scholarly journals Implementasi Pembelajaran Discovery Learning yang Terintegrasi Pendidikan Karakter dalam Pelajaran Biologi

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Anis Sekarwati

Abstract: The Background of this Classroom Action Research is the low motivation and student learning outcomes. This Classroom Action Research aims to find out the increased motivation and learning outcomes of students through Discovery Learning learning that integrates character education in learning biology on the subject of Living Classification. The design of this study is Classroom Action Research, consisting of 2 cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Each cycle consists of 3 meetings. This research approach is qualitative. The data analysis method is descriptive for both qualitative and quantitative data. The results showed that: 1) student learning motivation increased from cycle I by 75.40% to 81.59% in cycle II. 2) student learning outcomes increased from cycle I by 77.14% of students who completed learning increased to 88.57% in cycle II. Based on the data above that learning Discovery Learning model that is integrated with character education can increase student motivation and learning outcomes. The increase in the percentage of learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II was 11.43% and the increase in learning motivation from cycle I to cycle II was 6.19%. Keyword: Motivation, Discovery learning, character education. Abstrak: Latar belakang Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini adalah rendahnya motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik melalui pembelajaran Discovery Learning yang terintegrasi pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran biologi pokok bahasan Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup. Desain Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, terdiri atas 2 siklus yaitu siklus I dan siklus II. Setiap siklus terdiri dari 3 kali pertemuan. Pendekatan Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Metode analisis datanya adalah deskriptif baik untuk data kualitatif maupun data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) motivasi belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus I sebesar 75,40% menjadi 81,59% pada siklus II. 2) hasil belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus I sebesar 77,14% siswa yang tuntas belajar meningkat menjadi 88,57% pada siklus II. Berdasarkan data-data diatas bahwa pembelajaran model Discovery Learning yang terintegrasi pendidikan karakter dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Kenaikan prosentase hasil belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 11,43% dan kenaikan motivasi belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 6,19%. Kata kunci: Motivasi, Discovery Learning, Pendidikan karakter

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 246-252

This research is classroom action research (CAR) which aims to increase motivation and learning outcomes for the composition function material in class XI UPW1 SMKN 1 Bandung by using Zoom Cloud Meeting Media. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that: 1) The use of Zoom Meeting Media can increase the learning motivation of Class XI UPW1 Students on Composition Function Material at SMK Negeri 1 Bandung in the 2021/2022 academic year. It can be seen from the Observation Sheet in the form of a questionnaire given to students in the first cycle of 59% and the second cycle of 81% indicating that students are motivated in the learning process with increasing zoom media. 2) The use of Zoom Meeting Media can Improve Student Learning Outcomes of Class XI UPW1 on Composition Function Material at SMK Negeri 1 Bandung in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. There is an increase in each cycle with the percentage of classical completeness of each cycle, namely the first cycle of 60% and the second cycle of 86%. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) bertujuan untuk Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Materi Fungsi Komposisi pada siswa kelas XI UPW1 SMKN 1 Bandung dengan menggunakan Media Zoom Cloud Meeting. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Penggunaan Media Zoom Meeting dapat Meningkatkan Motivasi belajar Siswa Kelas XI UPW1 Pada Materi Fungsi Komposisi di SMK Negeri 1 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Dapat terpantau dari Lembar Observasi berupa angket yang diberikan kepada siswa pada siklus I sebesar 59 % dan siklus II sebesar 81 % menunjukan bahwa siswa termotivasi dalam proses pembelajaran dengan media zoom meningkat. 2) Penggunaan Media Zoom Meeting dapat Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI UPW1 Pada Materi Fungsi Komposisi di SMK Negeri 1 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklus dengan persentase ketuntasan secara klasikal masing- masing siklus yaitu siklus I sebesar 60 % dan siklus II sebesar 86 %.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Iin Indriyati

This class action research aims to improve students' motivation and learning outcomes through the SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) approach to Environmental Pollution VII VII E material, SMP Negeri 1 Wonosari in semester 2 academic year 2017/2018. This research lasted for 2 (two) cycles, the first cycle was held 3 (three) meetings and the second cycle was held 2 (two) meetings. Things to be improved through this classroom action research are learning motivation and student learning outcomes through the SETS approach. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and tests. Motivation questionnaire data is in the form of student acquisition scores during cycle I and cycle II while the learning outcome data is the value of student test results after the learning process of cycle I and cycle II. The results of the questionnaire are tabulated and processed and then compared with indicators of success that have been determined to measure the improvement and achievement. The test result data is processed by calculating the percentage of students who reach the KKM then compared with indicators of success to find out the improvement and achievement. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion it can be concluded that the SETS approach can increase student motivation and student learning outcomes. The final recapitulation of student learning motivation increased from 65.83% (enough) in the first cycle to 76.28% (good) in the second cycle while the student learning outcomes increased from 58.33% in the first cycle to 83.33% in the second cycle.

