scholarly journals PEMENUHAN HAK ATAS PERUMAHAN YANG LAYAK BAGI MASYARAKAT MISKIN KOTA DALAM PERSPEKTIF HAM (The Fulfillment of Right on Adequate Housing to the Urban Poor in Human Rights Perspective)

Jurnal HAM ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Firdaus Firdaus

Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk selalu diiringi dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan perumahan. Di kota-kota besar termasuk kota Makassar dan Surabaya, kebutuhan perumahan menjadi sebuah masalah penting karena pertumbuhan penduduk yang disebabkan kelahiran dan urbanisasi yang tidak sebanding dengan tersedianya fasilitas perumahan. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam menanggulangi permasalahan penduduk miskin adalah pemenuhan hak dasar penduduk seperti pemenuhan atas pangan, layanan kesehatan, layanan pendidikan, pekerjaan dan berusaha, air bersih, dan sanitasi serta hak pemenuhan atas perumahan, kondisi tersebut telah mendorong semakin berkembangnya pemukiman masyarakat miskin yang didirikan secara ilegal, kumuh, dan tidak layak huni. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami tanggung jawab negara terhadap upaya dan kendala pemenuhan hak atas perumahan yang layakbagi masyarakat miskin dalam pelaksanaan pemenuhan pembangunan perumahan yang berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) melalui jaminan kepastian hukum atas kepemilikan tanah, ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, layak huni, lokasi yang layak, layak secara budaya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif normatif yang ditunjang dengan penelitian hukum sosiologis sebagai pelengkap guna menggambarkan instrumen hukum HAM dalam pengaturan pembangunan perumahan yang layak bagi masyarakat miskin.  AbstractIncreasing of the population always is accompanied by a need for housing that mounts to higher. In big cities such as Makassar and Surabaya, a need for housing already has made an important issue because population growth led by birth and urbanization not equal to housing availability. The effort made to solve the problem of the poor is a basic right fulfillment of society namely food, health services, education, job and business, pure water, and sanitation also rights satisfaction on housing. This condition has driven more growing on housing construction for the poor, illegally, dirty and uninhabitable for living in. This aim of this research is to find out and understand state`s responsibilities to attempts and obstacles of the fulfillment of right on adequate housing to the poor based on human rights principles with guarantee of law certainty on land ownership, availability, affordable, livable, a good place, culturally decent. The method of this research is a normative descriptive and supported by sociological law research as complement to describe law and human rights instruments in arranging of a decent housing construction to the poor.

Jurnal HAM ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Firdaus Firdaus

Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk selalu diiringi dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan perumahan. Di kota-kota besar termasuk kota Makassar dan Surabaya, kebutuhan perumahan menjadi sebuah masalah penting karena pertumbuhan penduduk yang disebabkan kelahiran dan urbanisasi yang tidak sebanding dengan tersedianya fasilitas perumahan. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam menanggulangi permasalahan penduduk miskin adalah pemenuhan hak dasar penduduk seperti pemenuhan atas pangan, layanan kesehatan, layanan pendidikan, pekerjaan dan berusaha, air bersih, dan sanitasi serta hak pemenuhan atas perumahan, kondisi tersebut telah mendorong semakin berkembangnya pemukiman masyarakat miskin yang didirikan secara ilegal, kumuh, dan tidak layak huni. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami tanggung jawab negara terhadap upaya dan kendala pemenuhan hak atas perumahan yang layakbagi masyarakat miskin dalam pelaksanaan pemenuhan pembangunan perumahan yang berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) melalui jaminan kepastian hukum atas kepemilikan tanah, ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, layak huni, lokasi yang layak, layak secara budaya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif normatif yang ditunjang dengan penelitian hukum sosiologis sebagai pelengkap guna menggambarkan instrumen hukum HAM dalam pengaturan pembangunan perumahan yang layak bagi masyarakat miskin.  AbstractIncreasing of the population always is accompanied by a need for housing that mounts to higher. In big cities such as Makassar and Surabaya, a need for housing already has made an important issue because population growth led by birth and urbanization not equal to housing availability. The effort made to solve the problem of the poor is a basic right fulfillment of society namely food, health services, education, job and business, pure water, and sanitation also rights satisfaction on housing. This condition has driven more growing on housing construction for the poor, illegally, dirty and uninhabitable for living in. This aim of this research is to find out and understand state`s responsibilities to attempts and obstacles of the fulfillment of right on adequate housing to the poor based on human rights principles with guarantee of law certainty on land ownership, availability, affordable, livable, a good place, culturally decent. The method of this research is a normative descriptive and supported by sociological law research as complement to describe law and human rights instruments in arranging of a decent housing construction to the poor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 96
Ziad Tak

