scholarly journals Venomics and antivenomics data: Current and future perspective

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 026-031
Omidi Soodeh ◽  
Mehrpouya Masoumeh ◽  
Oladnabi Morteza ◽  
Azadmehr Abbas ◽  
Kazemi-Lomedasht Fatemeh ◽  

Venom has a very complex and exclusive nature which has been introduced by recent advances in omics technologists. These methods have revealed a new insight into venom studies as venomics. Envenoming by venomous animals is a global concern due to the distribution of important medical species around the world. Treatment of envenomed victims is dependent on accurate and fast identification of animal species with different detection methods. In recent years, new methods have been introduced based on molecular and immunological techniques. Precise diagnosis of species of venomous animals is an essential factor for treatment with specific antivenoms. Venomics and antivenomics data sets help in the selection of specific antivenoms or production of novel antivenoms with greater efficacies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-98 ◽  
Dániel Topál ◽  
István Matyasovszkyt ◽  
Zoltán Kern ◽  
István Gábor Hatvani

AbstractTime series often contain breakpoints of different origin, i.e. breakpoints, caused by (i) shifts in trend, (ii) other changes in trend and/or, (iii) changes in variance. In the present study, artificially generated time series with white and red noise structures are analyzed using three recently developed breakpoint detection methods. The time series are modified so that the exact “locations” of the artificial breakpoints are prescribed, making it possible to evaluate the methods exactly. Hence, the study provides a deeper insight into the behaviour of the three different breakpoint detection methods. Utilizing this experience can help solving breakpoint detection problems in real-life data sets, as is demonstrated with two examples taken from the fields of paleoclimate research and petrology.

Solveiga Marija BARKAUSKAITĖ ◽  

During recent years the attention towards the effects of xenobiotic substances on wild nature has been steadily increasing. Literature reviews have revealed that active hormone-disintegrating substances might affect the reproduction of some wild animal species. Research shows anomalies of reproduction and development in various animal groups such as birds, fish, invertebrates and reptiles. Species inhabiting water and its surroundings cause the highest concern. Due to insufficient baseline information it is difficult to determine the extent of the problem in these wild populations on an ecological scale. The research described in this article is the first attempt to analyse xenobiotic substances and evaluate possible accumulation of pharmaceuticals in animals higher up in the food chain in Lithuania. This research tests new methods for to analyse for xenobiotics substances, which might be used in the future. Blood samples of 7 swans were examined using liquid chromatography, however, no xenobiotics were detected. Negative results do not eliminate the necessity for further investigate of larger samples, other species or to search for non-pharmaceutical xenobiotics.

1995 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-204 ◽  
Koen Grijspeerdt ◽  
Peter Vanrolleghem ◽  
Willy Verstraete

A comparative study of several recently proposed one-dimensional sedimentation models has been made. This has been achieved by fitting these models to steady-state and dynamic concentration profiles obtained in a down-scaled secondary decanter. The models were evaluated with several a posteriori model selection criteria. Since the purpose of the modelling task is to do on-line simulations, the calculation time was used as one of the selection criteria. Finally, the practical identifiability of the models for the available data sets was also investigated. It could be concluded that the model of Takács et al. (1991) gave the most reliable results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
Fırat Kurt

: Oligopeptide transporter 3 (OPT3) proteins are one of the subsets of OPT clade, yet little is known about these transporters. Therefore, homolog OPT3 proteins in several plant species were investigated and characterized using bioinformatical tools. Motif and co-expression analyses showed that OPT3 proteins may be involved in both biotic and abiotic stress responses as well as growth and developmental processes. AtOPT3 usually seemed to take part in Fe homeostasis whereas ZmOPT3 putatively interacted with proteins involved in various biological processes from plant defense system to stress responses. Glutathione (GSH), as a putative alternative chelating agent, was used in the AtOPT3 and ZmOPT3 docking analyses to identify their putative binding residues. The information given in this study will contribute to the understanding of OPT3 proteins’ interactions in various pathways and to the selection of potential ligands for OPT3s.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (8) ◽  
pp. 1311-1327 ◽  
Pala Rajasekharreddy ◽  
Chao Huang ◽  
Siddhardha Busi ◽  
Jobina Rajkumari ◽  
Ming-Hong Tai ◽  

With the emergence of nanotechnology, new methods have been developed for engineering various nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Nanotheranostics is a burgeoning research field with tremendous prospects for the improvement of diagnosis and treatment of various cancers. However, the development of biocompatible and efficient drug/gene delivery theranostic systems still remains a challenge. Green synthetic approach of nanoparticles with low capital and operating expenses, reduced environmental pollution and better biocompatibility and stability is a latest and novel field, which is advantageous over chemical or physical nanoparticle synthesis methods. In this article, we summarize the recent research progresses related to green synthesized nanoparticles for cancer theranostic applications, and we also conclude with a look at the current challenges and insight into the future directions based on recent developments in these areas.

