar aplikasi kasir online yaitu Moka POS adalah salah satu pesaing bisnis dalam bidang online. Moka POS merupakan aplikasi sistem Point of Sales. Sistem Point of Sales diatur agar dapat menyajikan informasi usaha. Apabila pada sebuah kafe, maka output-nya adalah daftar menu dan harga. Output dari aplikasi kasir tersebut dikirimkan secara digital melalui SMS ke ponsel pelanggan. Moka POS melalui personal selling, memasarkan produknya menggunakan tenaga pemasar yaitu Sales Executive yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi konsumen agar melakukan pembelian. Pada Moka POS terkadang juga sering terjadi kesalahan komunikasi oleh sales ataupun pada aplikasi kasir online itu sendiri. Untuk meminimalis keluhan-keluhan tersebut, Moka POS memberikan pembekalan kepada sales. Namun ternyata sales tersebut belum mampu mempraktekannya sehingga mereka tidak dapat memberikan kepuasan bagi pelanggannya, hal ini dapat dilihat pada gambar keluhan pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui opini member mengenai salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing sales Moka POS dalam memasarkan produk. Metode deskriptif dengan sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah total sampling. Pengambilan sampel sebanyak 95 orang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa opini member mengenai salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing sales Moka POS dalam memasarkan produk bisa dikatakan baik karena setiap produk Moka POS yang di tawarkan dapat di mengerti, cara melayani salesmanship sales, negotiating, relationship marketing terhadap konsumen baik sehingga konsumen pelaku usaha menjadi member dari aplikasi Moka POS tersebut.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 3737-3754
Witta Widiya ◽  
Efrizal Syofyan

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of competency, independence, and auditor ethics on audit quality in Inspectorate Office. Type of this research is a quantitative researh. The population in this study were auditors in inspectorate office West Sumatera province with 35 samples taken. The technique of sample collection is total sampling method. The sources of the data of this research is the primary data. The technique of the data collection is questionnaires. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 25. Data analysis methods used in this study are multiple linier regression analysis, with audit quality as the dependent variabel, competency, independence and auditor ethics as the independent variabel. This result of the reseacrh support the third hypotheses, where the research shows that auditor ethics has an effect on audit quality of examiners at the inspectorate West Sumatera province. The results also show that competency and independence have no effect on audit quality of examiners at the inspecorate West Sumatera provinsi.

Megalia ◽  
Ujang Sumarwan ◽  
Imam Teguh Saptono

This study examines the strategic influence of promotion mix on the volume of aggregation and to know whether the marketing mix run by the Restaurant XYZ affect consumer spending. The theory used in this research is the promotion mix. The research design was conduced with a quantitative descriptive approach through an interview using quisionaire. Sampling method used is a purposive sampling technique with the number of respondents counted 200 people. In this study measure the influence caused by the promotion mix variables such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct selling to increase sales volume. The results show that advertising variables are the most influential variabel of sales volume and the promotion mix simultaneously influences the buying decision of the customer. The findings of this research provide managerial implications that restaurant should not only focus on promotions costs for advertising alone, but also need to pay close attention to the allocation of appropriate funds to see the effectiveness of increased sales volume.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Teguh Iman Sayekti ◽  
Euis Soliha

<p><em>This study is to determine what factors influencingthe performance of SMEs. The population in this study is SMEs in the Central Java. Sample collection was conducted with a purposive sampling method. Criteriaused to take into accountis the SMEs that are already running at leastfortwo years. The sample in this study is intended as the representative of total population,67 (sixty seven). The data were processed and analyzed by computer program of SPSS 20 for Windows. Based on the results of regression analysis, it can be concluded that competitiveness has positive and significant impact on marketing performance marketing access has positive and significant impact on marketing performance. It means that the higher competitiveness and marketing access, the higher its performance. Competitiveness and marketing access have influence on SMEs’ performance through network capability.   </em></p>

1998 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-164 ◽  
I. Ferre ◽  
P. J. Goddard ◽  
A. J. Macdonald ◽  
C. A. Littlewood ◽  
E. I. Duff

