counseling education
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2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 975-992
Kyungrang Baik ◽  
Sunghee Lim ◽  
Haeun Chung ◽  
JiHye Cheon ◽  
Kyengok Mo ◽  

Objectives: Counseling is an essential component of the treatment of communication disorders. Clinicians and students in the field have reported a necessity for the incorporation of counseling courses into speech-language pathology practice. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the current status of a counseling curriculum in the field of communication sciences and disorders, and to present the professors’ and speech-language pathologists’(SLP) perceptions of the counseling curriculum.Methods: A web-based questionnaire regarding the current status and need for the counseling curriculum was developed and distributed to professors in undergraduate and graduate programs and to SLPs in clinical settings. Responses from a total of 66 professors and 121 SLPs were collected and were used for the analysis.Results: Overall, 66.7% of undergraduate programs and 26.9% of graduate programs offer a counseling course within the department. Also, 100% and 85.1% of professors in undergraduate and graduate programs reported the need for counseling education and training in the field of communication disorders respectively. A strong majority of SLPs (95.7%) also felt counseling courses are needed. By clinical areas, SLPs working in language development disorders reported the highest need (25.4%) for counseling courses, followed by neurological disorders and fluency disorders.Conclusion: The results show that the need for counseling programs was high among professors and clinicians. Thus, the implementation of a systematic and adequate counseling curriculum in the field of communication disorders is suggested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-103
Siti Zahrotun Nisa ◽  
Dedy Riyadin Saputro

Garbage is a national problem and an important issue, especially in urban areas. In this case, the people of Kebonmanis took the initiative to reduce the impact caused by the accumulation of household waste by managing a waste bank. Household waste that was previously only disposed of in the landfill has now begun to be sorted and put to good use for activities in their respective environments, including in terms of increasing the income of the surrounding community. The activity begins with counseling, education, training and implementation. The purpose of this activity is to reduce the accumulation of household waste so that disasters do not occur and utilize waste with the creations and innovations of the surrounding community. In addition, to increase people's income by collecting and exchanging waste every week for basic food materials. The method used is observation, interviews, and documentation. The results show that the management of the waste bank provides many benefits to the surrounding community, the environment becomes comfortable, beautiful, green, and increases the economic income of the community. This activity received support from several parties such as the Cilacap government, the PKK driving team, LKM Makmur Kebonmanis, and PLN Peduli. The conclusion of this study is that household waste can bring benefits in terms of social, economic, and environmental positive impacts from the Waste Bank in Kebon Manis Village, Cilacap. The results show that the management of the waste bank provides many benefits to the surrounding community, the environment becomes comfortable, beautiful, green, and increases the economic income of the community. This activity received support from several parties such as the Cilacap government, the PKK driving team, LKM Makmur Kebonmanis, and PLN Peduli. The conclusion of this study is that household waste can bring benefits in terms of social, economic, and environmental positive impacts from the Waste Bank in Kebon Manis Village, Cilacap. The results show that the management of the waste bank provides many benefits to the surrounding community, the environment becomes comfortable, beautiful, green, and increases the economic income of the community. This activity received support from several parties such as the Cilacap government, the PKK driving team, LKM Makmur Kebonmanis, and PLN Peduli. The conclusion of this study is that household waste can bring benefits in terms of social, economic, and environmental positive impacts from the Waste Bank in Kebon Manis Village, Cilacap.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 32-40
Adi Suhendra

This research is about development governance, namely the Regional Development Planning Information System. Of course, to create optimal development, concerning all aspects of the pre-facilities facility to maximize the economic potential in the region. This study used qualitative research methods. The population in this study are areas that have innovative development planning. Meanwhile, the research subjects are in South Sulawesi Province which has the Innovation of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) and in East Java Province which has innovation named Arabica cabinet (collaborative collateral for Arabica Coffee Integrated Economic Development). The results of this study indicate that the innovation of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) conducted by South Sulawesi Province has succeeded in achieving the designation that has been designed. Likewise the Arabica cabinet innovation (collaboration of the Integrated Economic Development of Arabica Coffee) in East Java Province has succeeded in optimizing land in its area and conducting counseling, education, training, sustainable assistance, and the assistance of coffee processing tools / machines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Slamet Hari Susanto

