scholarly journals Interdisciplinarity in Mathematics Education: From Semiotic to Educational Processes

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. em2071
Roberto Capone
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (23) ◽  
pp. 10129
Ramón García-Perales ◽  
Ascensión Palomares-Ruiz

(1) Background: It is becoming more common to incorporate education in programming into educational environments. (2) Methods: In order to show the benefits of including teaching programming, we present an investigation carried out with a group of Spanish schoolchildren in the fifth year of primary education (ages 10–11). We demonstrate an integrated experience in the ordinary curriculum connecting technology to mathematics education. We created a work project for students to use Scratch and to assess its benefits, created two groups of students, an experimental and a control group, with a sample of 3795 individuals. They were administered the online version of the Battery of Mathematical Competence Evaluation (BECOMA On) at two timepoints, the pretest (the beginning of the project) and the post-test (the final stage). (3) Results: The results showed statistically significant differences between groups and timepoints, with the experimental group scoring higher, demonstrating the effectiveness of the education in programming program for mathematics. (4) Conclusions: Education systems face a challenge in the sphere of the consolidation of technologies in education with the consequent need to change didactic designs to enhance quality, equitable, sustainable education processes.

E. V. Shevchuk ◽  
A. V. Shpak

The article describes experience of creating and implementing information-managing educational environment at university. The model of creating information-managing educational environment of university with elements of artificial intelligence and indicative management is described. This environment contributes to improve quality of training and management of educational processes and resources. The stages of creating and implementing information-managing educational environment are considered systemically, as continuous process focused on a consumer. The inhibitory and facilitating conditions for introduction of the model at university are described. To provide subject-oriented approach to the use of information resources of environment, recommended clusters of information subsystems for each category of users are described.Practically implemented scientific and methodological recommendations for subjects of educational process to overcome resistance to innovations introduced in educational organizations are proposed.Features of adaptation of the developed information-managing educational environment for schools are presented.

2018 ◽  
pp. 43-55
Valeriy A. Tsvetkov ◽  
Mikhail N. Dudin ◽  
Nikolay V. Lyasnikov ◽  
Kobilzhon Kh. Zoidov ◽  

Dubravka Glasnović Gracin

AbstractA mathematics textbook can be described as an officially authorized and pedagogically designed mathematics book written to provide mathematical knowledge to students. This description suggests the authority of the textbook - because it has been authorized by an administrative source and because it deals with authorized knowledge. This paper provides an overview of research on mathematics textbooks. The emphasis is on questions concerning the extent to which and how textbooks are used in mathematics education in Croatia and in the world.Research results show that mathematics textbooks are widely used in mathematics education worldwide. This finding points to the need for research on the content and structure of textbooks. Such studies are combined with the associated results on how textbooks are used in the classroom and which methods teachers apply in using textbooks in mathematics education. The results of the empirical studies show that teachers use textbooks for lesson preparation and pupils use mathematics textbooks for exercises to a great extent. These results imply that such an important role of textbooks in mathematics education deserves additional attention, with the goal of understanding and improving mathematics education.Key words: mathematics education; overview; research on textbook---SažetakMatematički udžbenik može se opisati kao službeno autorizirana i pedagoki osmiljena matematička knjiga napisana s ciljem da učenicima ponudi matematičke sadržaje. Taj opis sugerira autoritet udžbenika jer ga je autorizirao administrativni izvor i jer sadrži autorizirano znanje. Ovaj članak daje pregled istraživanja matematičkih udžbenika, a naglasak je na pitanjima u kojoj mjeri i kako se udžbenici koriste u nastavi matematike u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu.Rezultati raznih istraživanja pokazuju da se udžbenici u velikoj mjeri koriste u nastavi matematike irom svijeta. Taj nalaz ukazuje na potrebu za istraživanjem sadržaja i strukture matematičkih udžbenika. Uz to, prikazani su rezultati istraživanja o tome na koji se način udžbenici koriste u razredu i koje metode nastavnici prakticiraju prilikom upotrebe udžbenika na nastavi. Rezultati empirijskih studija pokazuju da nastavnici udžbenike većinom koriste za pripremu nastavnog sata, a učenici udžbenike koriste u najvećoj mjeri za vježbanje. Ti rezultati ukazuju na to da tako važna uloga udžbenika u matematičkom obrazovanju zaslužuje dodatnu pažnju s ciljem razumijevanja i poboljanja nastave matematike.Ključne riječi: istraživanje udžbenika; nastava matematike; pregled.

Penny L. Hammrich ◽  
Greer M. Richardson ◽  
Beverly D. Livingston

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