Wahyu Setyoningsih

<p><em>The background of this classroom action research is the low learning outcomes of science learning in class VI SD Muhammadiyah Sukorejo. Of the 25 grade VI students only 4 children completed (16%) and 21 other children did not complete (84%) measured by the completeness of student learning outcomes (KKM: 65.00). This classroom action research (PTK) consists of two cycles and each cycle consists of 2 meetings consisting of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing and reflecting.The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of improvement in science learning outcomes in electrical circuit material. In this study, the action taken was learning using the discovery learning model in science learning with electrical circuit material in class VI SD Muhammadiyah Sukorejo students in semester 1 of the 2020/2021 academic year. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using comparative descriptive by comparing quantitative data from cycle I and cycle II.</em><em> </em><em>Based on the results of the study showed that student learning outcomes from the initial conditions an average value of 61 with completeness of 16%. This condition experienced an increase in the average score of students in the first cycle, which was 69 and the percentage of completeness was 60%. In the second cycle there was an increase of 82 again with a completeness percentage of 88%, so that the predetermined performance indicator of 75% has been achieved.</em><em> </em><em>Thus it can be concluded that the application of discovery learning models in learning can improve science learning outcomes of electrical circuit material in grade VI students of SD Muhammadiyah Sukorejo semester 1 of the 2020/2021 academic year. </em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Sastra Wijaya

APPLICATION OF THE ROLE TO PLAY LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE RESULTS LEARN IN LESSONS SOCIAL SCIENCESApplication of Role Play Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning (This Study with Classroom Action Research Approach for Class IV Students of State Elementary School 1 Walantaka Walantaka District Serang City 2017/2018 Academic Year). This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). From the results of observations of the cycle I data on student learning outcomes in learning, teachers only get a score of 61.3. Students have started to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 61.3. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 1 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 45.83 with an average value of 54.17. From the data of student learning outcomes in the first cycle of meeting 2 results of learning observation, the teacher gets a score of 74.9. students have started active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 74.9. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 2 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 70.83 with an average value of 67.35. From the data of student learning outcomes in cycle II learning observation results, the teacher gets a score of 86.4., Students have begun to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 88.89 Then from student learning outcomes in cycle II obtained data, student learning completeness reaches 100% with an average value of 77.39. Based on the above data it is concluded that the application of role playing learning models can improve learning outcomes in social studies lessons at SD Negeri 1 Walantaka, Walantaka District, Serang City in 2017/2018.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-63
Nur Asri Sofyan

Abstrak: Motivasi dan Hasil belajar siswa di SMAN 3 Selong belum maksimal. Peneliti menerapkan metode widyawisata sebagai solusi mengurai persolan tersebut.  Penerapan metode ini,  lakukan dengan mengajak siswa belajar di  luar kelas (out door study)  dalam  suasana belajar yang menyenangkan.. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh  penerapan metode widyawisata terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran  geografi  maka  Penulis  melaksakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Dalam penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini  yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X IPS 1 sebanyak 30  siswa. Lokasi widyawisata di Sungai Tojang Selong sekitar  lingkungan SMA Negeri 3 Selong, Kelurahan Sandubaya Kecamatan Selong Kota  Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Jarak dari SMA N 3 Selong ke Lokasi widyawisata sekitar  400 M, dengan waktu tempuh 5 sanpai 10 menit. Tahapan penelitian ini  dengan 2 siklus. Pada siklus I motivasi belajar siswacukup tinggi,  Dari 30 siswa,  di atas 65 % setuju termotivasi dengan penerapan metode widyawisata.   Bahkan dari indikator rasa tertarik mereka terhadap metode ini mencapai 80 % .  Namun hasil belajar mereka masih rendah .  9 siswa atau 30 %  tidak tuntas. Selain itu daya serap siswa masih rendah, yakni   74, 23. Selanjutnya peneliti merencanakan dan  melaksanakan  siklus II. Pada   siklus ini diperoleh hasil bahwa motivasi belajar meningkat sekitar 10 %, dari siklus sebelumnya, begitu pula hasil belajar, angka ketuntasan mencapai 93 %,    berarti 23 % meningkat dari siklus I. Daya serap  siswa juga meningkat menembus angka 84, 53. Berdasarkan  hasil siklus II  ini, maka tidak  dilakukan siklus III, namun demikian bagi siswa yang belum tuntas  dilakukan pendekatan bimbingan secara individual.   Dari hasil pengolahan  data  dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode Widyawisata dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar geografi siswa SMA NEGERI 3 SELONG  semester genap  tahun pelajaran 2018-2019.Kata kunci: Motivasi; Hasil   belajar; Metode WidyawisataAbstract: Motivation and student learning outcomes in SMAN 3 SELONG have not been maximized. Researchers apply the Widyawisata method as a solution to unravel the problem. The application of this method, by inviting students to study outside the classroom (outdoor study) in a pleasant learning atmosphere. To understand the application of the study method to the motivation and student learning outcomes in geography learning, the author conducts classroom action research (CAR). In this classroom action research, the subject of the study was students of class X IPS 1 totaling 30 students. The location of the study tour on the Tojang Selong River around the neighborhood of SMA 3 Selong, Sandubaya Village, Selong District, East Lombok Regency. The distance from SMA N 3 Selong to the location of the study tour is around 400 M, with a travel time of 5 to 10 minutes. This research stage with 2 cycles. In the first cycle, students' motivation to learn was quite high. Out of 30 students, over 65% agreed to be motivated by the application of the study tour method. 80% of the indicators of interest in this method. But their learning outcomes are still low. 9 students or 30% did not complete. In addition, the absorption of students is still low, namely 74, 23. Furthermore, researchers discuss and conduct the second cycle. In this cycle the results obtained from learning increased by about 10%, from the previous cycle, as well as learning outcomes, completeness reached 93%, meaning 23% increased from cycle I. Students absorption also increased through the numbers 84, 53. Based on the results of the second cycle, then there is no cycle III, but nevertheless for students who have not done individually. From the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the method of applying Widyawisata can improve the motivation and learning outcomes of students in the senior high school of 3 Selong even semesters 2018-2019.Keywords: Motivation; Learning outcomes; The study method

