scholarly journals Hukum Waris Islam Di Indonesia (Studi Perkembangan Hukum Kewarisan Dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam Dan Praktek Di Pengadilan Agama )

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Syarief Husien ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

ABSTRAKPenelitian dengan judul ”Hukum Waris Islam Di Indonesia (Studi Perkembangan Hukum Kewarisan Dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam Dan Praktek Di Pengadilan Agama )”Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normative, dalam pengumpulan data lebih ditekankan pada sumber bahan primer, berupa peraturan perundang-undangan, menelaah kaidah-kaidah hukum maupun teori ilmu hukum yang terkait dengan masalah yang di teliti.Berdasarkan metode tersebut penelitian menghasilkan pada pokoknya : (1) Formulasi hukum kewarisan islam dalam fiqih dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (a) Formulasi hukum kewarisan Islam dalam fiqih pada al quran dan al hadist yaitu : Al quran, QS. An-nisa (4): 7, QS. An-nisa (4): 11, QS. An-nisa (4): 12, QS. An-nisa (4): 33, QS. An-nisa (4): 176, QS. Al-anfal (8): 75, dan Hadist Rasulullah SAW (b) Formulasi hukum kewarisan Islam dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam di atur dalam Pasal 171 sampai dengan Pasal 193.(2) Perkembangan hukum kewarisan Islam dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam di banding dengan kewarisan dalam fiqih yaitu banyak memasukkan unsur-unsur hukum adat dan kepentingan-kepentingan yang dibutuhkan masyarakat Indonesia masa sekarang, maka banyak bentuk-bentuk hukum kewarisan yang belum tertuang dalam fiqh konvensional (fiqh al-mawarits), namun hal itu telah termuat dan terkodifikasikan dalam hukum kewarisan Kompilasi Hukum Islam, antara lain: pasal 171 tentang harta bersama, pasal 177 tentang pembagian ayah secara `ashabah, pasal 209 yang menyatakan bahwa ayah angkat dan anak angkat menerima warisan, dan bila mereka tidak menerima wasiat, maka berhak menerima wasiat wajibah dan Kopilasi Hukum Islam pun mengakui harta gono-gini padahal fiqh tidak mengakui; (3) Perkembangan hukum kewarisan Islam dalam praktek putusan pengadilan agama di Indonesia hal ini tidak lepas dari Kompilasi Hukum Islam merupakan intruksi Presiden No. 1 Tahun 1991 tanggla 10 Juni 1991, sehingga perkawinan, kewarisan, dan wakaf bagi pemeluk-pemeluk Islam telah ditetapkan sehingga dapat dijadikan pengadilan agama sebagai “pedoman” dalam artian sebagai sesuatu petunjuk bagi para hakim Peradilan Agaman dalam memutus dan menyelesaikan perkara, maka kedudukannya adalah tergantung sepenuhnya dari para Hakim dimaksud untuk menuangkannya dalam keputusan-keputusan mereka masing-masing sehingga kompilasi ini akan terwujud dan mempunyai makna serta landasan yang kokoh dalam yurisprudensi Peradilan Agama. Dengan cara demikian, maka Peradilan Agama tidak hanya berkewajiban menerapkan ketentuan-ketentuan yang sudah digariskan dalam kompilasi, akan tetapi justru mempunya peranan yang lebih besar lagi untuk memperkembangkan dan sekaligus melengkapinya melalui yurisprudensi yang dibuatnya..Kata kunci : Hukum waris Islam, hukum Kewarisan, Kompilasi Hukum Islam ABSTRACTThe research entitled "The Law of Inheritance of Islam in Indonesia (Study of Legal Development of Inheritance in Compilation of Islamic Law and Practice in Religious Courts)" This research uses normative juridical approach, in collecting data more emphasized on primary source material, in the form of legislation, - the rule of law and the theory of jurisprudence associated with the problem in the perusal.Based on these methods, the research produces basically: (1) Formulation of Islamic inheritance law in fiqh and Compilation of Islamic Law (a) Formulation of Islamic inheritance law in fiqih on al quran and al-hadist namely: Al Quran, QS. An-nisa (4): 7, QS. An-nisa (4): 11, QS. An-nisa (4): 12, QS. An-nisa (4): 33, QS. An-nisa (4): 176, QS. Al-anfal (8): 75, and Hadith Rasulullah SAW (b) The formulation of Islamic inheritance law in the Compilation of Islamic Law is set in Articles 171 to 193. (2) The development of Islamic inheritance law in the Compilation of Islamic Law in appeal to inheritance in fiqih which includes many elements of customary law and the interests that are needed by Indonesian society today, so many forms of inheritance law that has not been contained in the conventional fiqh (fiqh al-mawarits), but it has been contained and codified in the law of inheritance The Compilation of Islamic Law, among others: article 171 on common property, article 177 on the division of fathers asabah, article 209 which states that foster and adopted sons receive inheritance, and if they do not receive a will, it is entitled to a mandatory and compulsory law Islam also recognizes the property gono-gini fiqh although do not recognize; (3) The development of Islamic inheritance law in the practice of religious court ruling in Indonesia is not separated from the Compilation of Islamic Law is the Presidential Instruction. 1 In 1991 on 10 June 1991, so that marriage, inheritance and endowments for the followers of Islam have been established so that it can be used as religious courts as a "guide" in the sense that a guide for the judges of the Religious Court in deciding and settling the case, depends entirely from the Judges intended to put it in their respective decisions so that this compilation will materialize and have a firm meaning and foundation in the jurisprudence of the Religious Courts. In this way, the Religious Judiciary is not only obliged to apply the provisions outlined in the compilation, but it has a greater role to develop and at the same time complete it through the jurisprudence it makes.Keywords: Islamic inheritance law, law of Inheritance, Compilation of Islamic Law