Christian Luksch ◽  
Lukas Prost ◽  
Michael Wimmer

We present a real-time rendering technique for photometric polygonal lights. Our method uses a numerical integration technique based on a triangulation to calculate noise-free diffuse shading. We include a dynamic point in the triangulation that provides a continuous near-field illumination resembling the shape of the light emitter and its characteristics. We evaluate the accuracy of our approach with a diverse selection of photometric measurement data sets in a comprehensive benchmark framework. Furthermore, we provide an extension for specular reflection on surfaces with arbitrary roughness that facilitates the use of existing real-time shading techniques. Our technique is easy to integrate into real-time rendering systems and extends the range of possible applications with photometric area lights.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
pp. 3536
Jakub Górski ◽  
Adam Jabłoński ◽  
Mateusz Heesch ◽  
Michał Dziendzikowski ◽  
Ziemowit Dworakowski

Condition monitoring is an indispensable element related to the operation of rotating machinery. In this article, the monitoring system for the parallel gearbox was proposed. The novelty detection approach is used to develop the condition assessment support system, which requires data collection for a healthy structure. The measured signals were processed to extract quantitative indicators sensitive to the type of damage occurring in this type of structure. The indicator’s values were used for the development of four different novelty detection algorithms. Presented novelty detection models operate on three principles: feature space distance, probability distribution, and input reconstruction. One of the distance-based models is adaptive, adjusting to new data flowing in the form of a stream. The authors test the developed algorithms on experimental and simulation data with a similar distribution, using the training set consisting mainly of samples generated by the simulator. Presented in the article results demonstrate the effectiveness of the trained models on both data sets.

2021 ◽  
pp. 027347532199210
Else-Marie van den Herik ◽  
Tim M. Benning

Free-riding is a serious challenge in group projects. While there are various methods to reduce free-riding, marketing educators still face a difficult task when selecting an appropriate method for their course. In this study, we propose a students’ preferences-based approach that supports marketing educators with the selection of methods to detect and handle free-riding. To measure these preferences, students completed an online survey based on a choice task about two methods to detect free-riding and a ranking task about four methods to handle free-riding ( n = 254). Their answers were analyzed using chi-squared tests, Borda scores, and rank-ordered logit models. The results show that (a) neither Dutch nor international students have a clear preference for one of the two detection methods (the reporting system vs. the process evaluation system), (b) grade discussion (a possible reduction of the free-rider’s grade based on a conversation with the course coordinator about each student’s contribution) is the most preferred method to handle free-riding, and (c) international students have a stronger preference for stricter handling methods. Marketing educators can apply the proposed approach, or use our specific findings, for designing methods to reduce free-riding in their courses.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (9) ◽  
pp. 4747-4765 ◽  
Clara Linés ◽  
Micha Werner ◽  
Wim Bastiaanssen

Abstract. The implementation of drought management plans contributes to reduce the wide range of adverse impacts caused by water shortage. A crucial element of the development of drought management plans is the selection of appropriate indicators and their associated thresholds to detect drought events and monitor the evolution. Drought indicators should be able to detect emerging drought processes that will lead to impacts with sufficient anticipation to allow measures to be undertaken effectively. However, in the selection of appropriate drought indicators, the connection to the final impacts is often disregarded. This paper explores the utility of remotely sensed data sets to detect early stages of drought at the river basin scale and determine how much time can be gained to inform operational land and water management practices. Six different remote sensing data sets with different spectral origins and measurement frequencies are considered, complemented by a group of classical in situ hydrologic indicators. Their predictive power to detect past drought events is tested in the Ebro Basin. Qualitative (binary information based on media records) and quantitative (crop yields) data of drought events and impacts spanning a period of 12 years are used as a benchmark in the analysis. Results show that early signs of drought impacts can be detected up to 6 months before impacts are reported in newspapers, with the best correlation–anticipation relationships for the standard precipitation index (SPI), the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and evapotranspiration (ET). Soil moisture (SM) and land surface temperature (LST) offer also good anticipation but with weaker correlations, while gross primary production (GPP) presents moderate positive correlations only for some of the rain-fed areas. Although classical hydrological information from water levels and water flows provided better anticipation than remote sensing indicators in most of the areas, correlations were found to be weaker. The indicators show a consistent behaviour with respect to the different levels of crop yield in rain-fed areas among the analysed years, with SPI, NDVI and ET providing again the stronger correlations. Overall, the results confirm remote sensing products' ability to anticipate reported drought impacts and therefore appear as a useful source of information to support drought management decisions.

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