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Sastra Wijaya

APPLICATION OF THE ROLE TO PLAY LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE RESULTS LEARN IN LESSONS SOCIAL SCIENCESApplication of Role Play Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes in Social Science Learning (This Study with Classroom Action Research Approach for Class IV Students of State Elementary School 1 Walantaka Walantaka District Serang City 2017/2018 Academic Year). This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). From the results of observations of the cycle I data on student learning outcomes in learning, teachers only get a score of 61.3. Students have started to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 61.3. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 1 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 45.83 with an average value of 54.17. From the data of student learning outcomes in the first cycle of meeting 2 results of learning observation, the teacher gets a score of 74.9. students have started active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 74.9. Then from the results of student learning in the first cycle of Meeting 2 obtained data, student learning completeness only reached 70.83 with an average value of 67.35. From the data of student learning outcomes in cycle II learning observation results, the teacher gets a score of 86.4., Students have begun to be active, this is evidenced by the results of student observations that have reached 88.89 Then from student learning outcomes in cycle II obtained data, student learning completeness reaches 100% with an average value of 77.39. Based on the above data it is concluded that the application of role playing learning models can improve learning outcomes in social studies lessons at SD Negeri 1 Walantaka, Walantaka District, Serang City in 2017/2018.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 318-356
Mamur Sutisna ◽  
Ai Robiatul Ulumiah

This study aims to improve students' motivation and learning outcomes through learning Social Scienceby applying the model of Problem Based Learning. This research is motivated by the problems that occur in the classroom, namely the lack of motivation and student learning outcomes. The design of this study used a classroom action research model consisting of three cycles, each cycle conducted in two meetings, including the planning stage, action implementation, interview observation, documentation, analysis and reflection. The results showed that through the application of Probem Based Learning model can improve the motivation and learning outcomes of students with Social Sciencelearning on the material of the historical relics of the Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia. This can be seen from the results of observation and analysis which shows that the assessment of RPP cycle I reached the percentage of 67.5% enough category, cycle II reached the percentage of 77.5% good category, cycle III reached the percentage of 90% very good category. Implementation of learning in the first cycle reached the percentage of 62.9% enough category, cycle II reached the percentage of 77.5% good category, cycle III reached the percentage of 90% very good category. While the results of students' learning motivation cycle I reached the percentage of 65% enough category, cycle II reached the percentage of 75.7% good category, cycle III reached the percentage of 88% very good category. Similarly, the results of student learning that meets the value of KKM in cycle I reached the percentage of 59% enough category, cycle II reached the percentage of 73% good category, cycle III reached the percentage of 90% very good category. Classroom action research ends in cycle III because the aspects studied are considered to have succeeded in achieving the indicator of achievement determined. This is because the model of Problem Based Learning is the appropriate learning resources for student development in Social Sciencelearning related to daily life. Based on the above description, it can be concluded that the model of Problem Based Learning can improve the motivation and student learning outcomes with Social Sciencelearning on the material of the historical relics of the Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 153-160
Faiz Brikinzky Adyan ◽  
Andik Purwanto ◽  
Nirwana Nirwana

