2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 01
Asrori Asrori

Quality education is one that integrates several fields of activity in synergy namely administrative, instructional and guidance and counselling. This research aimed to transform the knowledge into the education system integrally. The type of research used is field research (field resources) with a quantitative approach. In this research, there were two variables, namely Guidance and Counselling as independent variables, and student achievement as a dependent variable. The researcher conducted a study in MTs Negeri I Bojonegoro and the researchers selected grade 7 students as population, and assigned 10% of them as samples. Techniques in sampling in the form of random sampling. The source of this research data obtained by the method of observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. The results of this research showed that counselling and guidance services affect the process of improving student achievement. This is based on the questionnaire score data that has been calculated with the product moment formula that results in a correlation index value (rxy) of 0.681. This result proved larger than the value at the significance level of 5% of 0.361 and 1% of 0.463. The results of this study indicate that there is influence between Counselling Guidance on the process of improving student achievement in MTs Negeri I Bojonegoro.

Moh Khoirul Anwar

Abstract: This research was intended to explore and transform science into an integral and operational system of Islamic education. The approach in this study was quantitative while qualitative analysis was still concidered. There were two variables in this study, guidance and counseling as independent variables, and student learning achievement as the dependent variable. Guidance and counselling variables were estimated to affect student achievement. The source of this research data was obtained by observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation methods. The results of this study proved that guidance and counseling services affected the process of improving student learning achievement. This was based on questionnaire score data that had been calculated with the product moment formula that produced a correlation index value (rxy) of 0.681. These results proved to be greater than the significance values at 1% of 0.463 and 5% of 0.361. Thus, the quality, effective, and ideal education was one that integratef three main areas of activity in synergy i.e. the field of administration and leadership, instructional fields or curricular, and the field of guidance and counseling. Education that only carried out administrative and instructional fields by ignoring the field of guidance and counseling would only produce smart and skilled students in academic aspects but with lack of ability or maturity in the aspect of personality. Keywords: Transformational leadership, teacher performance, MA Hasyim Asy’ari

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-26
Muh. Layyin farihin

Abstract: The educational concept was even more important when a person has to enter the life in society and the workplace. Due concerned should be able to apply what is learned in school to deal with problems encountered in daily life today and tomorrow. Education is a systematic process to improve the human dignity of a holistic manner, which enables students to develop optimally. Thus, education should be a strategic vehicle for efforts to develop all the potential of the individual, so that the goal of building a complete Indonesian man can be achieved. This type of research to study "Effectiveness application Genius Learning Strategy (intelligent learning) in increasing student achievement of class X MA Al-Aman Payaman Solokuro Lamongan" is a survey research (research field or Field Research).The data source is the subject from which the data can be obtained. The source of the data in this study are:field research Namely data obtained from the field research, while in this study the data is drawn from two sources: Human Covers the principal, educator teacher council, TU, and the students of class X in place Genius Learning Strategy research. Non-human Non-human data that is obtained by recording or viewing documents on the history of the founding of the institution, its organizational structure, the number of facilities, conditions of teachers, students and others. Results showed that student achievement enough, it is evident from the results of a questionnaire study using a questionnaire that writers spread to 38 respondents showed a percentage of 41%, provided students work on assignments given by teachers, timely in completing the task, the students apply the material in everyday life, students are able to understand the material identified by teachers, students play a role in the learning process jurisprudence, students answer questions posed by the teacher and friends, the students respond to the thoughts of teachers and friends, students critical in responding to problems related to Fiqh subject areas, and the value of the field of study Fiqh good student.

