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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 225-225
Elizabeth Bergman ◽  
Michelle Porter

Abstract Each institution’s journey to becoming more age inclusive will to depend on its unique characteristics, and be dependent on its strengths and existing gaps. A good place to start is to explore how to build connections and leverage existing initiatives, such as research programs, community connections and importantly the institution’s strategic plan. At this point, elements to consider include coalition building, identifying strengths and gaps, and reframing aging. Because ageism can be a hindrance in many ways, strategies to address ageism should be included. GSA initiatives and tools such as the Reframing Aging Initiative, Ageism First Aid and AARPs Disrupt Aging will be highlighted in our presentation. Examples of how several universities have charted their course to becoming more age-inclusive and age-friendly will be outlined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 405-412
Yuanita Indriani

University Students, are millennials, which makes up almost 60 percent of the total population of Indonesia, do not understand and are not interested in cooperatives, even though the founders of the nation emphasized that the most suitable economic structure for the Indonesian people is cooperatives. There are indications that students' interest in cooperating through Student Cooperatives is still minimal. Some of the questions that arise are: why Student Cooperatives are not attractive to students, whether Student Cooperatives is a good place to learn cooperative values, and whether students who have joined the cooperative have a preference for developing cooperatives in the future. This study uses quantitative methods, the locus of research is the city of Bandung, the number of Kopma samples is 5, determined purposively. Research respondents were students (as members, administrators and supervisors as well as managers). The results showed that Kopma had provided cooperative experiences for its members, and the experiences gained were in the form of negative experiences and positive experiences; Students who get positive experiences from Student Cooperatives have a high tendency to replicate cooperative activities in the community.

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-74
Ladislav Vít

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 226-233
Hemalatha K

Since ancient times, the Tamil community has given great value to women. It is said that in the Vedic period men had equal rights with women and husband and wife had equal rights in religious and social duties. The position of women during the Sangam period, similar to the Vedic period, was highly admirable. Women were considered to be of the highest character to household duties. Chastity is with loving virtues patience, morality, maintaining the heart, hospitality, circumference, etc., are the characteristics of the wife. The women of the sangam age considered Nanam better than the best life of all, that innocent chastity was better than that Nanam, and that their husband was life for wives. Women have maintained a good place of Nanam and chastity. She considered it is duty to give birth to the people and to be heroic. The purpose of this article is to express the heroic feelings of women in sangam literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (42) ◽  
pp. 4-5
Alison Knopf

2021 ◽  
Benoît Evellin

We all have been newcomers one day, and gradually we managed to find our way to become experienced users. But how many promising newcomers have abandoned this same journey because they didn't understand our tools or our policies, or lacked human-to-human support? The Wikimedia Foundation Growth team is working on a set of tools that help communities to welcome newcomers and grow wikis in size and quality. These features have been shown to increase the activation, retention, and edit volume of newcomers. Newcomer homepage: a special page that hosts the "Newcomer tasks" and is a good place for a newcomer to get started. The homepage gives access to many resources, including a link to a volunteer mentor who would reply to their questions. Newcomer tasks: a feed of suggested edits that help newcomers learn how to make simple edits on their preferred subjects. Newcomers have been making productive edits through this feed! The feed is located on the homepage, as the starring feature. Help panel: a platform to provide resources to newcomers while they are editing. When newcomers work on "Newcomer tasks", the help panel guides them on what to do. All of these features are available right now, on both desktop and mobile: communities can request their deployment if they want to try them. This presentation will be about discovering the Growth tools, know their benefits, and see how to implement them in order to increase chances to grow your community in a qualitative way. We will also show the future of these features.

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 300
Owen Owen ◽  
Eko Harry Susanto