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Didi Kusnadi

This paper explains the bases of legal aid in Islamic law through a critical study on the concept of hakam reduced from the Quranic interpretation Surah al-Nisâ’ verse 35. As a primary source of Islamic law, the Quran is believed guarantying the universal principles of Islamic law that is relevant with law enforcement. It is also implemented practically and comprehensively in the line of the bases of legal aid and developed it into the concept of hakam. Therefore, it can be seen as one of Islamic law contribution within the rule of law in Indonesia through the concept of hakam which can be formed for development of legal aid concept and its application within the law of legal aid in Indonesia.

Arif Rahmat ◽  
Lalu Husni ◽  
Aris Munandar

This study aims to analyze and examine the factors that influence the distribution of inheritance through grants in Dompu District, as well as reviewing the legal certainty of inheritance distribution through grants in Dompu District.The results of the study show that: Factors that influence the distribution of inheritance through grants to the Dompu Sub-District Community are Concern Factors of family conflict, Economic Factors and Efforts to protect the absolute part of the heirs. In terms of the distribution of inheritance through grants to the Dompu Subdistrict community, there is no legal certainty, that with empirical facts on the people of Dompu Subdistrict, there are still many inherited disputes from heirs after the parents as heirs die. began on some heirs who did not have good intentions and denied the results of the agreement in terms of the distribution of inheritance through grants agreed together by all heirs, which is a customary practice from generation to generation in the Dompu community, then the heirs demanded back in share based on Islamic inheritance law, under the pretext that if a family (Islam) has two laws that apply such as customary law and Islamic law, then as long as the community must obey and comply with the provisions of Islamic law as well. If the heirs still cannot agree and feel an objection regarding the inheritance given by the heir by means of the heir’s gift during his lifetime, then it can be resolved through the Religious Court. This is in accordance with Article 49 of Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning the Religious Courts. But these things affect the harmony and division within the family. That from the results of research on inheritance events in the Dompu community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 119
Andi Intan Cahyani

Keberadaan Pengadilan Agama sebagai pengadilan  Islam limitatif  mempengaruhi masyarakat Islam untuk mendapatkan keadilan. Dengan demikian, adanya Undang-Undang 50 Tahun 2009 atas perubahan kedua Undang-Undang No.7 Tahun 1989 tentang Peradilan Agama, Menjadi tongak supremasi hukum peradilan Agama di Indonesia. Sumber hukum Pengadilan Agama secara garis besar terdiri dari sumber hukum materil yang bersumber dari hukum Islam dan hukum materil yang terikat dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 50 Tahun 2009 atas perubahan kedua Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1989 tentang Peradilan Agama dan sumber hukum formil adalah sumber hukum yang terdiri dari hukum perundang-undangan, hukum kebiasaan, hukum yurisprudensi, hukum agama dan hukum adat yang dinyatakan sebagai hukum positif. Kewenangan memeriksa, memutuskan dan menyelesaikan Perkara di tingkat pertama antara orang-orang yang beragama Islam  merupakan tanggung jawab Pengadilan Agama yang didasari atas kewenangan relatif dan kewenangan absolut. The existence of the Religious Court as an Islamic court that limits the influence of the Islamic community to obtain justice. Thus, the existence of Law Number 50/2009 on the second amendment to Law Number 7/1989 concerning the Religious Courts, has become a pillar of the supremacy of the law of the Religious Courts in Indonesia. The legal source of the Religious Courts in general consists of material legal sources sourced from Islamic law and material law which are bound by Law Number 50/2009 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 7/ 1989 concerning Religious Courts and formal legal sources are sources of law which consists of statutory law, customary law, jurisprudential law, religious law and customary law which are stated as positive law. The authority to examine, decide and settle cases in the first level among people who are Muslim is the responsibility of the Religious Court which is based on relative authority and absolute authority