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Noor Hidayah

The aim of research to analyze the factors that affect the learning achievement with a quantitative approach. This type of research is a kind of field research (field research) with quantitative approach. The field research is a study to obtain the correct data in the field. So this research is quantitative research that is not only to obtain the data, but also to prove the existence of the effect of parental education and economic status of families with student achievement in social studies SMP se Alalak districts.Test results obtained by the value of R F or the value of the correlation coefficient of 0.901. This value can be interpreted that the relationship of education, economic status of parents, families and schools on student achievement considered strong. The result of the value of F (246.413)> F table (2.37), and sig. Smaller than the probability value 0.05 or value 0.000 <0.05. So P-value <α = 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted.Thus the high and low achievement (based on the value of report cards) students of SMP Negeri se Alalak districts affected by the level of education, economic status of parents, families and school students. Parents guide their children is more important in the home in order to be motivated to learn in addition, it also did not escape the role of family support so that his diligent study and school. So is the teacher's role is very important role in educating (as second parents) and taught to students in the school. Schools as the main spearhead forward whether or not the next generation naturally always follow the development of educational progress.Keywords: Factor analysis, Achievement, IPSTujuan penelitian untuk menganalisa faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian adalah jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian lapangan merupakan suatu penelitian untuk  memperoleh data yang benar terjadi di lapangan. Jadi penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif  yang tidak  sekedar untuk memperoleh data, akan tetapi juga untuk membuktikan ada tidaknya pengaruh tingkat pendidikan orang tua dan status ekonomi keluarga dengan prestasi belajar siswa mata pelajaran IPS di SMP Negeri se kecamatan Alalak.Hasil Uji F diperoleh nilai R atau nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,901. Nilai ini dapat diartikan bahwa hubungan pendidikan, status ekonomi orang tua, keluarga dan sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dikategorikan kuat. Hasil nilai Fhitung (246,413) > Ftabel (2,37), dan nilai sig. Lebih kecil dari nilai probabilitas 0,05 atau nilai 0,000 < 0,05.  Jadi  P-value < α = 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima.Dengan demikian tinggi rendahnya prestasi belajar (berdasarkan nilai hasil raport) siswa SMP Negeri se kecamatan Alalak dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan, status ekonomi orang tua, keluarga dan sekolah siswa. Orang tua yang lebih utama membimbing anaknya di rumah agar termotivasi untuk belajar di samping itu juga tidak lepas peran keluarga yang mendukung agar anaknya rajin belajar dan sekolah. Begitu juga peran  guru sangatlah penting perannya dalam mendidik (sebagai orang tua kedua) dan mengajar bagi siswa di sekolah. Sekolah sebagai ujung tombak utama maju tidaknya generasi penerus bangsa sudah sewajarnya selalu mengikuti perkembangan kemajuan pendidikan.Kata Kunci : Analisis Faktor, Prestasi Belajar, IPS

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ali Nur Ahmad Ali ◽  
Hadi Susanto

This study aims to determine Muzakki's level of understanding and awareness in paying zakat. find out the potential of zakat in the Pelita Bangsa academic community, because based on the author's field observations, the author suspects that the Pelita Bangsa academic community consists of lecturers, employees, and students who earn quite a lot. In this study, using the type of field research (field research) with a quantitative approach through distributing questionnaires and questionnaires that have been distributed directly to respondents. Research on the level of understanding and awareness of muzakki in paying zakat. The population used in this study is the academic community consisting of lecturers, students, and employees, who play a role in the implementation of zakat in Pelita Bangsa University. The population that will be the object of research is 100 respondents. Based on the results of research data analysis and calculations that have been carried out by researchers, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the level of understanding on muzakki paying zakat. With a coefficient value of 0.727 when compared with the value of rtable at a significant level of 5% of 0.197 then rcount > rtable (0.727> 0.197) so that the coefficient value is significant, there is also a significant influence between the level of awareness of muzakki paying zakat. With a coefficient value of 0.657 when compared with the value of rtable at a significant level of 5% of 0.197, then rcount > rtable (0.657> 0.197) so that the coefficient value is significant, and the results of the analysis conducted by researchers obtained a value of fcount of 54.952. When compared with the value of the fable with a significance level of 5% of 3.09. Then fcount > ftable (54,952> 3.09) so that this value can be said to be significant. This means that the level of understanding and awareness simultaneously influences muzakki to pay zakat.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Didik Hernawan