The right to water is a right for all and must be implemented in a nondiscriminatory manner in accordance with the conditions and limits laid down by some particular laws and regulations. In order to make the right to drinking water and sanitation a reality, water and sanitation services must be made affordable to the population as a whole. Property and access to other human rights such as the right to housing, food or health services should also be made available to the population. Internationally, several countries have recognized the right to drinking water and sanitation, but have not actually implemented it at the national level. The objective of this study is to show the importance of the implementation of the right to drinking water, so that it can be made available to all. Since the most widely traded studies on human rights were dominated by political and judicial character, I tried in this study to broaden the meaning of human rights and to provide more Rights. This is despite the fact that it has not been compensated by specific legal texts. As a result, the problem of the study is focused on water as a fundamental need of human, and access to water is part of its fundamental rights.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-291
Manuel A. Vasquez ◽  
Anna L. Peterson

In this article, we explore the debates surrounding the proposed canonization of Archbishop Oscar Romero, an outspoken defender of human rights and the poor during the civil war in El Salvador, who was assassinated in March 1980 by paramilitary death squads while saying Mass. More specifically, we examine the tension between, on the one hand, local and popular understandings of Romero’s life and legacy and, on the other hand, transnational and institutional interpretations. We argue that the reluctance of the Vatican to advance Romero’s canonization process has to do with the need to domesticate and “privatize” his image. This depoliticization of Romero’s work and teachings is a part of a larger agenda of neo-Romanization, an attempt by the Holy See to redeploy a post-colonial and transnational Catholic regime in the face of the crisis of modernity and the advent of postmodern relativism. This redeployment is based on the control of local religious expressions, particularly those that advocate for a more participatory church, which have proliferated with contemporary globalization

Mziwandile Sobantu ◽  
Nqobile Zulu ◽  
Ntandoyenkosi Maphosa

This paper reflects on human rights in the post-apartheid South Africa housing context from a social development lens. The Constitution guarantees access to adequate housing as a basic human right, a prerequisite for the optimum development of individuals, families and communities. Without the other related socio-economic rights, the provision of access to housing is limited in its service delivery. We argue that housing rights are inseparable from the broader human rights discourse and social development endeavours underway in the country. While government has made much progress through the Reconstruction and Development Programme, the reality of informal settlements and backyard shacks continues to undermine the human rights prospects of the urban poor. Forced evictions undermine some poor citizens’ human rights leading courts to play an active role in enforcing housing and human rights through establishing a jurisprudence that invariably advances a social development agenda. The authors argue that the post-1994 government needs to galvanise the citizenship of the urban poor through development-oriented housing delivery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-62
D. N. Parajuli

 Reproductive rights are fundamental rights and freedoms relating to reproduction and reproductive health that vary amongst countries around the world, but have a commonality about the protection, preservation and promotion of a woman‘s reproductive health rights. Reproductive rights include the right to autonomy and self-determination , the right of everyone to make free and informed decisions and have full control over their body, sexuality, health, relationships, and if, when and with whom to partner, marry and have children , without any form of discrimination, stigma, coercion or violence. The access and availability of reproductive health services are limited due to geography and other issues, non-availability and refusal of reproductive health services may lead to serious consequences. The State need to ensure accessibility, availability, safe and quality reproductive health services and address the lifecycle needs of women and girls and provide access of every young women and girls to comprehensive sexuality education based on their evolving capacity as their human rights, through its inclusion and proper implementation in school curriculum, community-based awareness program and youth led mass media. It is necessary for strengthening compliance, in a time-bound manner, with international human rights standards that Nepal has ratified that protect, promote, and fulfill the basic human rights and reproductive health rights in Nepal and also need to review standards and conventions that Nepal has had reservations about or those that have been poorly implemented in the country.

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