This research is about development governance, namely the Regional Development Planning Information System. Of course, to create optimal development, concerning all aspects of the pre-facilities facility to maximize the economic potential in the region. This study used qualitative research methods. The population in this study are areas that have innovative development planning. Meanwhile, the research subjects are in South Sulawesi Province which has the Innovation of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) and in East Java Province which has innovation named Arabica cabinet (collaborative collateral for Arabica Coffee Integrated Economic Development). The results of this study indicate that the innovation of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) conducted by South Sulawesi Province has succeeded in achieving the designation that has been designed. Likewise the Arabica cabinet innovation (collaboration of the Integrated Economic Development of Arabica Coffee) in East Java Province has succeeded in optimizing land in its area and conducting counseling, education, training, sustainable assistance, and the assistance of coffee processing tools / machines.

Puguh Setyo Nugroho ◽  
Nyilo Purnami ◽  
Rosa Falerina ◽  
Rizka Fathoni Perdana ◽  
Yoga Rahmadiyanto ◽  

AbstractNoise can have an impact on hearing loss. Changes in hearing thresholds due to noise are some temporary but others potentially permanent. The impact of hearing loss must be controlled so the quality of life will not decrease. A cross-sectional study to assess the quality and increasing knowledge about noise-induced hearing loss was implemented with lectures, discussions and a pre-test before the activity and a post-test after the activity to assess the knowledge development. The polling was conducted to assess the participants' attitudes and psychomotor skills. The study was followed by 77 participants, most of whom were aged 20-30 years, namely 23 (30%). It was found that 16 people (20%) had complaints of hearing loss, 18 people (24%) often used headsets and earphones, 18 (23%) people worked in noisy places. The average pre-test result was 35.06 (+13.72) and the post-test was 77.9 (+20.81). Comparison of pre-test and post-test results of hearing health education obtained different results (p < 0.0001) significantly. Noise-induced hearing loss is permanent deafness and cannot be treated with medicine or surgery. Prevention is the most important thing from noise-induced hearing loss. The counseling education about noise-induced hearing loss on community must always be performed as an prevention and early detection.Keywords: deafness, noise induce hearing loss, prevention, education AbstrakBising dapat berdampak terhadap gangguan pendengaran. Perubahan batas pendengaran akibat bising yang bersifat sementara, dan perubahan batas pendengaran akibat bising yang bersifat menetap. Dampak gangguan pendengaran harus dikendalikan agar tidak menimbulkan penuruna kualitas kehidupan. Studi cross sectional untuk menilai kualitas dan upaya peningkatan pengetahuan tentang gangguan pednegaran akibat bising dilaksanakan dengan ceramah, diskusi dan dilakukan pre test sebelum kegiatan dan post test setelah kegiatan untuk menilai peningkatan pengetahuan. Survei jajak pendapat dilakukan untuk menilai sikap dan psikomotor peserta. Studi diikuti 77 peserta, usia terbanyak di usia 20 – 30 tahun yaitu 23 orang (30%). Didapatkan 16 orang (20%) mengalami keluhan gangguan pendengaran, 18 orang (24%) sering menggunakan headset dan earphone,18 (23%) orang bekerja di tempat bising.  Hasil rata-rata pre test 35,06  (+13,72) dan rata-rata post test 77,9 (+20,81). Perbandingan hasil pre test dan  post  test  penyuluhan  kesehatan  pendengaran  didapatkan  hasil  yang  berbeda signifikan (p < 0,0001). Tuli akibat bising merupakan tuli yang bersifat menetap dan tidak dapat diobati dengan obat maupun pembedahan, pencegahan merupakan hal yang terpenting dari tuli akibat bising atau noise induced hearing loss.Kegiatan edukasi penyuluhan gangguan pendengaran akibat bising harus senantiasa dilakukan di masyarakat sebagai upaya pencegahan dan deteksi dini.Kata kunci: Tuli, gangguan pendengaran karena bising, pencegahan, edukasi 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Hafız Bek ◽  
Hakan Gülveren