AbstractThe effect of method of blood sample collection (automatic blood sampling equipment (ABSE) v. manual) on cortisol and progesterone concentrations was investigated in 20 farmed red deer hinds and 20 domestic sheep ewes following dexamethasone and exogenous ACTH administration. Ten animals were subjected to either automatic sampling or manual sampling via jugular venipuncture in 1 week, with the treatment groups reversed in the 2nd week. The ABSE was programmed to collect a blood sample, then deliver 2 mg dexamethasone, collect a further blood sample 120 min later and then inject 100 fig ACTH. Thereafter, samples were collected at 15-min intervals during a 2·5 h period (12 samples in total). In the manual injection and sampling treatment, four samples were collected: (1) before dexamethasone administration, (2) before ACTH administration, (3) 60 min after ACTH administration, and (4) 150 min after ACTH administration. The success rate of blood sampling with ABSE was 80%. The overall mean packed cell volume (PCV) from samples collected by ABSE from both hinds and ewes was significantly lower than that from samples collected manually (P < 0·01) and PCV declined with time in manually sampled animals (P < 0·01). Plasma cortisol concentrations peaked at 45 min after ACTH administration in sheep and deer. In sheep, there was a marked fluctuation in the plasma cortisol concentrations with time. Both deer and sheep showed a reduced cortisol response to ACTH during week 2 irrespective of sampling method suggesting down-regulation of the response to ACTH. Maximum mean plasma progesterone concentration was reached at 15 to 30 min after ACTH administration. No significant differences in cortisol and progesterone responses due to blood sampling method were found in animals receiving prior dexamethasone treatment. This demonstrates that the ABSE has the ability to be used to effectively conduct ACTH stimulation tests without the need to handle the animals during the test.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Irmayanti Hasan, MM,

The increasing stringency emulation at banking industry, especially the islamic banking industry, brings the importance of relationship improvement between islamic banks with their costumers. By using relationship marketing as one of the key action to reach costumers’ retention orientation, this research aims to analyze the direct influences, both simultaneously and partially, of variables: belonging, communication, customization, differentiation, personalisation and security, and convinience to costumers’  retention  orientation of islamic banks in Malang. The samples are taken from two islamic bank branches in Malang, those are: PT. BRI SYARIAH MALANG BRANCH and PT. BTN SYARIAH MALANG BRANCH. This research applies the quantitative approach, by means of the surveys to take samples from the population, and questionaires to collect the principal data. Number of samples is determined by Slovin’s formula with proportional sampling method to each population: 65 customers of PT. BRI SYARIAH MALANG BRANCH and 35 customers of PT. BTN SYARIAH MALANG BRANCH. Multiple regression analysis is used to predict the relationship between variables. Hypothetic test using F test indicates that the significant simultaneous influence of relationship marketing variables; those are belonging (X1), communication (X2), customization (X3), differentiation (X4), personalization (X5), and security and convenience (X6) to customers’ retention orientation (Y) is acceptable. The test partially indicates that the significant influence of belonging (X1), communication (X2), and customization (X3) to customers’ retention orientation (Y) is acceptable, while the significant influence of differentiation (X4), personalization (X5), and security and convenience (X6) is unacceptable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 210-227
Mehmet Civelek ◽  
Michal Červinka ◽  
Krzysztof Gajdka ◽  
Václav Nétek

Abstract Due to lack of sources, SMEs face certain problems when applying innovative activities. Since marketing communication tools enable to perform innovative actions, SMEs’ usage of such channels might provide solutions for them to overcome the barriers of making innovation. Thus, this paper investigates whether the usage of marketing communication tools by SMEs enables them to be innovative in marketing or not, and the research question is “Does the usage of marketing communication tools by SMEs improve their innovativeness in marketing?” This paper focuses on traditional and technology-enabled marketing communication tools, such as direct marketing, personal selling, online marketing, and advertising in social media. The researchers employ a random sampling method and then create an online internet-mediated questionnaire to collect data from 812 SMEs in Slovakia. The researchers have also performed Ordinal Logistic Regression analyses to fulfill the research aim. The results show that the usage of marketing communication tools by SMEs improves their innovative posture in marketing. The education level of firm executives and cultural factors in a specific nation might be the reasons for the findings of this research. Thus, the trainings and financial support provided by policymakers and collaboration of other institutions are beneficial for the growth of SMEs. This research analyzes traditional and technology-enabled marketing tools, and areas of marketing innovation in a broad perspective, including innovations in products/services, prices, distribution, promotion, people, processes, and visualization. Therefore, it differs from other studies and fills the research gap by making a significant value addition in related literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 251
Jeanifer Henelya ◽  
Andi Wijaya

