scholarly journals Ideas and Political Language of PKS Muda Cadres on Social Media

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
Fajar Nugraha ◽  
Atie Rachmiatie ◽  
Irfan Safrudin

PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/Prosperous Justice Party) Muda as a political party wing based on millennial generation expresses its political ideas and language on distinctive social media, which is interesting to research. Social media has become a space for every individual to create and spread ideas that form his/her political attitudes. This study aims to determine the ideas and political language of PKS Muda cadres regarding the 2019 general election on social media Twitter and Facebook. This study uses a qualitative method, a virtual ethnographic approach and a constructivist paradigm with the research subjects of PKS Muda cadres. The results show that in cognitive orientation, political ideas of PKS Muda cadres conveyed on social media meant to flatter and defend supported parties/candidates, to encourage their viewers to vote, and to criticize political opponents and election organizers. In affective orientation, PKS Muda displays the form of emotions by giving likes to the content they receive or using emoticon symbols to show dissatisfaction with the incumbent's performance. In evaluative orientation, PKS Muda cadres voice their beliefs and feelings by creating and sharing content on social media. Regarding political language, many PKS Muda cadres use net lingo language and often write and share texts on social media in the form of descriptions, narratives, and persuasion, rarely using argumentation and exposition

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ((S1)) ◽  
pp. 303-324
Mahyuddin Daud

Malaysia had its 14th General Election on 9th May 2018 that resulted in a change of government from the Barisan Nasional (BN) who ruled since 1957’s independence to the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition. Acknowledging the power that social media had in influencing voters, The Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA) was mobilised to hunt dissenters, where some cases resulted in successful prosecution. Despite the drastic move taken to enact the Anti-Fake News Act 2018 one month before the election, the previous government failed to convince the public that fake news was grave threats to society. Instead, the above initiative may have contributed to BN’s painful defeat against the inexperienced PH. After the election, PH faced similar issues of having to deal with a plethora of fake news online and the ‘gun’ had now turned towards them. The PH Ministers had difficult times correcting misstatements issued through social media which was flooded with sarcastic trolls, some of which may amount to illegal content. Through a qualitative method, this article assesses how social media influenced the landscape of 14th GE. Consequently, international and national legal frameworks have been developed to combat the dissemination of fake news online, as analysed in the second part of this paper. The third part further examines how popular social media platforms provide countermeasures in dealing with fake news and how far legal frameworks correspond to the practices of service providers. It is hypothesised that in time, the PH coalition should have turned towards censoring the internet as done by the previous BN government due to the emerging threat of online fake news all over the world. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-266
Ananda Galuh Pawestri

Ngapak dialect is a cultural identity from Banyumasan area which includes Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap, and Kebumen regency. The Ngapak dialect has a unique pronunciation that is assertive (luged) and without a doubt (ampang). This research explains how the ngapak dialect was chosen as a symbol of the Banyumasan’s cultural identity to interacting on social media. This research uses a qualitative method with a virtual ethnographic approach and also supported by the constructivism paradigm. The data was collected by observation, interviews, and documentation as the primary data and literature studies as the secondary data. The results of this research are ngapak dialect is the development of the perceptions of the stereotypes with the ngapak dialect that exist and the dialect of ngapak itself. The perception of the Banyumasan cultural community regarding the Ngapak dialect is unique, cool, and rich so don't be embarrassed and should be proud because Ngapak dialect has potential. Banyumasan cultural community uses dialect ngapak as content with comedy themes. The reflection of the comedy itself is the character of the Banyumasan folks called cablaka and mbanyol. Cablaka means pure and mbayol means silly or funny.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Rahmi Surya Dewi

Meme, as part of visual communication, is happening during Jakarta's governor elections in 2017. The existence of the meme is not detached from the creativity of meme creators on social media. The research aims to reveal the characteristics of meme creators based on the type of meme and uncover the construction of meanings from the meme creator's viewpoints on Jakarta's governor election. This research used a qualitative method with a virtual ethnographic approach. Virtual ethnography is used to view visual phenomena or user culture in cyberspace. Data were collected in the form of meme posts, and user comments on the posts in Instagram accounts, interviews, and literature studies. The meme was analyzed using Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis focused on the social cognition section to observe the meaning of construction performed by the meme creator. The results showed that there are three characteristics of meme creators. Firstly, the meme creators who promote the candidate and counter the negative issue of the opposing party about the supported candidate. Secondly, they who provide the awareness of the community to be more critical and not easily deceived by negative symbols and issues. Thirdly, the chaotic creators who do not have a precise orientation in creating memes and upload memes just for jokes on social media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Yunita Mansyah Lestari ◽  
Suzy Yusna Dewi ◽  
Aulia Chairani

