An Approach To Effective Youth Ministry For Spiritual Growth In A Korean Immigrant Church

2008 ◽  
Changmin AN
2020 ◽  
pp. 239693932093023
Eunice Hong

The Korean immigrant church has served as not only a religious institution but also a cultural base for the first generation of immigrants, who have a common interest in keeping their traditional values. Such an emphasis, however, has resulted in conflicts between the first and second generations. The purpose of this study is to explain the struggles of second-generation Korean American leaders that led them away from the first-generation immigrant church. Two main elements of the Asian culture emerged as the source of the intercultural identity struggle: (1) striving to maintain the honor balance and (2) struggling with due order.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-241
Hee An Choi

Abstract The article suggests that the practices of leadership within Korean communal transformational leadership in Korean resistance movements provide a resource for women in the Korean immigrant church. The article addresses the challenges of Korean leadership in immigrant contexts, how immigrant leadership is performed and transformed, and how immigrants have developed and adapted their leadership from a Korean to US context during the immigrant identity transformation process.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
Philippa Strong

This article embraces the Sola Scriptura approach of the reformed theology. Firstly, the article focuses on the crisis in Youth Ministry, namely its inefficiency in leading young people to Christian maturity. It addressed one of the contributing factors to the crisis: the isolation of youth from the adult world, and particularly from their own parents and the larger church community. From the Sola Scripturaprinciple, a family-orientated approach to effective Youth Ministry is proposed where parents are expected to take responsibility for their children’s spiritual growth. The church should then support parents and families in this process. Different role players in a family-orientated Youth Ministry are identified and some new perceptions regarding their different tasks are proposed.Effektiewe Jeugbediening: Omhelsing van ’n familie-georiënteerde benadering. Hierdie artikel ondersteun die Sola Scriptura-benadering van die reformatoriese teologie. Aanvanklik fokus die artikel op die huidige krisis in Jeugbediening, naamlik dat Jeugbediening nie effektief toegepas word om jongmense tot volwasse Christenskap te lei nie. Dit bespreek een van die bydraende faktore tot hierdie krisis: die jeug se isolasie van die volwasse wêreld − spesifiek van hulle eie ouers en die groter kerkgemeenskap. Vanuit ’n Sola Scriptura-benadering word ’n familie-geörienteerde benadering tot effektiewe Jeugbediening waar dit van ouers verwag word om verantwoordelikheid vir hulle kinders se geestelike groei te neem, as uitkoms voorgestel. Die kerk behoort dan ouers en families in hierdie proses te ondersteun. Verskillende rolspelers in familie-georiënteerde Jeugbediening word geïdentifiseer en ’n paar nuwe insigte aangaande hulle verskillende take word voorgestel.

2013 ◽  
Richard Brown ◽  
Patricia Gerbarg

2014 ◽  
Alexis Brightman ◽  
Valerie Gilbert ◽  
Arnie Cann

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