mathematics textbooks
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Malin Norberg

This article focuses on how Swedish Year One students (age 7–8) make meaning when working with images in mathematics textbooks. Images include textbook images, but also students’ self-drawn images used as support for calculation. The focus was (1) what the images in the exercises were designed to offer (the designed affordance), and (2) what the students discovered when working with them. The data material consisted of video transcripts of 18 students working with subtraction exercises from mathematics textbooks. The results showed that the students sometimes discovered the designed affordance and sometimes did not. The students who discovered the designed affordance sometimes used the image when performing the calculations, while others did not. Some students expressed that images in mathematics textbooks are for those who find mathematics difficult, and that completing exercises without using the images was desired. The students’ approaches to images were discussed in two specific cases: First, the students’ desire to use mathematical symbols rather than images may lead to students not discovering the mathematics content that the exercise is designed to offer. Second, the use of mathematical symbols rather than images may lead to students not discovering themselves as mathematical individuals.

TEM Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1945-1954
Benidiktus Tanujaya ◽  
Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana ◽  
Jeinne Mumu

HOTS instruction in mathematics is rarely explicitly programmed by the schoolteacher. As a result, students' HOTS is at the lowest level, especially in national or international assessments. The purpose of this research is to determine why mathematics education in Indonesia does not have a significant effect on student HOTS by conducting a review of several Indonesian publications on the subject. This research is a qualitative method of literature review related to the HOTS of Indonesian mathematics students, and an organized interview triangulated to support the data and information from the literature review. The interview consisted of two critical questions administered using Google Form: implementing active learning and mathematics textbooks on mathematics classroom activities. The results concluded that there were two primary sources of error in mathematics learning to increase HOTS in Indonesia: active learning and current mathematics textbooks. Besides, in teaching and learning practices, the active learning model is rarely used when using official texts that do not promote HOTS for mathematics students in Indonesia.


This study aimed to analyse whether primary school mathematics textbooks in Turkey (grades 1 to 4) are fair concerning gender. The study analysed four mathematics textbooks approved by the Ministry of National Education and published for use in the 2019-2020 school year. These books were examined in terms of the ratio of the appearances of women and men, the activities performed by each gender, the professional and family roles assigned to these individuals, and who (children/adults) and where (outdoors/indoors) people were. In addition, famous people and characters mentioned in the books were investigated regarding their genders. Fistly, content analysis was used to determine the frequencies of the categorises; then a chi-square test was performed to determined whether there are significant differences in these categories regarding genders. The findings reveal some evidence of equality, including a balanced proportion of females/males appearing, and the presentation of girls and boys in all categories. However, gender inequality is still persistent in terms of the adults’ activities, occupational and parental roles, locations in which they are presented and people with whom they are shown. The results show that the textbooks contribute to the reproduction of gender stereotypes by presenting images of adults shaped by a sexist view.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-166
Lukman Hakim ◽  
Rama Utama Putra Suprijanto

The quality of education is very important for success in learning, by using various methods or tools to make it easier for students to understand discrete mathematics material, based on the 23% graduation rate of students who do not complete discrete mathematics at XYZ University, it is necessary to innovate learning applications, use The game education application provides convenience in developing learning media, namely the Digital Math Game, an Android-based mobile application that makes it easy for students to learn discrete mathematics. This application is equipped with several features, namely games to hone the extent to which students' ability to do discrete math exercises randomly, with the reward in the game, the questions are designed to be more difficult and graded, Fuzzy Sugeno algorithm calculates logic to determine rewards based on time variables and problem solving. This application has an AR (Augmented Reality) feature to provide 3D views and videos on discrete mathematics textbooks, 30 algorithm testing with 100% accuracy.

Douglas Ribeiro Guimarães ◽  
Ana Paula Perovano

ResumoO livro didático como objeto de estudo tem despertado o interesse de pesquisadores na Educação Matemática e, como resultado disso, eventos específicos ou grupos temáticos foram desenvolvidos para atender a essa crescente demanda. Assim, identificar quais focos temáticos sobre livros didáticos de matemática têm emergido nos estudos apresentados na terceira edição da Conferência Internacional em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Livros Didáticos de Matemática foi o objetivo que direcionou nossa investigação. Adotamos uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa numa visão interpretativa dos dados e empregamos um mapeamento nos trabalhos publicados na referida conferência. Identificamos quatro categorias temáticas: análise do livro, livro digital, uso do livro e outros, contudo, neste texto, a discussão é destinada às três últimas temáticas. Os dados obtidos nos permitiram ter um panorama de como esse campo de pesquisa vem se desenvolvendo em várias partes do mundo. Diferentes perspectivas teóricas foram apresentadas na conferência e destacamos duas que foram recorrentes: a ideia do tetraedro sociodidático e a Capacidade de Design Pedagógico. No que tange às abordagens metodológicas, é predominante o paradigma da pesquisa qualitativa com o uso de vídeos, entrevistas, observação de aulas, mapeamento, análise de conteúdo e/ou a combinação de alguns desses métodos. Do que levantamos, identificamos que o campo de pesquisas sobre livros didáticos de matemática está evoluindo, ampliando as vertentes teóricas e consolidando alguns dos métodos empregados para análise e produção dos dados. Esperamos contribuir, no sentido de trazer mais elementos que possibilitem a compreensão da produção de conhecimento sobre o livro didático de matemática. Palavras-chave: ICMT. Mapeamento. Uso do Livro Didático. Livro Digital. AbstractThe textbook as an object of study has aroused the interest of researchers in Mathematics Education and, as a result, specific events or thematic groups have been developed to meet this growing demand. Thus, identifying which thematic focuses on mathematics textbooks have emerged in the studies presented in the Third International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development was the objective that guided our investigation. We adopt a qualitative approach to research in an interpretative view of the data and employ a mapping in the studies published at the referred conference. We identified four thematic categories: textbook analysis, digital textbook, textbook use and others, however, in this article, the focus is given to the last three themes. The data obtained allowed us to have an overview of how this field of research has been developing in various parts of the world. Different theoretical perspectives were presented at the conference and we highlight two that were recurrent: the idea of the socio-didactic tetrahedron and the Pedagogical Design Capacity. With regard to methodological approaches, the paradigm of qualitative research is predominant with the use of videos, interviews, class observation, mapping, content analysis and/or the combination of some of these methods. From what we have found, we identified that the field of research on mathematics textbooks is evolving, expanding the theoretical aspects and consolidating some of the methods used for data analysis and production. We hope to contribute towards bringing more elements that enable the understanding of the production of knowledge about the mathematics textbook. Keywords: ICMT. Mapping. Textbook use; Digital Textbook.

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