random sampling
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2022 ◽  
Vol 269 ◽  
pp. 112806
Stephen V. Stehman ◽  
John Mousoupetros ◽  
Ronald E. McRoberts ◽  
Erik Næsset ◽  
Bruce W. Pengra ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
María Ángeles Turrado-Sevilla ◽  
Isabel Cantón-Mayo

The creation and implementation of innovation proposals in education can provide a new key towards sustainable development. We are aware that schools perform very different innovations but often, with very low levels of impact and dissemination in their community. There are not many studies that describe, put a value on, categorize or analyse the innovations. This study sought to gain insight into the ICT innovations produced in Spanish primary and pre-primary schools. A quantitative approach based on a questionnaire was used to collect the data, named MANEDUIN, completed by 86 teachers selected by stratified random sampling (public - private, rural - urban). The reliability and the construct-related validity was evaluated from the questionnaire and the validity of content decided by means of experts’ judgment. Our findings point to a good consistency in the questionnaire (Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.848). The descriptive statistics and the analysis were made by factorial categories. The results of the factorial analysis confirm the dimensions proposed in the design of the questionnaire in the categories of the factors included in the innovation (social cohesion, interaction with the community, technologies, and success), the innovative schools and their characteristics, the topic and the type of innovation (on resources, direction, materials and time), as well as the obstacles to the innovation. This paper concludes that the questionnaire MANEDUIN is a valid and reliable tool to measure the management of schools’ innovations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Luthfi Ismawati ◽  
Isnanita Noviya Andriyani

This study aims to determine whether there is a correlation between self-efficacy and adversity quotient for students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wedi Klaten. This type of research uses quantitative research methods with a correlational approach. Sampling methods using simple random sampling with data collection techniques in the form of a scale. The research subjects were 70 students from class XI of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wedi, Klaten. The results obtained correlation analysis (rxy) of 0.708 with a p-value 0.000 that is lower than 0.05, meaning that there is a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and the student's adversity quotient. This can indicate that the higher the student's self-efficacy, higher the adversity quotient of the student, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Self efficacy and adversity quotient in students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wedi, Klaten are classified as moderate. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the correlation is 0.724, meaning that self-efficacy contributes effectively to the adversity quotient by 72%, which means there are 28% of the other factors that affect students adversity quotient

Aamer Aldbyani

The current research aims to identify the level of fear of Covid-19 and loneliness among Yemeni students in China, and to determine the relationship between them and whether there are differences in the responses of the research sample according to gender. The research adopted the descriptive approach, and the questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data from the research sample. The research community consisted of Yemeni students in China who were enrolled in the 2021 academic year, the sample is (301) male and female students who were selected using a simple random sampling method. The results showed that the level of fear of Covid-19 and the degree of loneliness were high. There is a positive relationship between fear of COVID-19 and loneliness. There are differences in fear of Covid-19 according to the gender variable in favor of males, and differences in loneliness in favor of females.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 445-456
Farintis Jihadul ◽  
Widihastuti* Widihastuti*

<p style="text-align: justify;">The study objectives were (1) developing a valid and reliable Affective Self-assessment Instrument of Chemistry for High School Student and (2) discovering the chemistry affective domain ability trend of high school students based on gender. The current development study utilized 10 non-test instrument development procedures from Mardapi. The study population was all high school students in Yogyakarta Special Region. The sample size was 405 students categorized into two stages and sampling techniques, i.e., the trial stage using cluster random sampling and the measurement stage using simple random sampling. The data analysis techniques were validity test using the Aiken index and construct validity and reliability using the second-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis model. The study findings were (1) the Affective Self-assessment Instrument of Chemistry for High School Student had 15 valid and reliable items and 15 available items to be utilized by teachers to measure students’ affective in the learning process and (2) the chemistry affective domain ability trend of male high school students was dominated by the “good” category and “very good” category for female students.</p>

The banking sector at present is facing many issues; one among them is credit risk. Credit risk is termed as an estimate or forecast of the default of a borrower failing to recover his interest amount or borrowed amount. Currently, the banker or the lender is at risk of recovering the interest amount and principal amount, increasing their recovery costs. The present study makes an attempt to know the awareness of customers towards credit risk of private sector banks. The research objective is to analyze the significant association between client company’s perceptions with a view to credit risk. The study explains the major variation between client company’s perspectives towards Indian private sector. The study explains about the impact of credit risk on banks profitability. The present study helps banks to prevail over the problem of credit risk. The study analysis the objectives of research, hypothesis formulated, research methodology, findings and conclusions are discussed. The secondary sources for the study are through the websites of banks, Journals and client company’s websites. Primary data has been gathered from 285 client companies using convenience random sampling technique from private sector banks.

