scholarly journals Analisis Laju Pembelajaran dalam Mengklasifikasi Data Wine Menggunakan Algoritma Backpropagation

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 422
Jaya Tata Hardinata ◽  
Harly Okprana ◽  
Agus Perdana Windarto ◽  
Widodo Saputra

Backpropagation is an artificial neural network that has the architecture in conducting training and determining the right parameters to produce the correct output of similar but not the same input. One of the parameters that influences the determination of bacpropagation architecture is the rate of learning, where if the value of the learning rate is too high then the network architecture becomes unstable otherwise if the value of the learning rate is too low the network architecture converges and takes a long time in training network architecture. This research data is secondary data sourced from UCI Data Mechine Learning. The best network architecture in this study is 13-10-3, with different learning rates ranging from 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.01, 0.13, 0.16, 0.2, 0.23, 0.026, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.9. From the 21 different learning rate values in the 13-10-3 network architecture, it is found that the level of learning rate is very important to get the right and fast network architecture. This can be seen in experiments with a learning rate of 0.65 can produce a better level of accuracy compared to a learning rate smaller than 0.65.

Cynthia Paramita Astasari ◽  
Jabal Tarik Ibrahim ◽  
Harpowo Harpowo

Chili is vegetables that have an important role in agriculture in Indonesia. Generally, the amount of chili production is determined by the harvested area and productivity of the land. Chili is one of the main horticulture products in Indonesia. Kediri District is potential as a center of chili’s production. According to Ibrahim, 2012 there are four major sub-district in the production of chili commodities, such as Kepung District, Puncu District, Papar District, and Pagu District. The determination of a commodity to be a superior commodity in Kediri District based on the consideration that not all vegetable commodities are suitable to be developed in all places. The purpose of this research is 1) Knowing the growth of chili’s production, 2) Analyze the Location Quotient of chili in Kediri District, 3) Analyze the Location Quotient of cayenne in Kediri District. This research is using secondary data. This research data was analyzed by Location Quotient (LQ). This research shows that the growth of harvested area has fluctuated every year. Chili’s production has fluctuated during 2014-2016. Cayenne’s production has fluctuated during 2014-2016. Mojo sub-district is basis area of harvested area and chili’s production for last three years. Pagu District sub-district is basis area of harvested area and cayenne’s production for last three years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 134 (6) ◽  
pp. 497-500
O Denton ◽  
A Daglish ◽  
L Smallman ◽  
S Fishpool

AbstractObjectiveRate of learning is often cited as a deterrent in the use of endoscopic ear surgery. This study investigated the learning curves of novice surgeons performing simulated ear surgery using either an endoscope or a microscope.MethodsA prospective multi-site clinical research study was conducted. Seventy-two medical students were randomly allocated to the endoscope or microscope group, and performed 10 myringotomy and ventilation tube insertions. Trial times were used to produce learning curves. From these, slope (learning rate) and asymptote (optimal proficiency) were ascertained.ResultsThere was no significant difference between the learning curves (p = 0.41). The learning rate value was 68.62 for the microscope group and 78.71 for the endoscope group. The optimal proficiency (seconds) was 32.83 for the microscope group and 27.87 for the endoscope group.ConclusionThe absence of a significant difference shows that the learning rates of each technique are statistically indistinguishable. This suggests that surgeons are not justified when citing ‘steep learning curve’ in arguments against the use of endoscopes in middle-ear surgery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-76
Arifuddin Nurdin