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Ahmad Saifudin ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

The study entitled "The Development of Islamic Inheritance Law in Indonesia (Comparative Study of Inheritance Law in Compilation of Islamic Laws With Legal Inheritance In Conventional Fiqh)" This study uses a normative juridical approach, in collecting data more emphasis on primary source material, in the form of legislation, Reviewing the rules of law as well as the theory of jurisprudence in addition to interviews to the parties related to the issues in the perusal. Based on these methods the research produces in essence: The forms of legal development of inheritance in the KHI incorporate many elements of customary law and the interests that Indonesians need today. So many forms of inheritance law have not been contained in the fiqh of the conventional (fiqh al-mawarits), but it has been contained and codified in the law of KHI inheritance, among others: article 171 on Joint Treasure, article 177 on the division of father asabah. Article 209 stating that foster and adopted sons receive inheritance, and if they do not receive a will, then they are entitled to a will. And KHI also acknowledged the gono-gini institute whereas the classical fiqh does not admit it (not make sub discussion). In addition, there are contradictions of the inheritance law policies contained in the KHI between the one article and the other articles, among others: article 176 on the distribution of boys and girls. This is contrary to article 229 (which is the closing provision), which states that in settling cases, the judge shall observe the values of the living law in society so that his judgment is in accordance with the sense of justice. In this case, the Indonesian Court, often inheritance distribution is not based on the principle of 2 to 1 for boys and girls. Also, article 183 on peace in the distribution of inheritance which may be contradictory to article 176. Likewise, article 185 on the successor heirs and article 189 on the wholeness and unity of agricultural land of less than 2 (two) hectares, contrary to the principle of ijbari in Islamic inheritance law (fiqh conventional).Keywords: Law of Inheritance, KHI, Conventional Fiqh.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 318
Fipy Rizky Amalia Luawo ◽  
Haswida Amalia

Law is an inherent part of Indonesian society, which does not only national law but also customary law. One of the customary laws in Indonesia is the Kaili customary law. Kaili customary law is only applicable to specific communities. Whereas Islamic law applies broadly to all Muslims. One of them is in the field of inheritance law. From many disputes that occur in inheritance law, the distribution of heritage in inheritance law has always been a major problem that occurs in society, both in Kaili's customary inheritance and Islamic inheritance laws. It is interesting to find out more that each of the rules has different dispute resolution where Kaili‘s customary inheritance law trusts Totua nu ada as a person who has the capability to distribute the heritage. This study was conducted by the Conceptual and Comparative Approach. In conclusion, Kaili indigenous community, are familiar with customary institutions, and, in Islamic law, they have the Religious Courts to resolve their inheritance disputes. Keywords: Customary Inheritance law, Islamic Law, Division of inheritance

Muhammad Yusuf Siregar ◽  
Risdalina Risdalina ◽  
Sriono Sriono

This study aims to analyze the legal aspects of the Position of Inheritance Rights of Girls in the Context of Islamic Inheritance in Indigenous Mandailing in Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency. This research is empirical normative namely research by looking at existing conditions in the field by linking the source of Islamic Law and the legal source of Regulations in force in the Republic of Indonesia. The benefits to be received from the results of this study are to determine the Position of Inheritance of Girls in the Context of Islamic Law and Regulations in Indonesia and the Position of Inheritance of Girls in the Context of Islamic Inheritance in Mandailing Customs in Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency, the results of the study stated that In Islamic Inheritance Law strongly recognizes the position of the daughter in receiving inheritance with a strong legal basis in accordance with the al-Qur’an. In Islamic Inheritance Laws, a daughter has a position as Nasabiyah's heir so that she has the right to receive inheritance. In the Mandailing customary inheritance law in Sipirok Mandailing Natal, the position of a daughter is considered as an heir when a male heir is found, but if the girl is a mere woman, the woman is not entitled to inheritance from her parents. The distribution of inheritance in the Mandailing Inheritance law in Sipirok Mandailing Natal uses local customary law, as a basis for the distribution of inheritance which is still being realized in the Community.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Anwar Hidayat ◽  
M. Gary Gagarin Akbar ◽  
Deny Guntara