آية صبحي كفينة ◽  
مصطفى قسيم هيلات

The current study aimed to reveal the cyber-bullying (bully – victim) among university students in Jordan regarding specialization, GPA, birth order, age, and gender. To achieve the objectives of the study, the Cyber-bullying (bully – victim) scale, developed by (Al-Shennawi, 2014), was applied after verifying its psychometric properties. The study sample included 400 male and female students (105 males, 295 females) selected through a stratified random sampling in the academic year of 2019/ 2020. According to the bullying, the study results indicated that the Cyber-bullying level (bully) was low. The results also showed statistically significant differences in the overall degree of Cyber-bullying (bully) due to specialization in favor of Science Faculties and gender in favor of males. The results also indicated no statistically significant differences in the overall degree of Cyber-bullying (bully) due to GPA, birth order, and age. As for Cyber-bullying (the victim), the results showed that the level of the Cyber-bullying (the victim) was low. The results also indicated statistically significant differences in the overall degree of the Cyber-bullying (the victim) attributed to birth order in favor of the last son and gender in favor of males. The results also indicated no statistically significant differences in the overall degree of the Cyber-bullying (the victim) attributed GPA, specialization, and age. The study recommends more care and monitoring for males and their last son, according to their birth order, to protect them from cyberbullying

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 198-203
Riezky Faisal Nugroho ◽  
Erika Martining Wardani

Salah satu perubahan fisiologis wanita saat hamil adalah perubahan pada sistem sirkulasi darah. Gangguan eritrosit yang masih sering pada saat hamil yaitu anemia. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kebiasaan Konsumsi Teh, Kopi dan Tablet Fe Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil di Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini adalah analitik, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian sebanyak 40 responden dengan sampel sebanyak 36 responden yang diperoleh dengan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah dengan kuesioner dengan google form. Data yang terkumpul kemudian diuji dengan uji Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat pengaruh hubungan antara kebiasaan Konsumsi teh (p = 0,000), kopi (p = 0,000), dan tablet Fe (p = 0,000) dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di Sidoarjo. Perlu upaya preventif dengan secara berkala memeriksakan kehamilan ke petugas kesehatan guna mencegah terjadinya anemia pada ibu hamil.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-224
Tiara Tiara ◽  
Ida Yati ◽  
Manzahri Manzahri ◽  
Desi Novianti

Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terinfeksi pandemi Covid-19. Masyarakat merupakan mahluk sosial yang memungkinkan saling berinteraksi secara langsung sehingga tingkat penyebaran pandemi Covid-19 semakin pesat. Kurangnya pengetahuan terkait penularan covid 19 menjadi penyebab jumlah kasus covid 19 semakin meningkat.  Saat ini pengetahuan merupakan aspek terpenting dan sangat dibutuhkan untuk dapat menurunkan atau memutus rantai penularan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dengan penyebaran covid-19 di desa Pringsewu Selatan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif analtik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sample dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 93 responden dengan teknik random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistic chi square .Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada hubungan antara Tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat dengan  penyebaran covid-19, dengan nilai p-value = 0.000 < 0.05. Diharapkan bagi masyarakat untuk lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang penyebaran covid 19 supaya dapat memutus rantai penularan covid-19.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 225-230
Ade Isnaini Fadillah ◽  
Puji Purwaningsih ◽  
Fiktina Vifri Ismiriyam ◽  
Endang Susilowati

Latar Belakang  : COVID-19 menyebabkan dampak negatif pada aspek psikologis manusia terutama pada kelompok remaja. Remaja memasuki fase perkembangan psikologisnya dengan berbagai batasan karena adanya peraturan-peraturan yang diakibatkan karena COVID-19. Gangguan psikologis pada remaja saat ini mempengaruhi Ketahanan Psikologis nya,jika berlangsung dalam jangka panang remaja rentan mengalami gangguan kesehatan mental  yang ditimbulkan akibat dari Covid-19. Tujuan :  untuk mengetahui gambaran ketahanan psikologis remaja di era pandemi COVID-19  . Metode : Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif . Teknik sampling menggunakan simple random sampling. Jumlah sampel 100 remaja. Pengumpulan data mengunakan kuesioner Resilience Scale ™. Analisa data menggunakan Distribusi Frekuensi. Hasil :Ketahanan Psikologis remaja yakni pada kategori sangat rendah sebanyak 18,0% , kategori ketahanan rendah sebanyak 41,0% , ketahanan kategori aktif rendah sebanyak 26,0% , ketahanan kategori sedang sebanyak 12,0% dan kategori ketahanan cukup tinggi sebanyak 3,0%. Kesimpulan : ketahanan psikologis Remaja sebagian besar cenderung memiliki ketahanan psikologis yang negatif sebanyak 85,0% sedangkan remaja yang memiliki ketahanan psikologis positif sebanyak 15,0%. Saran : pendampingan orangtua, guru diharapkan bagi remaja dalam melewati fase perkembangan remaja.

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