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Strategic Entrepreneurship and its impact on Financial Performance and Non-Financial Performance culinary business in South Jakarta. Sample Collection was done using a questionnaire in the form of paper with Probability Sampling method, Simple Random Sampling with a total 94 respondents of culinary business field. Processing data using the SmartPLS 3.0 method. The Result of this study indicate that there is a considerable influence if the Entrepreneurial Orientation with Strategic Entrepreneurship runs well it will affect Financial Performance and Non-Financial Performance. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Entrepreneurial Orientation terhadap Strategic Entrepreneurship serta dampaknya pada Financial Performance dan Non-Financial Performance pada UMKM kuliner di Jakarta Selatan. Pengumpulan sample dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dalam bentuk Kertas dengan metode probability Sampling berjenis Simple Random Sampling dengan total 94 responden UMKM di bidang Kuliner. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang cukup besar apabila Entrepreneurial Orientation dengan Strategic Entrepreneurship berjalan dengan baik maka akan mempengaruhi Financial Performance dan Non-Financil Performance.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 495 ◽  
Candice M. Duncan ◽  
Jon Mainhagu ◽  
Dan Lin ◽  
Mark L. Brusseau

Environmental contextChlorinated chemicals are priority contaminants that pose significant risk to human health, and require state-of-the-art sampling techniques for varying matrices. A soil-gas sampling method was developed for the quantification of vapours of trichloroethene, a major chlorinated contaminant, present just above the groundwater zone. The method addresses sampling times, volumes and low-level trichloroethene concentrations. AbstractA sampling method for determining vapour concentrations of chlorinated contaminants, specifically trichloroethene (TCE), present in the vadose zone has been developed, and was applied at the Tucson International Airport Area Superfund site. The method, modified from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Manual of Analytical Methods # 1022 for ambient-air sampling of TCE, is targeted to situations requiring cost-effective sample collection, particularly for cases in which concentrations are at or below maximum contaminant. In our method, TCE vapour is sampled using a solid-sorbent tube. Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry is used to confirm and quantify the presence of TCE. The results of laboratory tests demonstrate a maximum TCE vapour load of ~22 mg before breakthrough to the secondary sorbent-tube section, and an extraction efficiency of ~97%. The results of a performance comparison test conducted in the field show that concentrations obtained with the sorbent tube samplers (~5 μg/L) are similar to those obtained with the use of standard summa canisters (~3 μg/L). The quantitative detection limit for the new method was 0.03 μg/L under the operative conditions, a significant improvement on current analytical methods. The results indicate that use of the sorbent-tube method will be effective for vapour sample collection at sites contaminated with volatile organic compounds, particularly in characterising low concentrations for applications such as assessing groundwater contamination risk and the need for remedial action via soil vapour extraction or other methods.

2013 ◽  
Vol 76 (12) ◽  
pp. 2069-2073 ◽  

The effect of the sponge sample collection site on the recovery of multiple indicator organisms from beef carcass surfaces was evaluated to simplify and validate our previous sampling method for ease of implementation as a general protocol. Sponge samples were collected at three beef processing plants using hot water or acidic antimicrobials as interventions. Two 4,000-cm2 samples were collected from preevisceration carcasses (n = 248), one from the inside and outside round area (top site) and one from the navel-plate-brisket-foreshank area (bottom site). One-half of the samples (n = 124) were collected before a wash cabinet intervention and the other half after the intervention. The numbers of total aerobic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, and Escherichia coli were determined for one-half of each individual sponge sample. The other halves of the sponges were combined to represent a top plus bottom 8,000-cm2 sample. For the preintervention carcasses, 4,000-cm2 samples collected from the top or bottom sites of the carcasses were not significantly different (P &gt; 0.05) from each other or from the 8,000-cm2 combined sample in recovery of the indicator organisms. Significant reductions of indicator organisms were observed in all three types of sponge samples after intervention; however, samples collected from the bottom site recovered less organisms (P &lt; 0.05) compared with samples of the other types. These results suggested that samples collected from either the top or the bottom site of the carcasses with this method are suitable for monitoring indicator organisms as long as the same sampling site is consistently used.

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