Over time, the culinary world has also experienced significant developments, both from nontraditional foods and traditional foods. Therefore, product variation is one of the things that is not taboo in the culinary world, this can be seen from the many product variations that are dominated by non-traditional foods from various forms of food through the taste and appearance of the product itself. This makes one of the traditional food brands, namely Ngai Soya BeanCurd, want to make product variations, especially for bean curd products, where the presentation given is different from bean curd in general, which is served with ginger sauce as a complement and with hot temperatures but Ngai Soya BeanCurd makes variations in terms of presentation, which is served with a cold temperature. This is a challenge in itself for Ngai Soya BeanCurd in determining promotions to increase people's buying interest in tofu products, one of which is by using Instagram social media as a means to promote these products to be known by the wider community because social media is also a good place or place. for a means of promoting a product. So this research was conducted to determine whether there is an effect of promotion strategies through social media Instagram in increasing purchasing power of the tofu flower brand, namely Ngai Soya Bean Curd. Seiring perkembangan jaman, dunia kuliner pun mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan, baik dari makanan non tradisional maupun makanan traditional. Oleh karena itu variasi produk merupakan salah satu hal yang tidak tabu dalam dunia kuliner, hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya variasi-variasi produk yang didominasi oleh makanan non tradisional dari berbagai bentuk makanan melalui rasa, dan penampilan dari produk tersebut sendiri. Hal ini membuat salah satu brand makanan tradisional yaitu Ngai Soya BeanCurd ingin melakukan variasi produk khususnya untuk produk kembang tahu, dimana penyajian yang diberikan berbeda dengan kembang tahu pada umumnya yaitu disajikan dengan kuah jahe sebagai pelengkap dan dengan suhu yang panas tetapi Ngai Soya BeanCurd melakukan variasi dalam hal penyajiannya yaitu disajikan dengan suhu yang dingin. Hal ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri untuk Ngai Soya BeanCurd dalam menentukan promosi untuk meningkatkan minat beli masyarakat terhadap produk kembang tahu, salah satunya dengan menggunakan media sosial Instagram sebagai sarana untuk mempromosikan produk tersebut agar dikenal oleh masyarakat luas dikarenakan media sosial juga merupakan wadah atau tempat yang baik untuk sarana mempromosikan sebuah produk. Sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh strategi promosi lewat sosial media instagram dalam meningkatkan minat beli pada brand kembang tahu yaitu Ngai Soya BeanCurd.

Standort ◽  
2021 ◽  
Helene Schabasser ◽  
Tatjana Fischer ◽  
Gernot Stöglehner

ZusammenfassungDas Offene Technologielabor (Otelo) ist ein themenoffenes Treffpunktkonzept, welches gemäß dem Konzept nach Oldenburg (1989) den Dritten Orten zugeordnet werden kann. Die Besonderheit des Otelo-Konzepts liegt darin, dass es die Förderung von Innovation und Kreativwirtschaft in ländlichen Gemeinden und deren zukunftsfähige wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung zum Ziel hat. Otelo wird seit 2010 auf Vereinsbasis und vorwiegend in Österreich umgesetzt. Bisher wurde jedoch noch nicht empirisch erfasst, welche Rolle die Offenen Technologielabore – und somit der Einsatz des Konzepts der Dritten Orte – für die kommunale Entwicklung einnehmen können und in welchem räumlichen Kontext Otelo-Aktivitäten eingebettet sind. Die vorliegende Betrachtung zu 2 Zeitpunkten (Januar 2016 und September 2019) zeigt, dass Otelo sich vor allem zur Erweiterung des kommunalen Kultur- und Erholungsangebots, zur Standortaufwertung sowie zur Förderung von Initiativen, welche einem auf Wachstum fokussierten Wirtschaftssystem Alternativen einzubringen versuchen, eignet. In seiner Umsetzung hat sich gezeigt, dass sich Otelo vor allem in urbanen und regionalen Zentren sowie ländlichen Gemeinden im Umland von Zentren bewährt. Während Dritte Orte bisher vor allem im Kontext der Privatwirtschaft beschrieben wurden, bietet dieser Beitrag Orientierung zur Eignung und zu den Limitationen der Anwendung dieses Konzepts in der Kommunalentwicklung.

2021 ◽  
pp. 237929812110416
Chantal van Esch ◽  
Emily Tarr ◽  
John Frye

The sitcom The Good Place can be used by management instructors to teach ethical frameworks and concepts. This series, familiar to many undergraduate students in the US, features a Professor of Ethics and Moral Philosophy who gives mini lectures applied to what the characters are experiencing. These mini lectures can be shown to undergraduates studying ethics in a full course or as a subsection of courses such as management, organizational behavior, or leadership. This article provides information on particular clips that management instructors can use, recommendations for discussion topics with prompts provided, and a comparative pedagogical analysis of using this resource.

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