This study aims to analyze the implementation of DPRD members 'initiative rights and the factors that hinder the exercise of DPRD members' initiative rights in the formation of Regional Regulations. This type of research is normative juridical research, the source of this research data is secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The collected legal materials are processed and compiled systematically and provide detailed and in-depth explanations to reveal problems regarding the legislative function of DPRD members with the intention of seeking consistency between applicable legal norms. The results showed that the implementation of DPRD members' initiative rights in the formation of regional regulations was still not optimal even though it had referred to PP No. 12 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of DPRD Standing Orders because many DPRD members have never used the right of initiative in preparing academic texts and the Draft of Regional Regulation. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of DPRD members' initiative rights in the formation of regional regulations consist of human resources, the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of the budget, the role of the Expert Team, as well as low community participation being an inhibiting factor. The suggestion that the authors propose is that DPRD members in carrying out the legislative function should not only wait for the proposed Regional Regulation coming from the Regional Government but actively use their initiative right in forming Local Regulations as regulated in the legislation, as well as addressing the factors existing obstacles in order to optimize the implementation of the initiative rights of DPRD members.  Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan hak inisiatif Anggota DPRD dan faktor-faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan hak inisiatif anggota DPRD pada pembentukan Peraturan Daerah. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif, sumber data penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tertier. Bahan hukum yang berhasil dikumpulkan diolah dan disusun secara sistematis dan memberikan penjelasan secara rinci dan mendalam untuk mengungkap permasalahan mengenai fungsi legislasi anggota DPRD dengan maksud mencari konsistensi antara norma hukum yang berlaku.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pelaksanaan hak inisiatif anggota DPRD dalam pembentukan peraturan daerah masih kurang optimal sekalipun telah mengacu pada PP No. 12 Tahun 2018 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Peraturan Tata Tertib DPRD, karena banyak anggota DPRD yang tidak pernah menggunakan hak inisiatifnya dalam penyusunan naskah akademik dan Rancangan Peraturan Daerah. Faktor penghambat pelaksanaan hak inisiatif anggota DPRD dalam pembentukan peraturan daerah terdiri dari Faktor sumber daya manusia, efektifitas dan efisiensi penggunaan anggaran, peranan Tim Ahli, serta partisipasi masyarakat yang rendah menjadi faktor penghambat. Adapun saran yang penulis ajukan adalah, hendaknya anggota DPRD dalam melaksanakan fungsi legislasi tidak sekedar menunggu usulan Rancangan Perda yang berasal dari Pemerintah Daerah, tetapi secara aktif mempergunakan hak inisiatifnya dalam membentuk Peraturan Daerah sebagaimana yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, serta mengatasi faktor-faktor penghambat yang ada agar dapat mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan hak inisiatif anggota DPRD.   Kata Kunci: hak inisiatif; fungsi legislasi; frasa, peraturan daerah;

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-322
Salsabila Firdausia

KHI states that hadanah for a child who is not mumayyiz or not yet 12 (twelve) years old is the right of his mother. The basis of the 12-year law is not found in the Al- Qur'an, hadits and fiqh literature. Therefore, the author conducts research to determine the hadanah in the concept of KHI and Undang-undang. This type of research is yuridis normatif. The source of this research data is secondary data. Based on the results of the study, the hadhanah rights remain with both parents even if the parents are  divorced. It is mentioned in the KHI, UU Perkawinan and UU Perlindungan Anak that giving love to a child is an obligation attached to the parents towards the child from the time the child is in the womb until the end of his life.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-188
Muh Rizki