The purpose of the present study is to enhance the quality of psychological counselling education by identifying needs and competencies in the field. The lack of specific studies on therapeutic conditions in psychological counseling education on a national scale has led us to conduct the current study. The study group consists of 20 students (12 female, 8 male) taking Individual Counselling course during spring term in 2019- 2020 academic year. According to the audio recordings, the participants were seen to be unable to behave at expected level under the title of concreteness of therapeutic conditions. In addition, they were observed not to provide necessary conditions under the title of transparency. However, it has been revealed that they managed to develop empathy. Moreover, they were seen to be unable to fulfill here and now principle at expected level. Finally, they were found to perform respect conditions.

2021 ◽  
Hafız Bek ◽  
Hakan Gülveren

The purpose of the present study is to enhance the quality of psychological counselling education by identifying needs and competencies in the field. The lack of specific studies on therapeutic conditions in psychological counseling education on a national scale has led us to conduct the current study. The study group consists of 20 students (12 female, 8 male) taking Individual Counselling course during spring term in 2019- 2020 academic year. According to the audio recordings, the participants were seen to be unable to behave at expected level under the title of concreteness of therapeutic conditions. In addition, they were observed not to provide necessary conditions under the title of transparency. However, it has been revealed that they managed to develop empathy. Moreover, they were seen to be unable to fulfill here and now principle at expected level. Finally, they were found to perform respect conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-91
Intan Monik Pratami

The health of pregnant women is very important, health must be done as much as possible, if the mother is not healthy, the child will also follow what the mother is facing. There are many bad effects if the health of pregnant women is not right, one of which can make the death of pregnant women. This is a common problem in society. The purpose of the class for pregnant women is to increase knowledge, change attitudes and behavior of mothers to understand pregnancy, body changes and complaints during pregnancy, pregnancy care, childbirth, postpartum care, postnatal family planning, infectious diseases and birth certificates (MOH 2011, p. 2). The method used to increase the knowledge of pregnant women is counseling education. The author hopes that after this counseling education is carried out, pregnant women can find out the importance of maternal chelation during pregnancy. The results that can be obtained are increasing knowledge of pregnant women about the importance of participating in Mother's class activities in Jatibarang Kidul Village, the output obtained is the existence of health education media about Mother's Class in Jatibarang Kidul Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (61) ◽  

This research was conducted to examine the current status of style counseling education and expert opinions on the development of style counseling education. Descriptive research method was used in the research. With the descriptive research method, it was aimed to evaluate the data obtained from the questionnaire applied to the experts who provide style counseling training, and to determine the current status of style counseling education, and to create solution suggestions for improving style counseling education. For this purpose, research data were collected through a questionnaire created by the researcher. The sample of the research; style consultancy and related fields, which can be reached from style consultants working in the sector in Istanbul (12 participants) and who have received education abroad/in related fields, and academicians (4 participants) who provide style consultancy training at universities with fashion design departments in Ankara. Within the framework of the general purpose of the research, the data obtained from the questionnaire, which included the opinions of the style consultants and academicians, were transferred to the computer environment and the necessary statistical analyzes were made using the SPSS package program. In order to determine the opinions of the sample group, descriptive statistics were applied to each item, presented in tables and interpreted. In the research, the suggestions developed by examining the expert opinions about style counseling education; raising awareness about style counseling education, increasing the number of institutions providing style counseling education, making style counseling course compulsory in fashion design faculties and increasing the number of documents related to the field. Keywords: Education, style, style consultancy

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