ABSTRAK   Alexithymia ditandai dengan ketidakmampuan dalam mengenali dan mengekpresikan emosi serta pemikiran yang berorientasi eksternal sehingga mereka memiliki hubungan interpersonal yang buruk. Remaja dengan alexithymia cenderung menjadi kecanduan media sosial.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Alexithymia terhadap kecanduan media sosial pada remaja di Jakarta Selatan. Subjek penelitian adalah remaja yang berusia 13-19 tahun dan tinggal di Jakarta selatan. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode consecutive sampling dan snowball sampling dengan menyebar kuesioner menggunakan link googleform. Jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 207 orang (41 = laki-laki, 166 = perempuan). Skala yang digunakan adalah Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) dan Social Media Disorder (SMD). Analisa data menggunakan metode chi-square pada SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 85 orang mengalami alexithymia, 88 mengalami kecanduan dan 62 orang mengalami alexithymia dan kecanduan media sosial. p-value didapatkan 0,000. Hal ini berarti terdapat hubungan antara Alexithymia dengan Kecanduan Media Sosial pada remaja di Jakarta Selatan. Kata Kunci :Alexithymia, Kecanduan Media Sosial, Remaja     ABSTRACT   Alexithymia is characterized by an inability to recognize and express emotions and have external oriented thoughts so that they have poor interpersonal relationships. Teenagers with alexithymial tend to become addicted to social media. This study aims to determine the relationship between Alexithymia towards social media addiction in adolescents in South Jakarta. The research subjects were adolescents aged 13-19 years and lived in south Jakarta. Retrieval of the data was using consecutive sampling and snowball sampling method by distributing questionnaires using the googleform link. The number of research subjects was 207 people (41 = men, 166 = women). The scale was used is the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and Social Media Disorder (SMD). Data analysis using the chi-square method in SPSS 25. The results showed that 85 people had alexithymia, 88 were addicted and 62 people had alexithymia and were addicted to social media. p-value obtained is 0,000. This means that there is a relationship between Alexithymia and Social Media Addiction in adolescents in South Jakarta. Keyword : Adolescents, Alexithymia, Social Media Addiction

Dewi Novianti ◽  
Siti Fatonah

Social media is a necessity for everyone in communicating and exchanging information. Social media users do not know the boundaries of age, generation, gender, ethnicity, and religion. However, what is interesting is the user among housewives. This study took the research subjects of housewives. Housewives are chosen as research subjects because they are pillars or pillars in a household. If the pillar is strong, then the household will also be healthy. Thus, if we want to build a resilient and robust generation, we will start from the housewives. A healthy household starts from strong mothers too. This study aims to find out the insights of the housewives of Kanoman village regarding the content on smartphones and social media and provide knowledge of social media literacy to housewives. This study used a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using participant observation, interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), and documentation. The results of the study showed that previously housewives had not experienced social media literacy. Then the researchers took steps to be able to achieve the desired literacy results. Researchers took several steps to make them become social media literates. They become able to use social media, understand social media, and even produce messages through social media.

2020 ◽  
Askar Nur

This research explains the mysticism of mappadendang tradition in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency, which is believed by the local community as a form of shielding from danger and can resist reinforcemen such as Covid-19 outbreak. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative method and an ethnographic approach. This research was carried out with the aim of identifying the mystical space in mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village. After conducting the tracing process, the researcher found that mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency in July 2020 was not a tradition of harvest celebration as generally in several villages in Bone Regency, especially Bugis tribe, but mappadendang was held as a form of shielding from all distress including Covid-19 outbreak. This trust was obtained after one of the immigrants who now resides in the village dreamed of meeting an invisible figure (tau panrita) who ordered a party to be held that would bring all the village people because remembering that in the village during Covid-19 happened to almost all the existing areas in Indonesia, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village were spared from the outbreak. Spontaneously, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village worked together to immediately carry out the mappadendang tradition as a form of interpretation of the message carried by the figure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-212
Avelinus Moat Simon

In the age of Industrial Revolution 4.0, human life is influenced by various of sophisticated technologies. One of them is social media that increasingly develop, and take some impacts in human life. The fact is there are some priests ignore their pastoral duty and this takes the result that the church is separated. Many of priests don’t live up to their calling as good shepherds. They cannot recognize the church members who entrusted to them by a bishop. This study focus on the influence of social media for a priest’s duty. The research method used in the issue is a qualitative method by using literature approach. I found out that a priest is a shepherd for members of catholic community. A priest ordained by a bishop to continue Christ duty. Social media can become a tool and an equipment for a priest to develop the spiritual life and ministry. The attendance of a priest is the presence Christ as a good shepherd for His sheeps.

Marina C. Jenkins ◽  
Lauren Kelly ◽  
Kole Binger ◽  
Megan A. Moreno

Abstract Background Since 2012, several states have legalized non-medical cannabis, and cannabis businesses have used social media as a primary form of marketing. There are concerns that social media cannabis exposure may reach underage viewers. Our objective was to identify how cannabis businesses cultivate an online presence and exert influence that may reach youth. Methods We chose a cyber-ethnographic approach to explore cannabis retailers on social media. We searched cannabis retailers with Facebook and Instagram presence from Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington, and identified 28 social media business profiles. One year of content was evaluated from each profile. In-depth, observational field notes were collected from researchers immersed in data collection on business profiles. Field notes were analyzed to uncover common themes associated with social media cannabis marketing. Results A total of 14 businesses were evaluated across both Facebook and Instagram, resulting in 14 sets of combined field notes. A major theme was Normalization of Cannabis, involving both Broad Appeal and Specific Targeting. Conclusions It is concerning that Normalization of Cannabis by cannabis businesses may increase cannabis acceptability among youth. In a digital world where the majority of youth are spending time online, it is important for policymakers to examine additional restrictions for cannabis businesses marketing through social media.

Sebastian Zhi Tao Khoo ◽  
Leong Hock Ho ◽  
Ee Hong Lee ◽  
Danston Kheng Boon Goh ◽  
Zehao Zhang ◽  

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