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI MIPA A SMAN 2 Kota Bengkulu yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa sebelum mengikuti proses pembelajaran berada pada kategori rendah dengan skor 44,18, dan pada saat setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran skor rata-rata motivasi belajar siswa meningkat menjadi 62,06 yang berada pada kategori tinggi. Hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I sebesar 73,59, kemudian pada siklus II sebesar 75,93 dan pada siklus III sebesar 80,15. Hasil belajar siswa dalam aspek pengetahuan pada siklus I diperoleh daya serap siswa sebesar 73,59% dan ketuntasan belajar sebesar 68,75% (belum tuntas), meningkat pada siklus II diperoleh daya serap siswa sebesar 75,93% dan ketuntasan belajar sebesar 84,37%(tuntas), meningkat dibandingkan dibandingkan siklus I dan II yaitu siklus III diperoleh daya serap sebesar 80,15% dan ketuntasan belajar sebesar 100% (tuntas). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Discovery Learning berbantuan Virtual Laboratory dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa, motivasi belajar siswa dan hasil belajar siswa. Kata kunci : Model Discovery Learning, Virtual Laboratory, Motivasi Belajar  dan Hasil Belajar ABSTRACT This research was aimed to describe the increased motivation to learn and student learning outcomes. This research was a classroom action research. The subject of research was the whole student of XI MIPA A SMAN 2 city of Bengkulu that amounted 32 student. The result of this research showed that the learning motivation of student before following process of learning was low category with score 44,18, while having to follow the learning process an average score of learning motivation was student increased 62,06 in high category. The result of learning student in cycle I 73,59, then in cycle II 75,93 and cycle III 80,15. The result of student learning in knowledge cycle I obtained absorbance student 73,59% and complete learning 68,75% (not complete), increased in cycle II obtained absorbance student 75,93% and complete learning 84,37% (complete), increased compared to comparable cycle I and II cycle III obtained absorbance student 80,15% and complete learning 100% (complete). Based in result of studied it was concluded that the application of Discovery Learning model assisted Virtual Laboratory can improve student learning activities, learning motivation of student and learning outcomes Keywords : Model Discovery Learning, Virtual Laboratory, Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Asna Asna

The purpose of this study was to improve learning outcomes, improve science learning activities for fourth grade students of Madina SD Negeri 002 Terpadu Kuok, Kuok District, Kampar Regency and to motivate teachers to develop learning models and strategies in the science learning process. The research model is Classroom Action Research. This study uses a Discovery Learning model. The application of Classroom Action Research has the objective of improving and or increasing science learning achievement. The results showed: (1) By using the Discovery Learning-based learning model in science learning, student learning outcomes in each cycle experienced significant changes. Student learning outcomes in cycle 1 an average of 71.60 with completeness 22.72% then increased in cycle 2 an average of 85.93 with completeness 95.45% with 21 students complete and 1 student who has not completed. Students who are active in learning reach 92%. After the implementation of the appropriate Discovery Learning-based learning model, the activities and achievements of science learning in Grade VI Madina SD Negeri 002 Integrated Kuok can increase.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 198-208
Yasrimar Yasrimar

Based on the observations of researchers on learning outcomes powers and simple roots in class V SD Negeri 21 Kapuh District of Koto XI Tarusan yet still not maximized. This is because the learning process is more often focused on teachers alone. the purpose of this study is to describe and obtain information about the learning powers and simple roots by using CTL approach to improve student learning outcomes that include planning, implementation and learning outcomes. The approach used classroom action research is qualitative and quantitative approaches. A qualitative approach is an approach that produces descriptive data in the form of written words while the quantitative approach is a research approach that emphasizes the numeric data (numbers). This type of research is classroom action research. By using action research design that includes planning, implementation, observation and reflection. This study showed an increase in student learning outcomes in learning powers and simple roots by using CTL approach. It can be seen from the ability of teachers to design lesson plan first cycle of 67.85% and 78.57%. Cycle II 92.85% and 92.85%. Teacher activity cycle I 57.14% and 82.14%, 85.71% and cycle II 92.85%. Student activity cycle I 67.85% and 78.57%. Cycle II 85.71% and 92.85%. The results of students in the first cycle on the cognitive aspects of 66.17 and 70.03, 73.33 and 72.22 affective, psychomotor 73.89 and 73.61. In the second cycle on the cognitive aspects of 80.50 and 85.57, 76.67 and 91.11 affective, psychomotor 83.89 and 91.11. This indicates that the CTL approach can improve student learning outcomes in learning powers and simple roots.

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