Abstrak. Di Indonesia pengangkatan anak/adopsi diatur dalam Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 tahun 2020 perihal pengangkatan anak, di dalam pasal 39 poin 1 dijelaskan, dalam hal ini pengangkatan anak hanya dapat dilakukan berdasarkan kepentingan yang terbaik bagi anak dan dapat dilakukan dengan ketentuan adat setempat dan ketentuan peraturan yang berlaku. Hal ini agar pengangkatan anak tidak terjadi kesalah fahaman atau pertikaian di belakang hari, terlebih-lebih apabila orang tua angkatnya meninggal dunia lebih dulu. Sebagaimana dalam putusan hakim Pengadilan Agama Pekanbaru klas 1A Nomor. 181/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Pbr, tentang penetapan ahli warits.  Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Agama Pekanbaru menolak penetapan ahli warits disebabkan adanya anak angkat, meskipun tidak ada bukti yang menunjukkan adanya penetapan pengadilan atau secara adat tentang pengangkatan anak tersebut. Berdasarkan uraian ini, maka penulis merasa perlu menganalisis dari asfek yuridis dan filososfis untuk menemukan jawaban mengapa permohonan penetapan ahli warits ini ditolak, dan apa dasar hukum hakim yang digunakan serta bagaimana putusan ini jika dianalisis dengan konsep maqasid syariah. Jenis penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library reseach), yaitu penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder belaka dengan menggunakan pendekatan hukum normatif dan pilosofis. Adapun kesimpulannya, bahwa anak angkat sangat punya kepentingan terhadap harta tirkah dari alamarhumah, karena para pemohon tidak memasukkan anak angkat sebagai orang yang berhak sebagai pihak dalam perkara aquo, majelis hakim berpendapat permohonan para Pemohon kurang pihak. Maka pertimbangan majelis hakim dengan menggunakan kaedah “Menolak mafsadah didahulukan daripada mengambil kemaslahatan”. Apabila dianalisis perkara ini dengan pisau analisis maqasid syariah  yang sesuai dengan prinsip maqasid syariah dan terhimpun dalam empat kulliyatul khams sekaligus, yakni memelihara agama (hifz ad-din), memelihara jiwa (hifz an-nafs), memelihar akal (hifz al-aql dan memelihara harta (hifz al-mal). Abstract. In Indonesia, adoption/adoption is regulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2020 regarding child adoption, in article 39 point 1 it is explained, in this case the adoption can only be carried out based on the best interests of the child and can be carried out with local customary provisions and applicable regulations. This is so that the adoption of a child does not cause misunderstandings or disputes later in life, especially if the adoptive parents die first. As in the decision of the Pekanbaru Religious Court class 1A No. 181/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Pbr, regarding the determination of heirs. The Pekanbaru Religious Court Panel of Judges rejected the determination of heirs due to the presence of an adopted child, although there is no evidence to show that there was a court order or custom regarding the adoption of the child. Based on this description, the author feels the need to analyze from the juridical and philosophical aspects to find answers to why the application for the determination of heirs was rejected, and what is the legal basis of the judge used and how this decision is analyzed with the concept of maqasid sharia. The type of research in this paper is library research, namely legal research carried out by examining library materials or secondary data using normative and philosophical legal approaches. As for the conclusion, that the adopted child is very interested in the tirkah property of the alamarhumah, because the petitioners do not include the adopted child as a person who has the right as a party in the aquo case, the panel of judges is of the opinion that the petition of the petitioners is lacking in parties. Then the consideration of the panel of judges using the method "Rejecting mafsadah takes precedence over taking benefit". When analyzed this case with a maqasid sharia analysis knife which is in accordance with the principles of maqasid sharia and is compiled in four kulliyatul khams at once, namely maintaining religion (hifz ad-din), preserving soul (hifz an-nafs), preserving reason (hifz al-aql and maintain property (hifz al-mal).

Syahrizal Abbas Sitti Mawar Muhammad Habibi

In a family sometimes painful actions arise from involuntary causes (not intentionally), not on the wishes of the husband, such as because the husband is poor or poor so he does not have a living to fulfill his wife's rights in the form of food, clothing and home at a certain time, which makes the wife ask to part with her husband through the divorce (fasakh) path. Regarding the problem of the wife asking for fasakh (carrying out divorce) by reason of a poor husband there are differences of opinion between the Syafi'iyyah Ulama and Positive Law in Indonesia concerning the provisions that must be fulfilled by both. This study wants to answer the question of how the provisions of fasakh marriage are based on the reasons of poor husbands according to Syafi'iyyah Ulama and Positive Law in Indonesia. To get answers, the author uses primary data sources and secondary data. The research method that I use is Descriptive Comparative method that is research by analyzing and comparing opinions, reasons and interpretations of the arguments used as the opinions of the two groups. The results of the study indicate that the fasakh of marriage on the grounds of a poor husband according to the Shafi'iyyah Ulama is permissible and validly carried out on condition; 1) A wife who is married between being patient and divorced, 2) Judge's decision, in the form of; a. determination of poor status according to the provisions, b. giving an opportunity to a husband to work for a living, c. Fasakh implementation period three days after the wife reported. 3) Separated by reciting fasakh instead of divorce, and still having three times the right of divorce if in the future you want to remarry with a new contract. Whereas according to Positive Law in Indonesia fasakh marriage by reason of poor and permissible husband with conditions, 1) occur shikak between wife and husband, 2) wife make a divorce letter, 3) Decision judge namely proof of poor husband in a literal manner, 4) Court decision drop one bain sughra talak. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the provisions of the fasakh of marriage by reason of poor husbands in the opinion of the Syafi'iyyah clerics are better and fair because they are supported by a strong foundation and are most in accordance with the soul, basis and principles of Islamic law. Therefore in Indonesia requires more explicit rules about fasakh (divorce) with the excuse of poor husbands.Keywords: Fasakh and Poor. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 381
Ronal Watrianthos ◽  
Kusmanto Kusmanto ◽  
Elida F. S. Simanjorang ◽  
Muhammad Syaifullah ◽  
Ibnu Rasyid Munthe