This study aims to describe and compare the implementation of Quran learning usingthe Ummi method, the results of student achievement in the application of Ummi method, the advantages and weakness of Ummi method in the ElementarySchool Daar El-Dzikir Sukoharjo and the Islamic Elementary School Integrated Insan Kamil Karanganyar. This research is included in qualitative research by describing the data collected as the scope of research and the field as a place of research (field research). The nature of this study is more in the direction of comparative study research with data collection techniques in the form of interviews that are validated by observation, and documentation. The results of research from this study are the application ofUmmi method in learning of the Quran at SDU Daar El-Dzikir and SDIT Insan Kamil by using ten pillars that have been formulated by the Ummi Foundation. The ten Pillars are goodwill management, teacher certification, stages of good and right, clear and measurable targets, consistent mastery learning, adequate time, proportional teacher and student ratios, internal and external controls, progress reports of each student and a reliable coordinator. The application of the ten pillars of Ummi method at SDU Daar El-Dzikir and SDIT Insan Kamil is different in determining targets, adding training time (driling), teacher and student ratios, student progress reports, and internal controls. The results of student achievement in the application of Ummi method are measured from students who have passed the exam by completing the reading material. Students are able to read Quran with tartil and fasahah. SDU Daar El-Dzikirhas graduated 89 students for three examinations. While SDIT Insan Kamil has passed 87 students for two examinations. The advantages of Ummi method are qualitybased systems, systematic stages, continuous material, and strict control. The weakness ofUmmi method is needed a lot of teachers, a long time and a large cost.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan membandingkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan metode Ummi, hasil pencapaian siswa dalam penerapan metode Ummi, kelebihan dan kekurangan metode Ummi di Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Daar El-Dzikir Sukoharjo dan Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Insan Kamil Karanganyar. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif dengan menjabarkan data-data yang terkumpul sebagai ruang lingkup penelitiannya danlapangan sebagai tempat penelitiannya (field research).Sifat dari penelitian ini lebih ke arah pada penelitian studi komparasi dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara yang divalidasi dengan observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan metode Ummi dalam pembelajaran al-Qur’an di SDU Daar El-Dzikir dan SDIT Insan kamil dengan menggunakan sepuluh pilar yang telah dirumuskan oleh Ummi Foundation yaitu goodwill manajemen, sertifikasi guru, tahapan baik dan benar, target jelas dan terukur,mastery learning yang konsisten, waktu memadai , rasio guru dan siswa yang proporsional, kontrol internal dan eksternal, progress report setiap siswa dan koordinator yang handal.Penerapan sepuluh pilar metode Ummi di SDU Daar El-Dzikir dan SDIT Insan Kamil berbeda dalam penentuan target, penambahan waktu latihan (driling), rasio guru dan siswa, progress report siswa, dan kontrol internal. Hasil pencapaian siswa dalam penerapan metode Ummi diukur dari siswa yang telah dinyatakan lulus ujian dan melaksanakan khataman dengan menyelesaikan jilid 1 sampai jilid tajwid sehingga menguasai tartil dan fasahah. SDU Daar El-Dzikir telah meluluskan 89 siswa selama tiga kali khataman. Sedangkan SDIT Insan Kamil sudah meluluskan 87 siswa selama dua kali khataman. Kelebihan metode Ummi yaitu sistem yang berbasis mutu, tahapan yang sistematis, materi yang kontinu, dan kontrol yang ketat. Kelemahan metode Ummi yaitu membutuhkan guru yang banyak, waktu yang lama dan biaya yang besar.

2004 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 171 ◽  
Nurul Indarti

This research aims to examine the relationship between business location decision and business success. The case is Internet café business in Indonesia. This research is addressed to answer these main questions: (1) what factors do underlie location decision for an Internet café business?; and (2) does location decision determine success of Internet café business? A field research is conducted to answer these questions.Factor analysis applied to 17 location factors reveals five underlying dimensions of business location decision. They are centrality, business environment, business venue, cost, and labor. Based on responses from 93 Internet cafés in three locations (i.e. Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Lombok), the author finds that favorable location of business is positively related to business success. More specifically, a regression analysis reveals that availability of utilities, proximity to schools/universities and security affect business success in a positive direction, while proximity to highways, being in commercial center affect in a negative direction. The independent variables explain 23 percent of total variance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 59
Susanti Krismon ◽  
Syukri Iska

This article discusses the implementation of wages in agriculture in Nagari Bukit Kandung Subdistrict X Koto Atas, Solok Regency in a review of muamalah fiqh. The type of research is field research (field research). The data sources consist of primary data sources, namely from farmers and farm laborers who were carried out to 8 people and 4 farm workers, while the secondary data were obtained from documents in the form of the Bukit Kandung Nagari Profile that were related to this research, which could provide information or data. Addition to strengthen the primary data. Data collection techniques that the author uses are observation, interviews and documentation. The data processing that the author uses is qualitative. Based on the results of this study, the implementation of wages in agriculture carried out in Nagari Bukit Kandung District X Koto Diatas Solok Regency is farm laborers who ask for their wages to be given in advance before they carry out their work without an agreement to give their wages at the beginning. Because farm laborers ask for their wages to be given at the beginning, many farm workers work not as expected by farmers and there are also farm workers who are not on time to do the work that should be done. According to the muamalah fiqh review, the implementation of wages in agriculture in Nagari Bukit Kandung is not allowed because there is an element of gharar in the contract and there are parties who are disadvantaged in the contract, namely the owner of the fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-60
Dewi Iriani ◽  
Lailatul Mufidah ◽  
Muhammad Rosyid Ridho