Abstrak Pemberlakuan aturan mengenai kewarisan di Indonesia selama ini terjadi perdebatan antara para ahli hukum tentang status hukum Islam dan hukum adat.Berkaitan dengan permasalahan dalam hukum waris pada hukum Islam dan hukum Adat, maka perlu adanya kesesuaian bagi masyarakat yang akan mempergunakan masing-masing hukum tersebut dalam menyelesaian warisannya kepada sang ahli waris yang berhak. Ketentuan hukum Islam di Indonesia belum merupakan undang-undang (kodifikasi) haruslah sistematis dan prosedural, harus jelas siapa subyek dan obyeknya dan diundangkan oleh lembaga yang berwenang dalam negara. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perbandingan dalam pembagian waris berdasarkan pada hukum islam dan hukum adat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan metode pendekatan yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian yaitu Hukum waris Islam telah menempatkan atauran kewarisan dan hukum mengenai harta benda dengan sebaik-baiknya dan seadil-adilnya. Islam menetapkan hak milik seseorang atas harta, baik bagi laki-laki maupun perempuan seperti perpindahan hak milik dan perempuan pada waktu masih hidup atau perpindahan harta kepada ahli warisnya setelah ia meninggal dunia. Hukum waris adat berpangkal dari bentuk masyarakat dan sifat kekeluargaan yang terdapat di Indonesia menurut sistem keturunan, dan setiap sistem keturunan yang ada mempunyai kekhususan dalam hukum waris yang satu dengan yang lain berbeda-beda. Kata Kunci:Waris, Hukum Islam, Hukum Adat Abstract The enactment of the rules regarding inheritance in Indonesia has been a debate between legal experts about the status of Islamic law and customary law. In connection with problems in inheritance law in Islamic law and Customary law, it is necessary for the community to use each of these laws in complete the inheritance to the rightful heirs. The provisions of Islamic law in Indonesia are not yet laws (codification) must be systematic and procedural, it must be clear who the subject and object are and are promulgated by the authorized institutions in the country. The formulation of the problem in this study is how comparisons in inheritance distribution are based on Islamic law and customary law. This research method uses qualitative methods with an empirical juridical approach method. The results of the research, namely Islamic inheritance law has placed the inheritance and law regarding property as well as possible and as fair as fair. Islam establishes someone's property rights, both for men and women, such as the transfer of property rights and women while still alive or the transfer of property to his heirs after he dies. The customary inheritance law stems from the form of the community and the family character found in Indonesia according to the hereditary system, and each of the offspring systems that have specific inheritance laws is different from one another Keyword: Inheritance, Islamic Law, Customary Law

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-106
Muhammad Lutfi Syarifuddin

In practice, in Indonesia children adoption has become a public phenomenon in society and is part of the family law system because it involves individual interests in the family. In the case of adoption, parents need to pay attention to the best interests of the child and be implemented based on local customs, applicable laws and regulations, this has been regulated in Article 39 of the Child Protection Act. Adoption of children is divided into two types, namely adoption of children between Indonesian citizens (domestic adoption) and adoption of Indonesian citizens by foreign citizens (adoption between countries). Appointment of children must be done by legal process, through the establishment or decision of the Court. The research method is normative juridical research. Based on the research results, the inheritance Indonesian citizens rights in the Indonesian inheritance law case are implemented based on Islamic law, adopted children do not inherit from adoptive parents and remain the biological parents. Under customary law, the inheritance of adopted children depends on customary law in the area. By law adoption children do not inherit from adoptive parents, and adopted children remain the heirs of their biological parents.

1966 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Simon Roberts

The enactment in Malawi of the Wills and Inheritance (Kamuzu's Mbumba Protection) Ordinance, 1964, represents the most significant attempt at legal reform there in recent years. Its importance lies in the fact that it seeks to impose uniformity in an area of the law which had previously been dominated by diverse systems of customary rules. This piece of legislation is in no sense a codification or a restatement of the customary law; it strikes at the very roots of the existing customary systems. Although it is not the first attempt at reform in this area, it is novel in its ambitious aims and unequivocal implications of policy. Because of this, the degree of success which it enjoys will be closely followed by all those interested in the legal development of modern African states.

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Habiburrahman Habiburrahman

This paper describes the polemic of the distribution of waris for foster child in the study of Islamic law and the laws and regulations in Indonesia. The distribution of estate to foster child was regulated in article 209 in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). Thus, this is a signal that the influence of customary law and Western law had entered in KHI . Therefore, by this paper, Author would like to emphasize that the distri­bu­tion of waris to the foster child by using the concept of wasiat wajibah in KHI is wrong. It is not based on the shari'ah (qath‘iy al-dilâlah), but rather based on logic of the law and humanitarian considerations, and it is zhan­niy al-dilâlah. Thus, author sure that the distribution of waris by one third (1/3) of estate to the foster child by using the concept of wasiat wajibah is an erroneous ijtihad, cotradiction with the texts, and could be detrimental to the main heirs.

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