Students rank requires several considerations and criteria. Determination of the criteria must be prepared as much as possible because it is related to the selection of outstanding students. However, this ranking is considered less than optimal and requires a long time because it is processed manually by the school. The right Decision Support System is needed to produce quick and accurate ranking decisions. This study uses the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) as a Decision Support System. This method will use multi-criteria as the main input in decision making. PROMETHEE will be used to analyze criteria based on alternatives compared to rank according to students' grades and abilities. Based on the research sample data, the highest value was 0.739 for alternative A16. This shows that alternative A16 is the best alternative compared to other alternatives based on consideration of all criteria. The development of PROMETHEE with application-based Decision Support Systems is much better because it produces fast and accurate calculations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3A) ◽  
pp. 215
Novita ., Wongkar ◽  
Joachim N. K. Dumais ◽  
Theodora M. Katiandagho

The purpose of this research is to identify the right development strategy in Tondei Village 1, Sub-district of West Motoling, South Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted in September until November 2017, using primary and secondary data with 10 respondents. Data primary collection through interviews using questionnaires. Secondary data collected from the office of Tondei 1 Village. Research data in the analysis using SWOT analysis. The result of the research shows that the result of internal strategic factor analysis shows that the total score of internal analysis result is 3.16 indicating that it is in a "moderate" position in harnessing the strength to face the weakness faced in the development of sugar palm agroindustry in Tondei Village 1. Result of external strategic factor analysis through opportunity and threatened to get a total score of its external analysis is 3.26 which indicates that the development of sugar palm agro-industry is in a strong external position in exploiting the opportunity to overcome the threats faced.*jnkd*

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-317
Emy Eliamega Saragih ◽  
Mustamam Mustamam ◽  
Mukidi Mukidi

Islamic teachings determine that the Koran and the Hadith are the main references in resolving every problem faced by mankind, especially Muslims. Likewise in solving inheritance problems, the Koran and Hadith have explained clearly and in detail. Whereas for matters that have not yet been regulated or there is no agreement on the ulama, such as inheritance for a transvestite. The problem in this study, regarding the position of girls in the distribution of inheritance law according to Islam, concerning inheritance rights of siblings of fathers who leave a daughter in the perspective of Islamic law and on the basis of judges' consideration in determining the determination of heirs in the decision of case register No. 40/Pdt.G/2017/PA.Mdn. This research is a normative juridical approach with a case approach by analyzing Decision No. 40/Pdt.G/2017/PA. Mdn). The data source of this research is secondary data obtained from the results of library research. Data analysis used in this study is qualitative data analysis. Based on the research results obtained, that the position of girls in the distribution of inheritance law according to Islam is the same as that of boys, namely both have the right to inherit the inheritance of their parents or relatives. It's just that, the male portion is bigger than the female part, which is two parts of the two girls. The inheritance rights of the father's siblings who leave a daughter in the perspective of Islamic law are based on bi ghairihi asabah, because they inherit from men and women together. The basis of the judge's consideration in determining the determination of the heir in the decision of case register No. 40 / Pdt.G/2017/PA.Mdn, is Article 174 paragraph (2) KHI and Al-Quran Letter of Examination verse 176. The panel of judges has mistakenly interpreted the substance of the Examination paragraph 176 and also interpreted the provisions of Article 174 paragraph (2) KHI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Dita Arista ◽  
Eva Dolorosa ◽  
Anita Suharyani

<div>This research aims to figure out the influence of the product attributes of</div><div>Indocafe and the effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty in Pontianak city. The</div><div>determination of the research location is determined intentionally (purposive method) in the city of Pontianak. The study used survey method with 150 respondents by using purposive sampling. Types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Furthermore, the analysis is done by using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the variable of price, quality and packaging affect customer satisfaction. At the same time, quality has a significant effect to consumer loyalty. The most considerable influence on the quality variables and the overall contribution was the performance. Manufacturers need to improve the quality attributes, meaning the composition or content, the balanced flavor between sweet, sour and bitter, and the aftertaste that can last a long time so that consumers can have a good impression of Indocafe.</div>

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