This article aims to determine the Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School's efforts in shaping the entrepreneurial spirit of the santri? Second, how is the development of Amidas Gontor Mineral Water in the perspective of Islamic Business Ethics? This article using field research (field research), the method used in this study using a qualitative approach, namely the author obtains data directly from sources from teachers/managers and students of the Darrusalam Gontor Islamic boarding school, Ponorogo. Research results 1) The Darussalam Gontor modern cottage's efforts in shaping the entrepreneurial spirit of the Santri, which are taught, have five characteristics, namely: confidence is cultivated to the students, by giving confidence in carrying out the production of Amidas Gontor brand mineral water—having continuous and innovative initiatives, in developing the business unit it holds and having achievement motives, which can provide the students with provisions to apply what they have learned after becoming alumni regarding entrepreneurship. The spirit of leadership, where the alumni who serve are entrusted to manage Amidas Gontor. Dare to take calculated risks, introduce the entrepreneurial results of the santri, events and expos are often held in the cottage, apart from the students, caretakers, guardians of Santri, and the wider community. 2) Development of Gontor Amidas mineral water in the perspective of Islamic business ethics principles; Unity/State; Obedience to worship is a belief in the existence of one God. Balance (Justice); evenly distributed. Free Will, done verbally for the Ponorogo area, the outer island area is done through an online application. The Pondok Gontor party is responsible for compensating for damage to the Ponorogo area outside the island. 3) Virtue: Truth and Honesty. Honest and true in establishing partnerships with agents, shops, distributors, retailers of mineral water Amidas.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam Gontor dalam membentuk jiwa wirausaha santri? Kedua, Bagaimana Pengembangan Air Mineral Amidas Gontor Dalam Perspektif Etika Bisnis Syariah? Artikel ini menggunakan penelitian lapangan (field research), metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu penulis memperoleh data langsung dari narasumber dari guru/pengelola dan santri pondok pesantren Darrusalam Gontor Ponorogo. Hasil Penelitian 1) Upaya Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor dalam membentuk jiwa wirausaha santri yang diajarkan memiliki lima ciri, yaitu: menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri kepada santri, dengan memberikan rasa percaya diri dalam melaksanakan produksi air mineral merk Amidas Gontor. —memiliki inisiatif yang berkesinambungan dan inovatif, dalam mengembangkan unit bisnis yang dimilikinya dan memiliki motif berprestasi, yang dapat membekali mahasiswa dengan bekal untuk menerapkan apa yang telah dipelajarinya setelah menjadi alumni tentang kewirausahaan. Semangat kepemimpinan, dimana para alumni yang mengabdi dipercayakan untuk mengelola Amidas Gontor. Berani mengambil resiko yang diperhitungkan, memperkenalkan hasil wirausaha para santri, event dan expo sering diadakan di pondok, selain para santri, pengasuh, wali santri, dan masyarakat luas. 2) Pengembangan air mineral Gontor Amidas dalam perspektif prinsip etika bisnis Islam; Persatuan/Negara; Ketaatan untuk beribadah adalah keyakinan akan adanya satu Tuhan. Keseimbangan (Keadilan); didistribusikan secara merata. Kehendak Bebas, dilakukan secara lisan untuk wilayah Ponorogo, wilayah pulau terluar dilakukan melalui aplikasi online. Pihak Pondok Gontor bertanggung jawab untuk mengganti kerugian daerah Ponorogo di luar pulau. 3) Kebajikan: Kebenaran dan Kejujuran. Jujur dan benar dalam menjalin kemitraan dengan agen, toko, distributor, pengecer air mineral Amidas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ade Jamarudin ◽  
Ofa Ch Pudin

Ijarah is a contract on the transfer of goods or services with rewards instead. Ijarah based transactions with the displacement benefit (rights to), not transfer of ownership (property rights), there ijara financing translates as buying and selling services (wages hired), that take advantage of human power, there is also a translate lease, which take advantage of goods. Application ijarah growing financial institutions in the current Shari'ah is happening on the leasing company (financial institution based on Islamic teachings, as well as Islamic banking is one of the products in Islamic finance. Application ijarah emerging financial institutions shari'ah 'ah at the moment that is happening on the leasing company (financial institution based on Islamic teachings, as well as Islamic banking is one of the Islamic financing products). This research is a library research (library research) and field research (field research), and is descriptive, analytic and comparative. Data sources used in this study are sourced from primary and secondary data. Ijarah transactions are based on the transfer of benefits (use rights), not the transfer of ownership (ownership rights), some translate ijarah financing as the sale and purchase of services (wage wages), i.e., taking the benefits of human labor

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